Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

A beautiful dungeon crawler which requires regular inventory and character attribute changes to succeed.

First Impressions🤔

The game looks and sounds wonderful with colourful backgrounds and a haunting melody playing throughout. Voice acting ranges from okay to excellent and special effect noises are loud, brash and attention seeking. It all culminates into quite an exciting experience.

Perseverance is needed as some battles almost appear impossible at first but you’ll need to think about your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and tailor your team to win. Your party is customizable throughout the game and the line up can be changed also. You’ll be able to equip different items, potions, special skills and reassign your skill tree and attribute points. I spent quite a lot of time configuring characters to try and beat bosses. Some boss battles took me numerous attempts to win. It feels very rewarding to finally beat an opponent.

– Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.

“Alas, some buried treasure!”

This game starts off in promising fashion with a well put together tutorial that has you playing a party of highly experienced characters through a short adventure so you can get a bit of background to the game and familiarise yourself with the controls and gameplay. You then roll up your own character, choosing from either warrior, hunter or mage classes, and after a short intro, find yourself exploring a mythical sunken castle. You find your first companion quite early in the game and at this point, the game is quite enjoyable. The Hungarian lore of the game is interesting and refreshingly different, combat is well balanced, the level design and hand drawn cut scenes are nice and colourful and wonderful to look at, and the game looks like a well polished product. However, by the time you reach the third main area in the game (the Deva Fortress), the difficulty seems to take a tremendous spike with some ridiculously tough opponents, and you then start really noticing how bad this game’s combat mechanics are. I tried two playthroughs, firstly as a warrior and then as a mage. The mage I found could do better AOE damage but was flimsier than a wet paper bag. Regardless, I gave up with both at the Deva Fortress as the combat was just getting too frustrating.

– Real player with 73.7 hrs in game

Operencia: The Stolen Sun on Steam

Xecryst Remains

Xecryst Remains

Keeping in mind that this is an early access game, I went in with pretty low expectations. So this game completely encapsulated me. While it may not initially seem like there is a lot of content, you’ll quickly find exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes, with the ability to upgrade your characters after ending a match, carrying items between games, and a plethora of items and upgrades to use while playing. It very quickly becomes a surprisingly expansive game, compared to it’s initial appearance, and mind you, I only finished round 1 at the time of this review. The combat system feels fluid, and the the game runs very well on my low-mid end computer, even on the highest settings, and man oh man, are there a lot of settings to give the game a completely personalized feel.

– Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Free to Play Games.

I’m impressed.

The game is very early of course, and there’s not a whole lot to do, but the developer takes criticism and fixes problems actively.

You can never tell how long a person will work on something before getting bored, but so far the fixes and additions are frequent.

So far the FPS has improved, many crashes have been fixed, and random content updates are being pushed out frequently.


-Basic mob defense game with good customization.

-Decent controls with ability to remap

-Decent graphics but nothing special

– Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Xecryst Remains on Steam

Avernum: Escape From the Pit

Avernum: Escape From the Pit

This game used to be a charming experience where magic, fighting bows and fantasy came together in a unique way. The game is far butchered now compared to it’s older version.

Before: Up to three levels of spells in both priest and mage classes so that you can indulge in a magic fantasy playing the game. With secrets at every turn for your wizard to decode and dangerous territory where they have to show their wit in using their magic to upgrade their arsenal and using it creatively to beat the lords of magic themselves, the slitheraki or however you spell that…

– Real player with 448.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Isometric Games.

Addendum: As of Nov 2016, I nominated Avernum for the “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award.

Second remake of the classic Exile series' first part, Avernum: Escape From the Pit is classic roleplaying at its best! Basically, you play as a party of adventurers, who were exiled into a huge cavern, Avernum, far below the surface of the world. You have to find a new purpose here, which basically means doing all kinds of odd-jobs and quests for mayors, wizards and kings of the underworld and, while you’re at it, trying to escape your dark prison.

– Real player with 140.9 hrs in game

Avernum: Escape From the Pit on Steam

Avernum 6

Avernum 6

Many more hours of game play than the other “Avernum” titles so far.

Challenging bosses and combat situations, tons of loot/spells, and (a few) outcome options along the way.

Intriguing story line which brings the nature of Avernum and all the involved powers (Human nations, Nephil, Slith, Spiral Pit, Vahnatai, Dragons, etc.) to a “conclusionist” scenario based on how the previous games have handled them thus far. It is similar in this regard with, and probably as qualified as, Avernum 3.

Personally, I wish there were more graphic options for characters. Sometimes the bosses can be a little too challenging without looking up walks-through. It is not possible to kill a dragon. But those are all the petty negative things I have to say.

– Real player with 373.0 hrs in game

I remember playing Avernum as a kid and have fond memories of it, now it appears that very little has changed.

If you want a nostaligia trip this is definately a game for you, however it’s grindy as hell and hasn’t aged all that well compared to other games of the genre.

The fact that not much has changed isn’t exactly a bad thing, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The only problem I have is how clunky the UI is, in the fact that you could carve it onto a stone and it would still be intuative. It works, it’s just not very nice to look at for longer than half an hour at a time. Still enjoy it though.

– Real player with 141.1 hrs in game

Avernum 6 on Steam



As a system to represent the world With a dungeon

based on RogueLike 、There are scattered towns and fields.Also, the battle system

is an active control system. In addition, by hack and slash and many enemys

Battle is also included.will proceed.Menus in real time you will be selected.


