Was really enjoying the game, and then the game ate my save and 3 hour progress. Don’t recommend.

Real player with 54.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Hack and Slash Games.

Very satisfying combat. Although I would recommend Reshade for the graphics as some ambient occlusion and contrast go a long way for this game’s visuals. Also, this game is a bit short on content, definitely worth it if it’s on sale however.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game


One Piece Burning Blood

One Piece Burning Blood

One Piece Burning Blood

This is a really solid One Piece beat em up game!

Personal Rating 85%

It has tons of characters, costumes and different modes.

The playable characters will react differently upon facing certain enemies in the intro in “appeal events”.

Unfortunately the Pirate Flag battle mode has been removed.

Graphics are neat and special moves look great.

Real player with 167.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Multiplayer Games.

The best New One Piece Fighting game ive ever play

Before you reading negative review cuz most of them is wrong, please read mine first.

This one piece game is really fun and cool they really making new gameplay for one piece game its really fun to play.

My Table Review :

| About | Rate |

| Art/graphic | The character art its originally made by oda sensei and the dev really didnt make any mistake for every character here also the graphic look soo Beautifull. |

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

One Piece Burning Blood on Steam

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

So I really wanted this game for months, but the price was too steep for me. When it went down temporarily in November, I jumped on the chance to buy it. Now that I have had a few months to play it, here is what I think.

I don’t really care for the whole argument about shading, brightness, or any of that. But there are some drawbacks with the graphics. First of all, most of the common “cannon fodder” enemies have their heads moving away from their bodies. I mean it is really easy to see that the heads are simply not attached and are weaving away from the bodies. I thought that was kind of annoying. To add to this, you will often see their weapons floating right next to them rather than being held. On the plus side, it kind of makes you feel like you are killing a bunch of Jedi or Sith, just pretend those weapons are being held by the Force. However, part of these faults can also be found on major characters like Kuro, Aokiji, Usopp, and Ivankov but with these guys the problem is the hair. With Kuro you may find his hair floating a few inches away from his head, making it seem like he is bald. After a few moments of laughing it became a little annoying. As for the others, the dynamics between their head and their hair is annoying in that the hair will often move independently and block your view of the character’s faces. It may not seem like much for some, but I was really aggravated by that.

Real player with 218.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Hack and Slash Games.

02.05.2016 REVIEW


Due to disagreements with certain users who kept indirect insults as a priority matter, I am enticed to post the following notice: This review is based on my personal experience with the game from approximately 90 hours of playtime. There’s also an edited part elaborating this in the bottom.

tl;dr review:

If you’re a One Piece or Dynasty Warriors fan, buy the game. If you’re not a big fan of either and are expecting something state-of-the-art or unique, pass on it.)

Real player with 147.3 hrs in game

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 on Steam

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

“Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End” is a pretty good port of PS2 game.

Despite it’s name - the game have actually a bit of “Dead Man’s Chest” and “At Worlds End” in term of story and it is a way more simplified version of the movie plot as you may guess.

Also the game takes only certain key scenes so if you didn’t watch movies you will be confused as f*ck while playing this game.

I want to point out - for a simple Disney movie tie-in video game

developers did a really good job with overall gameplay and level variety.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Tags: 3PAA - Third Person Action Adventure

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Corridor leverpull. Primitive arkham style fighting. Superficial thin story. Button mashing oriented. Pass.

The game established a gameplay loop fairly early on of fighting a few guys, pulling a lever, getting a short dialogue or cutscene. Most of the dialogue is fluff and activities aside from reaching the end of the level include finding easter egg like optional areas in which you can free additional prisonners for completionism sake. You can also grab gold which I was not clear on its use, and you can pick food items.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End on Steam

ONE PIECE World Seeker

ONE PIECE World Seeker

You get to play as Luffy, you get to ride Karoo! Lots to find and once you get Gum Gum Rocket you move quite fast. Bird lets you climb any object. Its a really fun game. I also really enjoyed the story. That being said. Sometimes the controls feel sluggish and the fights for the most part are terribly easy so I recommend starting off on hard or very hard.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

you get to ride karoo

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

ONE PIECE World Seeker on Steam

One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition

One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition

It’s a fun game for all One Piece fans. Others might not like it as much.

The main story is really short, you can finish it in couple of hours. The challenge is afterwards with the additional quests and the Colosseum.

There are not many skills for the characters, and basically you have limited playable characters but i still don’t count that as a negative.

! There are some mechanics that are not needed and could have been done differently such as using Words, 90% of them are useless for the purpose of the playthrough, just a pain to get them all for the achievement. You will be using a couple for each character, basically damage % or HP. Chopper for the heals and Usopp for speed to get through annoying stages. Though, Nami gets decent damage with the lightning words, i think she has the best rooster as a character. Sanji’s got fire damage, Brook ice damage, Franky is a tank with defence and HP. Luffy and Zoro have the highest base attack, so you would use attack for them. Also, you have the words useful for bug and fish catching.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

This was another One Piece game that (sort of) retells events from the series rather than having a 100% original storyline. It does have it’s own characters and plot but it heavily relies on old characters and locations. If you want something completely new then you might want to avoid this.

