Abandon Ship

Abandon Ship

Version 0.5.something…

It’s… Okay.

A lot of it is very comfortable fun. You find yourself a combat, you watch your little micro managed crew and you snot your enemy. It’s fun in a non challenging sense. You buy 6 crew as quickly as possible, keep them alive with a bit of micro management and use the play style that amuses you most at the time. Simple really. Learning curve is a bit steep at the start but flattens out after a few combats.

The rest of the game at this stage of it’s release? Yeah…

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Naval Combat Games.

So the first major update hit, Treasures of the Deep, it wasn’t as big of a shift as compared to pre-release builds versus the first EA build. The update itself is not an expansion per say, but more of a refinement to what we already had, aside the two new mechanics that count, you could say that there are more, but it boils down to just two major ones(more on that later).

Here’s the run down of the refinement from when I last edited the review:

-Improved fps on not so amazing computers

-Plenty of bug fixes

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Abandon Ship on Steam

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Heads up, this review is LONG. There will be a TL;DR at the bottom.

This game is a gem, covered in a pile of shit. If you’ve read negative reviews for the game I hate to say that most of them are very much accurate. This game is very unwieldy, hard to learn, harder to master, and really doesn’t teach you anything. The closest this game has to a tutorial is essentially a few hours of being stuck on one island doing small quests to make enough money to buy a small ship. Unfortunately, this means you likely won’t know if you want to keep the game or not until after the refund period has passed.

Real player with 663.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates RPG Games.

Very OLD Akella Pirates game player here when “dinosaurs ruled the earth”.

I basically played the entire game in Russian (no DLC) before it was released in English offline.

I recently went back and have been playing the DLCs online, and my immediate review is still valid in any case.

The game series has been around since 2000. Published by Akella, and eveloped by various studios. This is actually the SIXTH game in the series. Sea Dogs, POTC (Sea Dogs Modification, SD2, the bad disney production), Age of Pirates (AoP) , Tortuga - Two Treasures, AoP2:COAS (City of Abandoned Ships) , and POTEHO (SDTEHO). Black Mark Studios has most of the original modders and designs from the original games. SDTEHO has MANY of the same landmarks as COAS and similar quests. Personally, I am partial to COAS for many reasons, but predominantly the freedom to do whatever the hell you want very early.

Real player with 504.8 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG on Steam

Blood and Gold: Caribbean!

Blood and Gold: Caribbean!

Tl&dr: whatever you expect from this game (M&B battle style, trading), search for it somewhere else, it is not difficult to find something better.

Mount & Blade engine, extended trading system, naval combat, main story… sounds perfect, what could go wrong? These were my thoughts when I bought this game and I got my answer very quick.. too quick. Everything can go wrong.

Honestly, it feels like someone took Mount & Blade, Sid Meier’s Pirates and Port Royale, stripped all the good parts from all these games and then mashed them together.

Real player with 130.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates RPG Games.

Ok, so my review is basically a bug list that needs fixing from the devs:

Crashes when trying to retreat during special missions. Being able to see the battle play out is ok, but your maps often mess up the pathing, and then it can take forever. There’s no way back to the menu screen then.

Not being able to control your men during special missions. If you ask me to do a 31 v 31 skirmish with native gear against armed enemies, then letting me use the basic mount and blade commands would be nice

Real player with 100.3 hrs in game

Blood and Gold: Caribbean! on Steam

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Q: Why is being a pirate so addictive?

A: Because when ye lose yer hand, ye get hooked!

‘Tempest: Pirate Action’ takes us to a timescape where the tantalizing tall tales of tanalised tallship tars turn true! This is one of my favourite PC games to date, along with ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ and ‘Naval Action’. That’s partly because I love square-rigger sailing ships and 1700s maritime history and lore. Of these three games, I consider Tempest the most imaginitive and atmospheric.

This open world game is much better than I expected, based on the YouTube reviews. Various aspects of the game have been much improved since those reviews were posted. The ship-capturing boarding action, for example, is now vastly better, with fully mobile, realistic fighting characters, one of which, you fully control, so you can take part in the melee, close and personal, from a 3rd-person perspecive. That’s something that neither ‘Naval Action’ nor ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ can boast.

