The Caribbean Sail

The Caribbean Sail

Forget that the graphics would have looked dated on a Commodore 64. Never mind that you didn’t think you wanted a dying-at-sea simulator until now. This game is good. Your first run will be a disaster: you will board your raft, purchase whatever meager supplies you can scrounge up, and expect to have a fighting chance of reaching the nearest port, a mere thousand miles away. Hah. Your crew will starve. Those who don’t starve will catch the plague. Those who don’t die of plague will be picked off by Spaniards or pirates. All while a chiptune rendition of ‘Drunken Sailor’ tinkles merrily in the background.

Real player with 90.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Sailing Games.

Probably the best indie game I’ve ever played. If you have a thing for anything nautical you should totally play this game - there are so many things you can do. You can be a fisherman and make a living through selling fish, be a wealthy merchant carrying various flags to use them to fool around enemy ships to trade with them without involving yourself in the war while carrying an abundance of cheap luxuries bought from China to sell them to rich Americans or you can buy a powerful warship and be a pirate to destroy anything in sight and loot every ship you come across, or save civilized world from crazy pirates by being an ally of England or doing an absolutely crazy thing like sailing from China to America with the cheapest ship. You can even catch a giant whale or be a master gambler. Game goes on no matter what you ending achieve, so possibilities are endless.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

The Caribbean Sail on Steam

The Spanish Privateer

The Spanish Privateer


Set in early 17th century, just before the Pirate Golden Age, The Spanish Privateer places you in the shoes of Isabel Carlota de Castilla (but you can just call her Carlota). Carlota is an 18-year-old runaway escaping a marriage forced upon her by her parents. Not able to afford passage on a ship, Carlota offers to work for her voyage aboard Captain Rico’s ship, La Aguja. Captain Rico is a privateer, a pirate with a letter of marque allowing him to attack and capture the enemies of Spain. Carlota soon falls in love with the sea, and challenges herself to become a valuable member of the ship.

Amidst sword fights, balls, and drunken nights at the tavern, Carlota learns more about her fellow crew members and the world outside Spain. Visits to the archipelago of Azores, cities in the Caribbean and Veracruz, New Spain, teach Carlota about the effects of colonization and make her question her contribution and power aboard the Spanish ship.

No matter which route you travel down, Carlota must overcome her male crew members' prejudices, earning their respect with her hard work, determination, and intelligence.

Love Interests


Half Scottish, half Spanish, and entirely charming. Lark is a hired bard whose job is to entertain the men—and he takes liberty to entertain the women, as well. His specialty is playing the lute.


Flint is the ship’s quartermaster and protector. Fiercely loyal to the captain, Flint is equally distrustful of women. His specialty is gunnery.


Hailing from Puerto Rico, Captain Rico is no stranger to the sea. His kind and forgiving persona hides the past which granted him his scar. His specialty is swordfighting.


  • 227K+ words

  • 100+ menu choices

  • Three Good Endings

  • Seven Bad Endings

  • Six ‘Alternate’ Endings

  • Love, Friendship, and Personality Meters

Trailer Music by Alexander Nakarada @ SerpentSound Studios

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0

Read More: Best Pirates Otome Games.

The Spanish Privateer on Steam

Neighboring Islands

Neighboring Islands

Potential buyers should be aware of getting an unfinished product. The game consists of the first three chapters of a project planned to include at least four. My hopes of the final chapter(s) ever materializing aren’t very high.

This is a shame because what’s there is a pretty solid and interesting story with above average artwork. The English localization leaves much to be desired concerning syntax, grammar and typos but isn’t so atrocious to be game breaking. Story is very linear as “wrong” choices will very often lead to your gruesome demise instead of a branching storyline.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Interactive Fiction Games.

This game is really interesting, I’m not English native speaker so I can’t speak for the quality of the language, but to me it seemed quite good, especially as being a russian game in the first place. Now I’m French native speaker and all the French Le Clerk utters is complete gibberish and makes no sense at all, this clearly went through a really bad translator with no correction afterward.