The resurrected Demon Lord Wizdom is everywhere due to its enormous

magical power, I made a magic dungeon of doom that changes

shape each time you enter.And hide in the depths, awaiting to crush

the adventurer.You must defeat the Demon Lord Wizdom to restore peace.

Major features

Wizdom is an RPG for realtime active roleplay game,

but it doesn’t require much action. Anyone can feel free to play.The main exploration is the dungeon, but not only that

It is also necessary to search for plains maps and residence maps.

The difficulty of the game is set to a high level, and the complete capture isIt’s getting harder.

Other features

Auto Generate Dungeon/ In some cases many enemies battle/NPC mercenaries (up to three)

/ bird view navigator/Scattered places(wilderness,town,dungeon,shrine)/Epic Boss Subjugation dungeon、plactice Beginner dungeon、and more

Wizdom on Steam

Chronicles of Elmyra

Chronicles of Elmyra

I’m changing my decision back to a positive about this game as I got in contact with the developer of where I’m getting stuck at and they are working on solutions to fixing the glitched areas as we speak. The game is great as well as the story and I can go back to recommending this game and that it is worth the money now. Thank you for contacting me 4p0 Informatica.

– Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Chronicles of Elmyra on Steam

Cross of Auria

Cross of Auria

Definitely do recommend this game!! Excellent story, game play, characters, music, and fighting system. The developer is very quick to fix any issues you have longest wait time for a fix when chatting with him, is five to ten minutes and he will let you know when the update is done. Personally, the easiest/fastest way to get in touch with the developer, is on Facebook. In Facebook’s search box, just type in Cross of Auria, and in the search results, look for the page’s profile pic that happens to be the title screen of the game when looking at it on your Steam client(the green background with the game’s title). Super friendly cool chill developer that cares about his customers and fixes their issues pretty much immediately. He is definitely a developer that doesn’t screw around(i.e. doesn’t leave you waiting a long time nor make you wonder if you will ever hear from him again). This developer is the complete opposite of that. Also, again, I definitely recommend this game!!

– Real player with 84.2 hrs in game

This game is amazing and really brings you in with its unique characters and boss fights. Tons of side quests and thing to do so you know your going to be playing for a while which allows the player to feel free in the game.

– Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Cross of Auria on Steam

Finding Light

Finding Light

This is in my opinion the best one in this series of 4 games so far. If you are thinking of playing it I would suggest getting Knight Bewitched first, which is the second in the series. The first one, Black Tower, is rather repetitive and is not really related to the second, even though it is to the rest, so you can come back to it afterwards if you are committed to playing the whole series.

Also Dispel is the worst thing in the history of everything and I hated it with a passion. Otherwise very enjoyable game.

– Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

I really didn’t expect to enjoy this game … 8-bit, greyscale … hmmmm

But the old brain soon adjusts and you’re drawn into the story. Music is retro and really great in some areas - especially the future section of the Black Tower.

Game objectives are clear, though not always easy to achieve. I spent a lot of time running round trying to find things. Battles in new sections are always a challenge too.

Steam achievements are working. And I missed out on defeating the Master Slime and on finding the last alchemical recipes. Also I was playing on Normal - I don’t think I could manage Hard on this game.

– Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Finding Light on Steam

Monsters' Den Chronicles

Monsters' Den Chronicles

Fun game for awhile but frustrating as there aren’t enough buffs to add power and health so eventually you cannot proceed. And I’m playing on Beginner mode - I can’t imagine dealing with this game at the higher difficulty levels. This is not unique with Monsters' Den as many other RPG’s have the same problem. Perhaps some players don’t mind starting over again but that’s not for me.

– Real player with 274.2 hrs in game

This was a very pleasant, fun surprise. I never played any of the prior games, and am now moving on to Godfall next.


Lots of replayability, if you want to try different team combos, difficulty modes, achievement hunting (most are in-game).

Good system of being able to access shops (upgradeable) and buy/sell loot, for which there is plenty, at any time in-game (campaign).

Each of the 5 main classes has 2 variants, and all bring something to the table. (I would argue that the better healing-cleric is clearly the Confessor!) Think of them like Pathfinder class archetypes.

– Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Monsters' Den Chronicles on Steam



Oafmatch is a match 3 RPG game with similar aspects to that of the Puzzle Quest games. All mana is accumulated into a single mana pool that can then be distributed to all 4 of your characters, each holding 2 weapons with a variety of choices based on their 2 colors. These 2 colors represent 2 different stats that help to determine the damage when taking specific colored gems from the board.

The campaign mode was a bit more interesting than I had initially anticipated, and does have quite a bit of humor. It runs off a pretty generic 3 star system for each challenge, but this is incentivized with character upgrades and weapon bonuses for completion.

– Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

A match-3 puzzler with RPG elements, much in the vein of Puzzle Quest.

In short, it’s a great iteration of the formula - fun and with well-thought-out mechanics. You’ve got a campaign mode with a goofy story and a sprawling set of characters and locations, and you can also go into a rogue-like mode where you go through consecutive encounters that whittle you down until you die… and then you start again.

It’s great if you like this sort of thing. If you don’t know if you like this sort of thing, well, think Bejewelled with an extra layer of RPG mechanics on top.

– Real player with 40.3 hrs in game

Oafmatch on Steam