Seduce Me the Otome

Seduce Me the Otome

The test of any good fiction is that you should care something for the characters; the good to succeed, the bad to fail. The trouble with most fiction is that you want them all to land in hell, together, as quickly as possible. - Mark Twain

This is the first of Michaela Laws' games, and apparently, there is a whole fandom around it. It also was one of the earliest examples of the otome genre here on Steam. I wanted to see what the fuss was about for myself, and started playing it years ago, got bored and dropped it - and now I’ve revisited it for the sake of completion and making a decent review out of it. Guess what, I was right the first time around. There REALLY is nothing interesting here. It simply is some bad writing, with adolescent pheromones attached to it.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Free to Play Games.

I wrote a really indepth review and then it didn’t post and my heart shattered into two.

Liek if u crie evrytiem ;(

I’ll try to sum up what I said before:

  • Really interesting characters. They all fit into a certain stereotype, but after finishing Sam’s route you can delve deeper into his personality and I’m sure the same goes for all characters.

  • Surprisingly good MC. Not annoying, meek or plain dumb like in games such as Remember Me or Dandelion. She can kick butt, stand up for herself and for the boys, and generally acts quite logically about most things. (As logically as one can when surrounded by hunky demon males, anyway).

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Seduce Me the Otome on Steam

Love ritual

Love ritual

It was a long painful struggle what kind of review to write, at first I was going to choose a neutral one with thumb up but steam asks quite simple direct question if I recommend the game and I have to be honest…I just can’t. Not in this state, not for this price.

It doesn’t mean I think this game is a complete failure. There were many enjoyable moments but some issues just utterly outweigh everything. But I do believe Love Ritual still can be fixed, I’d be more than happy to change my review and curator recommendation when or if it’s done. The developer seems to comment actively enough all questions, some reviews and different discussions, I appreciate all their efforts to improve the game and help players.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

Love ritual is an “interactive” Visual Novel

To the Story: You are Riilai a young Women who is an expert with Rituals.

You got invited to solve a case but as that isn’t already enough you also need to handle two lawyers, whose clients are one of the few under investigation.

Will you solve this Case, fall in Love or even find out something you doesn’t want?

The Choice is up to you!

To the Gameplay: You have the normal Visual Novel, while you also have puzzles and clickable objects.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Love ritual on Steam

Pyrite Heart

Pyrite Heart

I played this game when it was still free and I got this as a gift from a precious friend (hi Checkmate!)

The price is just right for this short game, and the artwork is superb and I totally dig in the dakimura. I recommend this for those who are still starting out with Otome Visual Novels.


-Great art -by far one of the best I’ve seen in a western otome visual novel game

-Dakimura bonus -this ..this!!

-Good female protagonist -i like her funny side and her pride.

-Super hot guys

-Good story - don’t expect something spectacular because the game information says it all. This was refreshing amongst those depressing drama bohoo stories . Being angry tsundere princess is refreshing dammit!! cough (she speaks what in her mind, she mocks people, she’s perfect!!)

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Female Protagonist Games.

I honestly do not know where to stand for this visual novel so therefore i am taking on a neutral review for this visual novel.

Meaning yes i do recommend it but to a certain extent. (Go to the bottom for reason of standing on a neutral ground)

The story

You will play through as a spoiled princess Ahri who’s been shelterd all her life. And after a bet she made witth her brother about being able to survive in the outside world for a week, she transferred to a “common school”. There she meets a fustrating rival and an unexpected nuisance.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Pyrite Heart on Steam

These nights in Cairo

These nights in Cairo

Played Character Route Order: Amin ◈ Ramessu ◈ Duncan

These Nights in Cairo is a must-have if you are looking for a high quality Otome in the low budget section that aims for adult audience.

Three romanceable guys are just waiting to conquer your heart, including the villain who is, by the way, freakin' hot! I love and adore Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII to bits and Ramessu’s character design really reminds me of him in some way. He could be his Egyptian half-brother, right? You can also choose to side with the villain and that’s definitely a chance you don’t get very often Visual Novels, even less in Otome. With Duncan as the friendly Casanova and Amin being the kind-hearted, mysterious stranger, you’ll have three completely different personalities to choose from. There is also an opportunity to experience a spicy Yuri Scene with a gorgeous woman.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Hello Steam user who is wondering if this little visual novel is worth their time. I’m going to tell you right now that the short answer is a pretty definitive yes.


