Chronicles of Elmyra

Chronicles of Elmyra

I’m changing my decision back to a positive about this game as I got in contact with the developer of where I’m getting stuck at and they are working on solutions to fixing the glitched areas as we speak. The game is great as well as the story and I can go back to recommending this game and that it is worth the money now. Thank you for contacting me 4p0 Informatica.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG CRPG Games.

Chronicles of Elmyra on Steam



_A.P 1968, the early morning of December 25…

On that day, I had a strange dream.

A dream that keeps sliding down a red tube…

What I saw there… It was a strange, inner world._

Synopsis of the game :

One day Nicolas had a strange experience.

When he woke up a strange place spread out, and cult members and monsters attacked him.

Moreover, he saw his girlfriend: Hal was captured by cult representative: Andrey and his servants.

Can Nicolas and his friends defeat the cult name “Vorona”, and escape from “Innerworld”?

Features of the game :

The genre of this game is Survival-horror RPG using ATB(Active Time Battle) system. It requires speedy fighting and using proper items effective for each enemy. Don’t forget to collect information to win and proceed with the story, too!

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Tactical RPG Games.

Innerworld on Steam

Mini Healer

Mini Healer

Most of the early and middle of this game plays out like a puzzle game with grinding combined with an ARPG skill tree.

You’ll probably enjoy this enough for the price if you like the idea of a Diablo II skill tree and item style combined with bosses that each have unique mechanics.

I have seen a few streamers pick it up and hate it immediately because there are at least 2-3 hours of grinding before you actually get access to the interesting content of the game, and that’s if you recognize which builds are way better than the others and make fast progress. Even after that, there are a couple mostly-required grind walls.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party-Based RPG Loot Games.

Amazing. Better than you think.

So much better than it has any right to be. One of my favorite games in recent memory, and I still can’t quite believe it. I’m not much of an indie game / single dev game person. I like AAA titles and graphics. I don’t love MMOs, which are the obvious inspiration, here. I definitely wouldn’t have picked it up but for the reviews and the price tag.

Seriously, though, you should buy it. Even if you don’t like playing a healer in MMOs, it has the addictive theory-crafting and building of ARPGs like Grim Dawn or Path of Exile, but without any of the headaches of those or the MMOs. No quests, no fetching, and no penalties for build-testing. You can even save multiple builds and swap between them at will. It’s just boss after boss at your leisure. You can farm whatever boss you want and even have a different build and party setup for each boss.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

Mini Healer on Steam

Unsung Kingdom

Unsung Kingdom

It’s a very classic JRPG story that I always love. Graphic and character art are nice. For a free game, the gameplay is smooth and doesn’t have any bugs (Some believe that free things mostly have bad quality but this game is an exception). U can feel that this game is really made with love. If this game got localized to English, I think more people will enjoy this story even though it’s a short one. My only feedback to the dev is the counter window opportunity that last only like 1-2 seconds. Way too fast. Seems it was set for mobile phone (tap action) rather than for PC (mouse and keyboard). I try to hit the counter but most of them time, I always miss it even when I already dragged my mouse as fast as I could.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

I waited for the english translation but I forgot about it being released so I started playing today :/

So after maybe 3 hours I completed the game. The only sad thing is that I had Sound Bugs during battles.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Unsung Kingdom on Steam

Dreams Of The Elements

Dreams Of The Elements

Met the dev at a convention, purchased the game before returning home to play it. So far I am having a blast, but I will make another review or update this one after finishing it :)

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Dreams Of The Elements on Steam

Legacy of Vane

Legacy of Vane

If you like this type of rpg then better get this game.

Music- always fit the situation, haunting, beautiful, etc.

Story- interesting and well thought out. with a great ending and room for a sequel.

Dialogue- good but could have been wittier.

Options- I love options and here are more than usual. Battles can be real time or turn based.

Customization of character- Yes to some extent and many images to choose from.

