At first I thought maybe I wasn’t going to like it. The combat felt a little bit jank and you spend the vast majority of the game doing exactly what the game’s title implies–-you break stuff. A lot. Almost constantly.

Once I got to around the 5 hour mark (when you first leave the tutorial/intro area and the credits roll), that’s where I really began to question if I was really going to have a good time. I wasn’t sure I was enjoying the combat. And I wasn’t sure I just wanted to tediously break stuff for 120 hours.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Crafting Games.

The game is very addicting and generous in content. There is a lot to see and to explore and quite a diversity in scenaries and actions. I like how the story is told and the fact that you keep on discovering things and paths with great freedom. I also like how you have to discover things yourself by experimenting and being curious.

Be warned that it can feel like a grind and that if you don’t like repetition and farming, you might not enjoy it, because you often do the same things ; mostly exploring, breaking stuff, fighting, and crafting. If you enjoy the gameplay loop, you are in for a long time. If you don’t, you might feel bored or exhausted before the end. I enjoy the game and like to discover the new places and grow more potent.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game


State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition

I exclusively played the game only on Lethal, I’ve never dipped my toes into any other difficulty, ever. The balance in terms of gameplay is honestly pretty good, you pay for your own mistakes most of the time. You sometimes drive over a bloater on a low-health character, or you fail to GTFO when SHTF, choosing to stay behind and risk your life, sometimes at the cost of it. It’s easy to break line of sight and lose a horde of zombies, and while Ferals are vastly overpowered and unreasonable, you can cheese them by Dropkicking them or shooting their heads from atop cars. I suspect other skills effect Ferals the same way Dropkick does, too. Overall it’s easy to survive if you’re focused, and it’s easy to die whenever there’s a lapse.

Real player with 186.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Zombies Games.

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ Post-Taco Bell toilet bowl

☐ Pixel Art/Remastered Old-School Graphics

☐ Not okay

☐ Okay

☑ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Like outside, but with better graphics

—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Uninstalled and refunded

☐ Point & Click/Visual Novel

☐ Okay

☐ Good

☑ Great

☐ It’s my second life

—{ Audio }—

☐ Muted all sound to play

☐ Old-School Drive-Thru Order Box

☐ Decent

☐ MP3 Quality

☑ Acoustic Silver

☐ Total immersion

—{ Audience }—

☐ All ages

☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Elders

—{ PC Requirements }—

Real player with 78.6 hrs in game

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition on Steam

Far Cry® Primal

Far Cry® Primal

Very well build and fun to play. This is the first Farcry that did not go ‘Off the Rails’ weird to where I didn’t want to continue. Primal is very consistent and keeps me coming back for more

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Hunting Games.

I almost never post reviews on games, but I felt I had to post about Primal. Among the FarCry games, Primal is the most relaxing and most balanced. Although it has a shorter story than FC5, it’s more interesting and the way you advance through it is really natural. The graphics is amazing and almost always you forget you play a game. For me, FC Primal has one of the most interesting single player campaigns I ever played in a game.

Real player with 150.8 hrs in game

Far Cry® Primal on Steam

Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

I don’t know why I haven’t wrote a review about this game since. I already played more than 1000 hours and I can honestly say this is my favorite game of all times.

I love open world, survival, multiplayer games. This game has everything I have ever wanted from a game. Here is a list of the things I like the most about it:


  • It is possible to tame animals and take NPC’s as slaves. Having an animal friend or NPC in your journey changes you experience completely. Even if you don’t have any friends to play with, I can assure you, your slaves and animals are more loyal then most people :)

Real player with 1074.2 hrs in game

A great game in so many areas and fun to play until you hit that Archery perk that gives a minus to your fighters STR in favour of a bow they have never used. Kind of feels like Funcom are punishing you for spending too much time on a Thrall.

Apart from that the map is good and hope they expand it to the 4 corners, they fact that you can hold your own in a fight makes your own stats feel relevant and fighting feels good.

The building is more fun than Ark to me and the DLC elaborates on this with new things to design and puts some more spice into it.

Real player with 995.3 hrs in game

Conan Exiles on Steam

Mist Survival

Mist Survival

Fantastic Game and good that you updated it. Keep up the very good work.

Real player with 265.6 hrs in game

The best $ you’ll ever spend on a game. Bought the game 2nd day it went early access and have enjoyed playing while watching the solo dev bring it up to what it is today. Poor guy is always worried about bugs and slow loading screen but it’s early access and he has done most of the work himself and a pretty bang up job at that. It has come a long way in 2 years and he plans to add much much more. You can throw 50 hours easily into the game just to get settled in and another 100 hours flossing for bandit ambushes with many other things to do from mining, farming the infected, outpost bases, farming, taking down a boss, raising animals, expanding a fleet of vehicles with roof-top machine guns and rescuing survivors. There is even more to do in this massive open world lately with more to come. Like I said, best $ for the entertainment & action.

Real player with 165.0 hrs in game

Mist Survival on Steam



This game has great potential. Sadly you will find that you run out of things to do after about 30hrs of gameplay at this time. With new content updates this could be a great game.

