Enjoyed the updates and game play. I normally don’t play this style game and I bought it for my son who shares this sit with me. He is autistic and just loves this game, he would get excited with every update. He really likes the direction the game is going with people connecting in the game.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Building Games.

Went inside the capital, fell through the world into the endless abyss of the ocean, until I fell down the heavens to the earth. Only to fall through the world again to the depths of hell just to teleport to the tallest peek of the mountain, 4000m away from my settlement. I got a nice view though.

8/10 game. Would recommend.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game


Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

it’s a review so i have to say that this game is MAGIC (no magic involved in the actual game). If you’re a geek who loves medieval history, then just buy it already! it’s just 10$ on sale right now which feels criminally cheap for what you’re getting. you’re going to get tons of hours and an incredible amount of options to choose from in terms of skills, combat and play style which ultimately allows your Henry be exactly who you want him to be. The combat is challenging, and even though my coordination and rhythm is poor in life and all video games i’ve played, there are ways around this (in most cases), as you have many ways to resolve issues. I play a charismatic yet weaselly man who can talk or run his way out of anything. i can handle a sword if it comes to it, but i’d rather not. what i’m getting at is that you shouldn’t be intimidated by some reviews that rightfully point out how challenging some scenarios can be. get creative! the game allows for that.

Real player with 169.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Singleplayer Games.

As a game, it’s very difficult in the early parts. Food and money are really hard to come by, though there are some “public food pots” if there’s no choice. You are weak and getting ambushed is hell, especially when you haven’t saved recently. Speaking of saving, you have to CRAFT a potion to save, or find a comfy bed. Fighting more than 2 enemies is an automatic fail, more so if they are armored. Though to be fair, anyone would struggle to fight 2 people in real life.

Yet, once you have top level armor and weapons, this game is one of the best “knight simulators” of all time imo. Get some potions that fortify your defense and raise your warfare/strength skill and you’re a killing machine. Then there’s also the fact that money and food become pointless because you’ll be filthy rich (even without ‘that’ DLC) and you’ll get hungry a lot slower. I absolutely love the combat system. Even if many people aren’t fond of it, i don’t think there are other games that can capture the essence of medieval fencing. This game got me interested in HEMA. Anyone who says the combat is “trash”, is actually trash at understanding the combat mechanics themselves.

Real player with 162.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Steam

Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

  • My younger brother learned how to read and write his 1st words with this game, before he ever went to school.

  • I learned english for the 1st time and developed my spanish with this game

  • It was the 1st game that i ever had the feeling that it was the perfect game for me when i was a kid.

  • it was the 1st online videogame that i used to play in a regular basis

  • This game was the 1st ever platform that served as a base to our great comunity called the 1stBdC. It’s the 1st big mount and blade community in our country and also the 1st in Portuguese comunitys rankings… since it’s the only one XD.

Real player with 2669.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Multiplayer Games.

“It’s almost harvesting season!”

Truly a gem of a game. I’ve spend countless of hours in it without ever boring myself. The mods make this game very replayable.

Real player with 795.7 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: Warband on Steam

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Before you all read my review I want you to know I’m basing this review purely on the multiplayer aspect of this game as that has been my main way of having fun on the amazing Mount&Blade franchise over the last 10 years.

Be it on Warband, With Fire and Sword, Napoleonic Wars dlc, or many of the mods we saw over the years, it’s always been the multiplayer that kept me interested and gave me so many great moments.

Look I know what most people are thinking…

“But Walja, you have over 1.000 hours played on Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord and still you don’t recommend it !?”

Real player with 1112.7 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews for this game are people who bought it early on and saw how little this game progressed through the passing of months, positive ones are the ones with few hours, because I indeed agree, it feels like a new game completely, which is good (as there was already plenty of content for Warband through great mods).

However, what surprises me the most is that they say this game will be released June next year? (sourcing themselves: . How come? Game is far from finished and absolute snail’s pace of development will for granted not finish it in a few months, when this game has been going on for years and since they launched it on steam on early access prepurchase, they have mostly been doing minor fixes and balancing. No new features, quests or dialogues since I last played to this day

Real player with 316.0 hrs in game

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord on Steam

Life is Feudal: Your Own

Life is Feudal: Your Own

In one sentence: After three years this game is a spectacular monument to failure.

Played this game from the time it was first released as an early access game on steam up to the current date. Over this period I experienced first hand how it was evolving and where it was going. Played on public servers as well as on my own server. At times it replaced my real life which is sad to be honest.

I really liked this game because it had lot of potential. However it seems that after every update it became worse and worse. I was hoping the devs would first adress the issues of the game in order for every asset to be functional. I was reporting bugs, errors, malfunction and hoped that with the next update it would be fixed. But no. It never happened. Instead each update brought assets to the Clusterfuck and with that came more issues.

Real player with 1687.2 hrs in game

I absolutely love this game. I am on a non PVP server and we are usually close to full every evening. I was unsure about the game the first hour or so. I’m used to Rpg’s where you wander around killing stuff to level up and craft when you get tired of leveling. This game is completely different. It’s all about building and crafting. It’a about wandering around a beautiful country looking for the things you need to make food, tools, armor, houses, keeps, weapons…basically anything and everything.

Real player with 1296.8 hrs in game

Life is Feudal: Your Own on Steam

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

This game is fantastic. I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, and I’ll likely put hundreds of house more into it. Takes place in the real world in mid-17th century Eastern Europe. There’s 5 factions; Muscovite Tsardom (Russia), Sweden, Poland, Crimean Khanate (Crimea, which is a location in the game), and the Cossacks. You’ll meet people from these areas as well as Spaniards, Frenchmen, Germans, and even Scotsmen. There are muskets, and because of the time period, they come in a variety of flavours. Home made, matchlock, wheel lock, and Miquelet (flintlock) are the main ones, in order of quality. Accuracy is in short supply of course, but I do believe there are some rifled muskets in the game, however they are VERY expensive, and not something you can give normal soldiers. Only your own character, and heroes.