Real player with 204.5 hrs in game

Score : 55-60/100

Unfortunately it is ““NOT”” a full pirates game.

If you’re looking for a real pirates game this one will disappointed you.

Good points:

  • Graphic is acceptable

-Ship easy upgrade

-Some of the special items were good designed

-Ship fighting is ok ( Only to those who just enjoy firing cannon balls )

-Auto picking up design

-Time speed up design

Weak points :

***One of the greatest weak point is : this game have “NO” save and worst of all …….there’re traps that didn’t looks like a trap that we will lost 1/4 or even 1/2 of our most experience crews without warning !!!!! 0 . Though we can still play the game without a save file.

Real player with 148.2 hrs in game

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG on Steam




  • frequent updates, always something new (weapons, ships, gamemodes, maps, CANNONS… and AMMO FOR CANNONS)

  • fun gameplay

  • naval combat is well done

  • pvp combat is good, melee is smart, guns will often kill you instantly

  • attack/deffend fortresses (if you capture the enemy fortress you win, when you are defending and you know where all the guns are you may survive)

  • loadout selection, a lot of muskets (4), pistols (5), melee (6), special (4)

  • chat, voice chat (team, faction, global, proximity variants)

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

“I will be damned if I go with another early access game, I will rather eat paper from this notebook”

Ok, now I am chewing on a paper but I’m still satisfied by this game! Yay!

Blackwake is interesting multiplayer naval FPS that lend you feeling of member of Navy or life of a pirate (arrr matey, sorry, i had to). The game basically provide ship and sea and you and your crew (that are players or you are part of the crew under captain) try to get opposition team down the tickets or run out of suplies.

Real player with 211.2 hrs in game

Blackwake on Steam



The gameplay dynamic in Windward goes from calm, controlled and thoughtful (if you’re looking for trade routes and quests to build up your towns), to outright mayhem and sudden and repeated death (if you’ve ventured into a tough pirate region, or a combat instance).

These are some basic facts to know, if you’re considering a purchase:

The game begins with creation of a World, somewhat under the control of the creator, in terms of its shape, the challenges it will present, and some other global features. The world consists of a large number of rectangular regions, each of which contains a procedurally generated terrain and oceans, with a few coastal towns scattered in each. The next decision is to choose your starting faction. There are several Windward factions, all of which are allies by default, and each comes with a different set of advantages and drawbacks, which are described to you when you’re asked to choose: maybe you want to get rich as an Exchange captain, or rampage the seas wiping out pirates with Valiant, or … the choices are yours.

Real player with 885.2 hrs in game

Over all, I do enjoy this game in small doses. The Pirate genre is sadly under-served in video games. I’ve played a few from Sid Meier’s Pirates (which I loved, for the most part), Assassin’s Creed 4 (which is beautiful and interesting, but needs more sailing) to New Horizons 2 (which is for me the absolute gold standard for pirate games.) Windward isn’t as good as those guys. At all. You could forgive Black Flag for not having a robust trading system since it is an action game. You can forgive Sid Meier’s Pirates for not having a developed 3rd or 1st person character action since its focus is on piraty things. You can forgive Uncharted Waters 2 for not having beautiful graphics because of its age. But they all offer something special. Windward doesn’t have a robust trade system so at least it has what the other games have, right? Well, no, the graphics are pretty average. Graphics aren’t everything, at least you can develop your avatar through some sort of story or purpose. Except… you don’t really have an avatar. In fact, there’s no story at all. In fact, the premise is not even “here’s a boat, go and do as you see fit”, it’s more of a sentence fragment of “boat”. Ok, fine. Boat it is.

Real player with 225.9 hrs in game

Windward on Steam

Block of Rum

Block of Rum


So originally, I had said I would not recommend this game, however I also stated that I would change it if my problems with the game were fixed. So, I am happy to say that with the update 0.7.1 (which was the next update after my review) the following problems have been fixed to my satisfaction.

1: Inability to escape from battle (FIXED)

2: Lack of Warning about losing inventory (FIXED)

3: Quest tracking (FIXED)

Sooo, since all my complaints are fixed to my acceptance, I am happy to change my review to RECOMMEND! I left my complaints so you can see what I was upset about. Hope this helps!