Price- Developer is practically giving it away. Certainly worth much more than being asked.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Legacy of Vane is an addictve, well designed, challenging, and fun rpg. Graphics are terrific, story fantastic, game play top-notch, with so many innovative features such as jewels (which any character can equip which adds various powerful magic and powerups), and each character has a special ability which is used and needed throughout the game. There is a wide variety of monsters, battles are quick, with a good number of towns, castles, caves, etc. Most weapons/armor/rings give additional skills. And the best of all is a developer(Landy) who is super quick to answer questions and give immediate help (including adding fixes and updates). This is a highly recommended and enjoyable rpg as Landy has once again produced a must play rpg.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Legacy of Vane on Steam

Midnight’s Curse

Midnight’s Curse

This wasn’t a bad game, but it wasn’t necessarily good one either. This looks like a high school project that could’ve gone through a bit more polishing before attempting to sell it. Here’s some good and some bad points that I’ve experienced while playing:


  • Art is pleasant on the eyes

  • Gameplay is simple and easy to understand

  • Overall balance is spot on

  • Story is unique and intriguing


  • Not enough character interactions! I’d like to see more between this odd party of people. Perhaps make inns/rest points have little cut scenes periodically when resting at one.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Very lazy & poor effort at an RPG Maker game and it makes me angry that lazy developers such as this one give the engine and the genre a bad rep. Unbelievable that publisher Aldorlea Games are selling this, did they even play the game before deciding to sell it?

A good RPG Maker Game starts with a compelling story, interesting characters and sharp dialogues. An interesting plot makes you want to continue playing. This game has none of that: bland characters, very little dialogue and endless grinding. On top of that grinding there hardly is enemy variation, leveling up takes ages abd characters have hardly any abilities. Just everything about this game is bad. A very lazy effort that is just a shameless attempt at grabbing some money.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Midnight's Curse on Steam



Game is a fun classic JRPG. Story isn’t overly complex but the characters give it a lot of charm. Lot of customizability to the characters. A good 30-40 hour romp.

Real player with 99.3 hrs in game

Ok so since I am the only one in my language who has actually played the game lets review so far.

  1. Don’t listen to negative reviews if any especially on Web pages they have not played it much.

  2. I also am playing on the most difficult play setting with all the DLC enabled cant speak for other difficulties etc.

Pros - Lots to do tons of content though I am not sure how far into the game I am so far I cant put it down.

Great graphics considering and wonderful play concepts like auto battles, planting bushes etc.

Real player with 87.9 hrs in game

Ruinverse on Steam

SaGa Frontier Remastered

SaGa Frontier Remastered

This is a little bit late but I wanted to wait till I had more time in the game so I could give as good a review I can.

I’ll start with the cons first:

  • The biggest problem with this game imo, is the lack of story. Everything feels super rushed and half baked, it feels like they were speed running when they wrote the stories. What’s there is good and the premises are cool, but it definitely is just not as good story wise as a lot of other rpgs out there (such as persona and ff games). The lack of dialogue works to the games favor in a way cause big text walls can be very boring, especially when you’re not super invested in the story anyway. If you only like games with good story I would skip this game for sure.

Real player with 184.3 hrs in game

This game should really be the standard by which remasters are judged. I got the original on the PS1 ages ago and thoroughly enjoyed it despite its flaws. The remastered version does a lot to iron out the original flaws (the inclusion of the new journal helps immensely in keeping on track with stories and events, which was likely the biggest flaw in the original), restores tons of cut or unfinished content (big-yay here), and gives a new character to play. It also has an in-game artbook, and the ability to change the gamespeed between x1 and x3 (and tracks overworld and combat speeds separately, so if you prefer exploration at x1 and combat at x2-3, it’s got your back).

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

SaGa Frontier Remastered on Steam

The Lightbringers

The Lightbringers

I am sure that if you look this game up in an dictionary it is a synonym for boring.

Just a few moments ago I left because of the DUNGEON. It is a 4 part Dungeon. Each part is split also in 4 parts till at the end you must fight the boss.

Now, many games have those dungeons. But let me tell you: a) there is no map. Each part is one hose with endless death ends. You’ll fight the same bunch of enemies and gain next to nothing (1 level up…around 40+ fights). Most chests have the same content.

The only good part is that mana potions are cheap.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The Lightbringers on Steam