

Disclaimer: My actual play time is about 15 hours and I have only seen half the game. Yes it’s difficult but in a great way.

Oneiro is perhaps the very definition of “greater than the sum of its parts.” On the surface, it may look like something you’ve seen or played before, but underneath… Ah… Underneath…

There is something beautiful to the “nightmare” of the labyrinth: a transcendent quality to the game wherein its dimensions coalesce into something more. You might say, “What TF is this dude on?” Well sit down and let me tell it to ya mostly straight because this game hooked my apathetic @ss like a grappling hook in a flying spear.

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Perma Death Difficult Games.

Oneiro is a first-person roguelike action RPG featuring rock-solid gameplay, dead-serious challenge, and a shocking amount of extremely clever and effective design decisions. It’s honestly one of the best games I’ve played in years. If you love roguelikes, King’s Field, Morrowind, or just good action games, at this price it’s an absolute must-buy.

Its core combat is fundamentally well-designed because all damage can be avoided through skill, although doing so is easier said than done. There are several weapon types, each of which features primary and alternate (usually charge-up) attacks. Special mention goes to the default fist weapon, which has several alternate attacks depending on when you right-click during your auto-combo.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Oneiro on Steam

Black Legend

Black Legend

This game is a rare gem, even though there are others like it. It’s true that it has gone through some rough stages, but if you like turn based tactics, this is a challenging title. Especially on higher difficulty, but unlike in the other similar games, the Ironman rules are not about the save scumming. You will die if you turn up that dial. That is certain.

You will only have one save and one goal, to survive. Luckily they don’t throw you in the deep end straight from the beginning, but you won’t be able to feel the bottom under your feet either. The encounters will start to come in fast, but if you’re into speedrunning, there is a sprint and you can find a way around the encounters. So anything is possible, but towards the end of the game, you will have to do some clashes.

Real player with 89.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Perma Death Turn-Based Games.

I think when judging this game, it is best to keep expectations in check. This is from an indie developer and not a AAA one so there is a limited amount of time and money that can be put in a project. This naturally means some areas of the game will suffer and I am a bit more lenient regarding it.

My thoughts:

My first impressions of this game were actually very good. This is because I love the 17th Century period in general and was drawn to the turn based approach of this game. I have also wanted to play some of the classes present here in a game. The atmosphere of this game has been good along with how you can freely run around the city. The animations and designs, although not perfect and could do with some work, are still pretty impressive. I paid full price for the game and do not regret it as I do not find it disappointing or sloppy.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

Black Legend on Steam

The Escape from Bungalow

The Escape from Bungalow


Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Perma Death Action Games.

Highly recommended. Good soundtrack, thoughtful storyline, well-developed characters, and - most importantly - terrifying jump scares.

1hr learning controls. 2 minutes to beat game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Escape from Bungalow on Steam



Confusing or rather complicated start: that’s whats in store for you when starting this one.

The game has a learning curve to it that will take some learning and getting some used to, the gameplay is pretty much in the form of a Tower Defense, but there are no lanes and restrictions, the insects move and attack from any angle, so that is the biggest learning curve to adjust to and plan from, the game can be quite brutal and unforgiving, but it gets easier as you learn to play the game, the better you understand the mechanics and make use of them the easier this one gets.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

It is painfully obvious that there was not enough time devoted to play testing this game.

The controls are a mess. I don’t exaggerate when I say that they are some of the most unresponsive I have ever seen in a strategy game, and they are a never-ending frustration. Free flash games on the internet have higher quality standards than this. There are also many random objectives and events that are entirely dependent on luck, and punish the player through no fault of their own. Units and power ups are poorly balanced, and the game seems to be more of a test of how well you can micromanage your units in a mess of crisscrossing lines without losing your temper than a test of strategy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Prophour23 on Steam

Brutal Orchestra

Brutal Orchestra

Hieronymus Bosch’s Brutal Orchestra is a Turn-Based Roguelike Strategy Game with resource management and deck-building elements. Employ the help of damaged and daring fools, equip ancient and insidious items and make deals with the devil on your path to revenge.


You died. Someone killed you. You are now in Purgatory and you will never escape. Make a deal with the “demon” Bosch and set off into this brutal and bastardous world, finding ​all manner of demented and degenerate friends and foes on your quest to get petty revenge.


Purgatory bleeds pigment. It is a strange substance that Bosch has granted you the ability to control. Channeling pigment allows one to perform powerful and absurd abilities. Pigment comes in many colours, each derived from a different source, some even of your own flesh.


