Gal*Gun: Double Peace

Gal*Gun: Double Peace


This game is sort of a retro arcade-style fast-paced on-rail shooter, except instead of using guns to shoot enemy soldiers on a battlefield, you’re using sex pheromones to shoot anime girls in an academy. Overall it’s a great game, and I really enjoy playing it.

Main Pros

  • There’s a built-in “panic button” (normally bound to M) that you can press to pause the game and pull up a fake old school RPG game to fool friends or family members if they were to walk in to you being bombarded by lustful anime girls.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best On-Rails Shooter Dating Sim Games.

It’s not a great port: xbox gamepad prompts are everywhere (but mouse and keyboard are working, and in story-critical QTEs you’ll get proper mouse prompts) and there are unexplainable game crashes on some setups, but it is still fun and weird Japanese nonsense. You should buy it, if you are into shooting pheromones at school girls and female teachers trying to express their love to you.

You can call this game “a lewd Japanese nonsense”. It’s an on-rails shooter. Your character moves through the school and then SUDDENLY GIRLS! Thousands of them! And every one of them wants to become your girlfriend forever. You have no choice but to defend yourself. You must disarm them - you do it by shooting pheromones at your attackers. In the best traditions of on-rails shooters, girls are zone-sensitive targets, so it matters where you shoot your load. Disarmed girls will scream with ecstasy and fall on the ground in lewd funny possess. Apart from the standard shooting mechanics, you can see through girls’ clothes while zooming-in…and touch girls in doki-doki mode…and…and don’t judge me.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Gal*Gun: Double Peace on Steam

Banzai Escape

Banzai Escape

Finally end this game it have fun and cute :D but so hard

This game should fix many point, I’m have main summarize for this reason.

1.I’m think should have intro cutsecne for preliminary story before main menu to main story.

2.Some sound gun look like BB gun heard it no power, ex. MP5

3.When Ina boss use the attack helicopter and attack player from behind it so hard change cover becauce minigun can attack two way and rohiaki have been kill quickly it make me feel needs luck to survive.

4.Some camera view rather bad, so make more problem in 3.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best On-Rails Shooter Action Games.

I’m certain everyone who has played maybe said more that sums up the game, but here’s my review-

Positive: while I’ve played the game, my attachment to the Rokiahi, and her journey to arresting Betas was never expected; I was amazed at as I played, she struggled, and too had a bit of doubt. the one thing that makes me smile while playing as her, is having the best weapon to take care of the job before it was too late.

Negatives: while I was doing the Ina Boss Level, I kept getting obliterated out of existence, which there was the “upgrade your gun” niche, which not everyone will just grind money, and just to go and kill Ina without a bit of firepower. 9/10 there are moments, where the boss cheated me, and moments where I cheated myself altogether. (Ina is still beatable, but I’d highly recommend upgrading your weapons, otherwise you’re going to be frustrated.) (barely any cosmetics, but still grateful nonetheless)

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Banzai Escape on Steam

Gal*Gun 2

Gal*Gun 2

Short review:

Gal*Gun 2 is an arcade-style shooter where you shoot anime girls to deliver them ecstasy, instead of death. You can have characters cosplay and pose for you lol. Great port, I didn’t run into any major issue. Compared to Double Peace, GG2 takes one step forward two steps back, but it’s still stupidly fun. Get DP first if you haven’t, it has a higher fun per unit currency ratio.

A tad bit more info:

Comparing to its predecessor, Double Peace, the gameplay has changed from on-rails shooter to a static 360º VR-ish shooter, but without the actual VR (at least officially supported, check guides for playing in VR). So, instead of the character automatically moving around after an event ends, you now have to choose where to get teleported to next, which kinda breaks the flow (you’ll also see enemies getting teleported into places where there were none before). But at least the cursor doesn’t move by itself when the character is moving, so it might be a huge improvement.

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best On-Rails Shooter Dating Sim Games.

I was a pretty big fan of Gal*Gun:Double Peace…it was a lot of fun and there was a frenetic pace so it felt like you rarely could see it all the first time through. Plus there were multiple routes through some levels in addition to the various choices to win over certain girls and that added some replay value to it. Just about the only thing better would be Double Peace in VR.

