DreadStar: The Quest for Revenge

DreadStar: The Quest for Revenge

DreadStar: The Quest for Revenge

Dreadstar is a classic arcade-style, top-down shooter, bringing in a great classic taste of arcade gaming with a modern touch.

With having played very few arcade shoot‘em ups, I was very excited to get into this game. Most arcade games that I have interacted with while growing up had a general idea of a plot/story arc associated with them, but nothing to elaborate on.

*– [Real player with 130.5 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329404521)*




Read More: Best Old School Singleplayer Games.

--- Classic arcade-style shoot-em-up games are rather challenging and rely on pattern-learning and proper execution. _DreadStar: The Quest for Revenge_ follows in suit with a few short levels and varied bosses to keep the game feeling rather fresh at every point. Three different difficulty options are available for each stage, progressively unlocked. The game does give a bit more leniency from the traditional shoot-em-up game with its leveling-up system and purchasable ship-modifications that are sometimes needed to get the player over the hump. *– [Real player with 13.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198445832924)* --- ![BOOMER SLAYERS](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1746760/header.jpg "") ## BOOMER SLAYERS _"The Boomer Slayers come to purge the world of filth and bring masculinity and brutality back to society"_ ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1746760/extras/gif1.gif?t=1636227093) **BOOMER SLAYERS is an indie game by a single Russian developer. It is a mix of an old-school gameplay and modern-retro looks with boomer humor and some Slav jokes.** ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1746760/extras/gif2.gif?t=1636227093) * Use your BADASS character to clear The Building by using brute force! Use your JUSTICE PUNSH to interact with enemies and environment. * Eat NANO-FOOD to restore your health and try not to die in combat mayhem. ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1746760/extras/gif4.gif?t=1636227093) Play with your badass friends in local co-op mode! Try to do your best not to die of laughter. ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1746760/extras/gif3.gif?t=1636227093) When you're ready, switch from GAME JOURNALIST DIFFICULTY to NORMAL and test your might in a REAL CHALLENGE. Slay your enemies LIKE A BOSS! (Some in-game jokes may be understandable only to native Russians) ---

Read More: Best Old School Action Games.

--- --- ![Dungeon Chest](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1161550/header.jpg "") ## Dungeon Chest _Dungeon Chest_ is an old-school puzzle game. You play as a young man who has recently learned the exciting legend of the Treasure of Akzbezth. Eager to obtain the many riches undoubtedly stored within, he travels to South America to enter an ancient Inca dungeon where the treasure is said to be hidden. However, he may soon find that it will not be as easy as he thought. #### **Features:** * Charming pixel graphics. * Fun puzzles. * More than 100 rooms. * Simple gameplay **Note:** 10% of the net revenue earned from this game goes to the World Monuments Fund. ---

Read More: Best Old School Retro Games.

