Consummate:Missing World 寇莎梅特:困世迷情

Consummate:Missing World 寇莎梅特:困世迷情

This one surprised me.

I bought the game originally for harvesting resources, but then I found myself loving the story & wanting to get all of the endings. I didn’t even realize I spent 20+ hours on it until I started writing the review. Really?

It is a very detailed, story-rich RPGMaker game that honestly I would not have minded spending $5+ to get my hands on, and it was just a few cents over a $1. Makes me feel a bit guilty. The character detail was enough to grip my emotions personally - and the designs were wonderful. Consummate’s artwork was beautiful & definitely left an impression. I would say this is a surprise gem that is best suited for classic & retro RPG enthusiasts wanting a casual, non-adult, story-rich gameplay experience that doesn’t take too much time to complete. Those with requirements beyond that may struggle to enjoy the game properly.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Violent Games.

The player acts as an amnesia girl, Consummate, trying to escape the house of a strange man. Although some scenes are punchlines and teases, it still ads a bit of change in the mood especially when Consummate starts to act childish. A lot of room escapes with plot adding adequate exploration elements to the game. It also has some easter eggs coming from the devs so be sure to check it out!

Overall, it’s a fun and simple puzzle which can be relaxing sometimes. Lots of endings, which basically consumed most of my time, with their corresponding achievements in the game. It’s not the best

! rated 6.5/10 for me (fact) but I can still give a positive rating and recommend this for people who loves rpg puzzle mystery kind of game.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Consummate:Missing World 寇莎梅特:困世迷情 on Steam

The Color of the Roses

The Color of the Roses

An interesting horror game. I enjoyed following the plot to its end. There is a bit of translation issues but for the most part the story is still discernable though at a couple points I had no clue what it meant. Also it’s pretty hard to get all the endings. Nearly nine hours of play and I only got the “bad” ending. Oh well. Still pretty fun and interesting.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Violent Games.

This looks like a nice game except for two problems

No hints. Some hints would be nice every now and then.

Can only be saved at certain points and if you do nor reach that point you lose all you’ve done

I wasted over one hour trying to reach the endpoint to what I was doint. I clicked everywhere but there were no tasks to be done. Eventually I had to leave, and I lost all the last hour.

Developers: Either put hints or make it possible to save at any point.

As it is, my time is valuable and I cannot waste it looking for an endpoint.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

The Color of the Roses on Steam

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Just finish the game and loved it. Other than bugs like how we can’t go in the power castle I haven’t seen any other bugs it’s fun if you give it a chance. oh the Reincarnation Requirements after 3rd Gen i can’t see it for some reason. I found another bug where I can’t reincarnate as a wolf.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Resource Management Games.

There has been a patch since my review that will likely invalidate it. However I haven’t had time to go through and try the game again. I will still leave this here for comparison to the current game and see what’s changed and what still needs polish/refinement

Only reason I currently recommend the game is because I’m a sucker for monster MC and can see some potential here.

However, that’s all it has going for it, and it barely even does that, let’s break down what the game has.


Reincarnation system- unique from other rpgs I’ve played, offers the promise of different playstyles and advancement.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World on Steam



This game is absolutely amazing! While i was playing, i could definitely feel like Xenon put all of his love and personality in it, i usually don’t like RPGs but Xenon managed to make it really fun and dynamic with amazing characters CRITTERZ!!!



  • JINX IS RAD!!!




Even if the game is still in early access, it’s already amazing! Thank you Xenon for the work you’re putting in this game!

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

And the third entry in the Space Funeral series sports a lovely Vaporwave palette. OK, not really, but it might as well be. I could leave it right there, and it’d stand just fine as a recommendation or not, but I’ll elaborate. This is one of those RPG Maker games that defies the usual, and flies in the face of all the half-assed creations that make most people wary about buying anything from the engine. It’s still a little rough around the edges right now, but it’s certainly playable, and I can’t wait to see the finished product!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Phantasmata on Steam



THIS IS THE SCARIEST GAME I EVER PLAYED, I LOVE IT. Its so weird, I don’t understand what the heck is going on and the jump scares are so unexpected, I hit my head on my dresser cause I got so scared. I’m just so confused and I love the game, I recommend you to play it.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Hedera is a game of inconsistency, but of quality that far far FAR supercedes its issues. It is tonally inconsistent with moments of gameplay that toe the line between appropriately confusing and too hard for its own good, however the pure nightmare atmosphere and visceral terror more than make up for this. For what it is, it is executed excellently, not flawlessly. Its a game made by a single developer, a single storyteller, on person did it. I left the game feeling as though i witnessed the skin and bones of a true masterpiece of horror, one that is simply outside of the scope of a single developer, and as such its important to judge the game on merit of what it is and not what it could be with a triple A studio. Or, any studio.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Hedera on Steam

Mars Underground

Mars Underground

I backed this game on Kickstarter. I liked the idea and found the demo very promising. Since then I’ve played another, extended, demo and followed the updates.

Now some days ago I got my backer Steam key. The first day I spent around 6 hours playing through it in one go.

I love the style, the story and the execution and the attention to details. It’s been a long time since I enjoyed an “adventure” game this much. I would highly recommend it for those who like a graphical adventure game with an atmosphere and some twisty storytelling.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

I don’t often play RPG Maker games, but this one caught my attention because I love everything that has to do with time travel.

