

LauriFB is the disease of this game. Everyone that was loyal has left. The only people here now are the multiple dev accounts or the yes men that the devs like having around oblivious to their own existence. Or the few left in the ship designer.

No PVP - they banned them all for not PVPing the way FB wanted them to (banning in an alpha LOL)

No PVE - Devs are idiots - no trade, no missions, no bounties, nothing to create a single drop of PVP. They even stated NO PVE EVER, should tell you their brain capacity. I mean look at all the other successful MMO sandbox space titles with PVP only. HAHA

Real player with 1236.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Massively Multiplayer Games.

Played this game for quite awhile in earlier days. just came back to try it out while im still waiting for capital ships. but Super surprised at how smooth the game runs now. definately get the sense that theyve been working on it.

For those who care, the ship and station building is unsurpassed by anything i ever played. you will lose ships to the EZ builder unless thats been fixed. the level of freedom you have to do what you want is just amazing. when capital ships come out which make it so u can have a mobile safezone out in pvp space you will litterally be able to live anywhere and do as u will, store your own ships, explore the great reaches of undiscovered space. seriously cant wait for that. and if you have a group the scale and scope of what you can do is pretty redic.

Real player with 150.6 hrs in game

Starbase on Steam

Cube Island

Cube Island

Eleven minutes in, and it makes no damn sense.

It is a mine-craft clone of sorts, with a pirate theme, but there seems to be no way to save a game, which really reduces it’s value. You also seem to start out with an infinite number of many resources, although torches don’t seem to work at all. I clicked a lot if keys, but of there is a way to craft, I have no clue what it would be. I checked the surprising short help list, and even what there was didn’t seem to work.

For example L is supposed to toggle my light, but it does nothing.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Open World Procedural Generation Games.

i pray to god this isnt a release, but a beta. if its a beta its salvageable. but currently it seems to be entirely creative with no ability to access inventory and gets very dark very fast. the movement is somehow jerky and laggy at the same time… and turning the camera or moving causes the entire screen to blur. dont bother trying to fix it in the options menu either. nothing is labeled, its just 4 sliders of undefined nonsense. i cant even use the top button in the play menu. if im doing something wrong please let me know but… currently its just bad.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cube Island on Steam

Overworld - Map Keeper’s Realm

Overworld - Map Keeper’s Realm

Overworld: Map Keeper’s Realm is your tabletop RPG companion. With it, you can quickly and easily sculpt your world, retain its history, and share it with the players. Overworld’s propagating levels enables you to create and detail your whole world with a single map. Other features like points of interest and searchable notes breathe life into your world. Welcome to Map Keeper’s Realm!

Read More: Best Open World Procedural Generation Games.

Overworld - Map Keeper's Realm on Steam



For similar games follow:

Whenever I see assets from the Unity Store I go “oh boy, here we go again”. In most cases the game is salvageable, not recommendable, but salvageable. You can play around a bit and do stuff, sometimes. Not in this case. The menu lacks proper UI design and doesn’t scale to different aspect ratios and resolutions. Once you stumble your way in the actual game you will be met with a crudely built asset flip level with badly written tutorial instructions. You will find how painful it is to move around with no idea what to do because not everything is translated. Everything looks bad, feels bad, feels buggy, I am confident no assets or animations are original and the cherry on top is: you have two distinct background songs playing simultaneously in the most annoying possible way. It’s so uninteresting the dev had to put a video of himself building his asset flip level in the trailer. Try to last 5 minutes before you uninstall it. No, better yet, don’t buy it at any cost.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

永夜之冬 on Steam



Enjoyed the updates and game play. I normally don’t play this style game and I bought it for my son who shares this sit with me. He is autistic and just loves this game, he would get excited with every update. He really likes the direction the game is going with people connecting in the game.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Went inside the capital, fell through the world into the endless abyss of the ocean, until I fell down the heavens to the earth. Only to fall through the world again to the depths of hell just to teleport to the tallest peek of the mountain, 4000m away from my settlement. I got a nice view though.

8/10 game. Would recommend.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game




Any Early Access game that listens to its community is worth buying. This is one such game.

Since I’ve bought this game around 15 months ago, I’ve been in a love/hate relationship with it. I’ve gone from a positive review, to a negative review, back to a positive review, and now I’m hopefully putting my final word on this…

When I first found this game it was like the re-creation of childhood memories of playing with K’nex and legos, building starships and vehicles and battling it out. It was a concept I wanted to program into a game myself in my early adult life but still haven’t laid a finger on understanding 3D graphics. The hype was real. I look at the minimum requirements…crap. I seriously need to upgrade. I buy it anyway…it runs, choppily, and I play the hell of out for a few months and love it to pieces. I build a rather large tech I dubbed Juggernaut with an onboard scrapper, refineries, furnace generators, and delivery cannons. I clash titan to titan with twitter invasions. I’d almost say the 3 fps slideshow due to my outdated computer made it more cinematic. I studied flight for days to build a successful quadcopter. I merrily flew around the entire planet, stopping occasionally to collect loot pedestals before blasting off again.

