

UPDATED REVIEW after more then 44 hours of game-play always with 3 or 4 players.

PERFECT FAMILY SETTING GAME, for kids and adults.

Surprisingly BEST FUN family game with more replay-ability then our others “family party games”, there is almost no “take that” feeling, since the receiver doesn’t know who, and often, you think you might of git someone, but it could be someone else.

It’s sneaky, smart and has a well polished game-play and it’s impossible to “target” someone else since your just trying to figure out where someone else is, so unlike Cake Bash and most family games, it allows you to hit anyone and no ones, not even kids are upset since no one knows (expect for the one who commits it) who did what. Only after the map is completed (1 min to 2 min average) everyone sees who punched who and then it’s right into the next map.

Real player with 66.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Party Games.

Played the demo and immediately bought the game afterward. It’s extremely fun to play and works like a charm with Steam Remote Play. I’m about 7 hours into the game and so far replay-ability has been great! Expert mode is a fun new way to play the levels and it’s always a blast trying to find out who your friends are. Once everyone starts to learn the mechanics and get really good, it can actually take several minutes to find out who is who.

My only downside to this game is that at the current state of the game, character selection is kind of pointless. During levels everyone is the same random character, with the one you choose being visible only during the lobby screen between levels. I think a great addition to this game would be a level where all of the people you’re playing with are on the level and you have to blend in, but have to use your memory of the other characters your friends chose to try and find them!

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Unspottable on Steam

Stand By Me

Stand By Me

made me forget about my problems

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Cute Games.

Stand by Me is a gem of a game. It’s fun, challenging, and charming as heck. If you like arcadey games with a great soundtrack and addicting mechanics, do not sleep on this one.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Stand By Me on Steam

I Am Fish

I Am Fish

It’s difficult at times but very fun. Nice graphics and gameplay I think.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Physics Simulation Games.




Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

I Am Fish on Steam

Super Sami Roll

Super Sami Roll

Super Slam Spammin' Sami

I’ve got so much to say about this little guy

The PROS (why you should buy Sami):

Sami is fast

Sami has physics

Sami is a very cute game with great designs

Sami unlocks hats, skins, and other fun customizations

! There’s other playable characters?

! … I can’t tell you that it’s a secret…

Sami plays kinda like Monkey Ball but with a interesting wall attach/wall jump mechanic. Sami’s slam move and other subtle mechanics take the deceptively simple gameplay and raise the skill ceiling for speedrunning immensely, giving plenty of opportunities for top level runners and other epic gamers to bring their times on levels insanely low with shortcuts that range from easy to mind-numbingly precise.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Takes inspiration from the best and doesn’t hide it, amazing love letter to 3D platformer, movement feels tight and responsive and it’s a joy to move around. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but the tongue jump mechanic feels different enough from other platformers and feels very good to use, and the game showcases all around great level design and understanding of what makes the genre fun.

Just the right amount of simple and intuitive controls with increasingly complex level design that really tests your skills, the game starts out slow but the later levels get quite challenging which is very welcome in a genre that tends to be on the easier side. If you love 3d mario games but always get left wanting more in terms of challenge, this is the game for you.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Super Sami Roll on Steam

A Gummy’s Life

A Gummy’s Life

If the only thing they did was a carbon-copy remake of Gang Beasts with just a ‘splatter’ like they have for the punches, it would have been worth at least a dollar. There was that, and so much more, and my kids (7 & 10) absolutely loved it!

I find it way less boring than gang beasts with all the bot options and the much, much more interactive environments. Matches rarely last more than 1 1/2 minutes. A+.

Some comments from the children –- “I like that there’s more ways to die.”

Some comments from Dad — “I like that there’s bots out the wazoo, and that way I don’t have to pick one of the two children to go after and end up falling off the edge holding them.”

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

This is a very entertaining game, from the ragdoll physics to beating up your friends. However, it isn’t for everyone, and has major problems.

While I would still recommend the game, the game is not without flaws, which I think many wouldn’t be able to overlook. Most notably would be the large amount of bugs and glitches. Many maps have areas the players can climb out of, instantly killing them. Others have environmental backdrops the players can clip through. There are also many physics-based problems that could potentially throw someone off the map and ruin their experience. However, many of these glitches are funny enough to not cause any frustration.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

A Gummy's Life on Steam

Balloon Flight

Balloon Flight

A fun little game, somewhere between parkour and sandbox I guess.

It could use some more objects or some ways to connect parts togeher, as right now you effectively only have 2 different vehicles you can use, a small one and a large one. On the large one you could place some objects losely, you can’t connect them however so its not truely a sandbox-like “Build your own vehicle and then fly it”.

