AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

Bought the game ‘cause steam holiday sales 2015

Spent the entire Christmas Eve playing this game instead of celebrating with my family

My family left me



AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed (REVIEW)

Minor spoilers, nothing too revealing however

After playing through all the routes and completing everything there is to the game I would say that the title ‘AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed’ is an overall great game. As you can tell by the amount of time I’ve spent on this game, I can assure you that it’s a pleasure to be playing this game.

Real player with 3564.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Mature Games.

Only once I started playing this game did I realize that the tittle is a pun.

Akiba’s Trip Undead and Undressed is an “open world” brawler game, set in a satirical setting which features a recreation of Akihabara, pop culture references, and vampires… lots and lots of vampires for the player to strip bare.

This game’s ‘thing’ is that in order to defeat your opponents, you must destroy or remove their clothes before they strip you; you don’t just beat your enemies to death as you would in most brawler games. The player must strike the enemy’s head, body and legs for the purpose of lowering their defenses, and thus allow them to remove their hats, shirts/dress and pants/skirt. Get stripped yourself and you will die, so do your best to keep your pants on!

Real player with 134.1 hrs in game

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2

What Monster Will You Be?

Enter the World of Darkness and rise through vampire society. Experience Seattle - a city full of alluring, dangerous characters and factions. In this sequel to the cult classic, your choices, plots and schemes will change the balance of power.

What Monster Will You Be?

Choose to be brutal and unflinching or cultured and seductive. Use charm, cunning, terror and sheer will to rise through vampire society. 

Descend into Seattle’s Dark Heart 

Seattle has always been run by vampires; hunt your prey across locations faithfully reimagined in the World of Darkness.

Enter into Uneasy Alliances

Choose a side among the competing vampire factions in the war for Seattle’s blood trade. Everyone has hidden agendas, so choose your allies wisely

Experience the Story

Written by the creative mind behind the original Bloodlines, live out your vampire fantasy in a city filled with intriguing characters that react to your choices.

Read More: Best Nudity Gore Games.

Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2 on Steam

Libra of the Vampire Princess

Libra of the Vampire Princess

Just finished the game and for a visual novel, I have to say it was pretty well made. This is not an interactive visual novel, the only interaction you do in the game is choosing which route or story you decide to go. In total there are 4 routes, each being unique with a different storyline. I’d recommend playing all of them, not only to get your money’s worth, but each route has different backstory which you won’t find out in the other routes. BE AWARE there are BUGS which sometimes crash the game when I was playing, but I was easily able to get past it by messing around with the game settings such as turning off the screen effects and reverting it back after i got through it. Speaking of effects, I have to hand it to the graphics team. They did a really good job especially during the fighting scenes which made the game way more immersive. I’ve played quite a few visual novels, but this one was really unique. For example, they change viewpoints to different characters and you get a better perspective of each indivdual character. Overall it was a great game! 8/10

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

I did read alot of VN and liked this one as well. It’s more action based then most making it slightly diffrent and that is a good thing.

It’s true that some translations might sound a bit odd, but as I am not a native English speaker I didn’t had any issues understanding what was going on.

As there are not that many choices it reads more like a book, for some this might be a bad thing for me I don’t mind at least now I didn’t had to worry I missed some cg that is only available when selecting the right choices or be faced with countless of bad ends because I took a wrong turn.

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

Libra of the Vampire Princess on Steam

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut

So Bloodrayne 2 has the distinction of being one of my most beloved, yet absolutely hated games, out of all the games I have ever played before. Never has a single game left me completely divided on how I felt after playing it. Even as I was playing this Terminal Cut, in full, for the first time, I kept thinking “I can’t review this.”

So the good first. BR2 in a nutshell, is a modified BR1, but with everything cranked up to 11. So many new features and ideas are brought to this very creative sequel. Feeding fatalities, gymnastic platforming, environmental death traps, new characters, tons of voice work, tons of powers, tons of costumes, tons of BLOOD. It’s wild just how much of an upgrade BR2 is compared to its original.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

If the first BloodRayne is like an easier Max Payne that’s not well-made but still delivers fun and some cheap thrills, then BloodRayne 2 is like a Devil May Cry that does not understand what makes Devil May Cry great. Also BloodRayne 2 itself is not fun, and it doesn’t even deliver cheap thrills.