Well, this is as close as you can get until INTI CREATES CO decides to actually remake Double Peace in VR (I’d probably buy it BTW). This game is missing a few things but it also added a few things as well. Does the trade off work? Is it worth it? Well I’d say mostly yes, but I kinda wish they kept some of the old system.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Gal*Gun 2 on Steam

Omnibion War

Omnibion War

A surprisingly enjoyable indie game at such a low price that deserve more attention.

Being a mechs/space game enthusiast i had to give this game a try and i’m glad i did as it’s quite good.

IMO, the negative reviews are unfair for this game, knowing it’s priced that low.

Notice the plebs with less than 20 minutes posting their reviews smh…

I don’t get it, people expect something triple A quality maybe for the price of a cinema ticket ?

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

I’m a huge old-school railshooter fan, so I was really looking forward to this game… Unfortunately, it’s awful.

• Railshooter segments are lackluster

• Free-roaming segments are nigh unplayable

• Game pad control scheme is not well thought out

• Movement and aiming sensitivity are not adjustable

• Y-Axis cannot be inverted on either stick

• Evasive maneuvers are largely useless and easy to accidentally trigger

• Mech mode is slow and extremely clunky, especially when moving along the Y-Axis

• No radar, so you’re completely blind to off-screen threats — of which there are many

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Omnibion War on Steam

Zombie Panic In Wonderland DX

Zombie Panic In Wonderland DX

Zombie Panic In Wonderland DX is a good Action and a good port of a Wii game, now the story.

Wonderland a place of magic and wonder is now facing a big problem, a plague of zombies are ravaging the land killing all that stand in their way. But one boy will have to take up the gun and sword to save everyone.

Now the likes, well the art style is really good nice and colorful, with good levels. The music was good and the action was fun as well. The enemies and bosses looked good my fav being the tinman boss, and the game’s humor was nice.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

This game is for all those who like Wild Guns (SNES, 1994) or, of course, Cabal (Arcade, 1988), the gallery shooter that spawned its own subgenre, the so called Cabal shooters . Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX is one of these.

A Cabal shooter gives you free control over a reticle to shoot the stuff on screen (just like a lightgun shooter when played with a controller or a mouse). However, the twist is that you do not play from a first person perspective: there is also an avatar to control and to protect from enemy fire. This is followed by another twist: in Cabal you cannot control your reticle and your character at the same time. Pressing and holding the fire button changes the mode: firing gives you free reticle control, but releasing it allows you to move your character on the x-axis. This results into a surprisingly fun and intense gameplay, while at the same time it resembles the 80’s action film heroes that are just standing there when spraying bullets all over the place.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Zombie Panic In Wonderland DX on Steam




RunDrill is a 2D run game.

You control the Landrill, a machine that cracks rocks and breaks the ground to advance.

Let’s run through the vast subterranean world!

Clear the stage and watch the story!

Clear the stage and the story will unfold.

The setting is a laboratory somewhere.

What will the three characters see when they go underground?

Clear score is the player ranking!

The score for completing a stage is

It’s going to be saved in the rankings on Steam!

Let’s go for the fastest score!

RunDrill on Steam

Gal*Gun Returns

Gal*Gun Returns

The very first time I played this game, I still had a girlfriend. We were in a great spot back then. This is probably the only semi-lewd game I showed her. She thought it was funny and cute. Truth be told, I have fond memories of the opening song, as one of the very first times I made love to a real woman was during a non-so-well-thought-out playthrough. Those were carefree days of lazyness and lack of responsibility. Lovable moments of total void, filled with the simple joys of life. Time went by slowly, youth was in full bloom. What a great time to be alive and experience this little gem.

Real player with 94.7 hrs in game

TL;DR Summary: 100% hard recommend. Fun, cute/sexy, and appropriately challenging. However, if you’re new to the Gal*Gun series, I recommend trying out Gal*Gun: Double Peace as your first game. If you already enjoyed Double Peace, I definitely recommend this prequel.

