

This game is quite literally a classic gameboy RPG.

It feels like it was made when the gameboy had just came out.

This is both good and bad, and as such I’d recommend caution when buying it.

So if you loved the old gameboy RPGs, as in the very first ones, and want to check out something nostalgic then hit this up.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Exploration Games.

I really wanted to like this, but it just isn’t for me. I’m two hours in and while the game isn’t bad by any means it’s just…dull. I’m having a very hard time convincing myself to keep going.

There’s a lot of moving boulder puzzles and fetch quests to find multiple items like dragon scales to enter a cave or golden dragons. There are also fetch quests like finding a cat that ran into a forest or bringing a guy and sandwich to receive an item, that when combined with other fetch quest items, will help you to advance. I got a raft this way.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Dragonborne on Steam



Game has gotten lot better in these past few years. those of you who haven’t played this game yet, I would definitely recommend them to play it especially the windows edition if you have a good pc to back graphics (better than ps4).


Game has good story, good challenges, lots of exploration and lots of content.


Rarely crashes sometimes (so save frequently), bad camera angle during fights sometimes.

Real player with 137.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Story Rich Games.

I actually dont recommend this game, i went through the pain of playing this game because i really liked the story…

Even though the story is not finished and prematurely closed because of the cancellation of many DLC’s i consider that its a really cool one if you actually follow the order.

It is interesting how you start playing as the most powerful character in the story and then finish it as just a simple pawn (a kingsglaive)

The music is really really good, its terribly underrated but so far one of the greatest ost’s ever

Real player with 127.4 hrs in game


LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tales of the Fatebounds is a wasted potential, but overall still comes out as decent and enjoyable experience made by developers who listen to the community.

RATING: 6/10.

I’ll start off with what I dislike:

  • Sub-par narrative. - WARNING spoiler potential

    The game started off nicely. Party members were interesting with their own distinct personalities, backgrounds, and personal issues. Along the way, they found themselves in disagreements, having trust issues, while they needed to face trials to test their “worth”. With this scenario, you would expect each character to have a personal development throughout the game, right? BUT THE GAME SAYS HELL NO. You are going to see this pattern very often: At first, let’s be friends! - A moment later, fck you I don’t trust you! - And then a moment later, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, my bad - aaand a moment later, fck you all I’m done with this shit!. Some party member have either bipolar disorder, or they are just a bunch of idiots who do not learn from their mistakes.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Fishing Games.

My review on this game, POSSIBLE SPOILERS.

Story: 6/10

The story was interesting, big war going on, chosen ones coming together to put a stop to it. Characters developing overtime as experience shape them up to be the heroes fate chose them to be. Sadly that is not really seen here. The story is interesting and the concept is cool but without developing characters to push the story to be interesting I found myself being beyond bored with the story. I love fantasy elements in RPGs and a in depth story to boot. However, I just couldn’t get behind the characters in the story because of the constant issues that kept arising throughout the journey. The plot empathizes that the Fatebound must work together and share a common purpose yet whenever there is a secret behind each character (which of course there is), the whole party loses their focus and doubts everything over and over. Even after finishing the trials that test the party to find common ground and work together, the characters in this party is purely glass and shatters at the mention of a “secret.” The concept of the story was really cool and could have been expanded upon but I just got bored, sometimes it picks up and gets interesting but then oh no this guy was secretly super evil “How could you not tell us?.”

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds on Steam

Time For Quest

Time For Quest

An excellent game, thanks to it I was inspired to new achievements, got invaluable experience, and another great game in the library.

I’m really looking forward to the full release!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

It’s good when everything is clear and easy, I liked going through quests, no matter what early access, everything is exactly cool!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Time For Quest on Steam

Way of the Samurai 3

Way of the Samurai 3

I love the Way of the Samurai franchise, but i think WoTS 3 is the worst game in the series for several reasons.

- Bad Stuff -

1. The job system is one of the most frustrating systems i’ve ever encountered in gaming. I cannot stress how bad this mechanic is - it will be a deal breaker for many players. Most of the job quest involve extreme tedium - for example like finding 3 missing kids (no map markers, can take 10-20 until you memorize the locations), pushing an old lady to the toilet without staggering her, and following npcs around for +5m sometimes till they meow so you can identify them as a robber. Many of the quests involve “finding a person who is hiding” and they can be in crazy places like on the roof, in a tree, or in a patch of ivy you are trying to search at night. Worse, the jobs take place in the same few locations - so you are stuck searching the same few zones over and over again with little variation. Why do these tedious jobs? Well job quests are essential to gain money, collect certain swords, and gain faction rep for certain endings. Finally, to finish a quest and ask for a new quest, you need to submit the quest, walk to leave the zone, get a loading screen, then return to the zone, get a loading screen, then go back to the quest giver to get a new job. Overall, i feel like this game completely disrespects your time with pointless tedium. You aren’t a samurai, you are playing where’s waldo for most of the game.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game