– the setting and concept. Most visual novels these days are set in a modern day high school which makes sense since most visual novels are romance based but still it’s nice to see variety and this game with its setting being Egypt in the early 20th century; this fact alone definitely makes it stand out among its contemporaries. As to its concept, it’s great as well with the main character, Margaret, managing to convince her controlling, overprotective father to go on an archaeological dig… And of course things just go wrong from there. All in all very reminiscent of The Mummy (the Brendan Fraser one) although before you go jumping to conclusions that it’s just a “knockoff” there are plenty of differences between plot and characters where you can see that it was clearly inspired by The Mummy but not actively ripping it off.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

These nights in Cairo on Steam

Winter Worm, Summer Grass

Winter Worm, Summer Grass

‘‘Art is man’s nature; nature is God’s art’’ - Philip James Bailey

Arahitogami is a Japanese word meaning a deity as a human

Ameshiko’s Winter Worm, Summer Grass is an original Japanese otome Visual Novel that centres around the horrific curse known as the Great Mistletoe where the afflicted will have seasonal greenery (such as plants or weeds etc) merge with their body parts and painfully germinate until fully blossomed resulting in the person returning back to nature in their death. The only known way to ease the pains is to have the person visit the shrine’s sacred grove during a Festival.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

The art is pretty nice in many parts. I think whoever illustrated this game is extremely talented. But the story itself was lacking in substance. I found myself wanting with all 3 endings. I completed the game more confused than anything and not satisfied. The writing was okay. The choices were inconsistent with the theme, and I’m not even sure I was able to grab at what the themes were supposed to be aside from horror and sort-of-historical-fiction. Is it entertaining? Yes, for a free game. But I definitely won’t be playing it again. Oh yeah, there’s a walk through in the game files if you’re privy to grab it. Otherwise the guides here on Steam are fine too. Cheers!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Winter Worm, Summer Grass on Steam

Absolute Alchemical Potion

Absolute Alchemical Potion

”The most important thing in a visual novel is the story.”

This is a sentiment that I have read many times over from players of the genre. Assuming it to be held true, then Absolute Alchemical Potion stands to make a lot of people very happy.


Our heroine Celsia is a highly skilled and experienced alchemist/scientist, with a long record of successes and spectacular fails in her field. Sadly, the destructive consequences of some of her larger failed experiments led to her being expelled from the Ministry Of Mages, and sent into exile in the desert. She has accepted a deal which will see her allowed back into civilisation only if she produces the ultimate potion: an Elixir Of Immortality!

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

The Great Celsia and her Small Harem

FUN! That’s how I would describe this fantasy otome in one word. It’s an entertaining lighthearted romp with one girl and three boys stuck in a desert together. It seems that Russian otomes appeal to me quite a bit. I liked most of what I’ve read. It’s been noticed that this one has similar art to Crossroad and I agree, but I enjoyed Absolute Alchemical Potion much more. I think I can safely say it’s in no small part due to a great protagonist.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Absolute Alchemical Potion on Steam

Seduce Me 2: The Demon War

Seduce Me 2: The Demon War

This was an all right game. I played it right after playing the first one and the little mini episodes, so everything was fresh in my mind. I’ll just do your basic pro/con list.


  • Every route had a pretty sufficiently different plot. There was some crossover, of course, but the main conflict for each one (other than the actual demon war thing) was different. This kept things fresh, which I liked.

  • Some of the artwork was a dramatic improvement over the first game. It was a bit hit and miss overall, but even with the misses, it was mostly an improvement over the first game. I thought the sprites for Sam and Matthew were definite improvements, and some of the unlockable art was really pretty good. They particularly seemed to have taken care with Sam. The ahem horns art was … honestly, something I wish they’d done for all the other boys too.

Real player with 201.9 hrs in game

i…really wish i could recommend this game but i just can’t. i love the first game and absolutley love the voices, the characters and the world this universe has buildt. But i just can’t say this was good. it does have good stuff in it but there is just too much i get annoyed about.

here is some of the bigger BAD points:

1. the art style is horrible compared to the first game, the only one who looks kinda like them selves is James and Diana. My baby Damien is ruined ;_; his proportions are so completley off! the eyes are too big and uneven, the head has a wierd shape and the body is unnaturally wide??? Sam looks like a fifteen year old, Erik looks like a cheap parody of himself and Matthew looks like he is twelve!!

