Curving Over It with Evgeny Podoynikov

Curving Over It with Evgeny Podoynikov

Very impressive for a first product!


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Controller Games.

Curving Over It with Evgeny Podoynikov on Steam

Nainai’s Recipe

Nainai’s Recipe

Nainai’s Recipe is a game that captures the cooking feeling in stylized visuals. And a family story about how we lived together in a special way during 2020.

  • Maximum control - No preset ingredient slice texture, no performance-oriented steps, we want you to enjoy cooking a meal from start to finish.

  • Food to a larger food tradition - We curated a stylized kitchen with strong flavor about a Chinese kitchen, including appliances, condiments, and food choices.

  • Bonding moment with Nainai - During this difficult period of time, you will have more chance than ever to talk to your Nainai and know her story!

Read More: Best Physics Simulation Games.

Nainai’s Recipe on Steam



Loving the game! I Beat it a couple days ago and now i’m thinking of speedrunning it! The game has so much potential and I look forward to more content like this from the developers!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Controller Games.

Great game. It takes me back to the side scrolling games I loved as a kid, though it has more depth and explores the concepts of mental health through beautiful visuals and complex stage design. I cannot recommend this enough, I love it.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Mantle on Steam

Yummy Nuts

Yummy Nuts

Help Daddy Squirrel to collect all the lost supplies!

Cut the ropes, beware of obstacles and collect all the nuts and restore winter food supply of the squirrels family.

Key features

48 creative levels of fun adventure with Daddy Squirrel and his baby squirrel.

Few hours of gameplay will drag you or your child into the wonderful world of the Ice Age.

Enjoy the beauty and dangers of the glacier in this exciting puzzle game with excellent game mechanics and simulated physics!

Yummy Nuts on Steam

Sea of Solitude

Sea of Solitude

EA is usually known for two things: microtransactions and more microtransactions. As a result, many gamers overlook their EA Original lineup, which features unique indie titles. One such is Sea of Solitude.

Shallow Sea

It’s always amazing to see developers find creative and unique ways of tackling themes surrounding mental health issues. Some succeed, some fail. Sadly, Sea of Solitude falls in the latter camp.

It fails for a couple of reasons. First, the writing. Instead of providing a more in-depth commentary on a particular issue, it opts for quantity over quality. As a result, it only skims over them and does a rather shallow take that boils down to “this is good” and “this is bad”.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

There are a bunch of short little 5 hour games or under now that you can play on the EA 5 bucks a month deal. This game and Unravel 1 and 2 etc. If you pick up the monthly pass to play these games you will knock them out in a single session or a week at most and will still have 3 weeks left to download and play a bunch of other neat games. Sea of Solitude is a once and done game for me so it is a perfect candidate for the monthly pass. But we are not here to talk about whether the EA pass has value or not we are here to talk about this game. So what can I tell you about it? Unfortunately not a lot. Spoilers.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Sea of Solitude on Steam



A beautiful and addictive addition to the asldfj;oaisheouhigoiu genre. Highly recommended.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I like the game. Happenlances approach to teach things is like how it was done back in the 8bit days. Levels are designed in a way that you have to learn to do new tricks in order to continue, and you don’t get any annoying tooltips or small videos that show you what you have to do. You really have to figure things out yourself. And oh boy it gets challenging and fast.

Only thing that i would add, is somekind of collectibles in hard places. That way when you get better in the game, you would revisit some maps to get those collectibles that you couldn’t get before.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Happenlance on Steam

The Bridge

The Bridge

The Bridge is a 2D puzzle game with beautiful Escher-like architecture and level design, hand-drawn black-and-white art and its own laws of physics. It is divided into 48 levels with the first half requiring minimal use of logic and feeling like somewhat of a pushover; fortunately, this is mostly remedied in the second half—a mirrored version of the first with additional obstacles thrown in and where a greater number of puzzles actually make you think.

The puzzles start off easily enough, with simple gravity manipulation and key collection, then introduce additional elements consistently: deadly balls which roll as you rotate the environment and can adhere to their own laws of gravity; points which invert gravity and shift you between black and white dimensions where you may only interact with objects matching your current color; vortexes which suck anything near them into place and hold them there until deactivated; mirror images of yourself which require entering multiple doors or picking up multiple keys simultaneously to progress; and gravity curtains, where you may remain stationary while rotating the world to work objects into their desired positions relative to your own.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Let me start by saying that The Bridge is not a bad game. For an indie game the developers should be proud of what they’ve accomplished. If there were a somewhere-between-thumbs-up-and-thumbs-down button this is the game I would most want to use it for.

I leaned on the side of not recommending it though, for several reasons. This game is inevitably compared to Braid because it has an artsy style, time manipulation, and puzzles. But it’s nowhere near the level of those other puzzle games I love, including Braid or Limbo or even Master Reboot. The reason is mostly depth and story. There simply isn’t that much here. And what does exist is far too obscure and limited to be moving.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

The Bridge on Steam

Little Dog Bob

Little Dog Bob

Cute little game!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Really lovely game. Cute art and sounds

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Little Dog Bob on Steam




You are Ernest, the last Hemingwhale still residing inside of Fin, an enormous mechanical whale. One Day, rather unpleasant Squiddies show up and start making a mess. Use your magnet-like powers to manipulate your environment and find out how to get rid of them again.

Use your Magnegloves to settle your score with them!

Throw pushy pearls to clear your way or attract attention by levitating objects in mid air.

Or get up close to Push and Pull Objects to the hearts content!

A whale-tastic Adventure awaits!

Explore the Whale from the Inside to find out how to help your friend! Use your Environment to reach new places! But don’t get caught up in all this wonky machinery!

Uncover a complicated Past!

Where do these Squiddies come from? Where is your Family? And what is it with all those cans of tuna?

WHALIEN on Steam

FREEDIVER: Triton Down

FREEDIVER: Triton Down

I loved my experience with this. This form of locomotion is not only my favorite attempt at swimming in VR, but one of my favorite general loco implementation in general. Fully immersive simulation of everything that you’re doing, from the arm motions, ascending and descending to the visible body and its no-latency calibration, everything felt spot on and I can only hope to see this emulated in other VR titles involving swimming in the future.

Also great atmosphere and a gripping narrative, both for the intense urgency of a survival situation and

! the mystery of an alien encounter . I thought that urgency could have been a little more underlined by greater difficulty.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Freediver: Triton Down….Hell, I don’t know why anybody’d want to be a Navy diver.

Freediver: Triton Down is a tense, diving simulator where your trapped on a sinking ship trying to survive with nothing, but your wits and the random oxygen tanks scattered throughout the ship.

I’m giving this a game a MARGINAL recommendation. I enjoyed this game in concept more than what it actually is. I’ve always enjoyed those movies where a person or group of survivors is trapped and has to use their wits and skills to survive. This game tries to emulate that, but doesn’t quite stick the landing.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

FREEDIVER: Triton Down on Steam