Summer Meetings

Summer Meetings

the visuals are amazing and the way they built up the atmosphere with its dialogue/option is amazing as well, i really feel at home playin this game all the time. and uhmm yeahh it is worth playing it has such an amazing route. can’t wait to buy the bundle pack from its developer… looking forward to it

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Nudity Games.

This was… Pretty nice. Summer Meetings is the fourth game by this author and definitely their best work s far. It’s a very simple romantic visual novel, with five love interests and a very standard, but decently written and well-paced story. It gets a little weird sometimes with the fourth wall breaking and with how it deals with sexual themes (there’s only implied sex, it’s definitely not an eroge), but I honestly didn’t have too many issues with it. The English script is also better than in any of the previous games by this author, without any obvious mistakes or awkward translation that would catch my attention. There’s also the usual gimmick of Mikołaj’s VNs, that is the ability to date a few girls at once and intentionally create all kinds of cheating drama (and it even includes characters that are somewhat OK with not having the protagonist just for themselves). The ability to test various, often really weird scenarios and maybe simply mess with everyone and enjoy seeing the world burn is pretty unique and probably the biggest perk of the game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Summer Meetings on Steam



Very interesting game.

Unless you are good at remembering everything I suggest you take notes as you may get lost in some levels.

It is quite intriguing exploring a woman’s sexuality like this and I do recommend picking this up and trying it out.

My only 2 gripes with the game are:

1. There is no in game sound settings as it is rather loud.

2. There doesn’t seem to be a way to see which cards you have viewed or not when it comes to the view all cards achievement.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Open World Games.

Interesting concept. I liked progressing through the story and learning more about the games different plots. Thought-provoking and brings a new experience to your steam library. For the price, it was incredible!!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

CLT on Steam

Love on Paper

Love on Paper

Enjoyed the VN but kind of found the stories too short. Would have appreciated a bit more depth into the characters, plus a bit more ‘after’ dating, not just ending the stories right at that point. Still give it a + though.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Psychological Games.

Very short, but satisfying game. Rebecca was kind of a weird one though, but whatever.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Love on Paper on Steam

Haydee 2

Haydee 2

What’s more fun:

  • Playing a brutal and well-designed puzzle game.

  • Playing that same puzzle game as a generously endowed cyber-girl in high-heels ❤

Haydee 2 plays very much like Resident Evil and Dead Space, but you play as a delightfully thicc female character, trapped in a giant technological facility that’s built like a labyrinth.

I’ve been a big fan of the first Haydee game ever since it released in late 2016, and Haydee 2 not only met my expectations, it even surpassed them! The kind of challenge this game presents is a true test of one’s navigational skill and problem-solving ability.

Real player with 116.2 hrs in game

Haydee 2 has quickly became one of my favourite games, I dont think Iv ever played anything quite like it. The absolute absence of guidance is totally refreshing, thanks to this I share the same confused perspective as HD512 which is our characters serial number, but more on that later. We awaken in a room next to inanimate copies of our-self, you immediately take control there is no cutscene no narrative no markers. You only hear music and an automated announcer, everywhere is desolate and void of sentience whatever this place is (or was) it is clear it is no longer functional. As you make your way around a bit you’ll notice a few things, such as there seems to be a sheer abundance of sexual imagery from vending machines to posters to pick ups, and that the only life you seem to encounter are horribly disfigured alien looking creeps in worker uniforms. I wont spoil what iv learned about the story because half of the fun is actually figuring this out for yourself, the way you learn the lore is in two ways there are little titbits of information on letters and reports scattered around the entire facility. The second way is environmental storytelling which goes back to what I was saying about the lewd imagery and zombie like workers, when you combine the scraps of info with the environment, you get a really engaging story which is drip fed to you the player leaving you to hypothesise, or wonder what the hell happened here.

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

Haydee 2 on Steam

Idol Manager

Idol Manager

I put 88 hours into this game. The most standout part of it was the writing really had no business being as good as it was in this game, that is pretty clearly low budget and lacks some polish. I think if they would have kept fixing some of the bugs and polishing it for a month or two more before releasing, it could have easily been so much better and they could have charged twice as much. Also, having the 18+ version as DLC. I used the decensor patch (which turns it into more of an ecchi game, nothing hardcore), and while it didn’t make the game any better at the core, it did add a certain level of spice to elevate the experience.

