

* A free key of the main game was given to me. Even so, that didn’t affect my opinion of the final product. I’ve bought the DLCs with my own money.

Mutiny!! is a very peculiar visual novel; it’s a mix of fantasy, adventure, puzzles and… porn. This game actually surprised me, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it so much. First of all, please keep in mind that this VN only has yuri (girl x girl) routes. And some of the girls are futanari (female looking hermaphrodite characters - yeah, there are snakes in those bushes lol). If you can’t stand those things maybe it’s better to go look for another game to play. But honestly, if you’re feeling like playing something unusual… You could give Mutiny!! a chance.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Anime Games.

I had passing interest in this game when I first saw it on the store front, more pulled in by visions of sexy monster girls and pirate shenanigans than anything, but upon starting to play this game… Dayum. I was not expecting the sheer amount of joy I got out of, and continue to get out of this game.

Between the fun of the main character being someone who wears her love of things lewd on her sleeve, while having a damn good wit to pair with the flirts, and the sheer amount of just good feels playing and seeing characters develope, this game was worth every penny.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Mutiny!! on Steam

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

I’ve played it through twice. Its got good player interaction for a VN. It also has good character development (as deep as you can get in less then 2 hours), my complaint is that game gives us a variety about Imperial and other factions, but you give no information about them. A few blurbs of imagination that has already gone into the game would help players except the characters be more real. I don’t mind invisible histories, but I nice blurb about them can a long ways towards making a player more sympathetic to them.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Sci-fi Games.

It’s not bad at all but there are better options out there.

I’m really on the fence when it comes to giving this game a bad review. Here’s some points that stood out that led me to my negative review.


-The writing is pretty decent.

-Characters react in a realistic way to what you choose to answer.

-The character models are good, although with only 5 people ever depicted in game, that’s to be expected.

-The world and characters are actually flashed out a bit, which is rare for such a cheap and short game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy on Steam

Neighboring Islands

Neighboring Islands

Potential buyers should be aware of getting an unfinished product. The game consists of the first three chapters of a project planned to include at least four. My hopes of the final chapter(s) ever materializing aren’t very high.

This is a shame because what’s there is a pretty solid and interesting story with above average artwork. The English localization leaves much to be desired concerning syntax, grammar and typos but isn’t so atrocious to be game breaking. Story is very linear as “wrong” choices will very often lead to your gruesome demise instead of a branching storyline.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Interactive Fiction Games.

This game is really interesting, I’m not English native speaker so I can’t speak for the quality of the language, but to me it seemed quite good, especially as being a russian game in the first place. Now I’m French native speaker and all the French Le Clerk utters is complete gibberish and makes no sense at all, this clearly went through a really bad translator with no correction afterward.

Beside that, there are a LOT of choices in that game and a LOT of way to die while you’re trying to save your skin out of that damned jungle you landed on. I’ve played 4 hours so far, not exactly being fast and not cutting the game while taking breaks, and I’m only done with the Prologue, so I have 3 chapters left out and I’m unsure if the game is complete at this time.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Neighboring Islands on Steam

Heileen 3: New Horizons

Heileen 3: New Horizons

This game is definitely filled with pros and cons. While I did think it was an improvement from the first two games, there’s definitely some issues to be taken with it.

This game has a simulation aspect blended into the visual novel experience. Each day, Heileen has to choose certain activities to do in order to increase stats for skills and advance skills. While I definitely don’t have a problem with simulation aspects being put into visual novels, I must say this game’s sim system is quite tedious. It took me several hours and several playthroughs just to get all of the achievements, because the simulation portion of the game takes far too long. Those who don’t have a lot of patience would definitely dismiss the game quickly. Meanwhile, I almost developed carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking so rapidly and frequently. The basic concept for the activities and stat development isn’t terrible though. That idea is fun, but I definitely wish they hadn’t made it so tedious.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

“Heileen 3: New Horizons” is final chapter in Heileen saga of visual novels by Winter Wolves. In short, it’s telling the story of a young girl accompanying her rich uncle (who is pursuing the business in the New World) and eventually getting involved with pirates. It features all you can expect from a visual novel and it features elements of dating and raising sim. The game is running on Ren’Py engine and is not voiced (considering the number of characters, I actually see it as a sensible choice from the developer).

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Heileen 3: New Horizons on Steam



Was really enjoying the game, and then the game ate my save and 3 hour progress. Don’t recommend.

Real player with 54.6 hrs in game

Very satisfying combat. Although I would recommend Reshade for the graphics as some ambient occlusion and contrast go a long way for this game’s visuals. Also, this game is a bit short on content, definitely worth it if it’s on sale however.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game


The Pirate’s Fate

The Pirate’s Fate

Whatever you’re expecting, this is going to surprise you in a good way. This game is something in a class of its own, a unique adventure involving how desires can warp and change us, how the decisions we make affect others and the world around us. This time, it’s a bit more literal than what you might expect. Don’t miss this one—there’s something for everything in here, from the bright, eye-catching, incredibly detailed artwork by a veteran artist, to the heavy philosophical and ethical overtones, to, yes, what probably caught your eye in the first place: the actual transformations! Rest assured, the game does not skimp on those in the slightest.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

I’ve never really been one for the Visual Novels. I get bored with constantly clicking through the dull, voiceless, text window. Watching the same character sprites pop in and out on screen.

