Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

My 3rd cousin used to be atheist, in hopes to get him to see the other side I showed him the game, Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy, which is this game. At first he didn’t want to play, refusing the offer. I eventually coaxed him to go into a closet with a laptop with only a steam account, with no money and only a copy of Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy with no internet connection. The closet was wet, dark, with nothing else except the laptop, that was charged by being attached to the wall, the outside of the closet soundproofed, 6 cans of Spaghettios, 12 Caprison Packets of limeaid flavour, 1 packet of unbranded candy, a copy of the holy bibel, and a framed picture of obama that was held onto the wall by tunsten nails. after he went inside the closet, I quickly confiscated his phone and electronics and locked the closet door. After that I went to the local Gamestone and bought myself a copy of Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games and some Windex Cleaner Solution. I went back home and played some games. 3 Months later I went back to check on my cousin to see that my cousin had converted to Hinduism.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Memes Games.


This is a fully functioning RPG with 3 games: you can play as Baby Jesus, Adult Jesus, or Jesus after the rising. I’ve only tried playing as Baby Jesus so far and have found the experience surprisingly fun - way more than I expected it to be! The game is very easy to understand and grasp - you’ll get the hang of how things work after some trial and error, even if RPGs aren’t your thing.

Playing the Baby Jesus game

  • You get to control Mary and Joseph first, and lead them through to the birth of Christ. After Jesus is born, the game then switches you over to the 3 wise men, which you control. You must lead them from their kingdom through the desert and other locations until you reach Christ in Bethlehem. After visiting Christ and giving him their gifts, you then switch back to playing Mary, Joseph and now Baby Jesus as well.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy on Steam

Airport Simulator 2014

Airport Simulator 2014

Not worth it. Airport sims are the rare breed, but even with this, there are some more, with so much more content on board.

For one, this game wasn’t working out of the box. I had to do tweaking to start it, which is unbearable in the case of the game made not so long ago.

Next, it is not really a full airport sim. The procedure goes like this: some plane is boarding, and then you have to drive manually various service cars to this plane. With the speed of a snail. If you’ll manage to drive the cars to the plane on time (it’s like 2-3 minutes for a distance like half of a kilometer, for each car), you’ll get some money. When you’ll have enough money, you can buy an “upgrade” to your cars. I thought they’ll start to run smoother, run faster… no. They just finally hiring some drivers on those upgrade money, so, once you’ve upgraded all your vehicles, you can just relax and watch the work as spectacular. And… that’s the game! You can’t build anything, can’t buy anything, you just drive many cars in the hope to gather enough to not driving it anymore. Nice, isn’t it?

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Management Games.

This is a frustratingly uneven game. It starts off painstakingly slow: An aircraft comes in and you, apparently being the only person at the airport with a driver’s license, have to drive various vehicles to and from the plane: a passenger bus, a rolling staircase, a fuel truck, two types of cleaning trucks, a luggage trolley, etc. It’s very tedious, but eventually multiple planes start arriving and you have to juggle various tasks among them. The plane at gate 5 is fueling now, the plane at gate 6 wants fuel next. A plane that just landed is waiting for a parking spot and you’re trying to push back a plane at gate 3 to make room for it. At this point the game isn’t exactly fun, but it’s at least involving. Get those tasks done to get the planes off the ground!

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Airport Simulator 2014 on Steam

“BUTTS: The VR Experience”

“BUTTS: The VR Experience”

sense i was 10, ive always felt a void in my life i could never fill. i tried alchohol, love, and self mutilation. none of it worked. i was near the brink when i was browsing steam and one game caught my eye. butts, a vr experience. i did a double take as its shiny picture beaconed me forward. i clicked the game and was met with a glorious steam page. hastily i bought it with all my spare money i have saved up over the years. i open the game, and i am met by our protagonist, blue face mc blue. hes happily stutting along on his day when, halt! whats this? his freind red face mc red is sad! we see into blue face’s deep character where he does everything in his power to cheer his childhood freind up. SPOILERS! he reaches deep inside his anus, and pulls out confetti to cheer his freind up! never have i seen such sacrifice to cheer a freind up. red slowly but surely lightens up to blue faces ways, as he himself starts to shit out confetti. they share a heartwarming and gorgeous scene where the confetti propels them upwards, they land, and share an intimite moment. red face cheered up, they have a tender embrace. we gaze up to the moon, and gaze at it mooning us. a glorious end, to a deep, thought provocing game. truely makes you question ones self.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Memes Games.