Real player with 318.4 hrs in game


I want to preface by thanking everyone who has taken time out of their day to read, rate, and respond to my personal hot take on a game I have stated I do thoroughly enjoy. It fills my heart knowing that while many of you could be doing literally anything more productive than taking the opinion of another voice in the vast internet noise with anything more than a grain of salt means that my time here has not been wasted. Honestly, I was not expecting to receive a whole lot of feedback, especially from a dev themselves!

Real player with 270.2 hrs in game

TerraTech on Steam



I like the game its very good. Can’t wait for the next update! Please download

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Right now, this “game” is not worth $5. I’d even go as far to say it’s not worth $1. What we have here, is essentially an unpolished tech demo for a very basic unity “building” game. The entire map consists of two small islands on which you can build with, “as of right now,” two different materials - a wooden plank, and a longer, skinnier wooden plank. The drag and click build system needs lots of polishing, as it’s frankly an absolute pain in the ass to use. Character movement is extremely, EXTREMELY limited and FULL of bugs - try jumping off a structure you built, you’ll float in the air. The only positive things I can say about this game are that it looks nice and has a neat aesthetic, and the models themselves aren’t bad. I could only recommend this game honestly if it costed nothing, but $5 is absolutely absurd for the miniscule amount of “game” you get to play.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Feelin on Steam

Interstellar Rift

Interstellar Rift

Update JUL 2017:

Much has changed since this review was first posted. There’s a lot of new content, more than enough to justify the price tag in my opinion. Here’s a short list.

  • Enormous playing areas, an entire galaxy!

  • First person tools (and a weapon)

  • Harder and more diverse AI controlled enemies

  • More diverse missions

  • Automation! Woo!

I just keep coming back to this game.

This is the upteenth time I’ve revisited it, and each time it gets better. There’s a good amount of toys, things to play with, and sooo much more stuff to look forward to. Not only am I happy with how the game is now, but I’m also very excited about what’s coming in the future.

Real player with 1127.0 hrs in game

Ok, at the 350hr stage time for a review.

Firstly this is an Early Acess title in the “alpha” stage of development.

What this means is it is far from finished. So, if you want a “finished” product

wait a year or three, I reckon it will be fantastic by then if a couple of things happen*.

What i like about the game so far.

Content, hard to comment at this stage of development but so far much

better than i expected. By quite a bit.

There is quite a lot of content INSIDE** the ships, a ton of stuff came in the last patch

Real player with 416.1 hrs in game

Interstellar Rift on Steam

LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

Update: New update to the game and controls. While better, it doesn’t fix any of the complaints I had. This game would be playable with 1) customizable controls (keyboard shortcuts), 2) ability to remember what weapon/tool I was using before I switched 3) some light source which isn’t replaced by a tool/weapon. Connectivity would be a bonus…

Original: Would have preferred it stayed the old way during beta… with open worlds. It is fun for a while, mostly because I am a bit of a completionist on collections. My son played during beta and asked me to play with him, so I bought this thinking it was like what we saw before… it isn’t but I could live with that with better controls and connectivity.

Real player with 325.9 hrs in game

Known Issues(buckle up for this wild ride):

  • Game servers are down, multiplayer still works as it’s p2p, but the game is looking pretty abandoned right now.

  • Game crashes randomly.

  • Game frequently crashes when modifying a custom world.

  • Random CPU spikes. (I’ve got a f****ng supercomputer).

  • The controls (seriously, they could be 100000x better on the PC version. PC is surely the greatest system for building tools).

  • The in-game map is awful. They tried to make it look like lego, but honestly you can’t really tell anything from it. I get that they were going for “everything is lego” but sometimes you need to choose function over form.

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

LEGO® Worlds on Steam

Life of Ocean

Life of Ocean

what kind of work is this

《life of ocean》is a First-person oceanic adventure survival game.

you will start from a desert island. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive.

when you dont need to worry about food or clothing, there are countless treasures waiting for you under the ocean.

take the Treasure Map you found, camposs and shovel, become the richest adventurer in this ocean!

#### Survive

Health, Hunger, Thirst, Manage and monitor these vitals to continue your adventure. Grilled fish, fresh water, and Edible fruit to stay alive.

fresh water will be the most important resources, because fresh water is the medium of payment with NPC in this world.

#### Crafe Tools

Axe, Pickaxe, Spear, Torch, cutlass,firegun and so much more can all be crafted through an interactive crafting menu.

Ships are the main means of transportation in this game. Players can use ships to transport goods and explore travel.

Dynamic Weather System

This game has a basic day and night cycle, rainy weather, sunny weather, it will extinguish the equipment that uses fire to work on rainy day, such as campfire, barbecues, furnaces, etc.

We will add more weather season systems to the game in the future, such as dry season, wet season, etc.

Interesting treasure mining system

Digging treasures will make the player’s adventures easy and interesting. Before you set off, you need to prepare three items, the treasure map you found, a compass and a shovel.

After digging out the treasure, the player will encounter the skeleton or demon spirit . Beat them will get the key to open the treasure chest.

The rewards of treasure chests are random, also players can choose to sell the treasure directly to NPC for stable rewards.

Future update direction

The current version is enough for you to explore more than ten hours, but many details need to be polished. We will add more plants and animal to enrich the game.

And also enrich the vehicle system, add ghost ships, giant sea monsters and other contendable enemies to create exciting sea navigation.

Life of Ocean on Steam