

Get in to the flow

Jump, wall run, dash, swing and use the environment to finish the challenges quickly and in style! Or just run around the arena and enjoy the fluid movement. Unlock different areas and challenges each with unique mechanics.

Prove you are the fastest

Compete against other players and your friends in races and compare your scores in the leaderboards. Find the shortest path and then try to finish it the fastest! Who will be the parkour master?

Read More: Best Parkour Minimalist Games.

Protorunner on Steam



6 hours of playtime out of a fifteen minute game (without speedrunning) , which is still going by the day.

This game has an fantastic momentum based movement system that makes getting around the map fun, almost so much so that it rivals Mirrors Edge and Titanfall 2 for how thrilling it is to control.

Just get it, it is so much fun just to chain together wall jump combos, slide out of every jump, and create your own path through everything. When you add the amazing atmosphere, music, day/night cycle, achievements, and stunning lighting and visuals then you get what is the main purpose of playing this game. But it doesn’t end there…

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Stylized Games.


Refunct is a very refreshing and fluid experience. For such a short game, it was satisfying to play and was definitely worth the 1.50$ spent. It feels like thought and effort went into making it, and that immediately sets it apart the bad apples that comes through Greenlight.



Refunct is a 3D parcour platformer at the same time it has a relaxing, peaceful atmosphere.

Refunct immediately puts you into the game when you start it up. But that’s okay because the game doesn’t need to annoy you with any tutorial, the mechanics are easy to learn on your own.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Refunct on Steam



This game is extremely nerve-racking on the one hand, but on the other hand also entertaining. It’s fun until you reach a level where you can’t get any further. If you manage it at some point, whether due to the experience gained through previous fails within the level, by chance or luck: you are happy endlessly. Absolutely recommended pastime for in-between. But be careful, can be very addictive :D

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Indie Games.

If i would describe this game with on word it would be “Feelings” because you experience them all, from frustration to relief, anger to happiness and hopelessness to hope.

Extremely addicting with fast paced fun, highly recommended!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

CubeParkour on Steam



Hatch is a fun game about climbing a strange mountain/tower. Each time you jump and walk, it sounds like you’re shooting spider webs or walking on grass. You have to climb up platforms that are inclined and try to get to the top, while avoiding the sun.

The game gives you checkpoints, which is good because it can be quite hard in some places. I died a lot while playing, so it took me a lot longer to play through this than I expected. My computer heated up while playing, and my fan was very loud. You have to avoid the sun, but the sun can be hard to see around the middle point of the mountain. Despite these issues, the game is still enjoyable, with the climbing being satisfying and the difficulty being playable.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Don’t write Hatch off due to its relatively short length and overall simplicity: this is a really well-done game that knows exactly when to change up the formula and by how much.

Mechanically, everything is easy to understand and introduced well. The climbing can be a little awkward, but when that’s one of the only sources of interaction that the game has it becomes an intentional obstacle that you must learn to work around. Besides, I found that most of the time problems were solved more through observation than through finesse.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Hatch on Steam



Really fun game, not difficult to play, but with a surprisingly high skill ceiling if you’re going for the 4 minute achievement.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Very enjoyable short game. If you just play through the main game, it shouldn’t take more than 20-30 minutes, but if you want to get all of the achievements, you can expect around an hour to 2 of playtime. There is one achievement for completing the game within 4 minutes that is quite hard, but definitely doable and worth some tries. I found the game a little frustrating at points, as sometimes something you think should be a small enough gap to climb isn’t, leading to a lot of dead ends and wasted time. Still great and a good purchase for the low cost. And it looks pretty.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Klym on Steam



People compare this to Refunct and as a top speedrunner of both of these games, it is unfair to judge one based off the other. NEAVE is still a great game for what it costs and is a fun way to spend an hour or two!