Real player with 95.3 hrs in game

This is the kinda game that I stayed up til 5am playing multiple times and when I finally reached the story mode ending early this morning I immediately asked my roommate “hey what do I do with my life now.” (Obviously the answer is to get the remaining endings and achievements but like. first playthrough is done there’s no going back to it.)

The story was a lot more interesting than I was expecting, but even without it the business sim part holds up imo. It’s really easy to get attached to the idols, and it’s fun and satisfying to help them earn fame and awards and such. Definitely don’t do what I did and buy this the week before two big projects are due though. For the sake of my grades I have to leave it alone for a while lmfao.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Idol Manager on Steam

The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves

The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves

The dialog are well-written. The graphic is unique yet weird, i find it funny somehow but actually liked it.

The story itself is about 20 mins long. Who you visit at the beginning will make you run into different endings. However, even accept the mission from different people, you are going to meet the same person and get the same loot at the end. But your decisions, thoughts, enemies, and your story ends in different ways.

Aren’t these real lives?

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

If you hope for many H-scenes then this game is not for you, but if you want some decent VN game that has many choices for you to explore within few hours so this is the good one.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves on Steam

The Deed II

The Deed II

Overall, this is an excellent game with a lot of replay value. The only criticism I have of this game is that it is way too hard. No matter how many times I’ve played it, I only get the convicted, killed, or unsolved ending. I have yet to been able to frame anybody else and I have no idea why. Also if you want to commit the crime in the backyard while Frank is taking a whiz, you have to act fast. I mean ridiculously fast. I wish they would give you even just 5 more minutes before he steps outside.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Definitely enjoyed this installation of the series. It was fun and challenging trying to figure out the various ways to get away with murder (should you choose that path). I would have enjoyed a bit more depth in the main character’s story but understand why it’s a bit abrupt. There was a lot of characters in this game and all had very interesting backgrounds (some more than others). I am a big fan of games that allow for various endings, and this one offers it in a short, bittersweet way (as no ending is truly “good”). I loved the setting of the game and thought it was also well done (although, like the MC’s background, there really isn’t much to it).

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

The Deed II on Steam

Yuna and other troubles

Yuna and other troubles

fuck you

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

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Unique concept + expansive world - optimization = Explore the school, talk to classmates, join a club, and survive the new school life. At times it felt like a walking sim with the amount of running.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Yuna and other troubles on Steam



I loved playing both Shrine and its successor and I had high hopes for Vomitoreum, and what can I say: The most disappointing thing on this game is its title.

Vomitoreum is what I always wanted from lovecraftian cosmic otherworldly horror games. It is strange. It is sick. It is deranged and so out of this world that I have absolutely no idea who I am, where I am and what I want. A welcoming change from other horror games is (until now) the absence of jump scares and and a welcoming shortage of too dark areas. Vomitoreum lives from its alien world design and inhabitants, many of them not even hostile. And the great art style and soundscape enhance the impression of strangeness and foreignness so much that the strangest thing I literally experienced was finding cars and mundane machinery in one level whose engine noises sounded like music compared to the industrial synth drone that serves as the actual soundtrack to the game.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

I would like to first start out by saying that scumhead is a budding developer and art director worth watching out for, I certainly look forward to what he and his team can do if and when they found a studio. I believe in his vision and capacity to deliver aesthetically interesting and old school fps games, that being said I think Vomitoreum displays some poor game design decisions that hold it back from being worth the price tag.


  • Unique setting

  • great sound design (ambiance and enemies)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Vomitoreum on Steam

Class of ‘09

Class of ‘09

I had great fun with this game. voice acting was amazing. I felt bad for all the men who had to voice the pedophile teachers. It was dark with out feeling like someone was punching/looking down on others. Its a tight rope to walk but it does so wonderfully, some errors here and there but other wise I enjoyed my 8 hours. I know the dramatic edginess of it would put some people off which I understand. Some shit not for everyone, but this game does not take itself serious in the least. We have DDLC, Hunie Pop, various games taking different angels and pot shot at the VN/Dating sims genre. Sometimes you need shit that just different.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

I thought this was going to be light like a bag filled with 628 pissing calvin stickers but then got sauce with a Papa John’s Piledriver when i made the wrong choice for the character.

SBN3 has been doing voice acting, writing, and other nerd magazine stuff on youtube for quite a bit. From batman beyond ill, to taste closed, to even the feature length movie dubbed over called Operation Backpackers and another one called Taste Closed Heaven aint hard to find. As soon as i heard this project dropped on steam i had to buy it.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Class of '09 on Steam