Crime Scene Cleaner

Crime Scene Cleaner

Obviously you are not the bad guy – you are just a simple man with a simple job. It only happens to be connected with mafia, crime, blood and death. But, hey, who hasn’t cleaned the crime scene at least once, right? Oh, boss is calling you again - it is time to clean up!

Perform your duties by professionally obliterating all traces of crime. Make your employers happy and cops confused. Do a double take to be sure that all proofs are gone, body parts swept, blood dried off and all of that just before the police arrival. Do you have what it takes? Can you be one hundred percent positive that nothing is left behind?

Use all kinds of devices to help you notice what remains hidden from the naked eye. Fingerprint powder, UV light, acid, thermovision – those will help you act quickly and efficiently. But be careful – the more time passes, the more dangerous situation gets… Will you make it on time or will you poke along and hear the police sirens wailing?

  • Work as a mafia member.

  • Do all the dirty work to make sure that everything is cleaned up.

  • Learn the story behind the murder – collect evidence and unfold the facts.

  • Fight against time to clear up the scene before the police show up.

  • Compete with others… did you really think you were the only cleaner in this town?

  • Use cool instruments that will help you see what can’t be normally seen.

  • When all goes wrong, face the police with a confession and make sure that the truth never sees the light of a day.

  • Simply put - don’t get caught and get paid!

Get a grip on yourself and check if you really have the nerves of steel. Clean the crime scene, escape the police and prepare for the next commissions!

Read More: Best Open World Crime Games.

Crime Scene Cleaner on Steam

Prototype 2

Prototype 2


| Graphics (Environment 8/10, Models 7/10) | 7.5 |

| Animations | 6/10 |

| Sound | 7/10 |

| Music | 7/10 |

| Story | 6/10 |

| Gameplay | 7.5/10 |

| Inovation |

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Violent Games.

I strongly suggest not purchasing Prototype 2. Yes, it was fun. Yes, it was marginally well-designed. But over-all, the first one was much, much better. I’ll explain why, and you can decide for yourself if my issues are overriding factors for you:

1. Graphics

Prototype 2 wins. I’ll give it that. It’s gorgeous. Poorly optimised, so you’re gonna get a crap framerate, but it’s gorgeous.

2. Control scheme

Prototype 1 takes the gold there. P1’s controls are well-mapped by default and make sense once you become aquainted with them. P2 changes some core controls for no reason, and because of the way they’re set up, rebinding them will not help.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Prototype 2 on Steam



Running around with powers is fun. But the controls are buggy and some the the level triggers to progress the level will fail forcing you to retry the level. It also tends to crash on Windows 10 without a lot of troubleshooting. The story is lame, the voice acting is adequate/nothing special. It was fun in the beginning but in the last leg of the journey it just wasn’t. I don’t find it fun enough to play though a 2nd time. I finished the game to finish it and it was not fun in the end. This is very disappointing because it was a great deal of fun in the beginning.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Singleplayer Games.


Its a neat edgy game with a lot of vision and creativity but the strange scaling of side activities makes you want to linch whoever made the goal to get gold standard. This game has really strange optimisation and I am forced to play on a really uncomfortable resolution as it would lag to shit otherwise - to put things into perspective, I can run Saints Row IV without any issues on low graphics.

If it weren’t for the really dog shit clunky controls on PC, fucking rage inducing side activities, questionable tutorials and optimasation issues, I would have highly recommended this game as its a nice trip down memory lane

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Prototype™ on Steam

CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story

CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story

I was excited to see how this game turned out and I was not disappointed. It reminded me of the old arcade games my sister and I used to play in a cafe when we were young. I loved the story it told about the people that lived in the soviet era and the thoughts of people who live after the fall of it. while walking around, it feels very foreboding and tense while talking to people and learning about the city and it’s various locations. The action is very classic and feels like an on-rails arcade shooter while the synthwave music bumps and pushed you through the action. The gameplay would get old if the game overstayed it’s welcome, but within 3 hours, I had completed the game and felt that it was the perfect length.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Another game from the genius gamedesigner Ilya Davydov also known as Maddyson. CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story is way more serious than other projects created by MEHSOFT, also it is too short for me. Gameplay is quite boring and is divided into two parts: moving through Pripyat, collecting posters and busts of USSR leaders and second, hardcore part - shooting at infected people and soldiers. You can beat this game easily (after updates which made game much easier) in 2-3 hours. I can say that it’s the worst MEHSOFT game at this moment but worth playing nevertheless.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story on Steam

Welcome to Princeland

Welcome to Princeland

Welcome to FUN. I enjoyed this game so much, this review is going to be a bit rambling…lol.

