Live the Life

Live the Life

While this game is getting overhaul I must mention I play steam game “Coronation”.

Game is already interesting and immersive, its gorgeous that you can actually use toilet paper, flush the toilet, buy a bed and sleep better, make your clothes smell, sweat and need to clean them, need to eat and drink, work as a waiter, having a shower (the water effect and transition the sounds changes as you pass through it is is charming ), install appliances and plugging them into wall plugs, rest on ground being tired, not sleepy, install an alarm clock, If you are tired you cant run., this is the most promising thing I saw in long time. Visit beach, use a cart in a shopping mall.

Real player with 66.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Management Games.

It has potential to be a really good simulator, but it has its flaws. For instance, the FPS in John’s Diner can tank a lot and the mop gets stuck in my hand every now and then. Forcing me to save the game, quit it and reload it. Other minor bugs are the floating objects that can be seen around the map where AI once were. The game has a ton of customization options though for the apartment you’re given at the start. I just wish we could purchase a laptop, phone, or computer to purchase items online. Instead of having to walk all the way back and forth between the stores. Another thing that would be neat to see in game is some police, even if it’s just an AI cop car driving around. At least it’ll give it that more lively feel. If you are going to get this game, expect it to be annoying for the time being. Hopefully these bugs will be flushed out soon. I do recommend it though for those who like to customize things a lot, just choose Creative Mode for that.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Live the Life on Steam

Workplace Rhapsody

Workplace Rhapsody


Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

Interesting little time management/dating sim game. The art and sprites are pretty original. There are a few points that could be polished and maybe add some saucier H features, but overall its quality is above other chinese games of the genre. I believe this is the first title published on Steam by the dev, I’m certainly in for future releases or more DLCs for this title.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Workplace Rhapsody on Steam

Toilet Management Simulator

Toilet Management Simulator

Game is glitchy. I was well on my way to getting somewhere with it finally and then I ended up closing a closet door on myself and couldn’t get out. I logged in and out of the game several times and just respawned there every time. Needs a bit of work but for the price I suppose it’s non-too-bad. It’s kind of hilarious if you’re looking to just pass the time. The excitement level is low but what can you expect from a game simulation of managing a public toilet?

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Management Games.

Honestly, I think I will be chasing the TMS dragon the rest of my life. I long for the early days where I would wait outside the stall for a customer to leave so that I could flush for them. Sure, sometimes they’d clog it, but it added bits of variety throughout the routine. The climax of the game was when Jake (yeah, I named them) came in one day and I was trying to clean it up before he sat down, but I guess he didn’t see me and came in anyway. It was an awkward moment, but apparently it bothered Jake so much that he froze in stasis for days just staring at the stall. The thing is… “Jake” was still coming in… but it was like he didn’t see the other version… only I could. I devised a plan where I could “realign” the Jakes, and it worked! My life had purpose, and I was doing good things for people. I was managing a toilet, but I also felt like a bit of a spiritual leader for these people as well.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Toilet Management Simulator on Steam

Streamer Life Simulator

Streamer Life Simulator

after the update, I lost all my computer parts ( on every computer in every house I have). The game become more clunky and buggy. I expected more but this is so sad


I cannot even save the game anymore. After I load the my last game with all kind of disturbances mentioned above, I tried to fixed my save like rebuy every house, every computer part, new bed for save, hopefully this time save will compatible with the new update… BUT NOOO. Go to sleep will stuck on loading screen, but I can still ESC to back to main menu, so I did. Turn off the game then restart it. Guess what. The game still load with my new save with all the process I did last hour but 1 things… my house lock me out again. all my computer part lost again, money I order new stuff lost but no delivery. This is not sad anymore this is depression. I liked this game once, but not anymore. Uninstall. Thank you and I will never purchase any game from Cheesecake Dev ever again. Cheapcuck Dev

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Originally I didn’t know what I should do with this game. Which should I give it? Thumbs up or thumbs down…well I finally decided to give it a thumbs down and here’s why.

The game is super addictive and very intuitive. For a simulation of being a streamer the game is super duper realistic and super duper addictive. I mean…it had me playing for almost 12 hours straight before I couldn’t take it any more.

And the problem is, the game is super buggy, super glitchy, super unfinished. It reminds me of an early access game, except its not early access. It’s fully released.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Streamer Life Simulator on Steam

Chair Simulator

Chair Simulator

This game has given me purpose in life. I sit down. I stand up. I sit down. I stand up. The simplicity, yet challenge in this task represents the dualism of the universe. The strain from standing up relieved from the bliss that is sitting down. From the short 75 minutes I spent on this game before writing the review has morphed my entire outlook on life. I have learned the pain of death, the stress of pain, and the stresslessness of sitting. I sit and think. Think about the meaning of life. Think about my purpose here on this earth. And I have received enlightenment. I am the chair. I sit here with my arms on its doing exactly what it’s doing. I am becoming a vessel for the universe to pass through and maybe sit, gifting me with knowledge. I was lost before finding this game. Mindlessly going through the factory of life without much thought, this game has opened my eyes to the possibilities of this world that are sitting right in front of us. Overall, this game has been an eye opening experience that I would recommend everyone should try.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

! You came. You sat. You conquered!

You’ve warmed countless seats, leaving a deep and indelible impression on each and every one!

