E.X.P.L.O.R.™: A New World

E.X.P.L.O.R.™: A New World

Really cool and fun dungeon crawler.

The visuals and interfaces are clean and easy to understand. Gamepad support is great and many details like targetting, minimap edge markers and item comparison are just done so well, you really get a sense fort he dev’s passion for this project.

I hope to see more from this dev and I relly hope that this game gets the attention it deserves.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Turn-Based Combat Games.

An interesting little blobber.

“E.X.P.L.O.R…” is a true labor of love from developer Beem media. If you’ve played any other classic blobbers (EOB, Might and Magic, Grimrock, etc) you’ll get the picture pretty quickly. Some things that set E.X.P.L.O.R…apart are that it is a much faster playing type game. No grinding, no heavy stat management, no 100+ NPC’s to keep track of. It’s a fairly light playing game, but a good choice if you are in between epic RPG’s and want something a bit quicker to play in between. The gameplay and graphics are much nicer looking in the actual game then what the trailer video depicts. Visually, it’s a hybrid of a cartoony-comic style and traced looking caricatures. I’d say the closest comparison would be to “Sword and Sorcery”, but much simpler gameplay. Progression seems to be fairly quick in the game and will keep you playing a while without getting bored. As I’ve gotten older, incessant grinding has been a turn-off for me in games. “E.X.P.L.O.R…” does a good job of mitigating that problem.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

E.X.P.L.O.R.™: A New World on Steam



If you’re interested in Sandwalkers, please wishlist and follow us :)

Every decade, the Mka tribe sends caravans of adventurers into the Phithi, the meteorological chaos that keeps the Uwando tribes isolated from each other and makes life outside the refuges almost impossible.

Their mission: to establish diplomatic and trade relations, to explore and reclaim the lands left to the mercy of monsters and pirates, and, most importantly, to plant a new tree city that can become a refuge for the Mka and their allies. Regardless of the success or failure of their mission, the caravans must send the memories they have gained back to the capital, using the crystospheres carried by traveling beetles.

  • Guide a caravan of adventurers through ever-changing landscapes.

  • Fight and survive in the face of acid rain, sandstorms and heat waves.

  • Tame hostile creatures, rescue refugees, seek allies for mutual aid, or follow the blood path and loot everything you can.

  • Seek rich arable soil to plant a new tree city for your people.

  • Progress by passing on your knowledge to a new caravan.

  • Repair the broken climate, and put an end to centuries of wandering.

  • Make choices that will affect your future expeditions.

  • Each character has a different job that greatly influences the gameplay. It’s up to you to explore mythical ruins as an Archeologist, or track down huge beasts as a Hunter.

  • Don’t underestimate the weather! It influences the movements of the characters and the outcomes of confrontations.

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Roguelite Games.

Sandwalkers on Steam

Strangers of the Power

Strangers of the Power

I have to give credit where credit is due. In this game, the developer has provided a robust offering and growth continues on the game. That is to say “the developer cares about this product, this product is small enough to actually have the developer read every post”.

A classic plot, coupled tension breaking fun throughout. A good “read” in the literary sense, jovial and interesting. A must have for any RPG fan. This game motivated me to publish my own RPG up on Steam. Check it out, The Goracle by Silent Daddio Studios. Your games should entertain you with a good story. I laughed out loud a few times with Strangers of the Power. It failed to make me cry, however, was not lacking in the passion. Thanks for making it available to play on iMac, that extra effort made a difference to me.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG JRPG Games.

(Gotten a key to this courtesy of the developer’s submission to a group I no longer write for!)

It blows my eye holes and fills me with REAL POWER!


(If the video gets removed: Real Power from Adventure Time)

Before I begin this review, I must first issue an apology to a friend and developer. For a long time I had this game (maybe about a year) and for that period, I put it on the back burner among my backlog. He has been very passionate about his project and I have done him a disservice by issuing him a promise and reneging on that for so long. So, it’s time I fulfill my promise and give the feedback that has been asked for so long. I’m sorry for this inconvenience, Tuomo.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Strangers of the Power on Steam

Mini Healer

Mini Healer

Most of the early and middle of this game plays out like a puzzle game with grinding combined with an ARPG skill tree.

You’ll probably enjoy this enough for the price if you like the idea of a Diablo II skill tree and item style combined with bosses that each have unique mechanics.

I have seen a few streamers pick it up and hate it immediately because there are at least 2-3 hours of grinding before you actually get access to the interesting content of the game, and that’s if you recognize which builds are way better than the others and make fast progress. Even after that, there are a couple mostly-required grind walls.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Amazing. Better than you think.

So much better than it has any right to be. One of my favorite games in recent memory, and I still can’t quite believe it. I’m not much of an indie game / single dev game person. I like AAA titles and graphics. I don’t love MMOs, which are the obvious inspiration, here. I definitely wouldn’t have picked it up but for the reviews and the price tag.

Seriously, though, you should buy it. Even if you don’t like playing a healer in MMOs, it has the addictive theory-crafting and building of ARPGs like Grim Dawn or Path of Exile, but without any of the headaches of those or the MMOs. No quests, no fetching, and no penalties for build-testing. You can even save multiple builds and swap between them at will. It’s just boss after boss at your leisure. You can farm whatever boss you want and even have a different build and party setup for each boss.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

Mini Healer on Steam

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Press Kit

Guide disgruntled guild leaders leaving their homelands to face the harsh Untamed Wilds. Row-based battles with arguing allies reward strategic play in this 16-bit JRPG.

Send the party out on expeditions into randomly determined Biomes, each with their own set of Monster mobs and unique boss encounters. Collect loot to exchange for gear, leveling the heroes as they succeed in progressively harder expeditions to moving their caravan deeper into the Wilds.

