Supermarket Shriek

Supermarket Shriek

hilarious game

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party Family Friendly Games.

A silly and humourous game where you ride a shopping cart with a goat. The premise and gimmick is that you are both screaming while in the cart and this is helps you move and maneuver around. So basically the whole game is filled with shrieking and screaming, which can get annoying after a long time of playing for some after the novelty wears off. But it is still quite funny for the most part. There are plenty of stages and obstacles to go through where you earn stars depending on the course, whether it be on speed or collecting objects etc. Some replayability along with it because of the 3 star rating system for the levels so at times you may come back to gain all 3 within the levels that was unable to achieve prior. The difficulty of the game is also good with the stages becoming more elaborate and complicated as it progress. More various and difficult obstacles that come up. Moving around in the cart is also quite fun as you jump over gaps, drift and zig zag around. There are also collectables to be had, for example you can gain headwear that can be equipped as you pass through levels and gain them, which is neat. Along with the singleplayer mode, there is also a co op mode as well as a party pvp mode where you can vs other friends in various events. So these do add some extra element of fun where you can play this rowdy game with others.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Supermarket Shriek on Steam

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Nice little indie gem with good core gameplay. It was designed with controller in mind. Playing with keyboard is possible but lacks precision in both movement and striking the ball. Has various arenas and ball types, but the single-player campaign is very short. I can only recommend to buy this one if you plan to play a lot of local co-op or during a deep sale. Online Multiplayer would be an awesome addition to the game that can justify the current full price.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Party eSports Games.

I could not see where my first two hours of this game just vanished.

Super fun and super enjoyable.

Devs, if you are reading it, please consider an online mode with leadership table and other stuff. This would definitely motivate people to stick with the game and to look forward to any addons and different events.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Alpaca Ball: Allstars on Steam

Black Box Map Maker

Black Box Map Maker

Are you ready to revolutionize your RPG campaigns by easily creating ultimate animated maps?

Black Box Map Maker is a high-quality AI-powered mapmaking tool developed through the latest gaming technology. Create amazing ultra-realistic animated maps with the largest variety of themes, scenarios, rooms, and digital props ever seen in the RPG universe. Use your PC or Mac to build your unique animated maps. Then, share, print, import to your favorite VTT, or mirror them to a smart TV. It is as much fun as playing your favorite video game!

* Real Image from Black Box Map Maker AI Software Build


Choose your map size and select your scenario from the largest variety of themes, rooms, and digital props ever seen in the RPG universe.

Then, Black Box Map Maker populates your rooms beautifully and fast.

* Real Image from Black Box Map Maker AI Software Build


Customize your RPG animated scenarios with the largest variety of high-quality ultra-realistic objects you have ever seen in your gamemaster life.

You can easily modify floors, walls, or any single object you want.

Add fantastic soundtrack and special effects such as animated animals, day-for-night, fog of war, line of sight, dynamic light, magic statues and portals, hidden traps, and skins, and many more.

Enjoy our own fantastic premium miniatures.

Interact with the environment for great immersion. Open and close doors and cabinets, turn lights on and off, enlarge, reduce, rotate, change colors, apply the laws of physics, replicate, and place objects anywhere on your map.

Your unique creation possibilities are limitless with Black Box Map Maker.

* Real Image from Black Box Map Maker AI Software Build


Inspire and be inspired by RPG fans around the globe!

You can easily create unique objects from your customizations and share your art pieces with the community.

Insert a lit torch in a portal, group them, and create a new object. Place a smokey cauldron in a column, group them, and create another new object. You can also group these two new objects and create a third one. Change their colors and sizes as many times as you want. Save and share with the community.

Caution: it is so much fun creating animated maps and scenarios with Black Box Map Maker that it is hard to stop!

* Real Image from Black Box Map Maker AI Software Build


Enjoy your amazing animated map creations in isometric, 3D first-person, 3D full (free view), and top view 2D perspectives.

* Real Image from Black Box Map Maker AI Software Build


Now that you have created the most amazing ultra-realistic animated maps, it is time to share, print, import to your favorite VTT or mirror them to a smart TV.

We promise you: to create your ultimate RPG maps and scenarios with Black Box Map Maker is as much fun as playing your favorite video game!

Read More: Best Party RPG Games.

Black Box Map Maker on Steam

Wobbly Life

Wobbly Life

this game is fun and cool and has cute litle people calld wobblys and the game has fun littie jobs I recimend people play wobbly life

Real player with 242.5 hrs in game

This is a super fun game to play with friends, its so goofy and enjoyable! The jobs are fun, and theres always something to do, just derping around.

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Wobbly Life on Steam

FyreXR Festival

FyreXR Festival

I guess no one else saw this and paid for it. I think the idea is amazing however i hope that i can use the game in the future because none of the dates and times for the events were correct. Also i did not see a single person who wasnt an npc. Basically it is just a recreation of an insland festival in VR. Some of the scenery and music was great and some of it wasnt. Giving this a bad review only because i paid for this and the description of the events was innacurate so basically a waste of money unless they redo it.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

FyreXR Festival on Steam

Kooring VR Wonderland : Heart Castle Crush

Kooring VR Wonderland : Heart Castle Crush

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a collection of 6 mini-games that is targeted for small children. The mini-games are bright, colorful, & very simple. Kids may enjoy this, but I doubt any adult would. There’s also a central hub area where you can select the mini-games and also point & click on certain objects to see them react.