Didn’t have achievements, that being said, I now know I like eating a$$… I eat a$$… I eat a lot of a$$… hey, I dont think you understand, I eat a lot of a$$… like a lot of a$$…

I eat a$$

I eat a lot of a$$

I eat a$$

I eat a lot of a$$

From black to brown to asian

I eat a lot of a$$

I eat way too much a$$

It affects my nutrition

If there was an a$$ eating competition

I would easily win cause I eat the whole a$$

Cause I eat the whole a$$

(Ooooooooo) Eat the whole a$$

Eat the whole a$$

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

BUTTS: The VR Experience on Steam

Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

3rd person shooter. You also can fly and run a tank.

Music is nice. Cutscenes are nice (but low resolution and not fuillscreen - neither is the game itself).

Controls are good, few glitches, no bugs.

An enjoyable 7 hour experience which is not that hard and has a quite linearly (not completely) increasing difficulty curve.

If it´s on sale: WTB - Worth To Buy

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

This was surprisingly fun to play. I really don’t care about the Chicken Little franchise but ended up playing this game with my daughter on the Wii and found it quite fun. It is basically a 3rd person shooter with lots of unlockables and replayable levels. You get to play as someone on the ground, as a tank, and as a starfighter. Lots of varied enemies and levels. Never seemed to be repetitive. So glad to find it here on steam. I was worried as the gameplay was super fun with the Wii controllers but I have found it even more fun with keyboard and mouse on the PC. Highly recommend this game. It is just surprisingly fun.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action on Steam

Conan the mighty pig

Conan the mighty pig

Honestly, this is the best game I have ever played in my life. The graphics are beautiful yet the game can still run on even the slowest computers. The breathtaking graphic design of the pig is the definition of perfection. Don’t wait for a sale for this gorgeous game, please just buy it as soon as you can. Please.


☑ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Amazing for its age

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

Real player with 532.0 hrs in game


Conan the mighty pig has a story that is open to much speculation. It is implied by the title that the pig you play as is named Conan and was for some reason granted the epithet, “the mighty pig,” most likely earning it for proving his strength during combat. Ironically, Conan does not display any strength and has to sneak around tougher opponents and has to use herbs to get past bees. After years of owning a farm and not making profit (speculation of the story told without dialogue) he decides to move on from the farm and look for truffles. Truffles can potentially be very expensive in a larger size and are found in the ground by animals like pigs and trained dogs in real life and are profitable if the time and effort are put in to the labor, so it is reasonable that Conan would make the choice to look for truffles. He sets off on his quest to find one hundred fifty truffles.

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

Conan the mighty pig on Steam

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme

WARNING: This review may result too long and even more if you don’t imagine it with the voice of Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw. Yes, this is a rather weak attempt to do a review in the style of Zero Punctuation, given the fact that Yahtzee hasn’t reviewed this game and it doesn’t seem like he’s interested in doing so.


It would be very narrow minded of me to say that all VN created by amateurs or fetishists suck, it’s like saying that every shooter game released this day is a rather bland and weak work of copy pasting the same concepts but with different stories and some sort of different graphics (even when this is true 90% if the time). The fact is that there’s bound to be at least one thing to your taste in all different varieties of VN’s, be it about the most cliché story about heroes or mundane slice of life pseudo-comedies or even about sex maniacs that want to have sexual intercourse with every woman in the vicinities by sheer force of wank and luck. But it would be fair to say that there are certain popular trends in VN’s that tend to set off my “this is massive shit” alarm. I would list them but thanks to this particular VN I don’t have to, now I can just point at Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme and say: “Pretty much that”.

