魂之大陆 Soultia

魂之大陆 Soultia

At the time of review, I have only played this for an hour.. I plan to play it more in the coming days, but wanted to share the experience thus far. I am giving this game a positive review because I think it does a lot of things right, and the idea is something I want expanded on more.

With $5 and an open mind, I really do believe you will get your money’s worth.


1. Combat feels really good to me. I love how powerful the dashes (shift by default) feel. I’ve only faced a few beginner mobs so far, but they all have unique attack patterns. Unless I’m swarmed with enemies, the combat always makes me feel in control.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Survival Games.

I just tried the early access version and can see that I definitely will want to play this AFTER they finish it, Playing with a keyboard is something I’ve never been able to do and at the time I tried the game playing with a controller hasn’t been finished. This game intrigues me and I will be watching to see when it has improved enough that a controller can be used so I can give it a better review. So far, I believe this will be a thumbs up for me.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

魂之大陆 Soultia on Steam

Mosh Pit Simulator

Mosh Pit Simulator

Surreal weirdness at it’s best, in VR!

Mosh Pit Simulator is an excellent blend of physics weirdness and a familiar yet unsettling city to explore. All while not coming off as a “meme game”. The sandbox mode is a bunch of fun to just mess around in, and reminds me a little of booting up Garry’s Mod for the first time. Just welding boxes and barrels together to make dumb creations. Story mode is a fun and short experience that almost harks back to the weird FMV era of games at times.

Overall a very fun time for fans of weird nonsense.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Funny Games.

This game is as advertised,nearly word to word. It’s like a lucid fever dream with little! I love this game as much as the next guy, it has the likes of Goat Simulator and Garry’s mod. I do have some problems with the game lacking some tools and gadgets. Some things disappear and reappear after I move away, but that should be expected! This huge comical game is in it’s early stages and is written and made by ONE DEVELOPER (with help from others) I’m extremely impressed with how this game turned out after 2.5 years in development. I can only imagine what is to come of this game, just be patient.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Mosh Pit Simulator on Steam

Bad Guy: Neighborhood

Bad Guy: Neighborhood

Bad Guy: Neighborhood is an open world free roam style game. Complete events, fight bosses and earn money to unlock unique items and abilities in the store. Encounter special enemies and perhaps a friendly one as you roam around in a violent and unpredictable neighborhood.


  • Complete specific objectives to unlock 15+ unique weapons and abilities

  • Multiple bosses to fight

  • Timed mini-games

  • Light task system

  • Continuous chaotic open-world, do whatever you want

Read More: Best Nudity Funny Games.

Bad Guy: Neighborhood on Steam

Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

I don’t know why I haven’t wrote a review about this game since. I already played more than 1000 hours and I can honestly say this is my favorite game of all times.

I love open world, survival, multiplayer games. This game has everything I have ever wanted from a game. Here is a list of the things I like the most about it:


  • It is possible to tame animals and take NPC’s as slaves. Having an animal friend or NPC in your journey changes you experience completely. Even if you don’t have any friends to play with, I can assure you, your slaves and animals are more loyal then most people :)

Real player with 1074.2 hrs in game

A great game in so many areas and fun to play until you hit that Archery perk that gives a minus to your fighters STR in favour of a bow they have never used. Kind of feels like Funcom are punishing you for spending too much time on a Thrall.

Apart from that the map is good and hope they expand it to the 4 corners, they fact that you can hold your own in a fight makes your own stats feel relevant and fighting feels good.

The building is more fun than Ark to me and the DLC elaborates on this with new things to design and puts some more spice into it.

Real player with 995.3 hrs in game

Conan Exiles on Steam



I didn’t even play this game the right way and I am enjoying myself so far. You play as a gsd who is the best doggo ever, and therefore blessed by the gods with infinite run. You run across plains and through fields of ferns and flowers. You run along mountain ridges. You run.

This was honestly super relaxing! Also, there are mazes and actual gameplay to get to, but I just collected whatever I felt like along the way. I got it on sale for .49 cents USD, and I’m honestly happy to have taken a chance on this hidden gem.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

If you have half an hour and 79p to spare, this is a good adventure of discovery to go on

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dog_Fox_Bunny on Steam

Ancient Siberia

Ancient Siberia

EDITED (3.21.2018) Wonder why the reviews are Mixed? Should I say “told you so”, or is it too soon?

This failed project they call a game has SO many bugs because the frauds, I mean “developers”, have almost no time testing their own products. The game has been out for a month and a half and 2 of the devs ONLY have a combined of 20 hours on the actual game.

