Papa’s Quiz

Papa’s Quiz

I think this is a good alternative for the Jackbox games but it is not as polished as some of the Jackbox trivia games. I like that there is a variety of categories to choose from and and I like the character customization. However, one trivia game can go on for a bit long in my opinion. A game is usually about 20 minutes with 5 rounds. I think maybe the game developers could look into letting the players customize the amount of rounds per game, if people want to play a short trivia game. Also to make the game easier for streaming, maybe the questions could appear on the devices that everyone is playing on to eliminate lag. Overall, it’s a decent game but needs a bit of improvement to be great. If you’re a trivia buff, I say get it and if you’re unsure you’ll like it then wait for a discount.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party Game Family Friendly Games.

This game requires a good amount of engagement but doesn’t require as much as Jackbox which makes it great for those really casual sessions where people don’t want to think too much. The commentator is funny in both the script and accent. (Sorry if the accent was never supposed to be funny and I just offended the person who did the voice over.)

One of the greatest strengths of this game is that the content is quite diverse in terms of culture and country compared to Trivia Murder Party in Jackbox which is just mostly US-centric. Well done.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Papa's Quiz on Steam

The Jackbox Party Pack 8

The Jackbox Party Pack 8

Another great party pack. Each of the games is fun, my friend group gets the most laughs out of Job Job. With some of the games, you can go on the Jackbox TV site afterwards and order a ridiculous NSFW T-shirt with a line from one of the games you’ve played. If Jackbox has gone over well with your friends, Pack 8 won’t disappoint.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party Game Comedy Games.

I was once with a jew and 7 muslims when I entered a bar in Bismarck, North Dakota. In case you didn’t know, this is the capital of South Dakota. And so, it was in this snowy summer day in Montana that I heard a client who looked drunk as fuck(lmao I’m rofling thinking about it), and he started explaining to me why the radical left partakes in speedrunning. Sadly, I did not get to hear his whole speech. I did, however, catch the end of it: “[…]in a petersonian sense, to elevate the alternatives in the sexual marketplace, open parenthesis, the fastest hedgehog, close parenthesis.” I did not understand a single word he said, and I still do not. I think he was on heroin, as well as substances such as: weed, marijuana, MJ, cannabis and the devil’s lettuce, among other things.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

The Jackbox Party Pack 8 on Steam



HeadRush is an interesting experiment by the Jellyvision gang. Basically, it’s You Don’t Know Jack but with trivia geared towards 90’s teens, and it works. It’s a little quirky by having the players be color-coded and able to choose from a selection of 6 avatars, and the cash is, for the most part, multiplied by 10 from the YDKJ values. Bob (or as I like to think, Guy Towers under a different name) is a good host and fits perfectly. Get this if you want to challenge your brain.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party Game Casual Games.

I like this spin-off of the “You don’t know Jack!” series so much. The questions aren’t THAT difficult like in the other Jack titles, but yet still challenging.

I refused to type my name in the field once, so I received the name “Butt Cavity”. In the other Jack game (I think it was Part 1) I was called…“Small Member”.

! No, it’s not small…honest!

11/10 better than “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game




Do you like Sports trivia as of 1996? Do you like Guy Towers having to dial himself back compared to his performance in The Ride and Headrush? If so, this is the Jack for you.

Really good Jack Attack music. :D

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Who knew that Jerry West could not be a member of ABBA if the members of the group were members of the ABA because West was never an ABA player?

That’s just one of the thousands of questions in You Don’t Know Jack Sports, a sports variant of the show where high culture and pop culture collide!

Get ready for the nostalgia of this game!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game




Embarrassing admission: when I was in middle school, I had a crush on Cookie.

I’ve still got the game disk (and instruction manual!) for this kicking around somewhere, though I haven’t been able to actually run it on a computer since about 2005. I bought the bundle pretty much the instant I saw that, at long last, the YDKJ games were available on Steam (well, some of them).

YDKJ Movies was tough when I played it when it first came out, because I was pretty young and hadn’t seen that many movies. Now it’s still really tough, because the majority of movies I’ve seen came out since 1997 (or at least are fresher in my memory). I’m pretty good at trivia, so I never found any of the other YDKJ games difficult, but this one’s still rough. Still, the humor and nostalgia more than make up for it, and getting questions wrong just means more opportunities for Cookie to hilariously insult me. I don’t even mind.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

[System used - Win 10; 1070GTX, Gaming rig and Win10 HP 8mb ram laptop with 2GB dedicated graphics]

I have always liked the “You don’t know Jack” games - having played them since their first incarnation many window platforms ago. They can lose their magic a little because they follow the same formula, but it’s bit like having different trivial pursuit games, enough different topics and a bit of fun to play with someone else, or by yourself.

As I am from Australia the only downside is that there is a lot of content that is not relevant or is specific to US (eg: some comedy and tv shows that may not be shown here), although if you have a good general kinowledge of movies then this is only a very minor criticism. I would like to see some Oz movies included of course. Note that I have played this game a lot more than the 2 hours it says on my steam account.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game




For a game produced in 1997, most of the questions are about TV shows from the 1950’s-1970’s. The classic slightly confusing You Don’t Know Jack way in which questions are asked is usually kinda fun, but quickly becomes an annoyance in this game because of how extremely dated most of the questions are. They were dated in 1997! I recommend skipping this one and picking another in the YDKJ franchise.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

This game has a lot of questions about classic TV, not just the 80’s and 90’s. My mom, who has a big collection of DVDs of shows from the 50’s and 60’s, slaughtered me at this game. It’s fun, just be prepared to know all your 20th century TV inside and out.

