came for the tiddies, stayed for the plot

Real player with 61.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

My First Senran Kagura game. I had way more fun than I expected. Simple yet satisfying combat with tons of cute girls and fan service. It’s meant to be played by shutting your brain off and just enjoying the game for what it is.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game


Dirty Fighter 1

Dirty Fighter 1

What are the controls and combinations to this game?

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

Does anyone have a movelist for this game? I went to the website of the game but all the moves are wrong.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Dirty Fighter 1 on Steam

Dirty Fighter 2

Dirty Fighter 2


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nudity Sexual Content Games.

I think this game is meant to be a joke and not to be taken seriously. People seem to think its weird because of the theme of the game. Slashing players to bits with a sword like in Mortal Kombat is fine but kicking someone down below is somehow kinda taboo??? I think some people need to take a look at their moral compass to check if its broken.

Moral debate aside this game isnt too well made. I noticed the fighters feet tend to clip into the floor and there were some sound issues. If you want a laugh then buy this but if you want a serious fighting game you should look elsewhere. But on the plus side the character models are based on real people and if you donate on the website you can even picked up a signed photo of one of the actresses bits. Thats what convinced me this game is only meant for a laugh not serious gameplay.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Dirty Fighter 2 on Steam



My Thoughts:

Dead or Alive 6 is now officially more Dead than Alive.

I’m not a hardcore Dead or Alive player, but it was one of the first fighting games that I committed to. The previous iteration of DOA, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round despite its issues is an amazing game. DOA6 is a game that I have been playing for a full year and instead of it being the next great entry in the DOA series, 6 is plagued with flawed mechanics, questionable balancing and some of the worst development support I think I’ve ever seen.

Real player with 1298.3 hrs in game

I’m not real fan of fighting game, but this game is the only one i can learn how its system working from tutorial mode and that will help me belong to play this game, for example:

  • Triangle system (Strike - Hold - Throw) and how to counter each other

  • How to combo (Stun opponent = Launch == Juggle)

  • Strike, Hold, Throw from BASIC to ADVANCED

  • Chain attack (how to cancel hit when you perform combo, juggle, bait opponent, etc…)

  • Wake up system, wake up kick, fast recovery (which help you make advantage or against opponent when you’re downing)

Real player with 631.8 hrs in game

DEAD OR ALIVE 6 on Steam

Fight Angel Special Edition

Fight Angel Special Edition

I am glad I was able to get this for free. I think I’d be pretty upset if I had already bought the original game then had to pay for this too. It is an exact copy of the original except for two things. The faces look more anime style and there is a dance session thing once you beat the game’s story mode. I actually prefer the art style of the original game over the special edition one, but I can understand how others might like the anime style more. The graphics seem a bit better. No new clothing items or characters as of yet. I was sort of hoping for at least a small amount of new stuff. Many of the things I mentioned in the original game still apply here. Overall a terrific game that has smooth controls. If you are looking for a tactical fighting game, something in the realm of MK or Street Fighter, then this is not the place for that. There are some fighting forms much better than others and all the ultimate attacks are a one button push. This doesnt bother me, because I didnt buy the game thinking it would be an amazing fighting game. I got it for a couple other reasons, hopefully I dont need to explain. I love the customization detail level in this and I hope we see more clothing items, and wishful thinking on fixing the clipping issues with clothing items and hair. Also I like the camera control thing at the end of a match so you can look around at your character after your victory and/or down at your fallen opponent. It kinda sucks I have to unlock all the clothing items and hair all over again. Still cant type in the letter “i” when naming characters. Great game and hopefully will see more content soon.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

To start I didn’t own the previous edition of the game. I found this game randomly but I must say despite a few minor (mostly audio) bugs I was surprised how this game plays.

The gameplay is very similar to older Street Fighter games so I was more than happy about that. The gameplay is mostly smooth and it is very little to no input lag. The game also does feature Online PVP even tho the column with the tags on the Steam Store does not say so. Overall well made fighter game by an indie studio that’s worth the price.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Fight Angel Special Edition on Steam



Sheesh, where do I even start a review on this?

When you haven’t played it, or seen someone play it (or even if you have seen it), it doesn’t look like a whole lot. Fight some guys, spray some blood, maybe slice off an arm or two, get beaned in the noggin and pass the Vive to Jeff.

Ho ho ho, no no no. I don’t know what it is about this game, but there is always something to do. There’s always a new way to fight, a new way to approach the battle, and a new experience to be had. It’s a single arena (there are now three arenas, a small one, a large one, and a night variant for the small one) and you fight an (unending, if you want) army of identical muscle-bound gladiators who constantly smile like they’re strangely aroused and talk smack while a giant metal fist is hurdling at their squishy, unprotected flesh. You know what they say about judging a book by it’s cover– Well, I guess that doesn’t really apply here because it’s not a book and doesn’t really have a cover but you get the jist. If it was a book, the words on the pages would change every time you read it, and still be equally as exciting.

