Open World Game: the Open World Game

Open World Game: the Open World Game

For a free game made as a parody of open world RPGs, this is surprisingly coherent and fun. It gets right the joy of discovery that open world games try to offer, but in a stripped-down package that ends up distilling it down to just the cool parts of the experience. Reading through the journal is almost a game in itself and gives this more depth than I thought I’d find. And it doesn’t overstay its welcome; you can 100% it in a couple of hours. It’s worth the time.

Sadly, I can’t say the same about the DLC (which I bought to support the designer, since the core game was free). The combat feels kind of half-baked and unbalanced, not least of which because it seems to want to introduce a sense of urgency in your presses but is just as untimed as the core game. There are two different arrow tracks you can match, but there is no advantage to interacting with both. The skill tree has no interaction with combat even though many of the skills are explicitly combat-flavored. Progression is frightfully grindy; the entire base game can be 100%ed in a few hours, and the DLC’s final boss (with 50 health bars!) is by himself a 1+ hour fight, with the whole hour spent playing the same arrow-match minigame that’s long since grown tedious as you kill monsters to buff up. It’s like the designer suddenly forgot what made the base game fun.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Satire Games.


Open World Game: the Open World Game’ is a play on open-world games and displays it in the form of a radar you would typically see in again, an open-world game. The whole game is played in this format and is quite hilarious when you first start playing because you’re literally playing on the radar. The game takes a lot of what you end up having to do in your typical open-world game but doesn’t really offer any sense of accomplishment whatsoever when you complete each said task because you really don’t do anything to complete them besides walk over icons laid out on the map (but I’ll get to this part in a bit). The overall game does have somewhat of a story though but it’s all delivered through text that you have to voluntarily read and pay attention to in order to understand it. The game does nothing to stop you from just running around finding icons to interact with which can be good or bad depending on the type of player you are. The story isn’t shoved into your face and if you’re the type that just wants to run around finding stuff without a purpose in the world then you can do that. You do not have to read or understand the story to enjoy the game. I will say though that some of the texts in the game are quite funny, parodying the cliche and stereotypical things that you would normally see in a game of the sort (ex. A weapon that takes far too long and is far too hard to obtain but is completely useless). If you like reading and want games to have a purpose/plot, you can definitely read it. It just requires you to find certain transcripts in order to have access to the whole story. Basically everything you can think of that would be in an open-world game is portrayed here as icons and text, things like side quests, collectables, easter eggs, etc.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Open World Game: the Open World Game on Steam



I’m changing my review, because as of right now, it’s not a game that I can recommend. It’s very hard for beginners to reach high level, and it’s almost impossible to reach end-game if you dont spend countless amounts of money in the game. If you’re a free to play player, you’re going to need litterally thousands of hours to grind the different resources needed to advance to higher levels, better gear. The gem system is AWFUL, and it needs you to grind time gated resources which obligate you to log in each week and do your weekly quests and challenges. The game gives you no incentive to continue playing, because of the ridiculously useless rewards you’re given for being in the higher tiers.

Real player with 1563.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Multiplayer Games.


Great community

Great sandbox options

Smooth gameplay

Vibrant, colorful, happy environments.

Player-driven economy.

RNG loot drops.

Fun bosses

Great zoning out while listening to music game

Catchy music. VERY catchy music.

You can be a pirate riding a dragon.

You can be a dragon riding a dragon.

There are like a million dragons now.

Seriously. Dragons.

Classes are unique in design.



Takes a million years to grind 20-30 on a single class. (Runescape level experience curves near the last few levels.)

Real player with 1184.8 hrs in game

Trove on Steam

Mortal Online

Mortal Online

As you can see I have aw lot of hours on this game. I used to love it, still do to an extent. I honestly can not recommend this game to people in the current state.

I’m going to start with the reason why I don’t recommend this and then I’ll finish with why I love this game and played it for so long.

There are a “few” key areas that this game needs to improve.

Some of these areas require changes in other areas as well.

TC & Sieging:

The TC system in general really needs a revamp along with the sieging mechanics. The idea is good, but the implementation is lacking.

Real player with 4173.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Massively Multiplayer Games.

Mortal Online….

No other game will you ever play be the same as Mortal Online.

I played this game for a VERY short time during it’s beta in 2010, and I’ve been playing almost daily since Febuary 2013. I still don’t know half the crap that you can do….. (Remember, game was released June 2010, this is just it’s release via the Steam Platform).

Alright, it’s been years and this stuff still gets people confused. This game, it isn’t free. You can play it for the low cost of a download, yeah, but it’s far from free. You can have plenty of fun, do most tasks, learn most skills, all without spending a penny, but in the end, you will never be a great PvPer, you’ll never be a good mage, you’ll never make good armor, you just flat out cannot thief, and there are items and skills a you cannot use or learn without going “premium”. Mortal Online is not a free-to-play game, even though Steam forces it to be classified as such. It’s a subscription based game, with a free, unlimited trial. Don’t be discouraged though, because you can still have tons of fun. Also, currently, much of us in the community are pushing for a PLEX like subscription token system to be added. It’s going to happen soon, no doubt. (Edit 12/16/17)

Real player with 2785.1 hrs in game

Mortal Online on Steam

APB Reloaded

APB Reloaded

English :

The most effective/accurate word to define this game is just : “Aids”.