This may be a place of the dead but even here there are still poor fools eking out a pathetic existence. Some would make for valuable party members or at least entertaining conversation. Most, however, are dim wits or damaged beyond all reason.


Purgatory is not a gentle place, it is a writhing dump of all that has died in many worlds. Endless deserts of pale sand are stalked by parasitic fish. Storm-cloaked mountain tops hide ungodly things above and below. The Garden waits for you at the end of time.

Hieronymus Bosch’s Brutal Orchestra was developed by Maceo bob Mair and Nicolás Delgado. With Sound Design by Pato Flores and Chris Dang and Composed by Publio Delgado.

Brutal Orchestra on Steam

Externus: Path of the Solari

Externus: Path of the Solari


Externus: Path of the Solari is a character-driven tactical roleplaying game (RPG) adapted from an original tabletop game. We take inspiration from classic tactical RPGs along with modern game development to craft our own story and give you characters that matter. Our approach is designed to allow you to get to know the characters in your party along with strategic combat in full 3D environments. We encourage party interaction through our campfire scenes and storybook sequences that pay homage to the original tabletop game.


  • Strategic Turn-Based Tactical Combat

  • Full 3D Battlefields

  • Character-Driven Story

  • Storybook Choose Your Own Adventure Sequences

  • Death Matters, Each Ally You Lose Will Change Your Story

  • Unique Full-Color Artstyle

  • Based On An Original Tabletop RPG

We’re currently expecting to launch the game in the Summer of 2021.


Externus: Path of the Solari features classic turn-based gameplay. Our battles will take place in full 3D battlefields that allow you to rotate the camera a full 360 degrees. Our character-driven story will be told using those battlefields alongside interactive story sequences featuring custom artwork. You can traverse our world using a map that highlights the two distinct continents that make up the world of Externus. The world map features unique artwork inspired by early cartography.

Externus: Path of the Solari uses a turn-based battle system that takes advantage of our full 3D battlefields to make sure you can see all angles of the battlefield. This will help you weigh all your options from a tactical standpoint. The detailed battlefields feature elevation and other tactical landscapes to use to your advantage when facing your opponent. Sometimes it’s just easier to push someone off a cliff, right? Your choices make all the difference in combat.

Our goal for the battle system in Externus: Path of the Solari is to challenge the player so that they feel accomplished in defeating their foes. You should think about the risks and rewards of bringing certain characters and using their specialized abilities. Your actions and choices matter. Think about the world in terms of fate. Was it fate that a character died? Was it a punishment from the gods or just a mistake caused by an error in tactics? Death will be permanent in Externus, how will you react? Let the story play out and see how a character’s death affects those who knew them both in positive and negative ways. Maybe it’ll even send a ripple effect out into the world!

Externus: Path of the Solari is a storybook brought to life and your actions on and off the battlefield can change the pages as they’re presented. This goes back to our tabletop roots of wanting to tell a collective story that changes based on the players around the table.

#### Story

The world of Externus: Path of the Solari was crafted through years of playing the tabletop game and was a world created with friends. Fate plays a large role in our world as the balance between order and chaos is constantly shifting. We find ourselves in a time where two Gods have been slain by a powerful unknown enemy. Was fate in play here or did the Gods' time end before it was supposed to? Can even the Gods escape Fate or will the world be plunged into chaos?

The story of Externus: Path of the Solari follows Osmund Steele and his sons Alrik and Amante as they travel through the continents of Alcretia and Katrona. Osmund is part of an order known as the Soldat Solari, a tradition he intends to pass down to his sons, that is tasked with keeping balance and order throughout the world of Externus. Our story begins as we follow the Steele family and their companions on their way toward the town of Zyais when they run into unexpected trouble from a mysterious group known as The Monotheists. This group of zealots is led by a man named Gabriel who has a history with Osmund and the Soldat Solari. Was it fate that brought them together on this day? Was it the will of the gods? With Gabriel in the picture and rumors swirling of a larger threat, known only as The Abomination, the Steele family will have a lot of roadblocks in their way as they try to keep the balance of the world from shifting into chaos. Will your choices balance things or plunge them further into chaos? What does Fate have in store for you and your companions? Death matters in the world of Externus and losing an ally can change the story.

About Winterborn

Winterborn was formed by Kent Gambill in November of 2018 to make a tactical role-playing game set in a world he created over 15 years ago as a tabletop game. The studio was founded alongside Moudy Hamo, Jack Steele, Stephen Boilegh, and Trevor Osz to make a game using their unique skills.