I hope something along those lines will be added at some point in the future, as beeing able to build your own craft from scratch to master the skies would be even more fun for sure!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

It’s a good game overall. Have a few collision issues (Specially issue when the platform should take your boat while you take more time and when you return IT HAS STUCK ITSELF ON THE FUCKING WALL AND RUINS A MAJESTIC RUN). But it’s a good game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Balloon Flight on Steam

clown town 1443

clown town 1443

I’m just gonna say it, I honestly expected a lot worse going into this.

But I’m glad to say that this game certainly didn’t disappoint. Taking inspiration from the classic era of flash games, this game follows a well-established formula with a few extra strings attached. Simple but challenging, short and sweet, it is definitely worth picking up.

While the graphics in some aspects may be somewhat crude, it adds so much to the overall charm the game brings. The gameplay is solid and enjoyable, as physics are used very well to give the car a sense of weight and velocity. Although it is only 10 levels long for the main game, it can be very challenging at times. Especially with the 10 bonus levels you get from getting a high enough score in the endless mode.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

I bought clown town 1443 because the developer was in a random unrelated Twitch stream dropping Steam keys out of nowhere. That kind of guerrilla marketing appealed to me and so I decided to purchase the game instead, and that isn’t just me coping for not being fast enough to snag one of the keys despite how generous the developer was in giving them.

As a big Friday Night Funkin' appreciator I have a soft spot for games that are basically love letters to Flash classics, and this game is very clearly wearing its Trials influences on its sleeve. There’s a bit more to it than just a straight clone, as this game features a bit more depth to its mechanics, such as a heat bar that must be managed. You’re free to bump around generally as much as you want, but if you overheat from too much acceleration you temporarily lose control of your vehicle. Crash in this state, and you’ll have to restart the level again.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

clown town 1443 on Steam

“Drop Blox”

“Drop Blox”

Its very hard to recommend this game at this stage. The idea behind the game is simple and can be enjoyable, but the execution was just lacking. The controls were annoying, there are multiple instances that a little flick upward would send the blocks out of the box therefore failing the level for you. I understand that this is so the player is more conscious about his movements but there were just too many blocks thrown accidentally during my playtime. The environment looks bland and unimaginative. I know their not supposed to take your attention away from the actual game but they just look too generic and empty at most. From the main menu, there’s New Game and Load Game. New Game lets you start from the beginning while the Load Game instantly loads up your previous game. And this is absurd, if you misclick the New Game, you’re basically back to zero and in no way can return to the previous level. A better way would’ve been just to list all the available levels and let us choose which one to play.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Casual puzzle - buggy - unpolished = Feels like a post office with matching block colors with color of customer. In the 2nd stage, no one tried to pick up the blocks and lost due to the fill up.

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Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Drop Blox on Steam

Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure

Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure

TLDR: This game in its current state is already an insane value and if you like any Kart racing games its worth it.

The game is structured a lot like Sonics Racing games. Get 1,2, or 3 stars based off coming in 3rd, 2nd, and first place. more stars, more levels, more unlocks.

10 hours in of just playing adventure mode and I already get the sense that this will take me personally probably at least 30 hours of casual game play to 100% adventure mode. That alone is crazy to me for the price of this game.

Real player with 58.4 hrs in game

I played the first Beach Buggy Racing on my Playstation 4 and back then it was decent and absolutely worth the money.

Beach Buggy 2 is a much more polished game and it especially shines with couch co-op. We’ve had guests over and this one of our more popular couch game.


  • Fun

  • Unique (doesn’t feel like a Mario Kart clone)

  • Great split-screen support

  • Upgrading and trying different types of cars is a blast


  • Needs more maps. Reverse mode and other challenges increase replayability, but there are still too few maps.

Real player with 47.3 hrs in game

Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure on Steam

Blow & Fly

Blow & Fly

Your owner’s naughty son destroyed your aquarium and now you’re desperately in need of water! Use what little liquid is left on the floor to move around and retreat to a toilet bowl which might save your life, or… Flush you down into the dusty sewers and the scalding hell itself!

• “Blow & Fly” is a physics-based platformer in which you move and aim at the same time.

• Every time you hit the floor, you regain some water which you can blow out of your mouth in order to launch yourself in the opposite direction.

• The entire moveset is available to you from the very beginning of the game, but as time goes on you’ll need to test your mastery in increasingly more difficult environments!

• Whether you just want to see a funny plump fish bounce off the walls and have a chill playthrough or you’re a seasoned platformer expert, there will be something for you to do in “Blow & Fly”! There are numerous optional activities in the game for all sorts of players, including speedrunners, puzzle-lovers, and secret-seekers. :)

Blow & Fly on Steam