Couch Monsters

Couch Monsters

I can highly recommend this game. I had a lot of fun playing it with my boyfriend and friends. The game has a very cute artstyle and the puzzles are great. The levels vary from easy to difficult, so the game keeps challenging you (in a good way) and never gets boring.

If you are looking for an uplifting game to play with your folks, couch monsters is for you!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Family Friendly Games.

I had a lot of fun playing the game together with my girlfriend!

There are really great puzzles in this game, any Portal player will probably love it and be familiar with the mechanic even though it is definitely a different take on it! ;)

I also love that there are so many interaction possibilities between the two players (being able to swap to try the other half of the choreography, as well as the little idle animations, as well as the “showing tool”).

I really recommend this game if you have someone you like to solve puzzle with. :)

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Couch Monsters on Steam

LeHweng LeHweng

LeHweng LeHweng

If you want some fast,funny, puzzle. Play this game B)

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Nonlinear Games.

LeHweng LeHweng on Steam

Stand By Me

Stand By Me

made me forget about my problems

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Cartoon Games.

Stand by Me is a gem of a game. It’s fun, challenging, and charming as heck. If you like arcadey games with a great soundtrack and addicting mechanics, do not sleep on this one.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Stand By Me on Steam

Super Sami Roll

Super Sami Roll

Super Slam Spammin' Sami

I’ve got so much to say about this little guy

The PROS (why you should buy Sami):

Sami is fast

Sami has physics

Sami is a very cute game with great designs

Sami unlocks hats, skins, and other fun customizations

! There’s other playable characters?

! … I can’t tell you that it’s a secret…

Sami plays kinda like Monkey Ball but with a interesting wall attach/wall jump mechanic. Sami’s slam move and other subtle mechanics take the deceptively simple gameplay and raise the skill ceiling for speedrunning immensely, giving plenty of opportunities for top level runners and other epic gamers to bring their times on levels insanely low with shortcuts that range from easy to mind-numbingly precise.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Takes inspiration from the best and doesn’t hide it, amazing love letter to 3D platformer, movement feels tight and responsive and it’s a joy to move around. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but the tongue jump mechanic feels different enough from other platformers and feels very good to use, and the game showcases all around great level design and understanding of what makes the genre fun.

Just the right amount of simple and intuitive controls with increasingly complex level design that really tests your skills, the game starts out slow but the later levels get quite challenging which is very welcome in a genre that tends to be on the easier side. If you love 3d mario games but always get left wanting more in terms of challenge, this is the game for you.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Super Sami Roll on Steam

The Van of Justice

The Van of Justice

The van of justice is an action, casual simulation game with a lot of physical objects. Experience systematic ragdoll systems, thrown and broken objects, which are not obvious to be found in other games.

“You get revenge, I build results.”

Police J comes to Kim, a student who was bullied at Turner High School in San Francisco, USA in 2005. J offers to give pocket money according to the value of the student’s arrest if he punishes and arrests the students who bullied Kim. Kim, who was bullied by all students, accepted the offer, and now Tooner High School has only to be avenged.

The way to realize justice

All students at Tooner High School are bullying Kim. Punish by throwing weapons or physical objects. Revenge if you make eye contact while walking around the hallway. Punish even if the breathing sound is loud. Even if you’re ugly, punish them. Punish both the teachers and the principal. If you take them to J’s police van, J will pay an additional corresponding price. You don’t have to feel guilty. Everyone is bullying Kim, and you are just realizing justice. If you lost interest in repeated punishment, it’s not a bad idea to carry out additional quests provided by J. If enough money has been collected, the ultimate goal is to purchase nuclear weapons parts through Kim’s home PC, expel all personnel in the school, and blast and demolish buildings.

Slave of capital, student leaders

The counselors (LMCD), as known as student leaders, will punish you when you do something wrong. Openworld games always has this kind of group. However, protection on students is not their jurisdiction. they only work for teachers and themselves.

Is this a school or a subway entrance to hell?

There are many unique friends in this school. Kim is also a very unique case right now. Coco Brothers, who throw up bombs when they’re nervous, Jay and Jenny, a nuisance couple who always stick together at schools where dating is prohibited. Right, There are also a psychopath dancer rabbit Bunny and a 500kg giant Terence who destroys everything and everyone on his way.

The Van of Justice on Steam



This game is a little gem to have some great time. It’s a 2D puzzle platformer with great physics and great animation.