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

I really got hooked on the construction mechanics, i would definetly play for hours building ships if there were more materials and color options for said materials. A few comments on the construction though, i would really like more available visibility while making designs (360° vision). Most of the UI needs fixing (better construction inventory, texts that fit), but i indeed liked where the game is going and the potential it has. I would love to help in the translation if you are planing to doing it also in spanish. counter or markers for needed sails or weight balance would be great. For now, I’ll keep designing ships till i get the perfect one. Good luck and keep on the good work…

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Block of Rum on Steam

Commander: Conquest of the Americas

Commander: Conquest of the Americas

This game is fun but become complicated after some hours of playing, overall its a great game for all the trading possibility and the sea batlles.

Easy to handle but hard to master, and once you are well expanded it could give you headache to set trading route and manage all your colony.

A lots of detailled ships, possibility to have lots of fleet for trading or batlle and possibility to set some automated trading road, exactly like you want them.

Nice graphic both on the map and during sea battle.

Real player with 138.8 hrs in game

I’ve given this game a bit of time in campaign mode with the advisors. I’ve been playing in difficult mode. It’s a very frustrating and poorly designed game and I don’t recommend it. Here’s why.

The Starting Phase

You settle a colony or two. Then trade back and forwards to your home port. That’s it for an hour or more. Very slow. Once you start producing second tier goods, you start producing more cash and can do more than just keep up with you advisors' demands.

The Advisors

They regularly give you demands. If you don’t meet them, your reputation goes down - and in the end, you get replaced. The demands are not well timed (eg. they will ask you to settle a colony when you are well below the minimum population threshhold for your next colony). Sometimes they are impossible (eg. they ask you to send 50 soldiers to a colony that is less than 50 below the maximum limit). Sometimes they are contradictory (eg. you are at war and one advisor demands you make peace and another demands you take a colony or destroy enemy ships). As you progress and get your colonies going well with all the buildings they need, the advisors are left with fewer things to demand of you and so you get more of these impossible demands.

Real player with 54.9 hrs in game

Commander: Conquest of the Americas on Steam

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Did you like Pirates? Do you like turn-based combat? Do you like random maps and exploring?

Then this game could be something for you. For an early access Indie title, it’s got surprisingly good graphics (especially the sea), a real story in single player mode, and some funny mystic creatures. There’s a touch of Age of Wonders, but the battles are less tactical.


  • good graphics

  • mystic creatures pimp the pirates scenario

  • nice story (no Heavy Rain, though)

  • high replay value (random quests, random maps, hotseat mode)

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Looks amazing, nice atmosphere and unique interesting game mechanics. I like it!

You know where the journey is heading. With some little improvements in EA and more content I will be able to put hours in this :)!

Good strategy will lead you to your victory and will demolish your friends, but don’t forget about the immersive story though. Good price for a good game! Go on like this.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Of Ships & Scoundrels on Steam

Sid Meier’s Pirates!

Sid Meier’s Pirates!


One time I played this game instead of studying for midterms. I never did better on midterms in my life.


This game is minigame-based-game-making done right. Sailing, naval battles, land battles, swordfights, dancing, sneaking into and out of town, and searching for treasure are each done in distinct minigames which are (except for sneaking and searching) engaging enough that I never think, “Aww, dang, THIS again. If only I could skip this.” (and sneaking and searching are only needed rarely enough to be a nice change of pace 90% of the times).

Real player with 227.4 hrs in game


The lookout reports a sail on the horizon.

Shall we?”

I don’t know how many times I saw that phrase in the past. I must tell you, that I’m in an easy, yet really hard position to share my view about this game. Because how could I write a subjective review, while being an ultimate fan of “PIRATES!” C64 version? Just look at my avatar here… :)

Some reviewers here already shared some really useful and detailed information about certain parts of the game… “pros and cons” are known for now… so for this time, let me please share my feelings, impressions, and express my passion for the game with you instead. Hence this won’t be a “generic” game review.

Real player with 76.2 hrs in game

Sid Meier's Pirates! on Steam