As an Android and Facebook app developer, I spend insane amounts of time testing my products. The only way I can figure out how to fix my products are by spending time testing them out.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

This game says it’s in Beta… How did it make it through Alpha? I cant play more then 5 minutes it seems before Im stuck on a horse that wont move with no way to dismount, or bugged in a way to all my character will do is run around (no jumping or action such as weapon swings or gathering attempts). This is, or course, the few times where the main menu doesnt give an unknown error and the menu itself disappear leaving only the background showing with no option but to force the game closed. Early Access sure. but when you cant even walk around and click things without it breaking… it shouldnt have even been released to anyone. It only takes 5 mins to play your own game outside of Unity to know its not close enough.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Ancient Siberia on Steam



It may be in early development but i think this game has a lot of great possibilities. Interested to see what they do with it. So far I have really enjoyed it.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Only played a short time so far. I recommend this game to people who appreciate a little bit of realism. Some complain how you only have an inventory of 10 items, I reckon that’s great, finally a game where you have to choose what you need to have, to complete the tasks required to survive. Excellent game in my book, I look forward to spending many hours playing it, 9/10 in my opinion. I hope the developer doesn’t create an enormous character inventory to please a few. THIS IS THE SURVIVAL GAME I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. My 1st review was at 44 minutes, as promised, I will be playing this game for hours to come, I absolutely love it.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

AREAZ on Steam

Just Die Already

Just Die Already

After a lot of re-consideration, I think i can reccomend this game, For the price and the amount of hours i play’d it. I did have fun, There were times i wanted to smash my controller, and others i laughed like a maniac. The Problems i have with this game, is how it feels unfinished and very limited in how it wants you to achieve the objectives. For example a puzzle in the game is in Zen park and it involves moving a green statue. They have these statues all over the map, What if you wanted to take the statue from the park and drag it across the map to do the challenge, sure more work but in games like this, you also make the challenge/fun for your self a lot of time. You cant do that here, none of the other statues move, just a certian one the game wants you to move you can move. Same electrocuting your self in water, it only works in one type of water source. The ocean, pool, kiddie pool, and fire hydrant all dont work, its just the fish tank that works for it. This added a layer of puzzle on top of the challenges. You may understand what its asking, just not how the devs want you to do it, another example is to de-rail the tram, i would have loved to be able to derail it with force, by clogging the track enough. i put on the 3 flattners, 2 forklifts and the 1 giant green statue from zen garden and nothing happend, the tram could only be derailed by electricity. But overall i had fun doing the tasks once i understood how to do them, and the frustrating path to get there was kinda fun? Another thing that makes this game feel unfinished is the amount of clipping buildings and invisible walls. You will often times see a building clipping through another building, or a invisible wall that dosent line up with a physical wall right beside it. Some of the rewards for doing challenges feel pointless. For setting off the biggest firewrok on the docks, it opens a room, with nothing in it. For moving the statue we talked about earlier, you unlock a furry room, a ninja mask, and a healing well. A lot of sections leave more to be desired, and thats where my frustration with this game comes from, it could have been so much better, they could have added more challenges to the toy store and other sections that only have 2 or 3. Overall i did have fun playing this and would reccomend to anyone who findes the trailer intruging

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

A real review:

Game mechanics: The game mechanics are how you expect with a rag-doll physics, but the aiming is actually a lot better than expected. Some things are hard to control, like cars, but that is what is expected when you are a elderly person.

Content: This game has so much content, and for 14.99 it is a really good game to play with your friends, or even by yourself. I see a lot of people writing reviews about them getting bored, well explore the maps, do the puzzles, there are some insane puzzles, there is even A ROCKET SHIP THAT SHOOTS YOU INTO SPACE. You can customize your character, get buff, unlock new areas, play basketball, play tennis, kill someone’s brother, unlock items like a rocket ship backpack. get eaten by a shark, destroy things with explosives, etc. There is so much content and it is insane and 14.99 is a perfect price.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Just Die Already on Steam



If you like customization and life sims, you’ll love this game

This review contains what I would consider a minor spoiler or two, which will be written in spoiler text

First, let me start by saying that if you do purchase this game it would be wise to download the free official uncensored patch, and the unofficial one as well. The unofficial patch is called the hf patch, which adds a decent amount of mods (clothes, hairstyles, items for building mode, etc.) and also fixes almost all of bugs that the american 1.0.0 version has. Google is your friend in this task.

Real player with 144.1 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale for $50, downloaded the h patch, and it’s honestly it’s still not worth. Definitely not a $70 game. At first the game seems massive and in depth because it initially takes awhile to advance to other areas, and there is a lot of features you can put into the house that you create. But by the time you complete the house you actually like, and your frames drop, you realize how limited your playthrough is. I don’t recommend it, but it’s not terrible so I won’t immediately uninstall, but I wish I didn’t pay $50 for it.

Real player with 103.3 hrs in game

AI*Shoujo/AI*少女 on Steam

Dirty Cop Simulator

Dirty Cop Simulator


At the police station, you’ll get your beat and daily orders. Parking tickets, checking speeds, petty criminals and vandals are the daily life of a young cop. Plus a miserable salary and a complete lack of prestige. Great, by performing your duties diligently you will be promoted to detective and get a watch for retirement.

On the other hand, there will be a lot of temptations that will be hard to resist. Bribes, planting evidence, intimidation or turning a blind eye can be very profitable. Desperate people will do anything. And if you don’t get caught, you’ll save for a hefty retirement and respect from the people of the city.

But once you cross the border and become dirty, additional assignments from the criminal world will start to appear themselves and by doing them well you’ll gain more and more respect and allow yourself even greater luxury.

Only the most profitable missions are also the most immoral. You just have to remember that working both sides of the street is very stressful, while alcohol and drugs relieve stress addiction is tough to beat.

Do you want to see how far you can go?


  • an extensive map of the city with its suburbs

  • driving mechanics and car chases

  • extensive storylines

  • access to missions from multiple locations (police computer and radio, smartphone, storylines)**

Dirty Cop Simulator on Steam