The first BloodRayne was not a well-made game. Animations were janky, damage feedback was poor, environments were boring, and the final boss was frankly terrible and became downright impossible to defeat if you took too long. However, if you could forgive those faults, what you would find in this game was the experience of becoming a frantic, unstoppable, killing machine. You could be like Max Payne on steroids. It’s no exaggeration that you could essentially dance around your enemies whilst attacking, whether you’re firing your guns or attacking with Rayne’s sick arm blades. You became a frenzied speed demon of death. Also, to add more to the Max Payne comparisons, you have a Dilated Mode which is essentially infinite Bullet Time, so yeah.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut on Steam

Dream Girls Collection

Dream Girls Collection

so it is broken except for when you change frame rates, go into your refresh rate in nvidia and change it to 59 hz

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

It’s a decent puzzle game. I found the non-nude version to be more of a challenge. As the borders of each scene are less defined.

But it’s a pity that the achievements don’t count towards your total and perfect games.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dream Girls Collection on Steam



If someone says “Do you want to play a game as a vampire?” the answer should always be yes, but it should be especially true for Vampyr.

This is by far the best vampire game in existence. Maybe it doesn’t have the weird early 2000s sexiness of Blade or Underworld, but let’s be real, those are both pretty stupid. Instead of new-age vampires, this is old school. It takes place after WWI when the spanish flu is ravaging and killing people. DONTNOD cleverly uses the epidemic to mask but also discuss vampirism as a similar affliction. That means you can see a world ravaged by two epidemics, though most unknowing about the vampire problem.

Real player with 58.7 hrs in game

Words cannot accurately describe my love for this game. The environments, the voice acting, THE BLOODY MUSIC, its all sublime!!! Feeling the weight of your every choice makes this game a must play and is one of my top 10 games of all time.

The only “negative” I could say is the combat is ehh, if you are only interested in the story, I would just stick to easy mode

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Vampyr on Steam

Cursed Lands

Cursed Lands

An outstanding VN-RPG-quest crossover

I was expecting another bland, unnecessarily dragged out visual novel with uninspired, repetitive missions, but I was taken for a real treat here—kept replaying with different initial conditions (race, job, supporting character branching choice) over and over, enjoying every single play.

Visual Novel (VN) perspective: Story branching is rich and, as general VN WinterWolves titles go, you have an almost immediate option to go back—typically less than half a minute in gameplay, couple minutes or hours in the game world—to the last choice and change it to study other outcomes. I like this unique branching feature—it is like a quick time machine, or a very smooth and synoptic reload action that permits me to change my choice without having to repeat a known portion of play and grind once again.

Real player with 132.6 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale, and I’m glad I did, it wasn’t worth the full price. I bought it because it was created by the same team who did Loren Amazon Princess, a game I loved. It’s unfortunate then, that this game is average at best. There are a few problems I have with this game that I feel affected my enjoyment of the game:

1. Characters/Romance

This is the big one, so i’m putting it first. The characters all had great introductions, and are really interesting. Unfortunately, the game screws this up deeply as it progresses. You don’t get to chose when to talk to the characters, their icon’s pop up when the game decides it’s time for their event to start, so you never truly get to know these characters beyond their surface introduction. The game prides itself on giving you romance options, and even advertises that you can trigger more then one romance scene. It isn’t hard, it’s like the game WANTS you to be a serial skirt chaser, and even when you do trigger these scenes, there’s no build up. Characters will spontaneously confess their feeling for you, claiming they always felt something for you. Your character will reply in kind, but you know this is false. Your POV character never felt anything of the sort, their lying.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Cursed Lands on Steam

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition

First off, I’m a huge fan of the Castlevania series. So that foundation may color my opinion of this game and it’s ensuing interquel and sequel (which I’m currently in the midst of). Something about medieval through Enlightment era Europe with a heavy gothic/baroque aesthetic, corrupted through dark forces that threaten the world? Awesome. Tons of monsters pulling on a multitude of inspiration from the myth cycles of antiquity through the modern Universal monsters? Yes, please.

