Circle Empires Rivals

Circle Empires Rivals

Circle Empires: Rivals is the multiplayer successor to Circle Empires. At its core, Circle Empires Rivals is a 10-25 minute long real time strategy game. Despite the short game length, it has quite a lot of content and depth, and easily gets a strong recommendation given its moderate to low price point.

At the time of writing this review, the game has 7 different game modes, 26 commanders with unique army compositions and bonuses, 6 difficulty settings, 5 different map sizes, and within the various game modes (such as stop the army and monster hunt) there are also different scenario selections available. The different game modes range from very easy to very difficult, and even with 4 people working together in a co-op game certain modes like Defend the Castle mode is extremely difficult on even moderate difficulty settings, so if you like a PvE challenge, the game has this available.

Real player with 66.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Online Co-Op Multiplayer Games.

Must buy for every RTS fan and people who would like to experience something unique with alot of variety.

You can play this game on easy mode or incredible challenging. There are a lot of game modes and coop makes alot of fun too. The game is also very well made no bugs and a great interface!

Got 32hours on the first one and with this game I expect getting closer to 100+ hours for only 8-12 euro you got great value.

If you want to play this coop, but don´t have someone to play it with, I am always looking for people to play it with, since it just makes even more fun in coop-mode.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

Circle Empires Rivals on Steam

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One offers real-time tactical action in which you directly control the team leader of a four person squad. You can customize many of the details of the squad before you enter the mission, by spending your budget on silencers, grenades, flash-bangs, breaching charges, etc.

There is an element of stealth that you can take advantage of but don’t expect a very nuanced AI - on either side. The AI does a decent job of responding to sound and sight but its shortcomings become apparent in the little details: taking cover on the wrong side of an object, jiggling around when they get stuck on a piece of the terrain. Usually your AI teammates do what you tell them - just not in the way you want. A good example of this is movement; I cannot find a way to get your squad to move slower than full speed which makes it hard to do sneaky things when you are close enough to the enemy.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Online Co-Op Multiplayer Games.

Feels like a fantastic blend of SOCOM, Doorkickers, and Insurgency. A few things need ironing out, but the core gameplay is great fun and (on realism mode) very punishing. Once mod support is opened up, it will get even better. A few things I noticed during my few hours so far:

  • Camera controls are not as bad as others make them sound, they just take a bit of getting used to. The camera itself could use a little fine-tuning though. Multiple times I had my camera blocked by something (like a crane), or I was getting shot from a spot that was very hard to see. I’m sure it will get better with patches.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Thunder Tier One on Steam

Fast and Low

Fast and Low

  • The developer has released another update for the game since my initial review, and is still improving various aspects of gameplay. Thanks dev for working on this game, and I wish you the best of luck.

The short and sweet is that Fast and Low is a buggy half-polished game with a good idea and fun game mechanics. If all the problems become resolved, I recommend this 100%.

One of the big problems with Fast and Low is clipping and colliders. A hostile can shoot through a wall so long as a gun arm goes through said wall, and don’t get me started on what players can do. Although hostiles only do this on occasion, what happens far more often is hostiles getting stuck attempting to run at me, specifically those with bomb vests and knives. I was sad to see this, but there are other problems that can suck the fun out of this game. For instance, some hostiles occasionally see through multiple walls, and begin impractically shooting in my direction. When there finally is a dire circumstance, more than one item can be grabbed on accident, causing confusion and unnecessary death on both sides. My last issue in the collider department is that doors such as restroom stall doors and large glass doors can not be opened normally, but instead must be moved with a fist or weapon. restroom stall doors open too slowly, and large glass doors open too quickly. I can phase my hand through these doors and bring my fist back to close it, but I can’t use the handles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Online Co-Op Asymmetric VR Games.

Taking deep seated inspiration from the likes of the Rainbow Six and SWAT, “Fast and Low” is a tactical VR shooter worthy of the name. You play as Maximus Faust (Or his Desktop counterpart, Samuel Lo) across 9 missions spread across a host of different environments, breaching, clearing and, ultimately, shooting your way to victory, but unlike most shooters, Fast and Low rewards you most when you are shooting less, instead opting to subdue hostiles non-lethally, and it doesn’t hesitate to equip you with a host of tools to get that particular job done. Flashbangs, breaching charges, pepper spray and plenty of firearms put you at a distinct advantage over your criminal adversaries, but your limited inventory will quickly run dry if you aren’t distinctly careful with you resources. The decision to expend your 3 utilities to clear a handful of a half dozen or so rooms that make up a level is a choice you’ll be making frequently, and only through trial and error will you be able to make the most of your equipment. Even still, you’ll often find that enemies and hostages may end up in different places as a subtle level of randomness to spawn postions always keeps you on your toes.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Fast and Low on Steam

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2

This is hands down my favorite FPS game of all time. I know I don’t have much time played on PC, but on my XBox, I can say with confidence I have well over 1,000 hours into the game. I play it with a friend very frequently.

