Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme is a gem in a sea of countless games. I have had the pleasure of being in the closed beta as a QA tester. Sherwood Extreme has a simple yet complex variety of game-play mechanics. The average player will always have fun and the dedicated will always be coming back for more. This game has great potential as it grows in Early Access. In the future, I believe the speed running community will enjoy this game. The developers at CageStudios are people who are passionate about their game. They listen to community feedback and want to make a great game. The developers have built an awesome community on their discord.

Real player with 182.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Third-Person Shooter Games.

even though i have 10 hours in this game i can’t recommend this to people which hurts because i loved the time i spent with it. you play as Walmart robin hood in parkour levels killing enemies with various bows you can get through in game currency. you also have a shield but you’ll probably never use that. let me get the pros outta the way first. 1. the game play loop is fun for awhile till you realize the lack of variety and patterns. 2. there’s a decent amount of cosmetics you can get in game for free. 3. you can make chickens explode. now for the cons. 1. the lack of pretty much anything. 2. while i said the game play loop is fun it’s also incredibly repetitive, dull, and slow even though i think the intentions are for it to be fast. 3. the bugs many times my bow wouldn’t shoot this seemed to only happen in certain area but still was annoying. another bug i noticed was the game crashed a fair bit and if i clicked something to fast that would somehow crash the game as well. 4. the rpg system… man at first i loved it but after awhile it felt like a forced attempt to get people to play longer. what i mean by this is the rpg system really don’t help since in order to “level up” and get skill points you need to grind levels A lot and your reward is so small that it won’t matter till way later. on this same topic leveling up weapons was a slow and honestly boring grind since you can just grind the first level over and over(if you go there with a mission for it it’s even faster). 5. the missions. while they seem cool and fun at first they’re actually pretty dumb. they claim to add tons of variety to each level/mission they don’t. they only change a few minor things. for example traps that are easy to avoid, “different” enemies, etc. i can name more but the point is this game if just a slow, boring grind for nothing of value. oh they also have co-op but since almost nobody even plays it’s pointless. i know i said i don’t recommend this game but if you want something that’s fun-ish and relaxing for a bit give it a try.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Sherwood Extreme on Steam

Neon Tail

Neon Tail

The game is slowly getting better but there are 3 major problems that make it difficult to recommend - the acceleration on the slopes, optimization, and general lack of meaningful content. Some people also mentioned that controls are not good - that is not the full truth, I think the problem with controls is mostly coming from issues in the environment and not from skating mechanics that work fine when mastered. There are many parts in the city where you will have awkward platforming due to having multiple sticky zones in small proximity or invisible walls, making it nearly impossible to fully control the character. It’s not a problem in areas with more space, after playing 7+ hours I can execute platforming very consistently (it just has a learning curve). On that note, I would not recommend forcing new players to do tasks in small streets, or polish that level design so you not constantly hitting weird artefacts that you can’t see. Now the game feels kinda clunky at first because it prevents you from instantly stopping to show momentum, you have to make u-turns instead by spinning and using that momentum, which is kinda the main gimmick in the game, you are roller skating after all.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Character Customization Games.

I may not have too much time in the game but I’ve been occasionally playing for about a year now. While the movement feels sluggish in the beginning and takes a bit to get used to, its a unique feel that rewards quick reactions and improvisation to continue the flow of grinds and tricks. And the new September update greatly improved the game including a mini map with icons and the ability to travel to certain points on the map by bus, a new take on the upgrade system that is more straight forward and removes the need to choose between better stats or fun abilities, and a revamp of the current story and missions that greatly improve the new player experience. While still a work in progress game, it has quite a bit offer to those looking for a inline skating game that scratches the “you know what” itch.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Neon Tail on Steam

Struggling Ball

Struggling Ball

The only thing I can recommend more than this game is Tiny_Lol’s : “Face Value With Tiny” which recommended this Solid Game

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Parkour Adventure Games.

🎥Played live on Twitch🎥

Wow what an experience. Imagine everytime you try to play this game, the sound settings reset every level. Honestly, amazing design choice I couldn’t have thought of a better option :) (dev is working on this based on a recent post).

The levels are challenging, if not a little easy in certain areas, but I think that just adds to the frustration when you hit something comically difficult.

My clear time is 1.5 hours, this was after they added donut hell… this easily ate 30 minutes of time alone.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Struggling Ball on Steam

AdventureQuest 3D

AdventureQuest 3D

You’ll probably only like this game if you enjoyed AQW.