-Very shitty optimization : Even high-end pcs can’t run this game at a constant 120 fps atleast.

-Low skill capped gameplay and mechanics : Even though they are great, you can just go easy on everyone just by pulling out a simple oca and litteraly rape them by adding CJ3 on it.

-Really low population : This game isn’t really well known which leads to a mostly retarded community. (Around ~1k players in the Eu servers and near ~500 in NA servers)

Real player with 5365.0 hrs in game

Great game when it comes to showing off your creative side, whether it be designing your own car or just your characters look. this game has no competition when it comes to character and vehicle design, i havent played in a few months but i know there are probably still a lot of hackers who use aimbot, etc. the gun play and firefights always felt nice when you got into a legit mission with others who are playing fair, the community isnt the greatest, so i wouldnt waste your time with clans unless you knew someone going into the game or just started up playing with friends, but it is no doubt a fun game to pass the time. the ranking up and contact progression is very slow if you dont have a premium account (very P2W) when it comes to progression and earning in game currency, but on the bright side you can get most of the good weapons from contacts without buying them through armas marketplace, btw armas sells a bunch of crap weapons, dont waste your money unless youre just going for the look of somthing, i would recommend this game purely because ive played it since RTW and it was my first steam game, it is very fun and i would give it a shot, good luck!

Real player with 1969.3 hrs in game

APB Reloaded on Steam

Atom Universe

Atom Universe

I was an avid PS Home user since 2008 and see a lot of the spirit of PS Home in Atom Universe (AU). The creators of AU, Atom Republic, previously created content for PS Home, but after PS Home was shut down in March 2015, they asked the community what they should do next and the overwhelming response was to build a new virtual world as a successor to PS Home and hence the idea of Atom Universe was born. Atom Republic had a Kickstarter campaign for the game in April 2015 to help fund the development of the intial release which was successful. Atom Republic has partnered with several former 3rd party developers for PS Home such as Engine Giant, Game Mechanics, JAM Games, PS Talent (of which I am a long time member), and more to come. Patrick O’Luanaigh, CEO of nDreams, was also made the AU team’s non-executive director during the summer of 2015. He has referred to Atom Universe as “the successor to PS Home.” Since PS Home’s closure, many former PS Home developers have created their own game, but Atom Republic is the only one to have partnered with others. The game is developed with Unreal Engine 4 and features amazing realistic graphics and supports cross-play between PC and PS4 with the potentional to be supported on other platforms (Mac, XBoxOne, etc.), including future ones, e.g. PS5. The game will also support Virtual Reality with such headsets as PlayStation VR for PS4 and Oculus Rift for PC. Atom Republic has been very responsive to feedback from its community and IMO done an excellent job with this project. As a reward for my donation level to the game’s Kickstarter that I mentioned, I was given the opportunity to test the Alpha version of the game, which I have been doing for several months now. During this time, I have seen a lot of progress made on the game’s development as new features have been added and various bugs fixed. The Early Access version was just made available to backers of the project this past Saturday, February 27, which includes a space which we have not seen in the Alpha called Arcade Plaza. Here’s a promotional video that shows what the Arcade Plaza looks like: The Early Access version will later be made available to the entire Steam Community but until then, backers like myself will continue to test it. Whether you are looking for a successor to PS Home or a new realistic social game/virtual world in which to play then Atom Universe is for you. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME!!!

Real player with 400.9 hrs in game

Update 2/10/20: Currently the PC version is more stable then the PS4 version, chat issues seemed to of improved but not 100%, sometimes songs playing in background (in Crowbots Arena) will stop so have to reconnect for them to start playing again though doing this can sometimes mean the chat channel disconnects or will be unable to load dance menu only way to fix is to relaunch. I think this has the potential to be close with ps home if games were to be added as without them there is not much to do other than socialize which I like to do with friends in the nice spaces AU has on offer but having games to play alongside the social aspect would add to this and bring in more players too such as: multiplayer bowling and shooting gallery, also Hub attractions opening up such as: ghost train game and mini-golf that were ideas to be added to the Hub. Developers keep in touch with the community which is nice and support groups/clubs by adding content which I think is brilliant and much appreciated.

Real player with 237.9 hrs in game

Atom Universe on Steam

Albion Online

Albion Online

You will notice a large amount of people posting negative reviews are the ones who complain the game is too unforgiving. They’ll say it’s unpleasant dying to groups larger than them, and how if they can’t play solo, the game therefore sucks.

Let me be crystal clear in case the store page isn’t clear enough: IT’S A FULL-LOOT PVP MMO.