This game is basically a nicely structured open-world FPS with gnarly single-player and/or co-op/multiplayer.

This is a game for gamers.

The open world: it’s not GTA or some huge open world. It’s basically an island created with the Unity engine. The game is comparable to a “really well-made B-movie”. The graphics are actually pretty nice considering it’s Unity and it pushes the engine but feels optimized to the point it’s smooth, and able to handle all the singleplayer/multiplayer action.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

The cheapest Far Cry money can buy.

I don’t have much time in this game as of this review (2.7 Hours), but I have to say that I’m having a very good experience with it. This game sits somewhere on the fence of ‘Polished indie game’, and ‘Unity shovelware’. Does that mean this game is bad, though? Does it feel like a terrible game to play? Maybe it does at first. But as you start to unlock items, explore, and delve into the many additional pieces to this game, it starts to get a bit addictive.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Welcome to Princeland on Steam

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition

Aside from the notoriously bad port this game recived upon it’s arival to PC, this game is actually really damn good.

When i bought this game, i knew what i was in for. I had heard about people complaining about this game’s port to the PC, but.. to be honest, it didn’t bother me much. The framerate is locked to 30, which, sure. Is low compared to what a PC like mine normaly preform on games, but I have always been a huge fan of Capcom’s Dead Rising series, owning both the first and second game on console before getting them all on PC when i moved to it half-way through the 3rd gen console era.

Real player with 125.7 hrs in game

Dead Rising 3, the fourth dead rising game (Off the record was it’s own game but a rehash of 2). I’ve played all of them up to this point and to be honest, Dead Rising 3 might be my favorite.

The big thing Dead Rising 3 does is give the player far more power and time than the other games. The time limits are huge now, to the point where you barely have to pay attention to the story, just play the game, do all the side missions you want and then continue the story. It’s a freedom that the first 2/3 games didn’t have, and makes this game a joy to play. On the other hand it takes a 6 hour limit and moves it to closer to 30 for the first playthrough. This is actually a good thing as most people won’t replay these games repeatedly. I know some do, but I’m thrilled at only really needing one playthrough to see everything.

Real player with 75.3 hrs in game

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition on Steam

Die Young

Die Young

If you are coming to this game looking for a survival experience, and are not a fan of platforming games, stay clear of this product. If you’re a fan of parkour games, this is definitely an interesting twist!

I just want to start by saying this game looks amazing. I don’t have the best graphics card on the market, but even running on med at 75% render scale I feel like I am on a beautiful remote island as I lose myself in the game. I bought this game the week it released, and ended up returning it because I felt like it was too early for it to be released for money. Albeit they were clearly looking for funding, where as I was looking for something to play. I bought the game a few months later and played it a nice bit.

Real player with 102.4 hrs in game

I hate walking simulators where you aimlessly wander through corridors and boring landscapes under the moniker of “exploration”. I hate jumping puzzles where you have to perform pixel perfect jumps on moving platforms. I hate adventure games where you have to solve contrived puzzles in order to open a door. I hate survival games where you grind for hours to finally craft a new nifty tool that breaks shortly after.

Die Young has exploration, jumping puzzles, adventure elements and survival mechanics. And somehow mixes them together in a surprisingly engaging and fun way.

