Horny Sekai

Horny Sekai

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A fascinating casual hentai game!

欢迎加入黄油大师 色情游戏 ,一同挖掘好玩的黄油吧~

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best NSFW Point & Click Games.

when i got to 4 hearts it just stopped. no more dialogue, nothing to do.

i legit bought every item from the store multiple times and nothing happened.

please help me if this is just me being dumb

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Horny Sekai on Steam

Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition

Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition

Full disclosure here, Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition is literally a hentai visual novel. The H-content is valued above everything else in the game and it shows. Anyone looking for anything else in this game will be sorely disappointed. I kept that in mind while reviewing the game.


Fantastic character designs. If there is anything that Wild Romance really exceeds at, it is definitely the character designs and the overall art. Having great character designs is a must in any sort of H-game, so this is a massive plus. There may only be four characters, but each is nicely designed and fits into a particular niche, with personalities to match.

Real player with 6425.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best NSFW Visual Novel Games.

Very enjoyable. Some of the scenes went on a bit, but based on the colorful language and voice acting, you can tell that they did their best to please everyone. There were a couple of things that were over-the-top for my taste, but for someone whose taste runs to cat girls and so on, I don’t think anyone is likely to be disappointed. The graphics were fine and in this case, I didn’t mind the mosaic censoring on small patches throughout the game. The amount was minor and basically hid a ton of “male members” which I don’t particularly care to view in detail anyway. (Let me add that if you want something more graphic, there are a ton of games out there like Twists of My Life that are much more unrestrained than this game and the price isn’t all that different.)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition on Steam

Monster Girl Fantasy

Monster Girl Fantasy

I like Monster Girl Fantasy, but I don’t love it. Clicking through windows took me a few to figure out, it would be nice to back track with the mouse and not going back to the ESC key to back up through the windows. I played 35 hours and pretty much have the game figured out. Pretty much? Yeah, missing two of the girls and some content just couldn’t take the caves anymore but I will go back and check it out. Beat the Main boss without wiping, but that isn’t hard if you faced the the two mini bosses, wiped twice then when back and bought new gear and up my stats then beat them.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best NSFW Character Customization Games.

Okay, not gonna lie. A title like this is bound to grab my attention. Surely I’m the only one…

So what exactly is Monster Girl Fantasy? Simply put, it’s a slightly adult RPG made with the RPGmaker engine. I’ll get to what the “slightly adult” content is, but that RPGmaker caveat might put off some people right away. It’s no secret that the engine has a reputation for leading to many a horrible “babby’s first game” experience, but there are some gems hidden among them if you know where to look. It should be fairly apparent that MGF has some effort put into it, so at least try to go in with an open mind if you’re a veteran of these sorts of games.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Monster Girl Fantasy on Steam

Romeo Must Live

Romeo Must Live

TL;DR: I can’t recommend this game due to the price versus the content, especially in the realm of the offered sexual content. If you’re here expecting porn, you’re going to be disappointed. 4 sex scenes with only 1 image per scene and lackluster dialogue during the sex scenes. Given the price tag, you’re way better off searching elsewhere for an erotic experience. If the “Lewd Romeo and Juliet” aspect sounded interesting to you, 3 out of the 4 sex scenes are with unique characters not from the original work, and the last is Juliet.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Short, fun and charming game. You wont find anything too deep or ground breaking story here, but the drawing is nice enough, music is fitting, enough choices for you to put in personality of Romeo. For the price, it is good enough. Though if author want to make more of VN may I suggest put a portrait of the character down next to to text so we can observe the change in facial expression.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Romeo Must Live on Steam

Reverse Fantasy Legend 2

Reverse Fantasy Legend 2

The series is released in seasons, contains theater mode and game mode:

Theater mode suitable for plot appreciation, you can directly watch all the story of the second season.

Game mode for gamers, in addition to challenging the game content can explore the rich side story unrelated to the main story.


The plot continues previous of series, from the Vaughan manor back to Kriya, will soon usher in the xiya pub opening, the new journey officially began!(To experience the full story, start with the previous game.)


This series is independently produced by the original author of the light novel, completely in line with the original thinking, different from the traditional RPG mode, extremely difficult, very creative puzzle, battle, trap is extremely challenging!

Play time may exceed 100 hours, and there are rich hidden exploration elements, and can also play New Game+ mode!

Communication feedback:



If you like the challenge, perhaps this is a good fit. After unlocking all the thoughts, The main character’s room will open a special room of glory!