As a studio, Winterborn was formed to adapt the original tabletop game that the team played for many years into a video game. We all have fond memories and a lot of stories to tell about our time playing the game. Now is our chance to tell those stories and make the kind of games that we grew up playing.

Externus: Path of the Solari on Steam

Lab BreakOut

Lab BreakOut

Lab Breakout is a Unity asset flip from known asset flippers, Piece of Voxel. These guys make a living out of taking real developers work from asset packs, templates and tutorials and dumping that onto Steam as if they wrote it themselves. This 2D retro minimalist platformer template copy is another attempt to scam people into paying them for someone else’s work.

An important note: Piece of Voxel are known asset flippers and have previously taken other developers work and put it on Steam in an attempt to scam gamers into buying asset flips. An example of Piece of Voxel doing this is Top Truck Driver, which is really “Hill Racing Template ”, written by the actual developers, Janko Knez. Also, Hoples, which is really “Pixel Adventure 1 ”, developed by Pixel Frog.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Lab BreakOut on Steam

Millions of Minions: An Underground Adventure

Millions of Minions: An Underground Adventure

This game is very relaxing and enjoyable for all ages! I would 100% Reccomend this game to anyone who likes the following genres: Single Player, Top-Down, Action, Indie! Also this game is frequently getting updates every so often and new features are being added as well. **I would rate this game a 8/10 overall! Would highly reccomend. **Review by: MrLiveStudio****

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

I love this game. I love how its relaxing to play yet hard at the same time. I love the music in the background and i personally think it fits really well with how the game is atm. Overall i just really like how they made this game and i cant wait to see what they’ll make in the future. KEEP IT UP!

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Millions of Minions: An Underground Adventure on Steam

Rogue Cards

Rogue Cards

Rogue Cards is a roguelite deckbuilder set in a medieval fantasy world of endless choices and dry humor. You’ll encounter challenge after challenge in a deviously difficult, randomized series of encounters where your choices matter. The more you play, the further your deck and character develop, and the closer you get to ascending to godhood!

Challenging Tactical Gameplay

  • Monsters are stacked with multiple stages - each stage with different abilities you must defeat.

  • Thousands of cards - each playthrough is guaranteed to have a unique deck.

  • Multi-enemy encounters - choose wisely which stack and which monster to defeat first!

  • Multiple playthrough character development - a honest roguelite.

Strategy Matters

  • Unique graveyard mechanic - cards must be returned from graveyard between or during matches.

  • Planning your itemization from the start - can you afford to save or do you need to invest now?

  • Cards that give permanent boosts to your abilities - play and replay it and become a veritable god!

  • Choosing your path - Your character develops differently from defeating different bosses.

  • Build your hero - each playthrough awards you gems you can use to boost your abilities and win the next run!

A Real Roguelite Feel

  • Build your deck between runs - gain new cards, keep the best and start your next run with an upper hand!

  • An ever-changing storyline with multiple endings.

  • Captivating story that your playthrough generates.

  • Cool original art and style.

  • Music to blow your socks off.

Have you ever felt like a farmer’s son/daughter from a medieval time period? Is there a tingling in your belly that says you are the chosen one? In your innermost mind, do you feel invincible because you can always start over as another farmhand destined for greatness? If you answered yes to those, or some other questions that you have heard in the past, then look no further in your search for games!

Rogue Cards on Steam

The Castle Doctrine

The Castle Doctrine

The Castle Doctrine is a creepy and unnerving exploration of the idea of home security and more specifically, the doctrine which it is named after.

You begin with 2000 dollars, a lovely wife, two beautiful children and a wide open empty home. You have a vault that you keep your money in. Everyone else around you lives in similar houses, with lovely wives and beautiful children of their own. They also started with 2000 dollars and a wide open and empty home.

Trouble is, 2000 dollars is not enough for anyone. They’re going to come for your money soon enough. And if that’s not enough, they’ll come for your family and take anything your wife is holding onto for you. You’re the man of the house. It’s up to you to protect the things that matter to you. So you build a security system.

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

EDIT: This review is obsolete. It describes what the game was like when the community was vivid and bustling (it was a very fun game back then). Nowadays almost no one plays this game and the few houses that remain are very much unbreakable.


In order to enjoy this game you need to accept it’s rules:

*There’s not going to be any hand-holding, you’re supposed to learn how to play the game by trial-and-failure. Some of the best experiences from this game come from experimenting by your own initiative and gradually learning better methods to build and destroy trap systems. Tutorials would only ruin all the fun of learning by dying or getting robbed.

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

The Castle Doctrine on Steam