When you have a good co-op partner, this game is really all you need. Terrorist Hunt is where all my time is spent. If I’m not making America safe again, I’m customizing my guy. It WAS a solid co-op shooter that I’d say HELD up even when they SHUT THE SERVERS DOWN. It’s only $10, but unless you’re willing to fiddle with LAN, go play Insurgency: Sandstorm.

Real player with 111.8 hrs in game

Played this game back in the day tons of times. Good memories.

The good:

Graphics are a later Unreal Engine so they aren’t bad.

Highly customizable loadout that is made available to you as you progress through the levels with experience.

A very detailed upgrade model based on experience and types of shots made. You gain experience points based on the shot you make, be it close quarter, long-range, assault mode, etc. Each shot gains you XP points for a specific type of ladder and each ladder (CQB, assaulter, marksman) has its own rewards and perks.

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 on Steam

Zero Hour

Zero Hour

If you intend to buy this game for the sole purpose of PVP, do not buy. This game basically has no form of anti cheat, and if you take a two week course of C++ you’ll be making your own cheats for this game in no time. Mix that with the complicated process to report someone and now you have a bunch of racist, homophobic people in their basement screeching at you about how much you suck. That wasn’t a joke either, I’d be lying to you if I said this wasn’t one of the most toxic games I have ever played. This is mainly because of the terrible process they have to report someone.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

The game has practically no anti-cheat. Counter-terrorists can drag hostages out of the building from their spawn. Grenade traps can render client side so other players won’t see them. Door stops can show the incorrect side when placed, and can’t be removed from the correct side. Grenade shrapnel can kill you through exterior walls. Hit-boxes aren’t mapped correctly and shooting an enemy in the legs from certain angles won’t do damage. The moderators and administrators of the game will not help you; your reports and clips won’t help and they will side with the rule violators. Skill-based matchmaking doesn’t account for time played and will match new players with veterans when the season resets.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Zero Hour on Steam

I am not a Monster: First Contact

I am not a Monster: First Contact

One of the best games I’ve ever played. It is Xcom style tactical turn based strategy game and it is flawless.

  • Visuals are stunning. Game is made in a way that it looks like as if it was made in the 60s. The graphics use old movie filter, the sound effects are “poor” quality, stereotypical (with game progress you’ll find out that they have much more depth) characters and the whole future concept from 60s movies about distant future. The whole 60s thing is done very well. Amazing.

  • Level design is great and used cleverly. Many times game reuses same levels, but is done so well that those reused environments feel like totally new levels, I mean they are, they have different objectives and stuff, so they are completely new levels, just with same level design. But it is not reused because of lazyness or cheapness, it’s reused because it is needed for story progression. This is really smart design choice, I love it.

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

Literally, I started the game with no expectations. I knew people liked the multiplayer, but since I wasn’t interested in it, I’ve watched the game with suspicion. Once I learned that there was a single-player mode, I didn’t expect much from it either.

I was sure this was some sort of “alibi mode” to complement the multiplayer and even if it was good, it would be short as most indie game campaigns are.

Oh my God, how wrong I was! The game campaign is simply stunning!

It is very long, it takes 25-30+ hours to finish it. - That is a huge selling point for me!

Real player with 44.8 hrs in game

I am not a Monster: First Contact on Steam

Takedown: Red Sabre

Takedown: Red Sabre

Takedown: Red Sabre is a SWAT esque first person shooter where you go through multiple levels with your team.


Takedown: Red Sabre doesn’t really have a story, there’s multiple levels that have no connections whatsoever. Levels range from clearing a radio station in the mountains, or saving hostages in an overtaken container ship. They give you a debrief of what needs to be done and then you are thrown in the mission. That’s about it honestly, so if you want a story to go along with your swat escapades you’re gonna have to keep looking somewhere else.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Takedown: Red Sabre * 5/10

Essentially a very high potential tactical FPS which unfortunately is abandoned in an alpha stage at best. Buy and play at your own risk.