Can you deliver them safely to their new home?

Row Based Combat

Combat is a synthesis of turn based order with a row-based skill system. Your heroes each possess 6 unique skills that must be used cooperatively to overcome the myriad of monsters within the Untamed Wilds.

Narrative Based On Relationship Scores

As party members fight alongside each other relationships develop playing out in an ongoing narrative. Will the party overcome their differences and develop the trust necessary to achieve their goal or will the caravan breakup part way through the expedition?

Argument System

Each hero possesses an Argument meter that rises during fights. Be sure to monitor this score because if it gets too high they may refuse to help fight the monsters!

Swap Party Members Between Encounters

The party can only have four active combatants so feel free to swap in healthier party members after a rough fight! If a hero gets knocked out during an expedition they will automatically revive once the party gets back to the Caravan.

Unique Mini-boss and Boss Encounters

Each Biome possesses four mini-bosses and four unique bosses that must be overcome through the course of the caravan’s travels. Learn the attack patterns of each and how to use your party’s skills to overcome!

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude on Steam

Elmarion: the Lost Temple

Elmarion: the Lost Temple

A wonderful dungeon crawler, a bit like might and magic. A beautiful world, endless dungeons, and crowds of monsters - everything we love. But there is no turn-based combat (although they promise to add at the time of release). There is no big map. Unobvious increase in levels. And what I don’t like is that you can’t make a save. But in general it is quite an interesting and enjoyable game.


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Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

⭐️I do not even know. It seems like a cool game. But there are also enough cons. Some things, of course, are debatable. But here’s my vision:


1. A fairly rare genre of party RPG in the first person. I haven’t seen such games for a long time.

2. Generation of dungeons. The idea is not new. But I was glad that it was implemented here.

3. A sufficient number of heroes to choose from, a large number of abilities of the heroes. You can make a variety of games and potentially play the game several times.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Elmarion: the Lost Temple on Steam

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Of all the dungeon crawler games that followed the template set by Wizardry (grid-based, first-person perspective), Might and Magic is probably the second most important one in terms of renown, forging its own path from the very first game by basically using the ideas from Wizardry but offering something different and unique.

Where Wizardry was a dungeon crawler, Might and Magic games were basically world crawlers that emphasized exploring a large overworld at the expense of in-depth and intricate dungeons. Might and Magic does have them, but they are often simple structures with few vertical levels and really there to throws lots of monsters at you, not get you lost in them.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

This game is that little nugget of gold you find in the lees. First thing I thought when I fired it up was Might & Magic 3,4, and 5-arguably my favorites. Imagine if MM had a really easy interface and user friendly controls. The menu swapping is nice and fast, simple clicks to rearrange and sort. The game play isn’t tedious.

-The good-

You can tell the art (despite the lack of animation) is quite nice and does a good job to capture that old fantasy wonderment. It’s pixeled but the graphics are just it’s painting on the car. It’s pretty colorful and you can easily tell what things are. Pretty good variety of character portraits for both male and female.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown on Steam

Midnight’s Curse

Midnight’s Curse

This wasn’t a bad game, but it wasn’t necessarily good one either. This looks like a high school project that could’ve gone through a bit more polishing before attempting to sell it. Here’s some good and some bad points that I’ve experienced while playing:


  • Art is pleasant on the eyes

  • Gameplay is simple and easy to understand

  • Overall balance is spot on

  • Story is unique and intriguing


  • Not enough character interactions! I’d like to see more between this odd party of people. Perhaps make inns/rest points have little cut scenes periodically when resting at one.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Very lazy & poor effort at an RPG Maker game and it makes me angry that lazy developers such as this one give the engine and the genre a bad rep. Unbelievable that publisher Aldorlea Games are selling this, did they even play the game before deciding to sell it?

A good RPG Maker Game starts with a compelling story, interesting characters and sharp dialogues. An interesting plot makes you want to continue playing. This game has none of that: bland characters, very little dialogue and endless grinding. On top of that grinding there hardly is enemy variation, leveling up takes ages abd characters have hardly any abilities. Just everything about this game is bad. A very lazy effort that is just a shameless attempt at grabbing some money.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Midnight's Curse on Steam

Potato Flowers in Full Bloom

Potato Flowers in Full Bloom

🗝️An exploration RPG that takes you through underground labyrinths separated by stone walls 🕯️

Slowly expand your range of actions as you progress


Guard or dodge

Read your enemy’s next move


Character building via classes and skill trees

1+1 could make 10


Collect relics and make the most of your environment

You might even run into some friendly neighbors

Potato Flowers in Full Bloom on Steam

Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited

Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited

Seeing such negative reviews for a game and genre I really love is always a little disappointing, but in the end, you get used to it with this genre. It’s certainly not for everyone, and the reviews tend to show that. In this case, though, I think “mixed” may be about right for it. Both games are plagued by technical issues that, while they can be overcome, shouldn’t be there for the kind of game this is, though I do I think the games themselves are worth playing beyond that (And, if you’re a fan of either Experience Inc. Games or just DRPGS in general, you will love what you get here).

Real player with 131.5 hrs in game

I loved the orgininal Stranger of Sword City and was really excited to finally get this “revisited” version. I mostly bought it for the SoSC game but the Saviors of Sapphrie Wings also looks interesting. I havent played much from it so I will focus on Stranger of Sword City in my review.

SoSC was my first Dungeon Crawler and if I am asked if I feel remorse for buying it the answer is a clearly :NO. I love and hate this game at the same time.

  • Story: I just love it. It starts mysertious and keeps this feeling/vibe up till the end.

Real player with 71.6 hrs in game

Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited on Steam