Beside that, there are a LOT of choices in that game and a LOT of way to die while you’re trying to save your skin out of that damned jungle you landed on. I’ve played 4 hours so far, not exactly being fast and not cutting the game while taking breaks, and I’m only done with the Prologue, so I have 3 chapters left out and I’m unsure if the game is complete at this time.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Neighboring Islands on Steam

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales

I like the freedom to just do what ever you like in the game as far as pirating/trading/missions. And the open world aspect and the way you can capture ships to upgrade/sell or add to your own fleet.

Real player with 123.4 hrs in game

a nice game, good game play. i really enjoyed it. I cannot confirm the bug reports. The game was stable at all times.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales on Steam

Choice of the Pirate

Choice of the Pirate

Hello and thanks for reading my review. I have been a fan of ‘choose your own adventure’ since the early 1980s when there was little else to do but watch all 3 channels on TV, listen to the radio or play Atari. For those who don’t know there is a whole line of ‘choose your own adventure’ books out there and can be enjoyed again and again just like this game! There is more than one story and more than one way to win – but then again there is more than one way to fail and lose. BUT that is the fun of it! Finding out what was around that corner or behind that door you didn’t try to open the first time. I bought a whole set of books for my oldest son for Christmas the year he turned 9 just as I was when I first discovered them. He now has his own Steam account and has played this game and loves it just as much as I did.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

I am glad this game is so cheap as I would have been much more salty about how short it was. I’d advise anyone from purchasing unless they were looking for something different to play. Choice of the Pirate is a game centered around your choices you make in the storyline that ultimately effects the plot in the end… I had a lot of fun choosing and reminding myself to be wary of what I choose… but I gotta say that some of the choices I made didn’t really seem to bite me in the ass in the end at all. I never heard that character at all ever again after that choice I had made, and I was really expecting them to come back later on and try to stab me in the back for it. It didn’t happen though, which was disappointing. I liked being able to pick out my signature clothing as a pirate, however that “choice” seemed to be purely asthetic… I created my own piece of clothing and I expected the game to sorta “substitute” my choice within the conversation when it came to that point but it never happened. A lot of the characters in the game are meaningless and you won’t really need to remember their names since you’ll only interact with them two different times out of the whole playthrough. The “love interest” really isn’t interesting. After hooking up the relationship really isn’t brought back up in the story at all until the epilogue in the ending. Another thing, the whole “pirate king” title barer is a mystery…. but…. it’s not… the story makes it painfully obvious from the very beginning who the pirate king really is..

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Choice of the Pirate on Steam

Pirates? Pirates!

Pirates? Pirates!


Lack of Support, Heavily Bugged, Broken, Abandoned Game

*Encountered bug at the end upon submitting the quest items to Briggs, stucked,

unable to proceed further.

No words from developer over bug report in forum for a week.

Seems abandoned.

Changed review from initial Positive to Negative.

** Unable to complete the game.

Manually reviewing and editing the save file,

switching the inventory items of the ‘tooth’ and ‘idol’ code,

allowing the Idol to appear before the Tooth to allow submission.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Well, it is a small little game to pass some time. Do not expect a mindblowing experience but rather a small game about pirates, treasures and a curse. Juggling between the needs of the ship, the crew, money and fame will force you to make some tough decisions.

You have to avoid to get too high or too low with each of these categories, as you will loose the game whenever you do. However, you will not have to start over anew, which is very good! So you can try something without loosing all the progress you made before!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Pirates? Pirates! on Steam

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Heads up, this review is LONG. There will be a TL;DR at the bottom.

This game is a gem, covered in a pile of shit. If you’ve read negative reviews for the game I hate to say that most of them are very much accurate. This game is very unwieldy, hard to learn, harder to master, and really doesn’t teach you anything. The closest this game has to a tutorial is essentially a few hours of being stuck on one island doing small quests to make enough money to buy a small ship. Unfortunately, this means you likely won’t know if you want to keep the game or not until after the refund period has passed.

Real player with 663.4 hrs in game

Very OLD Akella Pirates game player here when “dinosaurs ruled the earth”.

I basically played the entire game in Russian (no DLC) before it was released in English offline.

