Goddess detective

Goddess detective


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Exploration Games.

Is the dog really the problem?

Well, we will never know…

There is an inventory but no way to interact or pick up items, when you open the front door you can´t get upstairs anymore… controls from hell. One nice little ass wiggle animation though. And easter eggs.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Goddess detective on Steam

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

IMPORTANT: for multiplayer, don’t forget to press V for Global Matchmaking!! Else you’ll enter Regional Matchmaking, and nobody is playing there!!

| PC specs at the time of playing |

| Quadro M4000 - Quadro P5000 |

| Intel Core i5-8400 CPU (2.80 GHz, 2801 Mhz, 6 Cores & Logical Processors) |

| 16 - 32 GB RAM |

*Note: “- " means I had to transition between parts at the time of playing. The game ran well with both the old and the new parts

Real player with 189.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

After going through all the mainline Senran Kaguras, and enjoying all of their goofy gameplays, characters, and surprisingly well written stories, I didn’t have high hopes for Peach Beach Splash given that the other reviews for this game don’t paint a pretty picture of what to expect. While still retaining that Senran Kagura charm in its single player mode, PBS' biggest selling point (aside from the obvious fanservice) was supposed to be its multiplayer as shown by its loadout based progression systems (which require A LOT of grinding to max everything out), and its team based gameplay modes.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash on Steam



Haydee is a niche game.

There’s a lot of games that are just “not for everybody”, and Haydee fits the bill. Most of the attention regarding the game is about the design of the protaganist. If you like THICK android girls with massive assets that jiggle with her gait, then you’ll probably be all for it.

But I play Haydee for the game. A quick glance at the achievements stats shows that less than 3% of people who have played Haydee have even beaten it. Most players haven’t even passed the tutorial.

Real player with 222.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

Haydee is without a doubt an interesting game. Interesting for many reasons but the main reason is the Main Protagonist. I never feel it is truly necessary to justify the use of anything, including copious amounts of sexuality, however justification certainly helps to make the medicine go down. Haydee really makes no effort to justify its sexuality, it’s just there. It’s merely the coat of paint on top of the underlying game, of which the underlying game is quite solid. I would say it’s almost unfair to judge the game too harshly on it, it would make no difference if the game featured a blue giraffes as the protagonist, but if anything, there in lies the issue. I always say if you’re going to commit to something, fully commit and don’t look back. The games is not really built on a foundation of sexuality it merely bares it’s banner. The game doesn’t have you fighting hoards of sex crazed robots. It doesn’t have you having sex with them to quench their insatiable desire nor is it lavishly adorned with phallic and yonic imagery at every turn. The game I just described would be far more interesting if only for the wrong reasons.

Real player with 167.8 hrs in game

Haydee on Steam

Guns of Succubus

Guns of Succubus

Such a fun and cute story, I am really excited to see how the story unfolds in its sequel. Art is great and the cast is lovable

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

First impression, decent CG, the story itself also is fun.

The patch gives uncensored high quality CG, some of the characters stand pictures also changed.

Marianna’s original version is marvelous. I wish someday I could assaulted by such a succubus, too…

You can download the patch from their homepage.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Guns of Succubus on Steam

Hentai Vs Furries

Hentai Vs Furries

This game saved my life.

I am 69.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 494.1 hrs in game

I am so glad i have this game. cured my depression

So I was actually gifted this game by my friend, and at this point im the guy to dump interesting games on, but as a man, a self-proclaimed respectable person, what I have said above this is true. I was an empty husk of a person before playing this game, and thanks to this, I have found myself, who I want to be.

I didn’t think I would say this, but, thank you Hentai Vs Furries, I will remember you for as long as i live.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Hentai Vs Furries on Steam



Ultimate Hardbass Defence is a game where you fight waves of enemies, playing as bikini clad women, all whilst listening to Hardbass. Since this game has no story, we’re jumping straight into graphics.


I’m pretty certain that this game is a full asset flip. There’s nothing original in the game, enemy models especially feel out of place since most of them are stock orcs and spiders. The women models all look roughly similar to one another as well, with minor difference to them.


Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Honestly the weirdest game iv’e ever come to play, strangely quite satisfying to play.