Also, this game is completely incompatible with Steam controllers. If you have a living room setup, I hope you have a wireless keyboard.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game




The second or third most-popular version of the Irreverent Quiz Show Party Game, YDKJ Volume 3 is a classic. The host of this one is Cookie Masterson, heavily considered the most popular host of the series. However, it’s not my favorite. It’s still the classic YDKJ formula, which isn’t bad since you get to choose your categories, the later Volume 4: The Ride, 5th Dementia, and YDKJ 2011 all outshine it. It’s still a fun game, what with the Three-Way Question and Impossible Questions. DO pick this one up.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chronogically speaking, this is the eighth iteration of You Don’t Know Jack. Compared to the previous entries of the series, the artstyle has taken a noticeably more chic look, evocative of a ’70s style. This is accentuated by the new question type, the Three Way. Unlike the focused entries of the series (e.g., Sports), this is worthy to stand on its own merits. Comedy and trivia combine to make a good party game or individual test of knowledge. Whether you buy it solo or in the Classic Pack, it’s a good investment.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 3 on Steam



The US-centricism pointed out in other reviews is really not as big of a problem as it’s made out to be outside of a few certain episodes, which can easily be skipped. There’s enough content here for everyone, including non-US players.

That said, this is, by far, the best YDKJ game you’re likely to ever play - the passion and attention to detail that went into this title just oozes out of its every pore, the episode themes are wacky and the questions even wackier (without turning into complete guesswork), the ever-changing hosting duties keep things fresh and varied, and the changes to the core gameplay almost exclusively land - picking your own question value means no game is ever truly out of reach if you squint hard enough, there’s not a single question type that fails to impress (including the best YDKJ question type of all eternity - JACK Bingo) - and this may be the only trivia party game ever to have an actual, ongoing plot (though don’t expect too much - it largely keeps itself in the background until the “finale”).

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

By far one of the best Jack games to date. Yeah, some of the questions are a bit dated (hey, it was made in 1998), but it still fun to play. The classic questions types are back like “Dis or Dat” and (to the hosts' dismay) “Ticklish Testgum” (Gibberish Questions) along with new ones like “Roadkill” and “Jack BINGO”. “Roadkill” is simular to the Jack Attack, but you have to connect two items together instead of finding an item’s match. “BINGO” has you buzz in when the correct letter of the answer is lit up, simular to Three Way from YDKJ 3. It does add a lot of variety to the game. This game features all the host from previous Jack games and has a small story arc (you’ll know what it is by the second time you play). Don’t worry, it’s still the same game with the randomness and twisted trivia you know and love. Also, screws has been changed and for the better in my opinion. Instead of pressing S once to screw somebody, you have to hit S multiple times to make the question totally unreadable and force your opponents to answer the question, whether it’s readable or not. One small thing I want to point out is the music. The electric guitar can really get you pumped to play. Special mentions goes to both versions of the Jack Attack music, by far the most tense music out of all Jack games. The one downside is that this game is very US-centric. So if you do not live in the United States, the jokes and refrences can fly right over your head. This poses a problem since most of the jokes are built into the questions. All in all, if your looking for a fun party game to play with your friends (or alone for all you hermets out there) then this game is a must buy.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4 The Ride on Steam

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

This game is beautifully made and very realistic looking. Choice of different male and female avatars to pick from. It’s a fun game to play with up to 10 friends. You can play solo, take turns answering the questions or compete against friends. The level of difficulty increased as I advanced in the game. I also get to unlock packs of more topics with the currency earned in the game. I tried playing online, but was unable to connect to any players to get the co-op achievement in the game. So I looked into the Hub for the game and found friends that I added to get the achievement. I think this achievement might be obtainable with the Remote Play as long as at least one player connects using a controller. The game needs some dialog improvements with the host while interacting with contestants. Voices overlap between the host and some contestant when the final answer is confirmed, however it doesn’t interfere with the game to the point of obstructing play. Is something that the developers will have to fix with an update and shouldn’t prevent anyone from buying it. In my opinion it’s a game worth trying despite the mixed reviews. There are some questions where the answers are wrong e.g., Ryan Seacrest is the host for American Idol, but in the game the answer is marked as incorrect and America’s Got Talent as the right answer. This was a mistake done by the programmer and I hope that the developers fix it along with the other few wrong answers in the game. The price is way too high instead should sell for about $9.99. I wish that in the future more topic packs of questions are added and I can join online contestants from all over the world. The game was released only 4 months ago and it’s available in multiple languages,which is great because in my case I can speak more than one language so I will be enjoying the game several times over practicing those languages 3

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

If I’m going to be honest, we were sure due for another WWTBAM game since 2011 (Special Editions), and honestly, I personally enjoy it.

Now, I can get with the few sceptics from other reviewers, but personally, this game is catered for everyone who wants a bit of fun, not just fans of the show who knows most things about the show off by heart.

Updates would be needed to improve on the game, but I personally think we need to understand that they’ve at least put the effort in trying to replicate the dialogue of game, as seen on shows, the localisation with the intros, graphics and questions, trying to get people around the world, or in their respective country, to play the game together, which hardly has been done before on online.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire on Steam



Volume 2 is technically the third stand-alone You Don’t Know Jack game, the second being YDKJ Sports. Much like volume 1, the humor is the driving force behind the game along with the trivia. A few new features have been added to distinguish it from volume 1, such as the introduction of DisorDat and Celebrity Collect Calls, that keep the game fresh. Like the previous installment, this is a sound purchase for trivia masters, comedy lovers, and almost anyone else.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

The game lives up to its name because I stink. The fact is you have so much fun you don’t even care how much you’re in the hole. You don’t know jack is based on a game show (MAKE A LIVE TV GAME OF IT, WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE) lmao. Get to know the game and play it often. One rule: if you don’t know the answers I wouldn’t guess. The host is really up for proving the motto.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 on Steam