I recently went back and have been playing the DLCs online, and my immediate review is still valid in any case.

The game series has been around since 2000. Published by Akella, and eveloped by various studios. This is actually the SIXTH game in the series. Sea Dogs, POTC (Sea Dogs Modification, SD2, the bad disney production), Age of Pirates (AoP) , Tortuga - Two Treasures, AoP2:COAS (City of Abandoned Ships) , and POTEHO (SDTEHO). Black Mark Studios has most of the original modders and designs from the original games. SDTEHO has MANY of the same landmarks as COAS and similar quests. Personally, I am partial to COAS for many reasons, but predominantly the freedom to do whatever the hell you want very early.

Real player with 504.8 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG on Steam

Cursed Lands

Cursed Lands

An outstanding VN-RPG-quest crossover

I was expecting another bland, unnecessarily dragged out visual novel with uninspired, repetitive missions, but I was taken for a real treat here—kept replaying with different initial conditions (race, job, supporting character branching choice) over and over, enjoying every single play.

Visual Novel (VN) perspective: Story branching is rich and, as general VN WinterWolves titles go, you have an almost immediate option to go back—typically less than half a minute in gameplay, couple minutes or hours in the game world—to the last choice and change it to study other outcomes. I like this unique branching feature—it is like a quick time machine, or a very smooth and synoptic reload action that permits me to change my choice without having to repeat a known portion of play and grind once again.

Real player with 132.6 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale, and I’m glad I did, it wasn’t worth the full price. I bought it because it was created by the same team who did Loren Amazon Princess, a game I loved. It’s unfortunate then, that this game is average at best. There are a few problems I have with this game that I feel affected my enjoyment of the game:

1. Characters/Romance

This is the big one, so i’m putting it first. The characters all had great introductions, and are really interesting. Unfortunately, the game screws this up deeply as it progresses. You don’t get to chose when to talk to the characters, their icon’s pop up when the game decides it’s time for their event to start, so you never truly get to know these characters beyond their surface introduction. The game prides itself on giving you romance options, and even advertises that you can trigger more then one romance scene. It isn’t hard, it’s like the game WANTS you to be a serial skirt chaser, and even when you do trigger these scenes, there’s no build up. Characters will spontaneously confess their feeling for you, claiming they always felt something for you. Your character will reply in kind, but you know this is false. Your POV character never felt anything of the sort, their lying.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Cursed Lands on Steam

Heileen 3: New Horizons

Heileen 3: New Horizons

This game is definitely filled with pros and cons. While I did think it was an improvement from the first two games, there’s definitely some issues to be taken with it.

This game has a simulation aspect blended into the visual novel experience. Each day, Heileen has to choose certain activities to do in order to increase stats for skills and advance skills. While I definitely don’t have a problem with simulation aspects being put into visual novels, I must say this game’s sim system is quite tedious. It took me several hours and several playthroughs just to get all of the achievements, because the simulation portion of the game takes far too long. Those who don’t have a lot of patience would definitely dismiss the game quickly. Meanwhile, I almost developed carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking so rapidly and frequently. The basic concept for the activities and stat development isn’t terrible though. That idea is fun, but I definitely wish they hadn’t made it so tedious.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

“Heileen 3: New Horizons” is final chapter in Heileen saga of visual novels by Winter Wolves. In short, it’s telling the story of a young girl accompanying her rich uncle (who is pursuing the business in the New World) and eventually getting involved with pirates. It features all you can expect from a visual novel and it features elements of dating and raising sim. The game is running on Ren’Py engine and is not voiced (considering the number of characters, I actually see it as a sensible choice from the developer).

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Heileen 3: New Horizons on Steam

Item Collector - Pirates

Item Collector - Pirates

Item Collector - Pirates - Play through a huge amount of different levels with increasing difficulty and alternative exciting game modes. Bring you brain to the limit and find all the matching pairs!

Product feature:

  • 100 levels

  • 100 achievements

  • Easy gameplay

  • Includes sfx and music

  • Great graphics

Item Collector - Pirates on Steam