Like the game description already says, you’re trapped in a Groundhog Day-esque situation, forced to relive the same day over and over, but you’ll keep the knowledge and even items you collected in previous iterations, enabling you to unlock more dialogs/scenes in future cycles. Days are short and you can start the next cycle anytime you wish, so experimenting was fun and it kept me wanting to play “just one more day!” for several hours in a row.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Mars Underground on Steam

Artifact Adventure

Artifact Adventure

In a sentence this game is about old-school RPG gameplay. There’s power gaming, story, and lots of replayability. You control 4 schmucks

! or just 1 and a wad of dirty slaver cashon a quest to slay the Swamp King and halt the creeping poison from consuming the world. There are many quests and moral dilemmas you will face as you rise to be the heros the world deserves, but history is never silent; are your swords, fists, and guns good enough to remain pure?

I highly recommend this game if you like J/RPGS. That being said, here’s some more details and greivances:

Real player with 135.5 hrs in game

Aesthetics: Nostalgic!

This game’s sound design and appearance, right down to the layout of the battle screen, give it an 8-bit feel, reminiscent of the early Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) games. The battle music is particularly good; it will get stuck in your head!

Narrative: Simple and Many

While the game has one overall objective of defeating the Swamp King, there’s no “main” plot line. There are many little side stories. Some of the quests present the player with moral choices; a couple of these really made me stop and think.

Real player with 80.6 hrs in game

Artifact Adventure on Steam

Sentience: The Android’s Tale

Sentience: The Android’s Tale

I found this game to be quite interesting, though it is fairly simple mechanically speaking. The story kept me very much engaged. In a few spots my choices seemed to make a difference. With all of my other choices, it’s hard to say. The game might have some replayability, at least the last underground section, since there are so many possible endings. Recommended if you like cool stories.

By the way, the game did freeze on me a couple of times, so make sure you save often.

UPDATE July 2021: Do the following to get this game to work on Linux.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Developer Pilgrim Adventures scores positively again with this title. They have a knack for creating games that are laid back, yet very enthralling story-wise. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this.

I wished they would make more games like this one. It mixes elements of a sci-fi flavoured visual novel, with an RPG-like feel to it (mostly because of the graphics and the user interface).

The story is well done, and logical enough. There’s a healthy mix of mystery regarding technology, higher intelligent life forms, ancient civilizations, creation & just life in itself.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Sentience: The Android's Tale on Steam

The Deed II

The Deed II

Overall, this is an excellent game with a lot of replay value. The only criticism I have of this game is that it is way too hard. No matter how many times I’ve played it, I only get the convicted, killed, or unsolved ending. I have yet to been able to frame anybody else and I have no idea why. Also if you want to commit the crime in the backyard while Frank is taking a whiz, you have to act fast. I mean ridiculously fast. I wish they would give you even just 5 more minutes before he steps outside.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Definitely enjoyed this installation of the series. It was fun and challenging trying to figure out the various ways to get away with murder (should you choose that path). I would have enjoyed a bit more depth in the main character’s story but understand why it’s a bit abrupt. There was a lot of characters in this game and all had very interesting backgrounds (some more than others). I am a big fan of games that allow for various endings, and this one offers it in a short, bittersweet way (as no ending is truly “good”). I loved the setting of the game and thought it was also well done (although, like the MC’s background, there really isn’t much to it).

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

The Deed II on Steam



“They say Hell lies in other people, but I don’t think it’s worse than living with your own past. Those people barely grasp what Hell can really be."


You are Avoir Cafard, a miserable, dull man that lives in a dirty and deplorable apartment, in a forsaken town with sad people and monotonous situations.

Avoir works in a local church as a spiritual counselor for people who have problems with life, either because of friendships, love, work, or family.

During five days, he will attend five different people with different situations that are disturbing them.

Taking them for a walk.

Talking to them for a while.

Making them see that things are not so bad as they imagine.

Maybe that will help them, somehow.

While at it, Avoir is also trying to solve his own problems. Problems about his own past.

He wishes to forget it at all costs.

Sadly, memories from an eternity seem impossible to forget.


Raziel (Rah-ziih-ell) is an adventure_-esque_, atmospheric and utterly poetic game where you wander about solving small tasks and talking to people. It aims to be a character study of five distinct people and their stream of consciousness, while also being a tale about introspection, alienation, nostalgia, loneliness, and the human condition.

The game is set within five days of Avoir’s life. In each of them, you meet a different person which you must help to ease their struggles about life while discovering new things about Avoir himself.

While not taking care of them, you are free to wander about in the city talking to its inhabitants and maybe even helping them along the way.

It revolves in five chapters with a prologue, two interludes, and an epilogue.

It was made using RPG Maker 2000, using everything the engine has to offer.


  • 3+ hours of gameplay;

  • Original Soundtrack;

  • Charismatic characters;

  • Pixel Art cutscenes;

  • No random battles (actually, no battles at all);

  • Various minigames, such as fishing and blackjack;

  • Free city-roaming;

  • NPCs that don’t have just one meaningless line of dialogue;

  • Customizable settings such as Text box transparency and style, text speed, fonts, and more;

  • Various button layouts for different controllers;

Raziel on Steam