theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

TLDR: Was a great game and a great developer, the developer’s quality has fallen apart, the game retains great potential if the developers can get their house in order.

At it’s heart, this was a great game and it retains that potential. However, the developers are clearly having some sort of issues interrupting the quality of their delivery pipeline. Until recently I was purchasing every DLC they released in support of them immediately upon release (I even have some DLC I haven’t even played yet). The reason I stopped was the total collapse of their releases. Every new release (both patches and new content) introduce new bugs of a sever/critical nature. Even worse, for the last 4 or 5 new content releases the new content itself had major bugs preventing the enjoyment of that new content. Yes, some bugs are expected with new releases, but this game has taken it to a whole new level. What’s worse is it takes them months to correct these bugs.

Real player with 589.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Multiplayer Games.

A beautiful and amazing game, ruined by an ever-growing number of game-breaking bugs.

I’m not going to list all the bugs (as Steam might think this review is DoS attack) but instead just mention some of the ones I ran into myself:

  • In the entire Hirschfelden reserve (one of the two maps included in the base game) I get bad (extra loud) noise levels when moving on grass. This is only on the grass and only on that reserve. Basically whatever I do there is considered extra-loud by the game so, for example, just walking spooks nearby animals as much as I were sprinting.

Real player with 318.6 hrs in game

theHunter: Call of the Wild™ on Steam

Skinwalker Hunt

Skinwalker Hunt

If you like scary games, and played any of those old cabella’s hunts PC games this [and the previous Witch Hunt] are gonna scratch an itch you didn’t know you had. This creator really knows how to work the atmosphere, and it’s strangely addicting for something that puts you so on edge.

For a constructive review I wanted to play both maps twice, and the one thing I think that could be improved on is I feel Chernobyl is missing something to bring it from a 4 to a nice solid 5/5? At first I thought it felt like the map was bigger or had more space before I replayed the first one, and I think the real difference is the first is so scary I almost don’t want to explore every corner of the map bc every step made my chest hurt. The Valley has the advantage of the simple fact that its darker, the uneven terrain only further obscures your view, and you’re forced to use your flashlight which only makes things worse for your heart when it starts freaking out. On my third playthrough of Chernobyl I was thinking of how I’d make things worse for myself, and I think it’d be cool if the Skinwalker also set of the Geiger counter too? It’d give the player an ironic “oh thank god it’s just radiation poisoning” when the yellow iconic pops up, as well as stick with the area’s mechanic. Also if he followed you into buildings, but I may have just got lucky he never rushed me while I was inside one. Although it was always still in the back of my mind making me want to hurry up and get the hell out of there anyway

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Survival Horror Games.

I’ve only played for about an hour and a half and… This game is great! At first I thought it was too hard, but now that I have gotten used to the controls and the animals I just cant explain how good the game is. It is sad that there’s no multiplayer, but I understand that it would be impossible to add because of the whole save mechanic.

I have played a game very similar to this called BIGFOOT, but that game is priced at 20$! You get the same experience here for less money. Recommending this game even if its not on sale! My only real problem is how often Skinwalker appears, maybe make him a little less common…

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Skinwalker Hunt on Steam

Toukiden 2

Toukiden 2

TL;DR: Great gameplay and really cool gear and skill customization, but the game is bogged down by some glaring technical / interface issues. Get it on console if you can, as many of the issues are largely PC specific (practically unusable voicechat, no mouse support, not-great controller support, hackers, poor text chat.) Get it on PC only if the game is really appealing to you and you have no other way to play it. And if you’ve played Kiwami, you may want to skip this, because it’s $60 for what is basically a reskin of Kiwami with a few new weapons and abilities (and a bunch of Kiwami’s stuff actually taken AWAY, for that matter.)

Real player with 211.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Character Customization Games.

Let’s get to the short answer to the question “should I buy Toukiden 2?”

If you’re a fan of monster hunter games then it’s a good match. If you’re just curious about it, you’d better think twice.