Graphics are decent

Gameplay is smooth

Characters are cool

Boss fights are hilarious

Overall: I couldn’t stop smiling when typing this review, it’s one of those game’s that have a very unique concept to it, emm, very straight forward game, achievement hunting is fun, playing with friends is just a blast, I personally enjoyed every hour of this game that I have spent on it, there are bugs, but mainly at the boss fights where they might clip into an object and get stuck, but do get this game, it is quite something to experience with your friends/ or family,

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game


Haydee 2

Haydee 2

What’s more fun:

  • Playing a brutal and well-designed puzzle game.

  • Playing that same puzzle game as a generously endowed cyber-girl in high-heels ❤

Haydee 2 plays very much like Resident Evil and Dead Space, but you play as a delightfully thicc female character, trapped in a giant technological facility that’s built like a labyrinth.

I’ve been a big fan of the first Haydee game ever since it released in late 2016, and Haydee 2 not only met my expectations, it even surpassed them! The kind of challenge this game presents is a true test of one’s navigational skill and problem-solving ability.

Real player with 116.2 hrs in game

Haydee 2 has quickly became one of my favourite games, I dont think Iv ever played anything quite like it. The absolute absence of guidance is totally refreshing, thanks to this I share the same confused perspective as HD512 which is our characters serial number, but more on that later. We awaken in a room next to inanimate copies of our-self, you immediately take control there is no cutscene no narrative no markers. You only hear music and an automated announcer, everywhere is desolate and void of sentience whatever this place is (or was) it is clear it is no longer functional. As you make your way around a bit you’ll notice a few things, such as there seems to be a sheer abundance of sexual imagery from vending machines to posters to pick ups, and that the only life you seem to encounter are horribly disfigured alien looking creeps in worker uniforms. I wont spoil what iv learned about the story because half of the fun is actually figuring this out for yourself, the way you learn the lore is in two ways there are little titbits of information on letters and reports scattered around the entire facility. The second way is environmental storytelling which goes back to what I was saying about the lewd imagery and zombie like workers, when you combine the scraps of info with the environment, you get a really engaging story which is drip fed to you the player leaving you to hypothesise, or wonder what the hell happened here.

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

Haydee 2 on Steam

Beauty Agent

Beauty Agent

Controls are very poorly mapped, enemies take way too long to kill, and I physically cannot make it past the first level because of a combination of bad game design and a bug not letting you use the interact button to escape grabs from certain enemies who are guaranteed to kill you if they grab you with their gigantic hitboxes.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

No control for reload.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Beauty Agent on Steam

SG/ZH: School Girl/Zombie Hunter

SG/ZH: School Girl/Zombie Hunter

School Girl Zombie Hunter is a game where you use high school girls to, well, kill zombies, as per its title suggest. Basically you can choose from 5 girls, with each girls having their own specialities. For example, Sayuri is basically the team nurse as she is able to revive a downed teammate without having to use a revive item. You can equip up to 5 weapons, which can be either a combination of pistols, SMGs, rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns or the rocket launcher. Whenever you take damage, your clothing tears, like in Senran Kagura, up to the point where you are running in your underwear only. Alternatively, you can toss off your clothes to lure zombies, but beware, not all zombies are attracted to it. Huzzah for fanservice!

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Its an okay game. The graphics are fine - not too bad, and not great either. Character controls are okay, but weapons are a bit dodgy - there is a general lack of feedback, and sometimes it feels that the collision detection isn’t working properly.

Zombie AI can be bad at times, getting stuck around walls and so on. In addition, if you get trapped in a corner, you will rarely be able to get out of it as you’ll be hit again as soon as you get up.

The girls themselves are nicely detailed, and fairly decently animated, although you do notice a lack on animation on hair. The stripping aspect only works up to a certain point as only some zombies are attracted to used schoolgirl clothing (which isn’t their underwear). They also won’t attack during each intro sequence (even if they appear in that part of the story), as they nicely wait for someone to discuss morals or one of the girls problems.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

SG/ZH: School Girl/Zombie Hunter on Steam



SISTERHOOD is a third-person shooting game that focuses on classic shooting and precision mechanics.

Fight against anything that threatens humanity.

Or rather, whatever the church says that threatens humanity.

You play as one of the sisters, involved in special missions.

Officially: You do not exist, and so are the nightmares you face.

Evil straight from hell? Demonic possession?

It is your job to keep it under the wraps, so it never reaches the public.

Land, get the intel, cleanse. Life is simple.

Customization Options - over 30+ options to customize the character

Craft powerful weapons

Craft powerful artifacts

Shooting mechanics aimed at precision in landing headshots

Multiple world bosses and gameplay aimed at finding enemy weakness

Sisterhood on Steam