Konami struck gold initially by creating these dark adventures that took a quite serious tone for the early Nintendo systems, offering a beefy challenge of vintage Nintendo difficulty through several increasingly impressive platformer games. They then evolved into the famed Metroidvanias with the release of Symphony of the Night on the Playstation - trading a bit of the reflex-intensive difficulty for massive sprawling environments that took forever to explore and fully unlock - and followed this formula with several excellent installments on Nintendo’s handhelds where they found their most sustainable home and success through the late 2000’s. Then Konami, sensing the increasingly stagnant nature of the series as it became mired in repeated iterations of SotN’s sprawling platformer/RPG hybrid, started searching for a way to revitalize the series again, just as SotN ignited a sort of Golden Age for the series.

Real player with 98.7 hrs in game

(Important note: This game, for whatever reason, doesn’t like being set to fullscreen + max res on a display other than that which Windows / your video card identifies as Display 1, regardless if it’s your primary display or not. Weird bug but easy to fix.)

Lords of Shadow is a flawed but polished masterpiece and a triumph of artistic direction. It’s shortcomings are forgivable. That said, since you can expect to sink upwards of 40hrs into this, I’ll go into some more detail.

Presentation wise, this game is stunning. Masterful visuals paired with smooth and optimized 4K performance make for an eye-popping experience. The art team went all out on this and it shows. I’ve never taken so many screenshots of a game before. Two major detractors though: 1. Some of the cutscenes were pre-rendered for console are unimproved by modern hardware (they still look passable but they’re jaggy af); 2. Godrays are a weak point. The score is powerful but not iconic; you’ll love it in the moment but try to recall the music later and you’ll likely struggle, for the most part. This isn’t objectively a bad thing, as it simply means it’s enhancing the experience without overpowering it but I was disappointed by the lack of iconic singles and the abscence of a Bloody Tears revamp.

Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition on Steam



The stage where the story takes place is atmospheric and scary, and the diary in the game is also terrifying. There are also various riddles and gimmicks to solve, making it fun to explore. And Eve is so cute. The way she hides from enemies is Eve-like and very good. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is my first impression of the game since as of right now, only Chapter 1 is available while the rest of the game will come as time passes. Once the game is complete, my opinions may be subjected to change and then and only then will I give a grade.

When I read that this game is inspired by Ib and The Witch’s House, it made me want to play this game for this October as I already planned on reliving all my favorite RPGMaker Horror games on said month; And that’s what I did, saving LIRE for last. As I played LIRE, it was a treat seeing some similarities with the other games I recently replayed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

LIRE on Steam



Six months ago, you died and were reborn. A vampire. A predator. Not a mere creature of the night, but one of its masters. At least, that’s how things were supposed to be.

Unfortunately, the world has changed. The secret is out. Vampires have finally been exposed, and though your existence is tolerated, your new thirst is not. You came to the one city willing to promise a fresh start, only to find suspicion and starvation waiting on its dark streets. But death could not hold you, and fear will not hold you back. When the sun goes down, outcasts rise.

It’s time to seize the night by its throat.


Enter a twisted, darkly comic city where humans and vampires are struggling to live together. Take over a failing nightclub on the wrong side of the tracks, and turn it into your personal empire through seduction, intimidation, and careful use of secret supernatural Gifts. Befriend and recruit fellow outcasts, digging deep into their stories and harnessing their skills. Explore a fully voiced, lavishly written world of dark shadows and bright neon, where your every decision will push the world towards a bold united future, or forever destroy any hope for peaceful coexistence.


  • Climb from rags to riches as a modern Vampire

  • Build your nightclub into a true nocturnal empire

  • Meet a cast of off-beat, fully voiced characters

  • Indulge your inhumanity— but be home before sunrise

  • Engage in strategic combat against humans and vampires alike


Nighthawks is written and designed by Richard Cobbett (Sunless Sea/Sunless Skies) with art by Ben Chandler (Unavowed, Technobabylon, the Blackwell Series), and produced by Wadjet Eye Games. Made possible with the generous support of 3,934 Kickstarter backers, and many others who have contributed their faith and assistance.

Nighthawks on Steam