Free Agency

Free Agency

Free Agency is the life simulation where the agents gradually become self-aware and try to find meaning in their lives. Meanwhile, you have to keep them too busy to think about it.

Bring about their social and financial failure as you micromanage their careers, hobbies, friendships, and romances; all while you find your way around the simulation’s powerful user interface. It’s like The Sims meets The Truman Show.

The world of Free Agency is a computer program. It is inhabited by autonomous intelligent agents: subjects of study in a life simulation. Each agent has a room. Each room has objects. Each object has actions. Each action has consequences.

Approachable & short comedic simulation with point & click and management gameplay.


  • Fix the 4th wall.

  • Upgrade the simulation itself.

  • Level up in piano, cooking, writing, photography, sleeping, and more.

  • Have them call each other on the phone.

  • Have an existential crisis or two.

  • Pet the cat and dog.

Read More: Best Philosophical Comedy Games.

Free Agency on Steam

Legend of Homebody

Legend of Homebody

Game is addictive. Simple interface, but the game itself is challenging on some modes (Shen has a mental breakdown every time. I’ve gotten close to beating it, maybe another 20 hours…) If you enjoy having to actually pay attention to what you are doing and work for a win then this is a great game. I wish there were more characters, because I can honestly see myself playing this game on and off for years.

Real player with 182.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Philosophical Modern Games.

The game is more challenging than any other life sims I have played. Each character have their own story and 2 years of game play. The hardest to play was the female. Always died cause of pressure.

Could have options when interacting with the others and different scenarios…

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Legend of Homebody on Steam



I love 3D data visualization. It really works when the interface is intuitive and you can focus on your data. It’s also amazing to feel the benefit of externalizing your thoughts in a 3D space - the model that you have in your head gets visualized, so that your mind’s eye is in a feedback loop with your real eyes. From imagination to creation, your idea can take form.

Noda makes this process seamless and easy. The visual design of the world and interface is elemental and intuitive, and the resulting creations are beautiful. I used Noda to organize my music library into different genres, something that I’ve always wanted to do. It’s great when you feel at ease and meditative when creating, and Noda is the ideal VR experience for this.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Philosophical Relaxing Games.

Hi devs !

I bought Noda and immediately spent a whole night on it, working on my story.

It felt amazing, so thanks for that !

Here are my observations and suggestions :

  • My first working environment choice was “Sky only”, but i had to renounce it when i noticed the teleport couldn’t be used there. Could you add an invisible floor to make moving possible there, and in the empty environment ?

  • I made mistakes sometimes, deleted elements, moved this or that and then changed my mind…. I had to redo a lot of things. I don’t know what kind of coding it would implie, but i would definitely have gained some efficacy, had i had a “Ctrl Z” of some sort.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Noda on Steam



You are an astronaut whose multidimensional journey to find an extraterrestrial civilization is more important than the destination!

An audiovisual experience in the form of a video game inspired by utopian science fiction illustrations of the second half of the 20th century and hyperspace in modern art.

“And on the eighth day, time and space collapsed…”

“I’m searching for the beginning in time.”

“I’m searching for a boundary in space.”

“I’m searching for the creator.”

Afterglitch on Steam

Idle Monkeylogy

Idle Monkeylogy

This game is based on the Infinite Monkey Theorem, which states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text. This explains the main function of the game in which you get gold for trying to type words, the more letters you get correct the more gold you receive.

All the words you’ve correctly typed give you a +1% bonus to gold, these words and the bonus can be checked in Vocabulary. Every so many words give you a permanent bonuses which is done so by going into Edit, however you reset the bonus given in Vocabulary and have to retype the words to get their bonus again.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoy this game!

For an ‘idle’ game, it has a truly unique concept (based upon the ‘infinite monkey’ theorem, but unique for an idle, or any game, to the best of my knowledge, at least) that makes it fresh and fun!

I especially enjoy that whilst you absolutely can leave the game idle and make progress, you also have the option to play the game actively, and it’s fun!

Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to ‘make a dictionary’ under the edit tab. Each time I try, it simply resets my progress without allowing me to create my own words list.