Real player with 129.9 hrs in game

So…this game has been sitting in my Steam library for a while, and not by choice. Way back when, around 2014, I found this game by accident and was so baffled by the poor science, the insanity of the plot, and the lazy art that I looked in the discussions. I engaged in discussions with many people, many for the game but far more against the game itself. One of the people who was a fan of the game gifted this to me, and being one who believes in knowing the material before critiquing it, I accepted it. Maybe it’ll surprise me?

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme on Steam

Criminal Girls: Invite Only

Criminal Girls: Invite Only

CG:IO (CG from now on) is a hard game to grade. There is a JPRG element, but the game’s best known for its… titillating content, though it’s all suggestive tease due to self censoring by the publisher. You need to download mods to see any… naughty bits.

The premise is simple… You have been assigned as “corrections leader” under supervision of Ms. Miu and your job is to “train” several of the “criminal girls” whose souls are tainted, but maybe you can help redeem them with a little training. If you manage to lead them out of “hell”, fighting the way out against all the escaped prisoners, and perhaps some other girls who didn’t want to be redeemed, you may yet make it back into the real world…

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

For anyone just roughly browsing the review sections who is more or less set on buying this game anyway, here are two pointers for when first playing the game:

a. the game may be a little slow to boot up at first, since it needs to install some additional stuff first. And it takes a little longer than most games to do so, for some reason. So just be patient in stead of clicking the “play” button repeatedly. It will boot up when it’s ready;

b. for the first time, the game’s language will be set to Japanese. Never fear, though: you can simply go to the options screen (select Tab or I) and select English.

Real player with 86.8 hrs in game

Criminal Girls: Invite Only on Steam

The Culling 2

The Culling 2

I never played the 1st Culling, have only watched my favorite streamer play it a lot, and bought it because they wanted to plan matches vs. subbies. I play PUBg casually, and it’s not my usual genre, but even so could immediately see the easy access to everything and overabundance of guns totally killed the original melee and crafting fun. The size of the map and lack of players, game machiniques are also a problem. I’m in Europe, never could get a game on EU server at all. I can understand why so many people are angry, but you can make it fun if you don’t take it too seriously, but for the price?

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Ok… here we go…

I wrote a very long twitch thread to the developers regarding this title. The things that I can say that are positive:

  1. I’m glad the announcer is back

  2. The recoil control feels really, really good. It’s erratic in a good way.

The bad:

  1. They missed the boat on the character customization aspect by a mile. They needed to be WAY more over-the-top with the outfits and craziiness that would be this type of a game show.

  2. They missed out on the gameshow feel of the game completely. The only thing that even makes it feel remotely like a gameshow is the starting area. After that, you’re in a typical battle arena.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Culling 2 on Steam

Deep Dark Fight

Deep Dark Fight

This game is not OK, it is bad. All sounds in game (music, jumps, sound of your death) are very annoing (but not gachi sounds of course). 1/2 of levels are VERY boring. Bosses are very boring, too. The last level had made so bad, that I deleted game. This game is not rofl-able, it is too good for that (but it is too bad to play it serios). I don’t want to play this game for free, and paying even 300$ hm hm… 1,5$ for it is silly

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

♂ T H A N K Y O U S I R ♂











Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Deep Dark Fight on Steam

LoveKami -Divinity Stage-

LoveKami -Divinity Stage-

So I just finished LoveKami - Divinity Stage today and I have to admit it’s absolutely terrible. I didn’t pay anything, thanks to HumbleBundle, and I am glad I didn’t.

Normal Price Point: 12.99€

It’s not even good on moe-ge standards, the common route lasts like 4 hours and the routes are around 1 more each (cleared em in 40 minutes) , there are absolutely no choices besides one which refers between the 3 main heroines.

Also there is no japanese version included so it at least would have some value for learners because it would use the difficult Kanji for the japanese and buddhist gods and that kind of terminology in the original.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

A cute little romance VN centered around Idol scene in Akihabara featuring couple of goddesses trying to pass an audition to join the most famous idol group L-SEVEN. Your role is to help them to pass an audition while also falling in love with them.

This novel is mostly kinetic and you are presented with only 1 choice in the whole game which determines which of the 3 endings you will see. Of course, the point is to see all of them which will take about 10 hours if you are listening to all the voice acted dialogues.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

LoveKami -Divinity Stage- on Steam