I’m going to write this review from my personal perspective of a GalGun addict who has 100% completed not only this game, but all of the others available here on Steam (Double Peace, 2, and VR), and pre-ordered the special edition without even thinking about it. Specifically, I will be comparing to Double Peace, for two reasons - first, both this game and Double Peace are true rail shooters, with very similar forced camera movement gameplay, whereas 2 and VR are stationary wave shooters where you have some control over the camera and when you proceed down the track. Perhaps more importantly though, the other reason is that I think Double Peace, as a sequel to the original console release of GalGun (which came out 10 years ago, and of which this game is a remaster), is a more interesting and robust game. So if you haven’t already played Double Peace, I suggest you start with it. Don’t get me wrong, Gal*Gun Returns is a great game on its own, and I definitely recommend it even to a new player, but Double Peace has more features and is currently cheaper, or essentially the same price for the Deluxe Edition add-on for all the costumes (which is totally worth the extra cost, BTW). So I’m going to assume you’ve played Double Peace, and base the rest of the review on how Returns differs.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Gal*Gun Returns on Steam

Sun Blast: Star Fighter

Sun Blast: Star Fighter

Disclaimer: I was generously given a free copy of Sun Blast with the understanding that I was expected to review the title after spending some time with it.

Sun Blast was presented to me in one sentence as “like Starfox 64”. Prior to even redeeming the key I found this an unfair way to represent a new game because Starfox (in my opinion) is the best of the best for that third person arcade shootem’up genre. Putting expectations at that level means that a fully competent title could easily be harshly critiqued or condemned for not being absolutely perfect.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Here we have another game that can be summed up in a single word: YIKES!

It’s cute that Sun Blast’s store description not only has the gall to claim that it was inspired by Star Fox, Space Harrier, and Panzer Dragoon, but it also says that it’s “the best 3d space shooter on Steam”.

Sun Blast was inspired by a dumpster fire. Never before have I played a shooter with such poor mechanics, sluggish controls, and awful mission-design. Dodging enemy ships and their bullets should be a relatively simple task, but instead it’s messy and somewhat convoluted. This can be attributed to the odd perspective. It’s not always clear where objects are in relation to the player-ship. So this results in lots of collisions. The bosses tend to have homing weapons, and they’re exceedingly frustrating to deal with. Why? Because the player-ship can’t maneuver around them, and the angle makes it difficult to tell where the homing shots are heading.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Sun Blast: Star Fighter on Steam



amazing experience. truly nothing like it. suda really outdid himself and ive never been pulled into such a story so fast before. its worth every cent and if i could i would pay $60 for it.

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

this might be the closest a video game will ever get to “art” in the way that film is able to

play it

don’t look up a youtube video about it. don’t look up an article about it on google

play it

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

killer7 on Steam

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure is beyond Terrible. A really lame VR game. Now where do I begin, first off this game only goes for 20 minutes, and for a 20-minute VR game the asking price is a bit much. So who would want to pay that much money. Also there are no hand animations and reloading animations as well, and the game is so generous that you have infinite bullets, you heard me correctly Infinite Bullets. I feel the developers could’ve made the game a bit more challenging in having to reload but the fact that you’re giving unlimited ammo makes the game so much easier all you have to do is hold down the button and fire away. The only good thing about the game are the graphics despite a few bugs here and there. The enemies are meh, and the boss fights are lame. The dinosaur models look like they were ripped out of a Jurassic World game, don’t believe me take a real good look at the raptors at level one, I swear those raptors look exactly like Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo and the T-Rex looks like the JW T-Rex, don’t people make decent dinosaur models for video games anymore. Also there’s not much AI to the enemies they just run towards you and you mow them down like a bloodthirsty killer, the developers should make the enemies more strategic, for example have raptors attack the front while the raptors ambush the player from behind. Also there were times when I glitched out of the level while fighting enemies no joke I was for some strange, unknown reason thrown outside the pre-determined path of the game and I had to restart.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

My recommendation is ONLY for VR arcade centers

This Game has good potentials for VR arcades however, they need to fix the sound, it is just too scattered and you don’t know what you are hearing.

Te sound of the truck is absent

the sound of the lady speaking is absent

Background sound is noisy.. too noisy

the sound of the gun is very low

This game is just good for commercial VR arcades

360 standstill and 3 DOF not 6DOF


I will refund for now until these and some other issues other reviewers will mention is fixed

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Atlantis Adventure VR on Steam