INTRO. What is Takedown: Red Sabre about?

Takedown Red Sabre is an abandoned attempt to revive the tactical FPS genre that is best represented by games like SWAT 4 or Rainbow six.. NO, NOT SIEGE. Rainbow six 3: Raven Shield. I say it’s an abandoned attempt and not a failed attempt because that’s what happened, and that’s what it is. Serellan llc was a one man driven company with different collaborators that abandoned the project along the way. This dude abandoned development for TD:RS and started developing Epsilon, another abandoned attempt of the same genre.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Takedown: Red Sabre on Steam

Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge

Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge

Before I write this, it is worth knowing that this game was supposed to be of much higher quality. Atari’s inability to pay Spellbound (the developers) for 6 months meant staff had to be put off and this (basically) unfinished game was the result of that. This review nevertheless is about the steam product.

Edit: Another warning is that there are some bugs with certain graphics cards. Apparently there existed (functional) view cones and although this is a minor point, it may make the game a bit more digestible.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Also See: my reply to [atomblonde]

This game is actually REALLY GOOD! It’s a shame sh*### bags that have played for less than 1 freakin hour have to throw in their 2 cents. If you like Western themed movies or games you will ACTUALLY LOVE this. A little buggy, but who cares, for the experience its worth it. This style game is not for everyone, IF YOU MUST PLAY a CALL OF DUTY or FORTNITE this game is not for you. Patience, strategy and tactics. But I love the 3D/third person view for game play and really putting you in the western world. Only an isometric game cannot provide this. I think Spellbound improved on the first game but the hard core fans all got together and CONSPIRED against the Developer Spellbound the way some of you all conspire to betray your buddy by cheating with his girlfriend while he is laid up in intensive care ward after being hit by a car going 55 in a school zone while he was walking an old woman half way through a cross walk. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU “DESPERADO” fans, who are the reason Spellbound is no longer in business. THIS GAME ROCKS! If you like strategy and tactics mixed with 3rd person perspective this is a KEEPER!!! Play as a build up to Desperados 3, and pay the dam $59.99 price tag to help support Mimimi for having the vision to recessitate and bring this “Best Friend Franchise” back to life. And BTW… get off your cell phones and stop speeding through the school zone - losers! - TKP

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge on Steam

Special Tactics

Special Tactics

It’s a great game! Too bad the player base is 0 at this point so if you want to buy it for the multiplayer, you need to have some friends to play it with or you can add me.

However, the single player is awesome! The campaign has a lot of variety and teaches you everything you need to know. It shows of the maps very well. After completing the campaign there is not much left to do. Only thing you could do is survival mode, but that gets boring after a few games

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Special Tactics Online is a tactical/ strategy shooter with addictive gameplay.

This game now in Early Access, but in this stage its also can keep your mind for couple hours.

The gameplay is turn based you sent orders for your squad what contain a four member, after that when you end own turn your opponent do same. In a multiplayer the players have 50 second in each turn, in other modes time is not limited. In a game you can found five different classes, all has different features. You also can use in every round one type of booster (from four available) and you can use three different grenades types. At the moment game has 7 maps, but this amount will be grow up in the future. Also you can change a weapons of your squad members. You can buy weapons, on the store, what you can earn playing, survival mode, and multiplayer.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Special Tactics on Steam

Blacklist Brigade

Blacklist Brigade

Pretty fun little game. Honestly has more to it than I thought, with weapon and character upgrades, 6 different soldiers who each have thier own couple passive abilities to help the team. Has quite a few gun options(Though there are never enough guns!). Combat, while not to overly difficult, has just enough challenge to where you cant totally yolo everything, unless you just dont care about being downed over and over. Its quite forgiving, with the rather quick and unlimited revives. I also like the amount of UI options.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

My friends and I are huge fans of coop tactical shooters. We got this game because we thought it might scratch that itch and we were not disappointed. Lots of tactical movement and teamwork. Tense firefights that are sometimes quite chaotic. Enough gear and class choices to ensure a team of four can specialize, and also a skill system. Easy to get into and play, and next thing you know you’ve spent a couple hours. In a nutshell: fun.

The game is currently in early access, so be aware it isnt in a completed state (though still very playable). Maps are limited for now, but being added to. The developer is active in the forums and extremely responsive to feedback, which is nice. This is a small title that deserves support.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Blacklist Brigade on Steam