Real player with 179.6 hrs in game


I bought this game thinking the “I punched a hole in my window/TV/Monitor/Wife” thing was a meme. It’s not. As of playing, I have had to clean my floor of broken glass twice, and we now evacuate the play area of all life before starting.

I know what you’re thinking: “I won’t flail around like a moron”

No. Even with swift, conservative strikes, I only managed to somehow pinpoint hit my drinking glass twice.

“I will stand with my back to one side and throw my strikes to the open end of my play area”

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

GORN on Steam

Street Football

Street Football

Imagine having only 3 Buttons in a Game and none functions as intended. I don’t even start talking about all the other Bugs.

The game is absolute trash, one of the worst games I have ever played. Disgusting.

Achievement for Girl 4 doesn’t seem to unlock, so if you are Huntin for Cheevos consider it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

This game is worse than my real life football skills.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Street Football on Steam

Gaijin Troubles

Gaijin Troubles

It’s awesome. It has really great, beautiful graphics, cute characters and really fun gameplay. I also absolutely love the soundtrack. especially the music that plays when you’re out and about just walking around. I love this game so much. So much that i did a speedrun of it! The game is a little laggy though, but it’s most likely my PC lol I’ll admit though, the lag actually allowed me to clip through some things in my speedrun :)

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

I mean, it’s tremendously flawed with poor hit detection, troublesome camera, unwieldy fighting system … but it’s still kind of fun in a dumb way, primarily because it’s schoolgirls. Check it out if it’s on sale, you’ll have some fun with it.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Gaijin Troubles on Steam

Magical Battle Festa

Magical Battle Festa

Pros:-Graphic is pretty good

-The gameplay is awesome

-There is many variation of build…you wanna go tank / speed / attack etc..

-There is many of characters and you can mix the skill disk and formation to suit your type of build

-Magical Battle Festa Mode will test your build and combo to the limits

-Its extremely fun if you have friends to play with you(i highly recommended it)

-The Story is normal(the good thing about the story is the voice actor…so cute… :v)

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Personally, I like the game. Though I do find it a bit too easy. Only a couple of battles so far have taken any real skill. But the story, while kind of cliched, so far is at least kind of fun. I feel like it would be a great multiplayer game as it stands. Since a human player would boost the difficulty considerably.

Besides the easy difficulty, the other issue is that you can get trapped in combos pretty easily. And there’s no way to break out of a combo once you get caught in it. The game does at least have a decent recover. But it would be nice if you could counter, dodge, block, or cancel an opponents move while in a combo. The last three would already be possible if the recovery time was shorter.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Magical Battle Festa on Steam

Onee Chanbara ORIGIN

Onee Chanbara ORIGIN

OneeChanbara ORIGIN is a great game. Surprising by OneeChanbara standards. This is probably the best OneeChanbara game to date. I’ll break down this review in sections.


This might be subjective, but I very much like the new anime art style. For one, the main character artist is Katsumi Enami, known for her artwork in recent Nihon Falcom games. The new art style, which is far from generic anime, really breathes life into Aya and Saki’s designs. One of the strengths of anime art styles is making emotions more prominent on characters’ faces, and this game is no different. You can really see the sadness in Aya’s eyes and the stubbornness in Saki’s. The world settings are a lot more vibrant as well, as are the blood and gore effects. ORIGIN is a really pretty game and will no doubt age well. Also, a quick shoutout to Aya and Saki’s new Xtatic Form appearances. Their Xtatic Forms from Z2 Chaos looked a bit strange (Saki’s looked especially ugly), but in ORIGIN, they’re fantastic. Although there are slight demonic features, Aya’s form is pretty damn sexy, while Saki is still very cute (must be because they maintained that adorable fringe).

Real player with 117.4 hrs in game

Having played Bikini Samurai Squad and Z2 Chaos, I can say that Origin definitely took aspects of those games and not only incorporated them into the game, but also polished and improved upon those aspects. The art style is definitely something I enjoy. It’s a simple yet dynamic and vibrant style that is appealing to the eye and makes the player feel like they’re in an anime which can be enjoyable to some (like myself). It’s really a matter of taste.

Gameplay wise, I enjoyed the element that they incorporated from Z2 Chaos, for instance, XTatic forms and Xtasy combos. It was quite nostalgic seeing those elements again and it definitely made me want to play Z2 Chaos again. I also very much enjoy the parry system. It reminded me of Saki’s counter from Z2 Chaos but much more refined, polished and improved. It gives me a DMC 4/5 Royal Guard feeling. One thing I experienced however when it comes to parries. I’m not sure if anyone else experienced it, but if you parry as Saki against the Fatmen zombies and do a cool finish either in Xtatic form or when you’re about to turn beserk, the camera goes haywire and you zoom around all over the place. It does go back to normal eventually but it’s a very interesting glitch. You can still attack while zooming but you have to shift the camera constantly.

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Onee Chanbara ORIGIN on Steam