But the Pirate’s Fate is a bright and welcome change, both visually and creativly, imo.

The Pirate’s Fate is a Visual Novel with player driven outcomes ranging from character interactions to romantic endings. So no single game is ever the same. There are parts of the story that will result in a bad endings and others where you will lose members of your party. It breaks my heart everytime one of them dies :C I keep trying to find ways too keep them all alive. Also you can have lesbian romances, so yeah pirate girl and girl cuddles and even, yes you guessed it, KISSING. blush

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

The Pirate's Fate on Steam

Cursed Lands

Cursed Lands

An outstanding VN-RPG-quest crossover

I was expecting another bland, unnecessarily dragged out visual novel with uninspired, repetitive missions, but I was taken for a real treat here—kept replaying with different initial conditions (race, job, supporting character branching choice) over and over, enjoying every single play.

Visual Novel (VN) perspective: Story branching is rich and, as general VN WinterWolves titles go, you have an almost immediate option to go back—typically less than half a minute in gameplay, couple minutes or hours in the game world—to the last choice and change it to study other outcomes. I like this unique branching feature—it is like a quick time machine, or a very smooth and synoptic reload action that permits me to change my choice without having to repeat a known portion of play and grind once again.

Real player with 132.6 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale, and I’m glad I did, it wasn’t worth the full price. I bought it because it was created by the same team who did Loren Amazon Princess, a game I loved. It’s unfortunate then, that this game is average at best. There are a few problems I have with this game that I feel affected my enjoyment of the game:

1. Characters/Romance

This is the big one, so i’m putting it first. The characters all had great introductions, and are really interesting. Unfortunately, the game screws this up deeply as it progresses. You don’t get to chose when to talk to the characters, their icon’s pop up when the game decides it’s time for their event to start, so you never truly get to know these characters beyond their surface introduction. The game prides itself on giving you romance options, and even advertises that you can trigger more then one romance scene. It isn’t hard, it’s like the game WANTS you to be a serial skirt chaser, and even when you do trigger these scenes, there’s no build up. Characters will spontaneously confess their feeling for you, claiming they always felt something for you. Your character will reply in kind, but you know this is false. Your POV character never felt anything of the sort, their lying.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Cursed Lands on Steam

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 is a third person open world action roleplaying game made by Piranha Bytes, the team that gave us the Gothic games and of course the first two Risen games. It’s hard to talk about Risen 3 without referring to the previous games, which I’ll call ‘PB games’ for short.

To summarize: Risen 3 is definitely a step up from Risen 2 but all in all, it is probably still a game that only fans of PB games will love and a game that only fans of the genre may learn to like.

To talk about this game more in-depth, I’ll take the list I used for my reviews of ‘Risen’ and ‘Risen 2’.

Real player with 94.2 hrs in game

This is a long review, so just read the bottom paragraph for a simple summary of my thoughts.

It surprises me that the general consensus for this game is worse than Risen 2: Dark Waters. To be fair, if you hated Risen 2, there likely are not enough redeeming factors about the end of the trilogy to be worth your while. But nevertheless, some substantial improvements to the overall experience have made this a promising step in the right direction for Piranha Bytes as a developer.

Risen 2: Dark Waters was ultimately a failure as an open world, engrossing RPG. It was extremely shallow, overall having one of their smallest and most lackluster world designs to date, with most of the islands consisting of winding pathways with few interesting landmarks leading between major locations. These locations were greatly devoid of life, as the characters were as dull and two-dimensional as wooden boards. The combat wasn’t the worst I’ve ever seen in a game, but it took forever to get the necessary skills to stay on top of combat, and by then you just got used to button mashing between prayers. Beyond combat, half the skills in the game were worthless or used in only scripted situations that were easy enough to do without.

Real player with 84.7 hrs in game

Risen 3 - Titan Lords on Steam



After a long, long time playing this game, as you can see by my hours played. I have one thing to say about this game.

Trion ruined a completely awesome game. This game had everything that you could want from an MMO. Pretty good graphics made on Cryengine, an entire world including the ocean built from the ground up. Deep Sea diving for treasure hunting, massive ship battles, player built housing and even vehicles like tractors and boats ranging from rowboats, to fishing boats and trade boats, to outright galleons entire parties could crew.

Real player with 2339.5 hrs in game

Oh Archeage…Where do I begin…

Edit: this review was based off of the Kraken server (Used to be Enla) which was a merge of two different servers, from the start of Kraken everything went wrong and that is where most of my cons come from. If someone comments just be aware that their experience may not be the same due to being on a server with more stability. This was not just my view on the game but an overall assessment made by a guild of over 40 people. and a close estimate of population would be a 1:1:3 Haranyan (us) : Pirate (Purple and same faction reds) : Nuian (Red), so we were completely out numbered when it came to world PvP and trade runs.

Real player with 838.8 hrs in game

ArcheAge on Steam

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

This game is awesome! I am replaying it after a few months playing other games right now and giving the turn based system a try. it is great. the combat is different if you play turn based or real time with pause so you can experience two different game styles. i think that it would be a lot better if you had both in one play-through but then again by not having it they make different stats more important for different modes. like dex is more important in RTWP and is absolutely useless in turn based mode, unless you just want to go first every round.

Real player with 460.1 hrs in game

One of my all time favorite games. A true modern rpg masterpiece.

Real player with 233.6 hrs in game

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire on Steam