Real player with 46.5 hrs in game

Die Young on Steam

Just Die Already

Just Die Already

After a lot of re-consideration, I think i can reccomend this game, For the price and the amount of hours i play’d it. I did have fun, There were times i wanted to smash my controller, and others i laughed like a maniac. The Problems i have with this game, is how it feels unfinished and very limited in how it wants you to achieve the objectives. For example a puzzle in the game is in Zen park and it involves moving a green statue. They have these statues all over the map, What if you wanted to take the statue from the park and drag it across the map to do the challenge, sure more work but in games like this, you also make the challenge/fun for your self a lot of time. You cant do that here, none of the other statues move, just a certian one the game wants you to move you can move. Same electrocuting your self in water, it only works in one type of water source. The ocean, pool, kiddie pool, and fire hydrant all dont work, its just the fish tank that works for it. This added a layer of puzzle on top of the challenges. You may understand what its asking, just not how the devs want you to do it, another example is to de-rail the tram, i would have loved to be able to derail it with force, by clogging the track enough. i put on the 3 flattners, 2 forklifts and the 1 giant green statue from zen garden and nothing happend, the tram could only be derailed by electricity. But overall i had fun doing the tasks once i understood how to do them, and the frustrating path to get there was kinda fun? Another thing that makes this game feel unfinished is the amount of clipping buildings and invisible walls. You will often times see a building clipping through another building, or a invisible wall that dosent line up with a physical wall right beside it. Some of the rewards for doing challenges feel pointless. For setting off the biggest firewrok on the docks, it opens a room, with nothing in it. For moving the statue we talked about earlier, you unlock a furry room, a ninja mask, and a healing well. A lot of sections leave more to be desired, and thats where my frustration with this game comes from, it could have been so much better, they could have added more challenges to the toy store and other sections that only have 2 or 3. Overall i did have fun playing this and would reccomend to anyone who findes the trailer intruging

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

A real review:

Game mechanics: The game mechanics are how you expect with a rag-doll physics, but the aiming is actually a lot better than expected. Some things are hard to control, like cars, but that is what is expected when you are a elderly person.

Content: This game has so much content, and for 14.99 it is a really good game to play with your friends, or even by yourself. I see a lot of people writing reviews about them getting bored, well explore the maps, do the puzzles, there are some insane puzzles, there is even A ROCKET SHIP THAT SHOOTS YOU INTO SPACE. You can customize your character, get buff, unlock new areas, play basketball, play tennis, kill someone’s brother, unlock items like a rocket ship backpack. get eaten by a shark, destroy things with explosives, etc. There is so much content and it is insane and 14.99 is a perfect price.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Just Die Already on Steam

POSTAL 4: No Regerts

POSTAL 4: No Regerts

I have got to Thursday, currently working on it. I have made it to the sky lift so far have had a lot of fun.

Now I must mention it has crashed or locked up per say a lot on area changes. I keep having low memory warnings. I had to lower my resolution to 1920x1080 on my RTX 2080 a little more stable but still have lockups on area changes. If the bugs get ironed out this is going to one of my favorite games. I see so much potential in this Game!

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

So, Postal 4: No Regerts, is a first person shooter that follows the Postal Dude, voiced now by John St. John, the same one that voiced Big the Cat! (and some obscure character named Duke Nukem) You have to go through a whole week in Edensin, last game was Paradise, and you had to do tasks, which is nice to do with the open world type thing Running With Scissors is going for. BUT, I am not here to talk about story, that’s Civvie’s job! (even though he really doesn’t cover the story much, love ya big man) I am here to talk about the game in itself. As you can see at the top of the store page, this game is in early access, which is not a big deal since bigger games are in early access, even for years! (Rust) But, this game is littered with glitches, bugs, and nasty creatures like the crash dummy. (it crashes lmao) I did not have a problem with these glitches, as they added to the experience to me, but I do have one problem that Running With Scissors can not fix. It’s the specs of my PC. I have a 1660 GTX and it runs really well on the first, second, and third day. The forth day has some problems, but you can manage. But Friday is where it all goes down the drain. I constantly had to keep the graphics and such to buttsauce levels, and it still would lag harder than Cyberpunk 2077 on the PS4 and Xbox One on launch day. But, am I upset by it? Hell no. It’s just that my specs are too low for the game to handle. But, it is a fun game if you have a better GTX graphics card for the later days, then you’ll be fine. If not, still, enjoy the game because it’s still fun, even on days before Friday! And the people at Running With Scissors are really down to Earth, and no, I’m not sponsored. (pay me pls) Anyways, I hope that this uninformative review has helped you, even if you already bought the game, then if you did, congrats, I didn’t need to convince you! If you didn’t, I will eat your cereal but spit it out back in the bag so that you won’t notice my momma bird special. Have fun you frickin weirdos.

Real player with 46.2 hrs in game

POSTAL 4: No Regerts on Steam



Tormans is an open world, tactical RPG in a post-technology setting. You can do anything, go everywhere and become adventurer, rogue, traveler through the ruins of an ancient unknown world. Get followers, loot dead enemies, and do your best to write own history in this harsh realm and understand what happened here. Size of World about 1220 km, many locations and danger places await you.

Tormans on Steam