The physics are the core of gameplay and you manipulate physics through the webs you weave/shoot. Webs do stretch and the more they stretch the greater the force is on them. The game utilize the physical aspect of webs a lot and its so much fun because of it. There are neat details such as webs make guitar string sounds as you walk on them and the pitch of the sounds tied to how long a certain web string is. The longer the string, the lower the pitch and vice versa. You can pester NPCs with your webs if want to as well.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

This game is very charming and fun… but a lot of it is flinging yourself off the screen and hoping there’s something to land on/attach to, or firing webs in random directions and hoping it sticks to something. I really wish I could zoom out to see everything within the range of my webshots, but that is actually the only thing I would change. 8/10

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Webbed on Steam

Catlateral Damage

Catlateral Damage

I have found this game to be simple, but very addicting. You cause destruction as one of several different cats, most of which you have to unlock through gameplay.

You can play in two modes, objective mode and “litterbox” mode. Objective mode is where you are given a set of objectives to complete. You do this by knocking down or destroying the indicated items. You have a time limit in which to complete the objectives. You get bonuses for certain items, as indicated in your objectives. If you complete your objectives, you get to move on to another level, up to four levels. There are special items you can knock down to unlock bonus levels which are added in to your four basic levels.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

My paw swipes a dinner plate off the table and I peek over the edge to watch it shatter to pieces on the floor below. The humans will pay for keeping me cooped up all day!

Catlateral Damage is a new game where you play as a bored cat wreaking havoc on the everyday objects inside the house. We all know kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day so this game is a realistic simulation of what it’s like to be a cat running around the house making mischief and taking care of cat business - knocking down items on shelves and tables, opening doors, hiding in boxes and tunnels, crawling above and behind everything and making a huge mess while you’re at it.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Catlateral Damage on Steam



#### Gameplay

Use fun and experimental controls to roll ball frog around awesome environments!

Use Ball Frogs tongue as a grappling hook to grab, swing and fling Ball Frog through the map!

Check Points are used so you don’t loose progress and will save your checkpoint for the next time you play.

Since this game uses physics a lot, we have many mechanics that can bounce, swing and even pop you as you play through the game.

#### Story

Ball Frog and his froggy friends enjoyed lazing around and eating flies and playing in the swamp all day long. That was until the flies started disappearing. The fly god was not happy about the flies being eaten so he captures all the frogs apart from one. Ball Frog. It is up to you to Roll, Swing and Jump your way to the fly god and save your froggy friends!

#### Cosmetics

The in game currency “Flies” can be collected throughout the game and can be spent in the shop to buy cosmetic hats and skins!

Ballfrog on Steam

Balloon Flight

Balloon Flight

A fun little game, somewhere between parkour and sandbox I guess.

It could use some more objects or some ways to connect parts togeher, as right now you effectively only have 2 different vehicles you can use, a small one and a large one. On the large one you could place some objects losely, you can’t connect them however so its not truely a sandbox-like “Build your own vehicle and then fly it”.

I hope something along those lines will be added at some point in the future, as beeing able to build your own craft from scratch to master the skies would be even more fun for sure!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

It’s a good game overall. Have a few collision issues (Specially issue when the platform should take your boat while you take more time and when you return IT HAS STUCK ITSELF ON THE FUCKING WALL AND RUINS A MAJESTIC RUN). But it’s a good game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Balloon Flight on Steam

Drink More Glurp

Drink More Glurp

Gameplay: 9.5/10

Story: 7/10

Graphics: 8.5/10

Soundtrack: 6/10

Replay value: 8/10

Overall rating : 8/10

Similar games: QWOP, Mount your friends


Drink more Glurp is a physics based local multiplayer party game (supports Remote Play Together), where you compete in various unique events. You control each arm of the alien with an analogue stick. Left for left arm, Right for right arm. You can grab with the bumpers buttons. The body of the aliens is a ball which will let you gain momentum on slopes as long as your hands aren’t touching the ground. Even though the game is primarily multiplayer it has single player Challenge Mode with online leaderboards and replays.

Real player with 146.6 hrs in game

A perfect multiplayer Party game! i thought it had interesting mini game objectives mixed with unique controls, easy going for people wanting to just jump on for a laugh,

but also a game that people could get very skilled and competitive with. well worth the price!

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Drink More Glurp on Steam