Game is running on the Unity Engine. On my RTX 3080, I was getting a steady 90 frames per second. I did not experience any serious issues or bugs. Unfortunately, there were no settings available. There is also no locomotion (other than swing-arm locomotion in one of the mini-games. All the action happens 180 degrees in front of you.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Kooring VR Wonderland : Heart Castle Crush on Steam

Hotel R’n’R

Hotel R’n’R

This game is great, extremely fun. Except it is only fun the first time you play through. After you beat the game and buy everything there is not much to do, after beating the game i come back and play an hour or so each month. I wish I had refunded the game when I had the option. I absolutely adore destruction but after beating the game, it just is no good. In other words if you have 20 dollars and are planning on flushing it down the toilet then you should get this game. If you have 20 dollars and don’t plan on flushing it down the toilet, don’t buy this game.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I have played only a few hours of this game and can say I’m very satisfied already. If you’re into arcade style games or games centred around destruction, then this is the game for you.


  • It has options for free locomotion and artificial turning

  • Very appealing graphics and style

  • Optimized performance

  • Future updates/content

  • Good sense of progression

  • Good voice acting

  • Fun, arcade-like gameplay

  • Polite and supportive devs

  • Decent difficulty


  • Minor glitches

So far, I highly recommend this game at full price. its fun and a great soon to be staple for VR gaming. These guys are doing it right :)

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Hotel R'n'R on Steam

The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem

The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem

Unfinished game at the moment. No controller support and forces 2nd player to use same keyboard for remote play together. Even then they cannot pick a 2nd character . Keyboard controls are pretty awful. Will change my review if they fix the issues.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Love the Addams Family, but a party game without solid controller support isn’t much of a party game… very disappointing.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem on Steam

Billion Road

Billion Road

Billion Road is a fun game that shows a lot of heart. The mechanics are fun and it’s easy to learn, despite not always being explained well. On occasion, new prompts or events will show up for your AI opponents and the game speeds through them faster than you can read. While this can be irritating and lead to you missing new or important information, you will often experience the prompts again on your own turn and can read them at your own pace whenever they do show up. This game is adorable and unique and gives you so much freedom of choice when it comes to how you choose to spend each turn. I also thought the ability to customize your avatar in game as you unlock items whenever you want was a nice little feature as well. In my opinion, if you enjoy games like monopoly and fortune street, you’ll enjoy this. It’s adorable, it’s fun, it’s brimming with culture and over the top ridiculousness, and a lot of heart and love went into it. When it comes to monsters, none feel useless. All of them have their positives at the cost of one of your 3 slots. More new and unseen monsters show up as the game progresses and each choice can make or break you. As for the follower monsters, good lord they can be a thorn in your side. They definitely do their part in throwing wrenches in your plans, or giving you that little boost while wreaking havoc on your opponents. I can’t tell you how many times my most hated AI would switch between the opponents based on how many times they decided to attack and what they did. It never felt infuriating however, it was always fun even when things were going wrong.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

TLDR long games best experience imo just take breaks inbetween sessions play if you like growth and big numbers. Don’t expect many updates team listed is localization team

Please upvote i worked hard on this review

I won’t compare this game to other games that other reviewers have compared this game. this game does its

own thing and i think comparing it too other series is setting up consumers to be disappointed with a odd experience then what was promised.

This game really wants you to play this game a long time as properties can be upgraded and a whole gameplay loop revolves around getting the maximum investment out of your properties. all gameplay in this game scales with time. Money gained/lossed. monster stats and events. the game does have a short playtime game mode called skirmish that defaults to a 3 year game. which is quick for this game. but i’m mixed about it for i feel like that doesn’t show the greatness of this game fully. but at the same time playing this game for super long periods of time can get repetive this game does not have minigames outside of a quick button masher.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Billion Road on Steam

Bake ‘n Switch

Bake ‘n Switch

There’s lots of love and effort put into this game. The breads are super adorable!While you can play the game with 2 players, it definitely gets more fun if you’ve got a full party.There are a couple of levels that could be balanced a little better. In some you can get away with camp stacking the spawners which can get quite mundane. But you’ll realize there’s a wide range of difficulty once you play the stormy levels or try to complete each level with 3 coins.The highlights for me are the boss levels. My hands got real sweaty taking them on.

Real player with 79.2 hrs in game

This game is deceptively difficult. How can so cute be so challenging?

The gameplay feels like a high bread (ha ha!) between Moving Out and Overcooked. Finishing levels is doable first try, getting 3 stars is a lot harder on many of the levels. Storm levels - geez, those are tough!

One thing I would love to see is adjusted star level scores for additional players (3-player should have a higher score needed for 3-star than 2-player).

Overall, an adorable game with challenging gameplay that feels like it will take quite a while to actually complete. Here’s hoping there are 4-star levels when we get there.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Bake 'n Switch on Steam