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

Hello to all the players, have a good day, I recommend this game because the truth seems to me to be a very relatable and fun game where you can share a beautiful gaming experience with your friends and it is only a game that at first seems boring because you want to You play alone and the other players will be killing you but you will get used to it, it is like every game at first it is difficult to play it but it is very nice when you are already liking it and you can become addicted

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Deadside on Steam

Hobo: Tough Life

Hobo: Tough Life

I was hesitated about buying this game due to some review and topic said the Dev has abandoned this game. Let’s me clarify this. They just put a new update in this game, and also there will be a patch which add mod support to the game according to the dev. And after 90 mins playing, so far I don’t see any bug glitch in this game. Everything work pretty smooth, game optimization is very good imo. Here are some Pros and Cons.


  • Save on exit. You can exit the game anytime you want without worry about losing your progress.

Real player with 186.5 hrs in game

So, after surviving 3 consecutive winters, I have a fair grasp on the game—which did not come without cost. The first ~10 hours was learning how to balance the needs of the character, and learning the city (the latter being the slightly more difficult part).

Expect to die. Expect to die a lot. This game is ruthless, and it will sht on you: you will starve, you’ll be told to “pss off”, you’ll smell like a porta-potty, you may end up involved with a Satanic Cult, you’ll get blitzed so badly that you’ll feel like you have to hold on to the pavement to keep from falling off the face of the planet…and then you’ll sh*t your pants.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Hobo: Tough Life on Steam

XERA: Survival

XERA: Survival

I’ve spent around 200 hours on this game now to fully test it out, spent over 6K hours in JS total, so I know the survival genre pretty well. (Me and my friends have deciced to quit the game now).

Why I can’t recommend this game:

1. Turrets. So incredible bad design, too OP. Remove them instead.

2. Unraidable bases.

3. OP guns (snipers), that is silenced and can 1 shot you from miles away. Your team can get completely wiped from 400 meters away, and you have no clue where they are shooting from.

Real player with 135.6 hrs in game

UPDATE 1st November 2021: Major, game breaking abuse is possible in the game. Apparently it is possible to clear the pincodes of enemy player’s base doors and windows. This renders the game unplayeable, since enemies can walk into your base and take all your grinding profits. The devs dont seem very interested in looking into this, despite multiple players reporting this issue. I uninstalled the game for now, will be back if this issue is completely fixed.

UPDATE END, original positive review below:

Real player with 117.2 hrs in game

XERA: Survival on Steam




  • The environments are quite pretty at times and I often find myself stopping to take in the scenery.

  • The day/night cycle is good. Seeing sunrays filter through the trees after a tense night of sneaking around in the dark feels good man.

  • A reasonably enjoyable main questline.

  • A good assortment of weapons and melee weapon modifications.

  • The ambient audio seems well done, e.g. floorboards creaking/hearing your character panting during a stressful encounter all helps to build tension.

Real player with 72.3 hrs in game

So many bad reviews for a day 1 alpha release. Give them at least 24 hours to work out the first wave of kinks before bringing the hammer down.

Edited after additional gameplay (2-14-18)

The game so far is creepy, fun with friends, challenging, has an interesting and fresh story, and is inviting to explore. The world that I have seen so far is detailed and full of points of interest. This game already runs better than some ea titles that have been out for ages, the combat is basic but works, and the multiplayer worked without a hitch.

Real player with 48.7 hrs in game


Next Day: Survival

Next Day: Survival

When you consider this game is only $10 and is usually on sale for $7 (what I got it for), then I recommend it. Next Day feels a bit unforgiving at first since there’s no real tutorial and the on-screen symbols for hunger and cold are confusing at first (Tip; you can hold your cursor over the symbol and it will give you information). I think the dev’s also made an update that gives you a handgun for the first mission with the wolf so it’s much easier then with the knife. Once you get a little gear built up from looting the neutral camp buildings you can start to venture out. The missions you start with are basic but fun especially with other friends or random players. The faction system is also fun and interesting. I started out with a Civilian helping me out by giving me weapons and gear and helping me with my missions. I eventually killed a Looter and became a Civilian. Then later, I was attacked by a Civilian at the Civ base so him and I went to blows and I accidentally killed him. I was immediately shot by the Civ NPC’s and then respawned at the Looter base and have been a Looter ever since (best faction by the way). I’ve had a lot of fun raiding bunkers and Civ bases either solo or with huge groups. You can max out your inventory quietly by just going to the bunker over and over once you know where all the soldiers are.

Real player with 143.8 hrs in game

Next Day: Survival is a 3rd person survival shooter with a Stalker-esque setting minus the mutants, anomalies and radiation. Next Days environmental hazards are toxic gas clouds that can cover certain parts of the map. The game has some light rpg elements such as the inventory system,skill levels with their passive stat bonuses and the few fetch-this-kill-that quests.

I bought the game bc it was 6 euros and it seemed to have a nice atmosphere, somewhat bringing Stalker to my mind. In that way it did mostly live up to my expectations. It has what youre looking for if you need a quick fix of some slavic postapocalyptic survival faction vs faction action. The gunplay is very arcadey tho and thats one of the biggest problems for me gameplaywise. Theres no bullet drop or anything. Players and NPCs are rendered to only about 150-200m so its impossible to kill anyone beyond that distance, unless youre a hacker. With the Dragunov or PSG-1 you would kinda wanna be able to actually shoot people to the distances they are capable of..not to even talk about the AKMs effective firing range of approx. 50m. From here we get to a different problem: the map is really small, so realistic sniping distances would create pretty big kill zones around the faction HQs. Still I would prefer the distances to be realistic and a bigger map over what we have now.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Next Day: Survival on Steam