–combat seems simple, but is deceptively fun and addictive

–15 different endings based on player choices

–lots of interesting and idiosyncratic characters

–character customization

–skin swaps for said character customization (can play as any NPC in the game)

–Story and character interactions are highly enjoyable

–replay value for days


–dated graphics

–movement in and out of battle has probably not aged that well (shouldn’t be that much of a problem though)

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Way of the Samurai 3 on Steam

Cassette Beasts

Cassette Beasts

Adventure. Battle. Transform.

Collect awesome monsters to use during turn-based battles in this open-world RPG. Combine any two monster forms using Cassette Beasts’ Fusion System to create unique and powerful new ones!

Welcome to New Wirral, a remote island inhabited by strange creatures you’ve only dreamed of, nightmares you hopefully haven’t, and a cast of brave folks who use cassette tapes to transform for battle. To find a way home you’ll need to explore every inch of the island, and record monsters to your trusty cassette tapes to gain their abilities!

  • Transform into monsters…using retro cassette tapes?!

    Faced with the constant threat of monster attacks, the residents of Harbourtown, New Wirral choose to fight fire with fire. Record a monster to tape, then play it back to take on its form for battle!

  • Fuse monster forms!

    Getting close to your companion has benefits–while transformed you can combine your strengths to gain the upper hand in battle! Any two monster forms can be fused to produce unique, fully-animated new fusion forms.

  • Explore a rich open world

    Certain monster abilities can be used in human form. You’ll need these to help you get around, solve puzzles, and locate dungeons. Glide, fly, swim, climb, dash, or turn magnetic!

  • Travel alongside a diverse cast of human companions

    Never fight alone! Form bonds, spend time together, and help your selected partner complete personal goals to become a better team. The strength of your relationship determines how well you’re able to fuse!

  • Master a deep battle system

    Take advantage of elemental chemistry to apply extra buffs or debuffs alongside your attack, or even alter your opponent’s elemental type!

Cassette Beasts on Steam



I’m glad to get the chance to play this demo before the release of the full version. I’m really pleased with how Square Enix is promoting this game. I really do feel it’s been made for the fans. I can’t wait to delve into the full version.


+beautiful graphics (as expected)

+great, and instantly classic musical score

+fun and imaginative (as you would expect from Final Fantasy)

+engaging story


-resource intensive; I don’t want to lay into them too hard, but from what I can see, I can’t understand why on earth even an i7 7700K/GTX 1080Ti combination would have a problem getting smooth 4K 60p. I just finished playing Assassin’s Creed Origins a few weeks ago, and it was absolutely gorgeous. Stunning. Smooth 4K 60p, no prob. Under 50 gb. Final Fantasy XV is said to be 3X the size (150 gb for 4K texture version) and from what I can see, still doesn’t look as beautiful as Assassin’s Creed. All I can think is, this game must be poorly optimized. As beautiful as it may be, as of yet there is nothing earth-shatteringly ground-breaking why this should make the 1080Ti struggle and still not look as good or run as smoothly as ACO. Curse of the early adopters. Hopefully as development of the Windows Edition continues, a lot of this wil be hammered out in the coming months.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Almost 10 hours in the demo, few things to note:

-There are 3 dungeons but all of them are restricted and can only be entered in the full game.

-Cannot ride chocobos in the demo.

-You can use the first person mode by pressing the N key.

-According to the game itself, demo save cannot be used in the full game.

If you want to milk the full content of it, here’s a list of what you can do that isn’t very trivial:

-Clear all the hunts, you cannot accept the Lv15 hunt at hammerhead until you are a hunter Lv2 which requires to clear 5 different hunts (Clear one of each up to the quay).

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game


Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles

Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles

This is more linear and shorter than the first game, but other than that it’s still solid and fun. Though this time you got a new meter resource instead of Mana, which is called Thanatos. When used it powers up your abilities to have different properties and such. Overall I would recommend the first game over this one, but if you’ve already played that one then this still worth buying.

