Life of Fly 2

Life of Fly 2

I love indie games. They have atmosphere ;)

this is the shortest and sweetest review ever ;)

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Philosophical Story Rich Games.

Хорошая и очень приятная игрушка, играл без напряга, ламповость на высшем уровне.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Life of Fly 2 on Steam



I was absolutely, completely certain that I had already written a review about this game..

Every review talks about Kant, but I don’t even know who he is, so let’s get to the other aspects.. ahah

The game itself sells at 2,50€, at least in the Euro zone, and actually it’s quite a high price for such a short game. It can be long and a little bit frustrating if you want to achieve every ending and explore every dialogue, but nothing more than two hours overall.. from my achievements' page you can see that it took my around 80-90 minutes to get all the 10 achievements, which aren’t that easy to get actually.. and as before, I was 100% sure that I followed a Steam guide to get the last two achievements but there are no guides as of today O.o Anyways you can figure everything out and look for some threads in the forum or on the Internet :)

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Philosophical Story Rich Games.

Party for Introverts developed this visual journey (they say before it starts that this is not a game experience but an ‘informative short story’) based upon the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant’s concept known as ‘Thing-in-Itself’.

What is the ‘Thing-in-Itself’? Kant theorised that material objects don’t exist in the way we see them, instead we use our own viewpoint to shape our perspective of the object.

The ‘journey’ starts off sharing this idea during a bedtime chat between Molly & Ted where Molly uses the theory to explain why they disliked the music at a party yet everyone else enjoyed it. What follows afterwards is shown from Ted’s perspectives.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Thing-in-Itself on Steam

Life of Fly

Life of Fly

If you want to get home after your hard work and relax its a good alt of beer

I’ve playing it for only an hour but i like game mechanics here and locations are rather big (for the fly ofc)))

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Philosophical Story Rich Games.

Why did I buy this game?

I will try to explain:

  • Very intriguing, vivid and challenging trailer and game screenshots on the game page

  • Excellent immersion in the game

  • Gorgeous soundtrack

  • Allows you to relax

  • relieves stress

  • Excellent quality

  • optimization

  • 20% discount

This is a single player game, I suspected that there will be a multiplayer here, but after an hour of playing, I realized what this game was for. It is designed as an anti-stress

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Life of Fly on Steam

Forgotten Fields

Forgotten Fields

Forgotten Fields

Forgotten Fields drags you into the story with its cinematic and interactive approach. I was captivated from start to finish.

Brought to you by the same developer who made Rainswept, Forgotten Fields is an atmospheric, narrative driven, cinematic experience, chronicling the events of one Summer in a quiet town. The inspiration gained from the developer’s own home town near Goa, India.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

I loved Rainswept so I had high hopes for Forgotten Fields. For me, it fell short in a few areas. You control Sid - a 20-something guy with a deadline and a case of writer’s block. His mother is selling the family home and he is at that cusp in life where each of us recognizes that we are going to have to be a grown up. Much of the story and dialog is between a set of friends who are about to step out into ‘real life,’ each in their own direction.

In parallel, Sid is writing a story about a princess in a fantasy world. About half the game is controlling the princess within her own adventures. There are definite tie-ins between the choices facing the princess and the choices facing Sid.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Forgotten Fields on Steam



Wow. Was going through my steam discovery queue and saw this odd title that didn’t have a lot of players but had 100% positive reviews. I had to try it and boy oh boy I do not regret it. I couldn’t put it down until I did everything I could thing of to get a different ending. This game is so unique with the way you get to play as the antagonist while the antagonist itself is a separate being from you. This entity gifts you with abilities that I don’t want to spoil but I think I can say that you will be able to influence what people on the ship are thinking and talking about in a way that selfishly benefits you. It’s a bit of a puzzle that involves starting with no memory of your past and trying to piece together information in a way that allows you to at least convincingly pretend to be the crew member who everybody remembers/suspects. Otherwise, you’ll get ejected out of the airlock!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game


5/5. What an amazing game. Vessels is one of those games that comes along every now-and-then, and just knocks it out of the park. I played the game through from beginning to end in one run. Admittedly, it is a short game. You can complete a play-through of this in roughly three to four hours. I was completely engaged from beginning to end, and I would have stuck with it for another four hours. The choices in the game gave me the impression that there are different endings and scenarios to experience, but I do not know this for sure.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Vessels on Steam

Linda & Joan

Linda & Joan

Linda & Joan is a forthcoming narrative game about a British family. You play as Russell, Linda, and Joan — son, mother, and grandmother — switching between them to help the family cope with a series of traumatic events. Based on a true story.

The main game is scheduled for release in 2022. It will be part two of the Linda & Joan story. Part one is Prologue: “Four Months Earlier” which is available now.