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Seduce Me 2: The Demon War on Steam



Full disclosure: I helped proof-edit the English translation to Typical. As such, I will not discuss the translation and will only critique the plot, artwork, and gameplay for this title.

Typical isn’t your typical otome visual novel. Despite being a mere 5-6 hours long, this indie gem is packed with so much character and charm that I can’t help but adore what the developer attempted to create. Of course, that doesn’t mean the VN is without its flaws, no game is, but for all of its cliches and contrivances, the end result is immensely entertaining and fun.

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

I’m really sorry but I didn’t like the game :( I was looking forward to playing it and was absolutely sure I’d like it as I enjoyed the dev’s previous game Crossroad . But…

What felt a bit disturbing from the very beginning is that MC is already in love. It may seem unique and at first I was still waiting for some development, that she’d change her attitude to other characters due to my choices. It was especially annoying that her love interest wasn’t my type at all. I really liked Sergei and Subaru much more. But when it was already decided everything from the start I felt like playing a kinetic novel where I can’t influence anything, that feeling of helplessness was irritating.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Typical on Steam

Akash: Path of the Five

Akash: Path of the Five

Summary: Solid but imperfect otome game with some unique ideas.

The premise of the game (which is revealed in the initial text box of the game, so I don’t think it’s that spoilery) is that the protagonist is one of the last few females of a magical species, and the only reason this species is surviving is because they have made arrangements with nearby human settlements for limited access to human women for reproductive purposes. On one hand, the premise is interesting and unique; I haven’t seen anything like it, and you do see some of the effects such a different family structure would have on culture. On the other hand, there are some giant elephants in the room

! such as, what EXACTLY has compelled human women in this world to voluntarily get pregnant with an essential stranger with the understanding that she’d risk her life to give birth and would never get to see her child again under any circumstancesthat the story doesn’t go anywhere near. Avoiding these issues keeps the story from getting deeply troubling, but if you’re really into worldbuilding in otome games, you will either be profoundly bothered or get the urge to write fanfiction about it.

Real player with 195.9 hrs in game

My playtime is because I played it through twice (does have replay value) and did a significant amount of rewinding the first time.


(1) In 4/5 routes there is extra dialogue and CGs that are only unlockable if you have sex with the guy you’re pursuing… Characters are fully covered in these scenes and could just be making out, and the intimacy is super vague to the point that I’m not sure why I need to sleep with them to get a relatively tame CG and a description like “he took me right there”? I’m not saying that it should be more explicit. I’m saying that I wish we could choose to have sex or just have a more serious makeout session with them and get the same CG. This is also a fairly big issue, I think, because 3/4 guys (possibly all 4 of them) you sleep with have never been with another person before or even dated/touched a woman and the MC has no experience either. We’re going from completely sheltered virgins who have never touched a woman/man before, to having multiple rounds of loud hot sex after kissing once and dating for 2 days???? It feels wrong and super unrealistic. This paired with each guy getting 2 naked CGs gives me kinda creepy vibes like these dudes are just objects. It takes me out of the game and makes me feel like a perv in real life I guess.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Akash: Path of the Five on Steam

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

I actually love this game! Its the first game i was very willing to spend my money on and it delivered! The MC is actually refreshing, she’s not your typical happy-go-lucky MC that you usually see, matter of fact, i wouldn’t say she fits into a trope at all. She actually has depth to her character, and a reason for why she acts the way she does. And i definitely feel as if many people can relate to her, emotion-wise.

The boyfriends are great, they are the only personality tropes in this game and i live for it!! Its worth mentioning that they have their fair share of issues to, that they’re able to express and share with the MC, which i love. I love each and every one of them, My main boys have gotta be the Flirt and the Bad Boy though. I would write about them but we’d be here for a while.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

I consider myself a lover of Visual novels and saw that many of the old reviews are outdated since the updates have been put into place so would give my two cents. As someone who fresh and having played this game for the first time let me say it quite addicting and so fun to play.

There are four new personalities for the MC, Moody, Cheery, Detached and Flirty. Moody kind of well- Moody and probably was the original default personality that everyone ranting against. Cheery actually a very decent and nice person who has no idea how to handle things, detached is the sane one that questioning life choices… And Flirty is the thirstiest of them all and made me laugh quite a bit. Also it is quite good at allowing you to choose the right pronouns and anatomy which also gives some nice variety!

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss on Steam