Real player with 485.8 hrs in game

With Fire and Sword, a Winged Hussar’s wet dream (at first glance).

The cover of the game might wow you with it’s fancy looking armor and “updated” gameplay, but once you have it, it gets boring quick and the lack of options is a huge disappointment.

Unlike Warband, this game doesn’t have a troop/progression tree. Instead this game just has you upgrade troops to “veteran”, and while that might not be that bad, the lack of variety can get really old, really quick.

There is no diplomacy, at all, ever.

Real player with 244.2 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam

Mount & Blade

Mount & Blade

Mount & Blade is an immersive and difficult open-world medieval RPG.

There is not a game on Steam that provides more content for such a price except maybe Fallout New Vegas. This game is definitely equal to more than the sum of it’s parts. Though the character models, voice acting, interface, graphics textures and resolution leave something to be desired, this game supercedes all of that to provide an addictive, immersive experience.

In essence, the game provides a sandbox open world based on a medieval setting reminiscient of world history. You are allowed to engage in whichever pursuit you please, including as a bandit, merchant, sportsman, headhunter, general, mercenary, knight, and even politician.

Real player with 553.4 hrs in game

I’ve been gaming for 30+ years and over that time I’ve played a lot of games. From my experience, Mount & Blade offers a unique gaming experience. Not quite like anything else I’ve ever played. There are some similarities to familiar games, such as shades of the Total War series, but stark enough differences that they really cannot be compared. Mount & Blade in my opinion is fairly easy to learn, but does take some skill with action type fighting to be mastered. If you enjoy strategy games with a turn based feel, mixed with real time combat, in a non-linear world; then Mount & Blade may just well be your cup of tea.

Real player with 275.8 hrs in game

Mount & Blade on Steam

Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers is a life simulator in a Chinese settlement established during the construction of the Great Wall. As one of the inhabitants, find out if you have what it takes to build the world’s largest defensive fortification and face other daily challenges.

Work solidly. The wall will not build itself, certainly not the Great Wall! Follow all instructions carefully - it will certainly pay off in the future. And this is not just about a job promotion!

Get food. At first, rice will be your bread and butter. Well, that and possibly fish. It is also worth taking the risk and going hunting with your buddies. Hunting will allow you to eat something decent and give you more strength to work.

Be creative. Enhance your skills and create many valuable items that you can sell or use. It will significantly increase your comfort of life, but you have to take care of it yourself.

Chinese Frontiers on Steam

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG


Don’t let yourself be fooled by “the average steam review” rating, a lot of positive reviews come from players with 60 hours or even less (surely not enough to really see all the mechanics of the game, let alone fully understand them and see all the flaws), I’ve also seen a lot of negative reviews “mysteriously disappear”.

I’m fairly convinced that the right “average steam review” rating for this game should be “Mixed” or even lower.


-It has (HAD imho) a huge potential, could have been a gaming milestone in the hands of a better development team

Real player with 2981.0 hrs in game

Basic Review

  1. The devs seem competent, as proven by the fact that they made a game in Unity that could have smooth large battles of ~200 players at the same battle site, even if the battle site is a castle!

  2. The devs either lack experience at managing an MMO or they want to manage their MMO the way they do. Specifically; a) the game is borderline pay2win and may become more so in the future, b) when a studio is making money from a cash shop and not the content of the game, we end up with an MMO that lacks content. Unless future expansions are also buy2play (GW2 model), then Gloria Victis will end up like SWTOR. That said, the game for the time period I played it (December 18 - August 19) received multiple content additions, c) some items at the cash shop (specifically the nation transfers) create problems for the community and balancing between nations.

Real player with 1905.1 hrs in game

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG on Steam

Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty

Overall this is a good game, I enjoyed playing in for nearly 300 hours. However it does have it’s flaws some of which are the reason I stopped playing before clocking up 300+ hours of play time.

Firstly some of the skill and tech progression needs optimising, I still had a long way to go in many of them and very little means by which get there. most noticeably Taverns and anything in the diplomacy tree. Horses are too late in the game to of any use, there is half a tech tree dedicated to their use but they are not needed by the time you can use them.

Real player with 284.9 hrs in game

This game is a black hole. It’s the type of game you sit down to mess around on for 20 minutes, and then 5 hours have passed, you’ve pissed yourself, and your mouth is drier than a pharoh’s sock.

The phyiscs can be very clunky, and at it’s base settings the Villager’s needs were laughably easy to fulfil. These are fairly minor complaints, as the base mechanics and the feeling of constantly working towards the next ‘thing’ carry this game into the limelight.


Following what is, for the most part, the Main Quest in the form of Uniegost’s Story is a trial of tedium. I can best liken it to Racimer being a camera for an ongoing drama, with some very slight choices by the player, that really don’t amount to much. For example, there is a quest near the conclusion of the line, which I’ll keep as vague as possible, you have to travel to the very far east corner of the map to speak to someone who has critical information. The game hypes this moment up. You get there, for me at the time it was getting dark and raining quite heavily which really helped the atmosphere, and the Guy first dallies for no particularly good reason, directly calling out that ‘you need this information in a time critical manner,’ before the guy asks you to collect… His groceries. Yep. 20 Beetroot. 20 Onions. 20 Cabbage. 20 Carrots. For the most part, the rest of the quests are running back and forth across the map, occasionally getting items, talking to various NPCs spout exposition about your Uncle.

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

Medieval Dynasty on Steam