Players experience the events from the perspectives of Russell, Linda, and Joan through exploration, conversation, and tasks designed to give emotional insight into the themes of caregiving, dying, bereavement, and homeland.

What sets Linda & Joan apart from other branching-narrative experiences is that while the player has many choices to make, nothing can change the core events that follow — there is only one ending.

However, actions, dialogue choices, and task completion, do affect the characters’ perception of events. By spending time with happier memories, taking care of themselves, and choosing the right things to say to each other, the characters — and therefore the player — will find themselves able to deal with the impossible.

The characters’ emotional states will be graphically represented in the game. The player will have to carefully balance the needs of the characters to progress, sometimes requiring difficult zero-sum tradeoffs.

These mechanisms attempt to mirror the real-life feeling of being powerless in the face of looming trauma, when you realize that no decision can affect the outcome, but you can affect how you and others feel about it.

Even when life’s story feels like it’s on rails, we still have some power over our own realities. There is still room for dignity, compassion, honesty. For fear and for love. There is a time for self-care. There is a time for duty. The choices we make will define the memories we hold for the rest of our lives.

Linda & Joan on Steam

MetaWare High School (Demo)

MetaWare High School (Demo)

I found this game through a video of Alpha Beta Gamer and decided to watch it out of pure boredom. I stopped at about 15 minutes in because I was enjoying the dialogue and jokes so much I decided to experience the game myself without any spoilers.

All the characters have great designs and are very likable,

! even some of Nari’s lines made me smile and relieved me of some of the tension built up from the unknown.

The game has 10 different endings, and the true ending for getting the other endings. They’re not too hard to get and if you get stuck there’s a great guide which tells what you need to select.

! The dancing ending is the best one though.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world’' - Gautama Buddha

What a deep quote huh? Definitely not the kind of words you’d expect to use for an opening to a review for a ‘demo’ but then again MetaWare High School (Demo) is not your typical demo. It begins innocently as a multi-character VN each with their own unique personalities to provide the Reader with some depth and variety during the first of many playthroughs. It then gradually morphs into a mesh of dark humour, philosophical ramblings & sardonic irony truly hooking the Reader into this multiple choice branching of five High School females who curiously try to interact with the Reader after discovering his/her presence.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

MetaWare High School (Demo) on Steam

Before Your Eyes

Before Your Eyes


☐ Doesn’t have any

☐ Something isn’t nothing I guess

☐ Not greatly told

☐ Average

☐ Good

☐ Lovely

✔️ Will make you cry or smile a lot


✔️ Try not to get addicted

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Ehh

☐ Bad

☐ Just don’t

—{ Grind }—

✔️ Nothing

☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks

☐ Isn’t necessary to progress

☐ Average grind level

☐ Too much grind

☐ Insanity


☐ You forget reality

☐ Masterpiece

✔️ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Extremely beautiful and emotional story. I loved the unique art style and game play. Played it twice and left me crying for hours after each run through - would definitely recommend. Absolutely worth the money and time.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Before Your Eyes on Steam



Control:Override is a puzzle platformer with a unique and mind twisting mechanics that tests your understanding and imagination at each corner, even in its story.

As consumers, lets cut straight to the chase, do you get your money’s worth with the release price of 3 dollars?

Yes, and more - now to the review.


… Is where the game shines, it begins with single mechanics, then it hits the player with a combination of them where every level is memorable.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Good, unique little puzzle platformer. Controls were frustrating when I was trying to rush through things, but are manageable if you take your time. The rewind system works really well and lets you trial-and-error out solutions. Puzzles are a little on the easy side, but there are a few head-scratchers in there. Definitely worth a play-through!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Control:Override on Steam




Here is the developer’s explanation:

For simplicity’s sake, okay, I suppose I can believe that Chapter 7 doesn’t have any dialogue. Likewise, let’s say the text for any sort of ending dialogue and the credits are still hard-coded into the game. I don’t really believe this is done, but I can give him the benefit of the doubt.

For the missing rooms, however, it’s as if he is trying to explain away the criticism by confirming it. The theory was that later rooms were absent from the public branch because they weren’t complete. The explanation there is that they weren’t exported to the public branch because they’re broken and are being worked on in a dev branch. To a given player, these are the same thing!

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

NYKRA, my MAN. my buddy. where did we go wrong

from the moment we met on some random twitter post to the moment we met again when my good pal told me “this slick gms game is releasing soon lets get it” to when i actually bought you to when i realized i needed a git repository in my save folder to when not a single person alive was able to beat the game due to something that isnt exactly a crash at a certain point in the game

where did we go wrong

so heres the deal: game doesn’t work for shit. not even close.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

NYKRA on Steam