Full loot: When you die, everything you’re wearing and anything in your inventory is dropped or trashed. It’s written on the doorway outside, if you don’t like it don’t play it. If I’m allergic to fish, I’m not gonna go to a seafood restaurant and order trout, then post a bad google review saying it almost killed me.

Real player with 2973.7 hrs in game

THIS GAME IS GOING FREE TO PLAY IN APRIL! Just so if you’re interested in the game, but not willing to shell out $20 / $30 (off-sale) I don’t understand why people are hating that this will be f2p, if youwait you’ll miss out on the rewards.

($20 is a really good price imo. You’ll get a mount (Specteral Wolf), some gold, and another thing (forgot) when this becomes free 2 play.

[Long review because I see many negative reviews that baffle me, will put 3 sections for this game. Informative, Good, and Bad.]

Real player with 2702.7 hrs in game

Albion Online on Steam

Destiny 2

Destiny 2

I hate this game, I play it all the time.

Real player with 4774.2 hrs in game

Bungie are constantly forcing their woke agenda in to the game, they will clamp down hard on anyone who disagrees with their woke agenda. They also charge you for content then take it out of the game. This is not a free to play game, its just free to start. The game is a rip off. Do not buy DLC, it will only get taken away

Real player with 4320.4 hrs in game

Destiny 2 on Steam



Lesson number one: if you ever see a superhero in your close vicinity, run away or at least duck to cover. In case some superhero will inhabit your city to ‘protect it’, grab your belongings, sell your properties while it is still worth at least something, and move away. The farther - the better. Because you know, it is the law of nature (and nature of law) - if there’s something powerful on the one end of a stick, soon there will be an appropriate counterweight on the other end. And you will always be in the column of ‘accidental expenses’ on that account.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

DC Comics and WB should take notes from these guys in terms of what we should see in a Superman game. I think they nailed a couple of things really really well:

  1. The stakes. Superman might be invulnerable, but his city is not. So, if you make his success depend on his ability to defend the city, then BOOM, you have some really high stakes. And it’s also true to who Superman is as a character.

  2. The gamification of skills - the training trials are a cool fun addition to test out and improve the player’s skills. This is not unheard of and it has been used in the Arkham series as well. These gents show that the same mechanics can be used just as well in a Superman game;

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game


Bigscreen Beta

Bigscreen Beta

This has been the app I have used the most since I bought an oculus quest. I don’t really like the price of the movies that they offer to watch. You end up paying $4.99 to watch a virtual movie that is in 3d. I can’t get into this 3d movie stuff, makes my eyes feel crossed. What I really really enjoyed about Big Screen is the fact I can use their remote desktop and play movies from my giant collection at home. I have been hosting 80’s/90’s movies for people to join and watch since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and have been watching 3-5 movies per week. Sometimes people pop in for a moment to see what is going on and others will stay through most of the movie. People for the most part have been quiet and respectful in the movies. For the ones that come in trolling, there is an option to kick them from the room. After this they can’t rejoin. This is oddly enough a great opportunity to talk to people from around the world using the internet. You can go to the lobby that is set up like a real theater with a snack bar popping popcorn and all the movie theaters to select which movies you want to watch. Here is where several people will congregate and socialize. They just need to add a friends list. I have met some really cool people on here. When you host a theater, they give you several different options on how the theaters look. This ranges from a simple small home theater to a retro style theater. There is even a space station theater where stuff you throw will float because of less gravity. By the way you can throw objects like tomatoes, drinks, and popcorn at stuff. Not bad at all for a free app

Real player with 775.2 hrs in game

I’ve used this app virtually every day, It has become my go-to app for all things movie and video related. I’ve recommended it to friends who have vr headsets, and visitors have seen my personal home theator with the help of this app.

For me what sets this aside from many other apps is the fact that I can lay in bed and watch movies, every other app seems to limit the view for a sitting position…. This sucks for long sessions. The other feature I enjoy is the single handed use. Many others try to force you to use both hands to get around. Let me ask and devs who might be reading this: How many tv’s, dvd players have you purchased that came with 2 remotes each? Perhaps 1 for play, pause, and a second remote for the arrows. With that logic, you’d have 4 remotes for your two devices. On that subject; how many people have you heard say “i wish my tv forced me to use several devices before I could watch netflix on it”?

Real player with 158.5 hrs in game

Bigscreen Beta on Steam



This game pains me with how it looks these days. I played for a while before the renaming happened, when it was still called Cuisine Royale with my husband, sister, and a few friends and I really liked it, we had a ton of fun. The game wasn’t perfect by any stretch, but much more playable than it is now.

Honestly, the update does have a few great things going for it. The Siberia Map is absolutely gorgeous and amazing to play in and the new weapons are fun. but still…I can’t recommend this game anymore and I find myself wanting to play it less and less.

Real player with 440.9 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☑ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 274.6 hrs in game

CRSED: F.O.A.D. on Steam