It’s almost impossible to describe this game without mentioning Monster Hunter, but you should not go in expecting a similar experience. Here are a bunch of bullet point considerations in no particular order:

-The game community is tiny and therefore the amount of data available is miniscule, even compared to God Eater. If you can’t make your way around Japanese websites, you’re going to have a hard time figuring out how gear and weapons work.

Real player with 166.8 hrs in game

Toukiden 2 on Steam

Far Cry® Primal

Far Cry® Primal

Very well build and fun to play. This is the first Farcry that did not go ‘Off the Rails’ weird to where I didn’t want to continue. Primal is very consistent and keeps me coming back for more

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

I almost never post reviews on games, but I felt I had to post about Primal. Among the FarCry games, Primal is the most relaxing and most balanced. Although it has a shorter story than FC5, it’s more interesting and the way you advance through it is really natural. The graphics is amazing and almost always you forget you play a game. For me, FC Primal has one of the most interesting single player campaigns I ever played in a game.

Real player with 150.8 hrs in game

Far Cry® Primal on Steam

theHunter Classic

theHunter Classic

It amazes me that so many on here want everything for free, complaining you have to buy this for this and but that for that.

Yes it’s pay to play but how do you think the developers pay their staff and all their overheads. I’m also gonna say YES it is bloody expensive and I was very much against this game for that reason. I don’t believe in micro transaction in fact I hate them with a passion but that said, If you buy a years sub which is £29.99 you would have all the tools to hunt all species minus the callers which would cost another £20. Yeah it’s nearly £50 but this game will last you longer than a year and how many on here pay that for a game that lasts 2-3 weeks and then get ripped into buying DLC’s for that game. Once you’ve shelled out that £50 you can then still hunt for free after that years sub. You keep all that you bought(Guns,Callers,Suits.etc) and then can hunt all the free animals for free. So you pay £50 and then this game will last you forever. I hated this game when I learned it was pay to play and I avoided this game like the plague but once I played this game I was hooked and bought a years sub within 10 mins of playing and since have over 500 hours of play. Yes I have invested more into the game but that was my choice and I didn’t have to. I play this game everyday and absolutely love it, you get nothing for free nowdays and to get something out you have to put something in. If you don’t like the pay to play model which in fairness grinds my gears, may I recommend The Hunter Call Of The Wild which is out next week 16th Feb. This is gonna be a one off payment($29.99, so maybe £25 UK) but will be backed up with DLC’s but saying that, If you see the new hunting reserve in COTW, it would fit the whole of the hunters reserves inside it. Many videos of the new game on Youtube, I highly recommend having a look. Happy Hunting

Real player with 606.8 hrs in game

60 euro for all wow games the 6 months 65 euro then all stuff you buy extra so 120 euro you are up and running in wow 35 euro for one year in hunter and i did pay around 120 euro all my stuff i need so get a nice hunting eve online i dont like that game but you have to pay sub if you gonna get some where in that game to 120 euro for one year and then if you buy 23000 Aurum that is 100 euro more this is fact mmo games are pay 2 play simple idont understand why ppl hate on this game so much the dont do that to other pay 2 play games i love this so much i play every day since i got it :) so if you cant pay for stuff in mmo games dont play it all

Real player with 547.8 hrs in game

theHunter Classic on Steam

Virtual Hunter

Virtual Hunter

[tl:dr] below my mumbling

Hello trying to keep it short. If you want a fully fledged hunting game this is not it. This game is at the start of its journey. Why would you want this game? If you want to hunt in VR and you re not afraid of the low entry price into this game get it and support the devs.

You have two different animals to hunt which are European Hare and Red Deer. But the animals differ in size and there are already rare fur types. Three different weapons to use of which there are two variants for two of them. And you have one huge map. So you see compared to some other games that is not much. But remember this game is at its start. And the devs will add to the game and will listen to suggestions. So if you want to try to influence the development, join the discord!

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

If you’ve played The Hunter CotW, you’ll probably enjoy this one as well, at least for a few hours. That’s about where the content ended for me so I’m eagerly waiting for more updates. The main reason I bought the game is to support the developers since it looks really promising.