--- --- ![Tanky Tanks](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1542120/header.jpg "") ## Tanky Tanks Cool game, brightened up my evening) I recommend it to those who are tired of standard projects and want to have fun with something new. Convenient and beautiful menu, the simplicity of the gameplay pleases … There is a balance in the game, which is very pleasing, thanks! The developer has clearly tried on his product, the game is worth its money. The game has a system of achievements, which is very pleasing)) Here is such a short "reviewer", if I may call it that. Good luck, I'm waiting for similar games from the developer) *– [Real player with 4.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198996141854)* World of tanks -_- *– [Real player with 3.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333368749)* --- ![Eternium](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/981600/header.jpg "") ## Eternium I have been a member of Steam for quite a few years I really do not write a lot of reviews. I do not even post that often. But this game has frustrated me to the point I feel I have no choice. I played the game even though there were things that bothered me but for some reason it intrigued me. I mean using the same mouse click to attack with as you use to move can be a major PITA when you are trying to not eat a bosses enrage. I have definitely yelled at my avatar a time or two begging him to move and not attack. But I played through. *– [Real player with 276.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198872039727)* This is a review from a long lost fan of the game. I play this game with my last save of Eternium on mobile, then login back with this PC version. I played this game on mobile version since 4 years ago (counted from today's release of early access on PC today, and the last mail i got in game that still stay). Been liking it on how it has some unique aspects like swiping and drawing sign controls, important loots were pretty easy to get like set gears and what not, cuz you can combine some gears into better version of it. All currencies can be acquired through in game, which was only gold and gems. Some upgrades may requires you to wait real time, but it was still comfy for sometime. *– [Real player with 34.7 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198193716875)* --- ![Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1266890/header.jpg "") ## Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift The game is good for casual players who like to make some chaos on the maps but also for tactical-focused minds that analyze every turn. I love versatile weaponry with its various differences in games mechanics. However, unit types could be more distinct. Gridless movement is quite unique feature in tactical games and it's really fun to work on positioning your units on a playfield: "Hide behind his rock so I could lean out my rifle but not stick out too much not to get hit". Teleporters do the job of adding a new layer to this two-dimensional game. Great idea. They could be used in more places though. *– [Real player with 82.7 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015082162)* The game is "tactical" all the way - it requires thinking and few mouse-waving skills. It does not require reflex. It's also not a fast-paced game and gives you a fair amount of time to think. I've played chiefly the campaign mode. There are always two phases: prep, where you decide how to equip your platoon, and the action phase, where you're deployed. There's some AI behind the enemies, so they don't behave identically in every run, so sometimes the 'improved' strategy you came up with after a failed run also fails. *– [Real player with 21.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198269159778)* --- ![Waronoi](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1444550/header.jpg "") ## Waronoi Very fun, innovative and challenging strategy game *– [Real player with 6.5 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006754034)* A very nice wargame that pulls off interesting mechanics quite well. *– [Real player with 5.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198306931844)* --- ![Why Chicken? Why?](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1012600/header.jpg "") ## Why Chicken? Why? (bata tester) Dope game! The frogs try and screw with the chicken… must be jealous they can't be the protagonist of this game. still have to beat the game on steam and without cheating. I have only successfully saved the baby chick and it wasn't on steam so I need to focus and save that sucker so I can get the "Family" Achievement. Almost there I've got 10 of 16 Achievements. *– [Real player with 0.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096541979)* --- ![BOY BEATS WORLD](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1016700/header.jpg "") ## BOY BEATS WORLD So far, I'm really interested in what this game has in store. The rhythm based mechanics are very unique and offer an experience I don't think I've seen anywhere else. The humor in the dialogue is also something to praise, as it keeps you talking to every character just to see what little goofy comment they'll make. You should definitely try it out if you enjoy rhythm games, banger music, and creative rpg-like worlds. *– [Real player with 18.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198872776559)* After streaming this on my Twitch channel, my viewers and I were all feeling the vibe! For as rough and simple as it may be at first glance, there's a good variety to the combat to keep it interesting, and the personal touches in the humor and composer's notes really make it an experience. This is certainly a fun little diversion for a rainy afternoon if you're into unique rhythm games and chiptune; I'd love to pick up the soundtrack on Bandcamp if the dev publishes it, but for now I'll look forward to finishing the campaign! *– [Real player with 6.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272592475)* --- ![Starblast: Retro Wars](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1770350/header.jpg "") ## Starblast: Retro Wars WARNING! THIS GAME IS A LIVING SIEZURE! IF YOU OR A RELATIVE SHOW RISK OF HAVING EPILEPTIC SIEZURES, RUN AWAY! A twin-stick shooter where nothing has a defined color! Fly around the arena blasting away colorful enemies in 8 modes! Break your high-score! Feeling cramped? Some modes give you the bomb ability, which wipes the screen clean without negatively impacting you. Also, try using the dash mechanic to your advantage to rapidly reposition yourself. Deadline - you get 5 minutes with an infinite amount of lives. Death can still hinder you and break your odds of beating your best score. ---