

I got this game almost right as it came out because it looks liked a good mirror edge replacement.

What i got was a very difficult game that i’m surprised no one was playing. steam has reported at most 14 people have played at once as of (10/26/2019), this makes me sad because it’s a amazing game for what it is


A great selection of maps to try and beat, then find the hidden items, and then to try to get the fastest speed.

Great,simple,intuitive mechanics. at first they seem slippery but after a hour they make the game feel fast and fluid. hell the wall jumping just feels great to dude.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Indie Games.

This is a great little game. The music is great, the gameplay is slick and smooth, and wonderfully engaging and rewarding. Leaderboards and multiplayer for those interested. I’m not really a speedrunner type of gamer but this game is designed solely for it and it shines because of it.

There’s also a few platforming puzzles/challenges on some levels to get red orbs. I think what really made this game click for me was that using the freecam to spy one of the harder looking orbs, I saw the area the developer wanted us to take but couldn’t make the heads and tails of approaching or tackling it. Instead I just decided to run straight through and figurtively saw the path unravel before it, between walls and jumps and using the mechanics seamlessly. It was immensely satisfying picking out a relatively efficient, logical path from seemingly nothing instead of having it laid out in front of you.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Celaria on Steam

Traceur’s Dreamlab VR

Traceur’s Dreamlab VR

Amazing game design!

I´ve been a gamer for a long time, but so far i´ve never seen a level editor like this one, really an amazing idea!

The artstyle is breathtaking and the movement is also very good, so i hope the Devs will continue on their paths to make all our lives better in this dark time!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Racing Games.

It’s a bit raw at the moment so don’t expect it to be a game like STRIDE, but it has a really cool and unique course building feature. Lots of the rooms are fun, especially the parkour and challenge rooms.

Video of some gameplay and a brief explanation of how it works: https://youtu.be/RhFh8dSKxLM

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Traceur's Dreamlab VR on Steam



I’m enjoying this game! Like some other reviewers, I found the controls slightly off at first, but then I figured out what I was doing wrong. Accordingly, I want to offer a few simple tips that should be helpful for new and inexperienced players:

-Sprinting vs walking: In the Options menu, under “Input,” make sure “Use sprint input” is checked. This gives you much more control over your momentum, as you can either walk or hold SHIFT to sprint. If that option is not checked, I think you are always sprinting. SHIFT/sprint also affects your ability to make movement corrections while in the air.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Competitive Games.

The best I can say about this game is that it is fine. The movement feels slow and clumsy but honestly not all that bad. The mechanics range from very cool (the black-orange platforms that break) to alright (the wall running, feels cool but VERY glitchy) to just unneeded (zipwires, just unnecessary, taking control away from the player for 5-10 seconds.)

The double jump is weird, where the higher your initial upwards momentum is when using the jump, the higher the DJ will go. Eg double tapping space will send you flying but trying to DJ after running off a ledge will make you go nowhere. Some of the platforms that move up and down have weird physics too, but it makes somewhat more sense there.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Inertia on Steam

Quible Sphere

Quible Sphere

I’m fucking addicted

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

A very fun game.

It’s a challenging platformer, that doesn’t alow you to jump, and you have to rely on ball physics to do any tricks.

Roll around, dodging obstacles, and beat the stage as fast as you can. It becomes adicting to beat a stage very fast, especially when you notice speedrun tactics by yourself, and you get a pretty good time.

Depending on your skill, this game can take anywhere from 2-15+ hours to beat.(first time playthrough that is)

But if this game gets enough people to play it, the custom levels will also add even MORE hours to it.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Quible Sphere on Steam

Doodle Derby

Doodle Derby

Super fun and chaotic! I could play this game all day! And I have at Gamescom 2019 :)

The look of the game is really unique. I am very curious about the single player and level editor, since I mainly played the multiplayer game in the demo and beta versions.

Can’t wait to continue with this version of the game.

If you don’t mind ruining some friendships playing through the very competitive levels, this is a must purchase!

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

The game’s just not that fun. The problem solving in the campaign feels like work from driving a clunky and overrealistic car while collecting crates and experimenting through trial and error to figure out exactly where to put parts and get through the track. Nobody plays multiplayer at all either, so free build is pointless without other people to play with.

I wanted to draw spontaneous tracks and goof around. All I got was a half-baked architecture lesson.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Doodle Derby on Steam

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell

I wasn’t aware of SEUM up until I had played its demo (now removed from the Store). In less than one hour, I was completely convinced that this game had immense potential, so I added it to my wishlist and waited for a sale. Six months later, here I am writing a review for it.