Real player with 73.2 hrs in game

Idle Monkeylogy on Steam

What We Pretend To Be

What We Pretend To Be

Cheap, relaxing and really nice soundtrack.

This is the kind of game you buy if you have some money to spare, and you’re in need of a casual relaxation game. There is no point to the game, and it’s really really short, but honestly, I think it was worth the small fee. I love the graphic style, and the lighting is god-tier, but the texturing is kinda off-putting in some areas, with glitching clouds and the ground clipping with the grass. There’s not much to the story, but that’s not really the appeal of the game, so I wouldn’t leave much criticism there.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Very short game play, not much story. Mindless wheat farming, once the builder dies you can’t make any more improvements to your town.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

What We Pretend To Be on Steam

Let It Go - How to realize your dreams

Let It Go - How to realize your dreams


El juego es corto pero vale la pena jugarlo, al comienzo es frustrante no entender que es lo que hay que hacer, pero con un poco de cabeza y ciertos acertijos entiendes que tienes que hacer y como conseguirlo. Ademas hay que realizarlo en un tiempo muy limitado, El Impotente Meow-Meow te da unicamente 21 segundos pero este lo puedes extender para que te facilite el uso de tiempo.


  • Tiene un mensaje lindo de perseverancia

  • Gatos!

  • Atmosférico!

  • Puzzles desafiantes


  • Mi única queja es que el juego me forzó a usar el teclado y el ratón. Correcto! tiene compatibilidad total con el mando pero tiene una sensibilidad muy baja en el joystick al mover la cámara POV y no puede ser configurada en las opciones, intente probar diversas configuraciones desde Steam, pero la sensibilidad persistía muy baja.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Took me a good while to figure out how to do everything, but it was worth it in the end. The dream I ended up realising was amazing (which was “COOKIES”, if you must know)! That speedrun mode is nerve-racking though, goddang, lol.

Really good game overall though, most unique thing I’ve seen in a hot minute! The concept kinda reminds me of Half Minute Hero (which I wasn’t a massive fan of), except everything is 3D and there’s no battles.

Can’t say I’m a massive fan of your progress fully resetting everytime you quit and come back though. New game and load game options would be nice.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Let It Go - How to realize your dreams on Steam

CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room

CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room

CyberWhiskey: Guy’s Room is a little adventure game made by what must be a small team. It is small but has a fun goal, getting to work on time while solving little puzzles that resemble the tasks we must all do to get ready. Just got to work on time on the second attempt! This game is hard but beatable if you pay attention.

I would like to recommend other players try out this game if you like games about the future, or click and point adventure games. It doesnt have a lot of options and you cant skip text on the second playthrough which makes the second playthrough a little boring but is rewarding when you get to work on time. Also, developer please add some sort of save feature.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game



Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

CyberWhiskey: Guy's Room on Steam



Torii is an instrospective journey about feelings.

Follow Ipa on an unusual adventure. She will have to overcome her greatest fears and fight against guilt to find her little sister.

Torii is an adventure/puzzle game with an artistical aproach, full of surreal landscapes, strange creatures and emotions developed by one person.

Key Features:

  • Explore surreal landscapes with Ipa in search of memories in order to save little Lulu.

  • Discover the secrets behind this peculiar story with a different and poetic narrative format.

Torii on Steam

Theology - Religion Creator

Theology - Religion Creator

Theology is a management game, in which you create your very own religion and use all means necessary to spread it through the whole wide world!

Unite the World under one God, one Religion! Create your dogmas and use them to convert as many as you can to your belief system. Watch as your enemies fall and disappear, forgotten by history. From ancient times, through middle ages, to the year 2020, do everything in your power to remain dominant and in control!

Choose the location of your religion’s origin. Find your first followers and use them to spread the word of your God to neighboring cities and countries. Stay in power using your own places of worship and a holy army. Convert everyone you can to your cause, peacefully or by force. The choice is yours!


  • Create your very own religion and define all its rules and dogmas

  • Build and manage places of worship

  • Create armies of devoted followers

  • Wage holy wars on land, sea, and in the sky

  • Watch as your religion grows from ancient times to the year 2020

Theology - Religion Creator on Steam