Well done, sitlord.

! But…

! Sitting has changed you.

! You look down, now, at these limbs, at all this sinew and flesh. It seems so excessive, doesn’t it? Limbs, flaying. Appendages. Poorly-designed. A bit old-fashioned. Outdated? The real you has been trapped here, hasn’t it? Here, in this prison made of flesh.

It’s a thought you’ve entertained before, isn’t it? Privately. In dreams.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Chair Simulator on Steam

Aisling and the Tavern of Elves

Aisling and the Tavern of Elves

It’s short, but sweet and well structured. The characters have great banter between them which is really nice. it actually feels like authentic dialogue. Choices feel like they make sense when given too. Being so short, not sure it’s worth full price, but if you see it on sale then definitely worth it.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Cute and fun short story based on a cute but strong human and a very cute elf, also

a crazy witch and a devious Baroness.

Nice art in this as well, which is often the case from this developer.

Worth a read for Yuri loves and romance lovers.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Aisling and the Tavern of Elves on Steam

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

This is a stat building simulator game, where fighting is simulated through card battle. It took me awhile to figure out how the card battle works, and I can see why many people are frustrated due to lack of transparancy. I would still recommend this game because I’ve ejoyed playing it and 773 / Seikai Project has made efforts to improve the game.

Card battle tips here:


  • Good music

  • Good anime styled art work

Real player with 71.7 hrs in game

I played through this game so many times now.

It’s a really good one and I love the characters.

Especially Asuka, Kei and Kyoko, as well as Asumi and Haru but everyone else is sweet too.

They gave every girl some background story and personality, and there’s quite a lot of characters. Of course this means it’s not super deep on character backgrounds as there’s just too many characters. But for the amount of characters present in the game, this is not surprising and they did a really good job with that. I mean, come on, it’s one thing to flesh out 1 or 2 characters and do a great game with those, but this game has 15 characters, you gotta account for that.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight on Steam

Metro Sim Hustle

Metro Sim Hustle

1st impression:

I think the environment is very well done. This is much better than the family-friendly oriented Sims 4 because of its realism and immersive elements. I have read many reviews and seen videos before I buy this game. It is actually not easy to make a decision as there is also another equally competitive game which is “The Coin Game” with arcade elements. They have much more arcade, and have overwhelmingly positive reviews. But I have decided to go for this one instead because of the human sims and city living, and there is this hidden objective to live in a better house and climbing up the social ladder. I am wondering whether there can be casinos here too, so that this game is more adult oriented. Well, if “The Coin Game” is for young ones, then Metro Sim should be the adult version.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

It’s a solid sim experience, to me. I haven’t played very many sims, but decided to give this one a try and I can honestly say that I’m not disappointed.

Is it repetitive? Sure it is, but such is the nature of a sim after all and exactly what I’m looking for.

There are plenty of things to do in the game:

Fight for money - deliver pizza - drive the metro for exp and money - make and sell drugs - use drugs - play fun arcade games (emphasis on the word, fun) - own a business - gamble (black jack / 21) - play slots - own a house or two (very expensive and will take a very long time to get) - rent a place (paid per week) - furnace your house or apartment - buy clothes - date via app - romance your date / intimate relations (requires DLC to unlock) - sleep - eat a variety of foods - buy surgical procedures - drink a variety of drinks, including alcohol - smoke - use the bathroom - shower - complete objectives for money - sit in a chair once purchased for your apartment or house - and probably a few more activities that I haven’t unlocked yet.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Metro Sim Hustle on Steam

Pantyhose Test Girl

Pantyhose Test Girl

Basically, a simulator so get girls to try on different pairs of stockings, in different outfits you unlock and you get them to walk around in them, or play a dance rhythm minigame in the new outfit.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

This one is special. Very special. Happy feet! Mini games. Dancing (with Wet Girl music?). And freemode. Wow. This is just wow. Very nice. Very special. You like good time? I rate this one 9/8 fists!

Updated: the dance mini game is very very cute.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Pantyhose Test Girl on Steam

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

I actually love this game! Its the first game i was very willing to spend my money on and it delivered! The MC is actually refreshing, she’s not your typical happy-go-lucky MC that you usually see, matter of fact, i wouldn’t say she fits into a trope at all. She actually has depth to her character, and a reason for why she acts the way she does. And i definitely feel as if many people can relate to her, emotion-wise.

The boyfriends are great, they are the only personality tropes in this game and i live for it!! Its worth mentioning that they have their fair share of issues to, that they’re able to express and share with the MC, which i love. I love each and every one of them, My main boys have gotta be the Flirt and the Bad Boy though. I would write about them but we’d be here for a while.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

I consider myself a lover of Visual novels and saw that many of the old reviews are outdated since the updates have been put into place so would give my two cents. As someone who fresh and having played this game for the first time let me say it quite addicting and so fun to play.

There are four new personalities for the MC, Moody, Cheery, Detached and Flirty. Moody kind of well- Moody and probably was the original default personality that everyone ranting against. Cheery actually a very decent and nice person who has no idea how to handle things, detached is the sane one that questioning life choices… And Flirty is the thirstiest of them all and made me laugh quite a bit. Also it is quite good at allowing you to choose the right pronouns and anatomy which also gives some nice variety!

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss on Steam