Super Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim

Super Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim

Humanity was destined to fall. Your people, the Great Old Ones, were legends among the humans. Tales were told about their might, and whispers rose of how they would one day claim the entire human planet as their own. Of how mankind would simply go insane at the very sight of their malevolent beauty. Finally, the day came for the armies of the unspeakable horrors to rise.

Like, that was it, though. They got their butts kicked. Humanity won. Somehow. It was really, really embarrassing.

Play as a young monster who has only ever known life under human rule. Between finals for University and figuring out who to take to the winter prom, not to mention memorizing your lines for the big school play, you already have a lot of pressure to deal with. Now add the destiny of freeing the Dreamlands from an occupying army. That’s rough. In addition to the school year, now you have this whole giant RPG adventure to go on, complete with quests and stats and skills and party members and blah blah blah!

  • Word Battles: Combat done via dialogue, with topics ranging from jokes to philosophy to how much wood could a Woodchuck chuck

  • A party of millions except not!: Recruit a varied group of outcasts that will provide hilarious commentary to life and situations! As well as help you out in Word Battles! They all have different skills! Yay, teamwork!

    • STATS!: People love those!

    • A stand alone Army of Tentacles game that could be played either as a sequel to the prior ones in the series or as its own thing

    • RPG/Visual Novel hybrid action! Well, Word Battles. But action!

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG CRPG Games.

Super Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim on Steam