The EXP curve is terrible, even if it’s supposed to compensate for the low level cap. You’ll get to the point where if you want to level up, you’ll have to grind certain dungeons a bunch of times, not to mention that they give far less EXP than story missions (which you probably can’t do if you are grinding the dungeons for EXP in the first place).

The graphics are nice, with it being capped at 60 fps. Everything has good brightness (loving me that bloom). I’m also glad that there’s actually sound effects in this game. That spawn-in sound effect is kind of annoying, though.

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

Play it if:

-you’re bored

-you have played other AE games,

-you dont mind a grind

-you can keep in mind its early access, and not a polished product.

Dont play it if:

-you dont like grinds

-you need a story to get behind (ashfall might change this I guess, we will see)

-you are looking for the best looking game out there… (you can however use Reshade -, and tone down the saturation, add in some better FXAA, add better bloom, and add some sharpening.)

Compared to other AE games, this one seems promising, but will need some good content to really convince me its a game worth sticking with. as of now, it has seemed pretty one dimensional, however that is expected, as the devs work through making their first 3D game. promising concept guys, just follow through :D

Real player with 150.5 hrs in game

AdventureQuest 3D on Steam

Cat Gets Medieval

Cat Gets Medieval

wow, this is really not a standard game, a cat as a character) is not very standard. The physics of the cat’s movement is not bad at all and is truthful, with the exception of some points. I was glad that you can play not only alone but also with friends over the network. We are waiting for the second part where the character will be a dog, or another pet, I would look at it and play))

Real player with 340.7 hrs in game

So having “Completed” this game here is what you need to know. When you boot up the game you can pick a cat to play as, pick tiger, then just go at it. There is no real order to how to go about doing things. However you need to get the Force Collar to be able to beat the game. So after you talk to the king cat head down to the castle dungeon and kill some rats. Then proceed to DIE, ALOT, don’t worry though just keep throwing yourself at the big rat and he will die.

Then grab your new Force Collar and head on down to the crypt in the farm area and grab the only spell worth getting, Rageblade. This spell is a monster at destroying enemies foolish enough to try and stop you. Able to kill just about anything within seconds. You will also notice you can upgrade it any would recommend doing so when ever you have enough candy (the games currency) to do so. Best way to use it is jumping in circles around the enemy.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Cat Gets Medieval on Steam

Höll Space 5D6

Höll Space 5D6

This game is very obviously a work in progress and there’s a lot of rough edges. However, when you look past them and forgive the unpolished technical state, you’ll find a promising project with a lot of potential that’s pretty fun to play even now.

The first episode takes place in a broken space station (or a space ship?) full of interconnected paths that are a joy to explore and to get lost in. Don’t expect any hand-holding, though. The game gives you no directions and you’re left to figure things out on your own.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

The game is in early access; According to the forum, it is just one developer, but the visuals and map look surprisingly good. However, the visuals are much further along than the rest of the game. I have played all of the first episode, and it has been entertaining. There are many hidden ways to discover and find within the levels to move around and get to the different rooms and locations.

If you like to explore without handholding or, in some cases, even getting directions in a game, then this game is fun to play at this point in its development. If that is not your thing, then the game is in its current version, probably not for you.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Höll Space 5D6 on Steam



Laika is a third person perma-death runner game where you have to deal with various obstacles that exist to end your life. The main goal of this game is to survive until the end.

If you collide with a trap you die. If you fall you die. The map contain many hidden trap. Play carefully!


Laika (Russian: Лайка; c. 1954 – 3 November 1957) was a Soviet space dog which became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. Laika, a stray mongrel from the streets of Moscow, was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on 3 November 1957


A robot named Rico launched into the space. While Rico overcome various obstacles, his journey start by encounter Laika’s trace and finish by finding Laika!

Laika on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Simply put, AC Origins is a fantastic title that does an excellent job giving players an in-depth view into both Greco-Roman and Old to New Kingdom Egypt. The strength of the story line comes on the back of the great voice acting and story arc of the protagonist, Bayek of Siwa.