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

1,60EU well spent imo. FIrst time I got was 47 min. Probably not gonna speedrun myself but def will check how someone did 3 min

EDIT: so I did try speedrunning for a little bit and I do have some critique now. As a game made specifically for speedrunning it is inexcusable that NEAVE starts breaking down at high speeds. A speedrun strategy is jumping on platforms right as they are being loaded into the game but standing on moving stuff it gets terribly glitchy. I also had this bug where the bottom half of the screen would be on a different frame than the top because it just could not keep up, and that’s on the game not my laptop.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

NEAVE on Steam

A Story About My Uncle

A Story About My Uncle

A delightful bedtime story


A Story About My Uncle (ASAMU) is a first-person platformer set in a world picturing how wild a child’s imagination could get. A world of gigantic floating rocks coupled with a charming story, odd-looking creatures, and somewhat gravity-bending abilities to let you turn everything upside down.


🔸The game focuses on the narrator as he tells a bedtime story to his daughter about Uncle Fred and his adventures. It’s about the story when Uncle Fred didn’t return home after his last adventure. The player takes control of the narrator in his youth searching around Fred’s lab for clues when he finds a mysterious suit with many abilities. Now that the young boy’s confidence is boosted by wearing the suit, he decides to go looking for his uncle in strange lands.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

God bless Steam! I can’t stop praising it for making it possible to make new cool connections and meet people around the world with common interests. These people always remind me about some games, that I had on my mind for a long time and then forgot.

But what is much more important is that games they recommend me always fit my mood in a proper way, just like in a right place in a right time. The same happened to me with A Story About My Uncle. I had a bit harsh weekend, which started with fixing my broken PC on Saturday, then I was forced to do other stuff I really didn’t feel like doing and after all these events I felt like I squeezed lemon, so I really needed something chill, relaxing and just kind, without any violence. So, after a quick conversation with a friend on Steam, I realized, that I bought this game few years ago, I guess and still never touched.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

A Story About My Uncle on Steam

Cloudbase Prime

Cloudbase Prime

It’s a ‘platformer’ in the sense that you control literal platforms to launch yourself (or enemies!) around. Buy if you like hilarious dialog and unique gameplay.

It also works surprisingly well with a Steam Controller, to the point where it’s my prefered method of playing this game.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

the game is great

full of gaint bosses

challinges get harder the heat rises in this game the story line is heart warmin and cute

amazing charecters and i love all the abilitys are cool all the guns are cool

is great

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Cloudbase Prime on Steam



Matter is an awesome, but also very short virtual trip.

You play in first-person view and jump through dynamically forming levels that give an organic and psychedelic feeling. The sound and music seems to react to your movement as well. Where are you? Who are you? Looks like you are in some kind of organism. Or is it space? Who cares, it’s trippy as hell!

There are some slower parts where you run around little planets and search for artifacts, but the main part is “just” running and jumping. You can reverse time a bit if you miss a jump. Gravity seems to be all over the place and changes, so some of the jumps can be a little tricky, but if you just push on, you will be able to get into a flow state and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Ok, I know well the devs, but they didn’t ask me to recommend the game. Take it as it is, but I will try to be as objective as I can.

I just finished the game. What I could say is that it was a delightful dreamlike trip, with very special attention to the ears and feeling of gravity. It’s the kind of game you can’t forget after playing to it. It makes bubbles in the stomach.

Except for the jump, which is sometimes a little bit harsh for me (no air control, but it doesn’t block me), I did not have much frustrations.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Matter on Steam



There are some very good things about this game, but the bottom line is that I cannot recommend it to anyone.

The best thing about Downward, and what made me want to play it in the first place, is the explorable world, which opens up to you more and more as you gain certain abilities (the Metroidvania genre). This promise is essentially fulfilled, with plenty of environmental challenges in many carefully crafted levels. It’s wonderful to discover a new area, or to go back to an area you visited a while ago only to find new delights and secrets available to you.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

File under: surprisingly great first person open world platforming/exploration game.

There’s been some sort of disaster brought about by the arrival of three planets. Almost everyone’s been wiped out, but this isn’t the type of apocalypse that makes everything look brown. In fact, once you appear out of nowhere, one of the first places you get to is downright paradisiacal.

The land you’ll get to wander around in is divided into large, intricately designed areas, all beautifully rendered and most of them boasting a great eye for verticality. Your next goal is always marked, but you’re free (and encouraged!) to go off-track chasing the thousands of collectibles littered everywhere. You could just chase the objective marker, but then you’d miss out a ton of places and most of the fun the game has to offer.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Downward on Steam