There is a lot of extra content in the game. 60+ ‘quests’ that range from insultingly simple collection quests to challenging boss fights. The battle coliseum where you fight against bosses or waves of enemies and play through a separate mini-story. Then New Game+ which is as you could have guessed is a tougher version of the main game. I’ve played through the Story, some of NG+, the Coliseum and most of the quests and it took around 35 hours. Some of it is grindy but overall it was fun. The combat does get a little repetitive but you can always change which characters you take on missions with you, all nine Strawhats play differently and you can alter which Strong Words (like abilities) you have equipped to customise them more.

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition on Steam

Heileen 3: New Horizons

Heileen 3: New Horizons

This game is definitely filled with pros and cons. While I did think it was an improvement from the first two games, there’s definitely some issues to be taken with it.

This game has a simulation aspect blended into the visual novel experience. Each day, Heileen has to choose certain activities to do in order to increase stats for skills and advance skills. While I definitely don’t have a problem with simulation aspects being put into visual novels, I must say this game’s sim system is quite tedious. It took me several hours and several playthroughs just to get all of the achievements, because the simulation portion of the game takes far too long. Those who don’t have a lot of patience would definitely dismiss the game quickly. Meanwhile, I almost developed carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking so rapidly and frequently. The basic concept for the activities and stat development isn’t terrible though. That idea is fun, but I definitely wish they hadn’t made it so tedious.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

“Heileen 3: New Horizons” is final chapter in Heileen saga of visual novels by Winter Wolves. In short, it’s telling the story of a young girl accompanying her rich uncle (who is pursuing the business in the New World) and eventually getting involved with pirates. It features all you can expect from a visual novel and it features elements of dating and raising sim. The game is running on Ren’Py engine and is not voiced (considering the number of characters, I actually see it as a sensible choice from the developer).

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Heileen 3: New Horizons on Steam



* A free key of the main game was given to me. Even so, that didn’t affect my opinion of the final product. I’ve bought the DLCs with my own money.

Mutiny!! is a very peculiar visual novel; it’s a mix of fantasy, adventure, puzzles and… porn. This game actually surprised me, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it so much. First of all, please keep in mind that this VN only has yuri (girl x girl) routes. And some of the girls are futanari (female looking hermaphrodite characters - yeah, there are snakes in those bushes lol). If you can’t stand those things maybe it’s better to go look for another game to play. But honestly, if you’re feeling like playing something unusual… You could give Mutiny!! a chance.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

I had passing interest in this game when I first saw it on the store front, more pulled in by visions of sexy monster girls and pirate shenanigans than anything, but upon starting to play this game… Dayum. I was not expecting the sheer amount of joy I got out of, and continue to get out of this game.

Between the fun of the main character being someone who wears her love of things lewd on her sleeve, while having a damn good wit to pair with the flirts, and the sheer amount of just good feels playing and seeing characters develope, this game was worth every penny.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Mutiny!! on Steam

Uncharted Waters Online

Uncharted Waters Online

TL;DR: Uncharted Waters Online: a very difficult game with countless opportunities that will keep you shackled to your screen for hours on end.

It had been a while since I first tried this game with a steep (and I mean Steep with a capital S) learning curve, so a few weeks ago I reinstalled it, saw that my character, hardly advanced at anything, was still available so I figured I would start where I had left off.

That may have been a mistake, because apart from remembering how to move my character and how to get to my ship, I had no idea what I was doing. Starting from zero after having finished the tutorial… Bad choice.

Real player with 1746.9 hrs in game

I should make it clear I’m not recommending supporting this game monetarily, I would suggest you don’t buy anything from the cash shop, what I encourage players to do is give it a try and play without spending money, especially if you have some friends to bring in.

TL;DR PROS/CONS version:


  • Unique MMORPG that focuses on 3 types of playstyles: adventure, merchant, battle (maritime).

  • Freedom to choose what skills you want, and focus on whatever combo of playstyles you prefer.

Real player with 1044.2 hrs in game

Uncharted Waters Online on Steam

Captain Firebeard and the Bay of Crows

Captain Firebeard and the Bay of Crows

This pirate game (long title, can’t be bothered to write it all down) is a charming kinetic novel with a pac-man style minigame. They really should have just written that on the blurb instead but I understand that such a concise description isn’t great for marketing so you’ll have to get your gospel truths from me!

In my usual style I will rattle through my categories:

Story, Writing & Characters

The plot is interesting and has a splash of real history, which I like a lot. Too many times have I seen things set in the Golden Age of Piracy where certain elements are taken from completely different centuries and then smashed together into one, ignoring historical accuracy. I can tell that everything here is really well researched and correct. The writing was sharp, witty and period accurate. The characters feel realistic and consistent and you do feel that you are on an exciting adventure, which is essential in a pirate tale. I liked the jokes a lot, especially those surrounding the hapless captain and his unlucky crew. My favorite character was probably Lady Wendy; something about powerful, calculating women just does it for me… mmmm Teresa May…. I also enjoyed that a fellow Frenchman was shown as being a bad-ass pirate hunter! That was maybe the best bit for me! Vive La France!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Captain Firebeard And The Bay Of Crows is an adventure visual novel both developed and published by Sapphire Dragon Productions. This title follows the adventures of the swashbuckling Captain Firebeard and his band of pirates as they attempt to pull off one of the biggest heists in all of history. Prepare to set sails for a thrilling escapade ripe with dangerous combat, dubious encounters and bountiful riches to be accquired as you attempt to make Captain Firebeard the king of all pirates…Blackbeard be darned!!!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Captain Firebeard and the Bay of Crows on Steam