Exploring the ancient temples and pyramids across Egypt was an amazing adventure, and the new Discovery Tours feature is fantastic as you can now immerse yourself in a guide history tour of Ancient Egypt! No wonder university professors have been using it as a learning tool recently. With minimal bugs, great graphics, a solid story line with an amazing protagonist who rivals Ezio, AC Origins is a strong entry into the franchise.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

I played this after AC Odyssey, expecting it to be a carbon copy in sepia tones and I gotta say it’s not. I despised AC Odyssey and while this game isn’t perfect either, it is a vast improvement (which is funny considering it was released first). The story is unique and tragic, and most importantly makes sense as an origin story for the creed.

Because there is no level scaling, you can finally feel like you’re making progress, while at the same time still requiring you to use a strategy. You can’t just hulk smash every enemy. Stealth matters here and there is no better feeling than taking out an entire stronghold without being detected. You are an assassin after all, which, yes, means you finally have a hidden blade again. Treasure it, keep it close, don’t let it drift away.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Origins on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

This is the only game in the entire Assassin’s Creed series that truly embodies the soul of all the Assassin’s Creed games. The stealth is very well implemented and the AI does seem to be smarter too. The game features actual interactive interiors in most of the buildings which was really amazing for an open world game. And the Parkour - it is hands down the best of all the games in the series. I loved the all over gameplay and the story line.

But, the only thing that bugs me is the part where I have to play as an initiate. I really did hope that we’d get a successor as Subject 18. But we get what we get.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

I almost felt bad for buying such a good game for only $5.

To be honest, I have bought this game with little expectations, mainly because It was made in those “Ubisoft’s decadent years”, when they launched way too many games with way too poor quality, the worst AC main games in my opinion.

I expected something similar with this one, but it greatly surprised me from the first minute with agile parkour animations and impressive visuals. Arno is by far the most agile, stylish and elegant assassin in the franchise. Just search “pro stealth AC Unity” on youtube and you will see for yourself.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Unity on Steam

Beast Hour

Beast Hour

Beast Hour is a dark 3rd person PvP game where you run, hunt and fight!

Play as Raiders – use parkour to explore a forbidden territory of an old haunted сity to find Arkana – unique fuel that powers up your abilities. Compete with other Raiders to get more Arkana to have a chance to stand up against Beasts – vicious predators serving the сity’s Keeper. You can escape or you can fight – the choice is yours.

Play as Beasts – hunt down your prey in the sacred сity of the Keeper. Prove yourself to be the most brutal and furious monster by protecting the divine Arkana from Raiders and kill other Beasts as there could be only one Alpha.

Key Features

  • Fast-paced Parkour Chases

Use varied parkour moves and combos to overcome every obstacle on your way and dodge enemy attacks. Every piece of the сity is yours to explore.

  • No Allies

No matter who you play as – Beasts or Raiders – you constantly compete with everyone for either the valuable Arkana or just to have a chance to live another minute. Everybody is a rival and may turn against you.

  • Violence And Darkness

The world of Beast Hour is a grim and unforgivable place. Be prepared to fight in cruel battles for the world’s most precious resource – Arkana.

  • Feel The Hunt

Beasts complete tasks to sense Raiders and follow them to ambush and attack. Raiders must always be on alert and get enough Arkana to have a chance to confront Beasts.

  • Unique Heroes

With the help of Arkana technologies Raiders wield different elements such as electricity and poisonous gas. Beasts possess unique and powerful abilities like climbing walls, jumps all over the map, and hunting roar.

  • Leveling up

Level up during the game. That allows Raiders to unlock new abilities and Beasts to bust their strength. Shape your playstyle on the go.

  • Your Progress Changes The Game

Be the first player to reach the highest level and start Beast Hour – the final battle that defines the most dexterous Raiders and the strongest Beast.

World of Beast Hour

1886. The uneasy truce is breaking down. The world of Beast Hour is on the threshold of a new and the most violent war of all time. The War for Arkana is about to begin.

Arkana is a special substance that fuels machines and gives unprecedented strength to the human body and mind. Arkana has become the reason for rampant industrialization and exponential technological progress over the last decades.

The value of Arkana is unimaginable – this resource is scarce and can only be found in the most dangerous corners of the world. Raiders – outstanding soldiers and mercenaries – look for this demanded substance to support their side of the conflict but, most of all, powerful and mysterious Order.

However, these places are ruled by Keepers. Beasts from all over the world come here to receive their blessings and prove they are the ones to lead the world to a new age prophesied by Cult.

Choose your side – Beast of the bloodthirsty Cult or Raider of the totalitarian Order. Win the war and uncover the dark secrets of Beast Hour!

Beast Hour on Steam