SEUM is a first person platformer where you have to complete each level as fast as possible. Featuring a leaderboard system, you can track your times, your friend’s and the worldwide records for every level. The scores are reset on every season, to make sure the top scores are fair without fixed exploits. It is technically an incentive to come back to it once in a while in case being on top is something you love.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

This game is a ton of fun. Fast paced, perfect controls, great music, tons of levels, and full of little references. It can be a bit difficult at times, but it rarely ever feels unfair. A couple of time limits feel a little strict, but it’s not too bad. Really, you get a lot of content for the price. And it’s on sale now, so that’s even better.

I’ve only played through about 50 levels, so I see that things are different later on, I will update my review.

The game doesn’t hold your hand, but it also doesn’t hold you back either. You can play the game properly and go through each level as fast as you can. Or you can take your time, and come back later when you are ready for a better time.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell on Steam




A stomach-turning puzzle game not for people who are scared of heights.


73 ️⭐️⭐⭐️

Gameplay Footage



Youropa is a 3D puzzle game where you must defy the laws of gravity to reach your goal. Walking on walls, upside down, on your side, at ridiculous heights, will have your senses mixed up and confused. On a few occasions I had to stop playing the game because I felt a bit sick. The game really portrays a sense of height as you walk around on ledges and walls looking down at the scenery below.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Second Update

I’d like to keep the original review in tact so future viewers can see the full context and timeline of the events that took place. To summarize, the developer saw my review and responded with patches much faster than I would have ever expected. In the comments I called the response unprecedented, and I’ll echo that here.

When I review a game I’m never going in to that with the hope of punishing the dev or game. In my opinion, the absolute best outcome one could hope for is for them to care and respond positively to criticism which happened here.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Youropa on Steam

Ben and Ed - Blood Party

Ben and Ed - Blood Party

At first it was fun, but then…

Online is dead, game didn’t received any updates in a year, no special maps no special outfits related to hollydays, broken achivment (you have to download an old version to be able to get one achivment), many many little bugs, poor optimization (in my case it’s textures that becomes blurry after long session on hdd and alt-tab issue).

What can be improved you say? Well I have something in my mind.

First of all, custom maps that’s aproved by devs.

Second is randomizer, i mean when you choose a map, you should be able to randomize which level will be played and with what live count and time limit it should be played.

Real player with 272.7 hrs in game


-Multiplayer is so much fun with friends, you can rage and laugh together or even play with a random and make friends with them

-Custom Maps, this makes the game into something a whole lot different pretty much the idea of Super Mario Maker I have played some crazy levels but they are mostly pretty great

-Mechanics have improved a little and i’m being kind with a little it can still be verrrryyy tedious at times but it’s like learning how to kiss for the first time you will get the hang of it

Real player with 74.0 hrs in game

Ben and Ed - Blood Party on Steam



I played this game for over 60 hours on PS4, getting every achievement (currently the same achievements on both platforms).

Skip this first paragraph if you want to get straight to pros, cons, and opinion

N++ is a simple in concept minimalistic 2d platformer. Guide your character, the ninja, avoiding various traps, obstactles, and fall damage in search of riches. (gold coins scattered throughout levels). The ninja can wall jump and move in any direction. Every level has at least one door switch that opens a door to the end of the level. Navigate to that open door to finish a level. There are between 2000 and 2500 total official levels in three modes called Co-op, race, and solo mode ranging from easy/tutorial scaling up to the extremely challenging. All of these modes consist of episodes that have a pack of 5 levels together. As time passes in a level the score counts down. When that score hits 0 the ninja explodes and must start the level over. The time is additive in every episode. Collecting gold adds time. After beating an episode, it is possible to select levels individually. There are global leaderboards for every individual level and episode as well as friend leaderboards and replays for every best personal score. There is an in-game editor where players can make and play community made levels.

Real player with 491.5 hrs in game

N has been a series I’ve followed since around 2006, where I would secretly play it during class. The game was pretty special back then since it was made in flash, yet it was so well made and content rich that it could of passed as a AAA title at the time. Flash forward to 2016 with the release of N++ and it still holds strong as being one of the best platformers out there.

N++ is the best version of N, being the most polished and content rich of the series, but what makes this game truely special is something that has existed since the first version of N, that being its very well executed movement mechanics. N was a game that focused purely on platforming, there’s basically no story, no abilities, no player gimmicks, no killing enemies (they’re are plenty of enemies to kill you however). It’s just you and your ability to run, jump and wall jump.

Real player with 420.1 hrs in game

N++ (NPLUSPLUS) on Steam



Its awsome

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

its hard but good

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Clustertruck on Steam