Even in its current early access state this game has been fun to play, for me at least. It is quite rough around the edges, but the main appeal of hunting is there: walking around until you find a track or see a deer, getting closer, taking the shot, and hoping you don’t have to track too far for the trophy.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Virtual Hunter on Steam

Beast Nature

Beast Nature

You have to fight your fears and solve a mystery of this area. We dont know what lives here aliens, ghosts, bigfoot or just some wild coyotes, when night comes something weird used to happen. Better find something more powerfull then your old shotgun cuz it is only the first location and first… Beast…

Anyway do not worry to much - there should be some stuff laying around, it had owner before but now I don’t think skeletons would mind you taking it.

And the most important, do not go out at night without a rifle or call a freind to carry one for you

Beast Nature on Steam

Turkey Hunting Unlimited

Turkey Hunting Unlimited


Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

This game is a true test of turkey hunting abilities. The turkey is wise beyond imagination and shows no fear. The turkey will leave the bounds of the level or full on charge at you in a fit of turkey rage. When they swarm, the shotgun will do no damage to the lvl1 turkey feather armor to where the bow with the spike head is piercing lvl2 is able to chop the head clean with a head shot and 1 shot the turkey. I found this to be most effective. When the turkey charges, I accept the challenge and I take my shotgun at point blank range and unload all 6 shells into the turkey. Unfortunately, because the bow and the shotgun protrude from my mouth, it is very hard to get the shot right and I insist fist fight DLC with the turkey be made. This game has given me skills in not just the hunt of the turkey but the true hunt of unlimited turkey. I can now bronze in Valorant like a beast. Thank you turkeys for teaching me the way and giving me the binos.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Turkey Hunting Unlimited on Steam



After I’ve read a review comparing the game with Turok on nintendo 64, yes I played it too in the 90th, I thought it could be good fun. Indeed my son and I are not disappointed, 10 hours and ongoing says everything. Hunting dinos in VR is definitely topping the 2D gaming from the past, tried the old game again and decided that’s not working for us anymore. However, the scenery is beautiful, love the jungle, the little alien like monsters jumping out of their eggs reminding me much on mini “Aliens”, of course, and add great fun. Somehow one can’t stop playing unless you die. Re-spawning is sometimes tricky, stand still don’t move the headset or you easily hang in the glitch with no way out. Graphics are great but my 1060 GTX has a hard job to do. Not the games fault, just need to upgrade to a better card. That said, if you like great jungle landscape, dinos and aliens, sniper rifles and all kind of weapons which are getting better the more you play, then that’s the game for you. Devs, you have created a fantastic scenery and game, only wished the day and night cycles would be a little longer, both look stunning though.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

This is a quite nice survival adventure VR game. It is early access at the moment but was apparently forced out early by the publisher. It has quite nice atmosphere and gives the feeling of a mid Xbox-360 era game which I feel adds to it, this also makes the load times almost 0. Its a nice 5 hour long game overall.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Xenociders on Steam

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

  • Environments are beautiful. The game doesn’t feature more advanced technologies like volumetric lighting, but still it offers some beautiful sights. The graphics options don’t offer many options for tweaking the performance - most importantly you can adjust the detail drawing distance and turn on/off Advanced Grass. The Advanced Grass is basically a richer ground foliage. While it didn’t seem to significantly affect the performace, I used to have it turned it off for practical reasons - so I could see the animals farther while I was stalking them crouched. The environment still looks very nice even with basic grass. Drawing distance setting has a bigger impact on performance, but most contemporary computers shouldn’t have a problem running it fluently even on maximum setting. Alas the quality of the textures is variable. While some are sufficienlty detailed, some others as if came from the past era of 16-32MB VRAM graphics cards.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Carnivores 2 and Carnivores: Ice Age was the first games I got on my PC back in the day, and I played them to death. I even got my original copies somewhere…

I even got mobile versions of both games on my android phone and play them from time to time. Those versions are actually superior to PC, since they both run extremely well and got some new creatures thrown in for free (18 in mobile version as of time of writing this review compared to PCs 9).

So how does this hold up?

P.S. For short version, see TL;DR/ Conclusion at the end

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn on Steam