As with the previous game, if you have ~200 FPS or more, the mouse sensitivity might be too low even on the fastest settings, as it was for me, but I solved it by limiting the frame rate of the game to 150.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

The Nameless Chronicles plays much like its predecessor in regards to hack and slash and magic attacks. Despite that, I prefer the way Nameless moves and operates compared to The Bearer and Ergo. The story runs parallel with the first game, with that in mind there are fewer bosses and less to do as far as content. However, that doesn’t mean it is not as good as the first one. The same still cutscenes and OK dialogue are still present with much of the music being used from the first game. There are a few new tracks that I was really a fan of and really had me catching some feels in the tender moments of the story.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles on Steam

Doom & Destiny Worlds

Doom & Destiny Worlds

Was a huge fan of the first two games, so I was excited about diving into the world of Do&De again. Crafting games aren’t normally my favorite, but this one keeps things simple enough that I can manage (no hunger/thirst meters, THANK YOU), I’m also not a fan of item deterioration, but it makes sense with the crafting. so far I’ve explored 11 different islands. the puzzles are pretty straighforward so far, but the crafting really drags out progressing the story, especially when your weapons and armor break and you have to make new ones.

Real player with 210.8 hrs in game

Doom & Destiny Worlds third part from the D&D series. In this part we will find a completely new approach to the game. First of all, an open world which is very large. Many of different islands with challenges and lot of strange monsters to defeat. Crafting is also new thing. You can create all your equipment. Lots of weird potions to kick up your nerds. Being able to build and destroy almost anything. Simply a wonderful adventure for hours. Just Gigawesome game! I also recommend the previous parts which are just as great as this one. I already have, and you?

Real player with 201.8 hrs in game

Doom & Destiny Worlds on Steam

Dreamland: Village Life

Dreamland: Village Life

Dreamland: Village Life is a reimagined open world game inspired by classics.

Players arrive in a small village to farm, fish, go on RPG adventures, manufacture weapons, mine, dive, build bridges, explore the world, and make friends with cute villagers!

**The in-game’s time is fully synchronized with the real world.

You can experience changes between daytime, dusk, and nighttime, as well as seasonal changes.**

(Note: Currently, some of the scene and building assets in the game are licensed assets purchased at the Unreal Official Marketplace.)


The game was developed with Unreal Engine.

Persona Creation

In Dreamland: Village Life, you can customize your player persona’s appearance, including their sex, eye shape, eye color, hairstyle, and hair color. This helps you create your own persona.

Making Friends With Villagers

You can make friends with cute villagers, and can also chat with them as well as send them gifts and strengthen friendships with them. In addition, this game includes an mail system that you can use to receive mails sent by the production group. The villagers will also send you mails each day, and you can write mails to them.

RPG Battle System

Form partnerships with villagers and start a hair-raising adventure! This game’s occupations include a warrior, magician, reaper, archer, and priest. You can choose your own occupation!


You can put soil anywhere and make your own farm! Choose from a variety of vegetables and fruits. There are over 50 plantables in the game, ranging from age-old classics to the exotic and obscure native to Asia.


You can fish in the river and sea, and this game includes more than 40 types of fish.

Raising Livestock

Raising livestock includes Gathering wool, collecting milk and eggs as cooking ingredients!

Mining Ore

Descend into caves to excavate precious ore. You can use the ore you get to make weapons.


This game includes more than 80 types of ingredients you can use for cooking. You can farm, fish, raise livestock, and fight to get these ingredients.

Cutting Trees

You can cut down trees to get wood to make handicrafts and manufacture weapons!

Insect Catching

You can catch insects in a net. This game includes more than 50 types of insects that you can catch.

Weapons Manufacturing

Create your own weapons to use in battle.

Handicraft Making

During the game, you can get all kinds of materials for making a variety of handicrafts.

Research and Develop Potions

Research and develop HP, MP, and antidote potions for use in battle.

Excavate Relics

You can use handmade shovels to excavate relics located at spots marked on the ground.

Costume Change System

This game includes more than 100 types of clothing. You can buy any type you want at the clothing store.


Dive to the bottom of the ocean! You can choose a diving spot on the island, and unlock deeper levels of exploration. Uncover everything that the sea provides. You can collect seaweed and coral to cook and eat.


Row a boat with villagers, strengthen your friendships with them, and enjoy yourself.

Hang Gliding

Go hang gliding to get a bird’s-eye view of the world and visit more distant places.

Decorate Your House

Decorate your dream house. You can put whatever furniture you want in its rooms. Create your own space. Furniture can be bought from the store or you can make it by hand.

Build Bridges

Build bridges on both sides of the river to make it more convenient to get to the world on the other side!

Mini Game

During this game, you can also play an entertaining mini game.

Dreamland: Village Life on Steam