Every player who enters the room of glory, please send the relevant save to email 233072090@qq.com to confirm, and will leave an account forever on the game store page,Game glory monuments will also be permanently engraved!

Glory Player Directory:

Reverse Fantasy Legend 2 on Steam

Blazing Aries

Blazing Aries

“Blazing Aries” is an ARPG game developed by Kuroto Zakka, and published by OTAKU Plan.


The game tells the story of a new adventurer named Aries.

She visits all kinds of cities, travels around the unknown world, fights against the “Calamities” that spread all over the world.

This game’s core is the orthodox action fighting mode!

Players will use all kinds of skills to adapt to the situation in battle, and fight against various enemies.

Enjoy the experience of refreshing and unrestrained battle!


  • Orthodox Japanese ARPG

  • Combat mode with great pleasure

  • Rich skill Combo

Blazing Aries on Steam

Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher















Real player with 276.9 hrs in game

Truly a masterpiece. Not only does the story have very thought out writing, the gameplay is probably some of the best I have seen a long time. I truly believe that developers of other games, such as trash like skyrim and cyberpunk, could learn from this game. Honestly, the story brought a tear to my eye when I finished it. I will probably keep playing this game until the day I die.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

Dream Catcher on Steam

Elven Love

Elven Love

  • Real price of this game is 5€, even at release day.

  • You will finish game in 30 minutes (even with the possibility to jerking off)

  • Terrible PC optimalization and even more terrible VR optimalization. You can not pick objects on first attempt (you have to try it on several attempts), objects are difficult to handle and you can not use both hands in game. Is it developers intention to let one hand “free“?

  • There are four rooms with four easy puzzles for your bloodless brain. Do not expect more from this game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

ːNellː Mᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ ːfocusedsloaneː Nᴏᴛᴇ ːASFSOrihimeː Cᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs ːazumiː Lᴏᴜɴɢᴇ ːangryjasmineː Sᴇᴛᴜᴘ ːtso2_Sarahː Fᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ːchinatsuː Gʀᴏᴜᴘ ːshimadastareː Tʀᴀᴅᴇ

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Elven Love on Steam

Final Battle

Final Battle

Very nice short game. Awesome character artworks and lots of fanservice (nothing hardcore though). The story and dialogues are also very well done. My only complaints are its a bit too short and need more towns and NPC (because the naked comments are so fun to read lol). Can’t wait for the next game from this developer.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Fun and cute but with many flaws, barely gets a positive. Needing to follow the game-guide closely or else you will miss many quests and items makes gameplay tedious. The “punchball” event can crash if you re-arrange your team. RPG-maker games are low-effort as is, so I expect a bit better.

*I edited this review from negative to positive after finding a way around the puncbowl bugs, and noticing my son likes the cute animations in this game lol *

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Final Battle on Steam

Treasure of a Blizzard

Treasure of a Blizzard

The game is not as kitschy as it might look like. It directly/indirectly mentions pretty serious subjects including, but not limited to: dictatorship, xenophobia, uprisings in times of hardship and iron-fisted supression of the uprisings, alcoholism, gambling, betrayal, lies, fear of the unknown, law of the strongest, being forced to do things against your will (including risking of your life and outright slavery) and of course romance.

I didn’t expect it, but I actually ended up enjoying the story. (You get to see most of the story from the 3rd person perspective, but you still hear the story including the protagonist’s thoughts from the 1st person perspective.) The art and the music also deserve praise. The game has

! 10 possible endings and a nice collection of CGs. The

! four main characters are interesting and each one of them is crazy in his own unique way (One is

! an alcoholic, one is obsessed with

! money, one

! seems to be nice but might end up enslaving you due to jealousy, one acts

! by the law of the strongest and orders you around while threatening to kill you if you don’t obey). I played the game until I unlocked everything and understood the whole structure of decisions, which took approximately 40 hours.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

Recommended at sale price.

My thoghts with some semblence of order.

Its H “scenes” are just to inform the narrative, functional in that sense and little else. If that’s what you’re here for look else where.

One H Scenes kinda strikes me out of left field as if they had a quota so decided to just insert it there (LOL), seeming out of context and character to me, in what otherwise has fine if usually casual set ups.

There are 10 endings though 4 of them are bad and 2/4 those are generic you died bad, another he winds up a slave for terribly bad judgement, and lastly and most interestingly to me.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Treasure of a Blizzard on Steam