Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Just finish the game and loved it. Other than bugs like how we can’t go in the power castle I haven’t seen any other bugs it’s fun if you give it a chance. oh the Reincarnation Requirements after 3rd Gen i can’t see it for some reason. I found another bug where I can’t reincarnate as a wolf.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Singleplayer Games.

There has been a patch since my review that will likely invalidate it. However I haven’t had time to go through and try the game again. I will still leave this here for comparison to the current game and see what’s changed and what still needs polish/refinement

Only reason I currently recommend the game is because I’m a sucker for monster MC and can see some potential here.

However, that’s all it has going for it, and it barely even does that, let’s break down what the game has.


Reincarnation system- unique from other rpgs I’ve played, offers the promise of different playstyles and advancement.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World on Steam

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21

Astonishing Baseball (or AB for friends) is not your usual baseball simulation game. It’s not only about tables full of players and stats. It’s about people! Well okay, you heard that line from your Economics 101 class already. But I promise, this game will be way more interesting! It’s like a narrative roguelike sports game, Seriously!

What’s new in AB21

Already an AB player? Here are some of the main new features:

  • Play historic seasons or try our brand new scenarios. There’s a challenge for every kind of coach!

  • Always play for the best team in the new career mode

  • A new minor team system, where you can hire your coach and train your rookies!

  • Edit the portrait of your favorite player, or import an online logo for your team!

  • Congratulate your starter, taunt your rival or ask your fans what to do with your new rookie thanks to the Bleachers message creator!

  • Hire a brand new coaching staff to get advice on contracts and strategies

  • Join the excitement of the draft thanks to the new Draft projections, or the top prospect interview

  • Enjoy a brand new history listing, retire your Hall of Famer number in the ballpark, or use the new player history to check past performances!

  • Pick the menu at your stadium, and hire a chef to get the prestigious ballpark awards!

  • Show who’s the boss in the new World Cup, or admire the best players in the Power Contest and Pitching Contest.

  • And more, like league records, improved game simulation, smarter AI, new awards, legendary players… Too much to describe here!

Fake (but real) baseball players

AB is about fake (sorry, virtual) baseball players. Some you’ll like, some you will hate, and a lot of them you will LOVE! That anonymous “Jim” guy at the top of your lineup? Give it a few minutes, and he will become your favorite player ever. Or maybe he’s actually very bad, and you’ll send him finish his career in your minor league team, because he disappointed you. Poor Jim…

And that starter, Sandy. Is he an ace or not? Well, maybe you should train him a bit. And make sure you have solid relievers to help him if a left-handed batter is giving him a headache. After all, you’re paying him 12M a year, that’s a lot! And he’s asking for an even bigger extension contract now. Not sure you’ll like Sandy after all… Oh but look, his nickname is “Cubbie”, that’s so cute!

Watch them evolve!

One of your tasks is to draft rookies. And once you’ve drafted your first prospect… Let’s call him John okay? Well, you’re going to be very interested in John’s life. Where to put him in the lineup? How much training does he need? Do I start him everyday, or does he need to go to the minor leagues first? Why is he suddenly struggling? Wait, it’s getting better… HE’S THE MVP NOW! But is he really worth 20M per year? See, it never stops!

The lineup of your dreams

Okay so the team is not too bad these days, but you want to do a big move and win the Baseball Cup. Is it time to do a big trade with another team? Or maybe it would be better to wait next year and sign a big free agent during the offseason? Or maybe do both? One thing is sure, building the lineup of your dream is actually super hard! And you haven’t even tested the “Extreme Mode” yet. Or maybe you want freedom and receive job offers from other teams too. In that case, the career mode is for you!

A living world

Astonishing Baseball features an artificial but living world. Fans are posting about the game and your brand new rookie. Journalists write articles about your starter’s last night performance. Players send you messages about their concerns or their contract. It’s all about baseball! Fortunately, all these people are very positive persons! Except if they complain about their contract. Or their role in the lineup. Or the team performance… Well, it could be worse. It’s not like they’re French and complain all the time, right?

For baseball fans and stats nerds

Astonishing Baseball is very easy to learn. If you know the game rules, you’ll know how to play! But if you’re a sabermetrics savant, you’ll find all kind of stats to satisfy your nerdy instinct! I even suggest to use wOBA. You don’t know what wOBA is? Don’t worry, according to very serious studies, about 99.999% of people don’t care about wOBA. Good news, right? And now you can even see the future thanks to our WAR projections!

Get international

Not enough talent in your league? Send your incredible and local scouts to find the best prospects in the world, and then invite the most promising player to your team! But be careful, even the best scouts can make mistakes… My favorite one is named “Francis Dupont”. Yes, he’s French, from Paris, and he’s always hyping up his prospects. Like “Look, I just saw that guy from Strasbourg for three minutes and I’m rating him 80/80 and he’s already in the Hall of Fame blablabla”. Best thing to do with Francis is to ask him to spend a bit more time on the prospect. Generally it ends with a final rating of 50+/80 and a simple “I told you so”. I really like you Francis, but if you’re reading this, do your job correctly please.

Live incredible stories

As a coach, you have a life too! In Astonishing Baseball, you can take your team to a burger restaurant, help local associations, but also meet your favorite author, become a rock star, visit Iceland and even marry the love of your life!

Apparently I have to put a disclaimer here. You’re not going to really meet the love of your life with this game. It’s like… Your in-game soulmate, okay?

If you like baseball, fantasy sports and simulations, or just good stories, you’ll love Astonishing Baseball Manager! I hope. If you don’t, I like messages!

Read More: Best Nonlinear Text-Based Games.

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21 on Steam

TasteMaker: Restaurant Simulator

TasteMaker: Restaurant Simulator

I saw callmekevin playing this and it looked adorable! I love games like this and definitely wasn’t disappointed. I’m super excited to see how the updates look in the future.

**Just a few notes I thought of while playing in sandbox mode to maybe improve some things. If these have already been mentioned in previous reviews, nvm mee:

-Bathroom signs or something: Maybe a bathroom sign or some kinda bathroom control where employees and guests aren’t all in it together(lol).

-Less Dirt: Less floor traffic dirt maybe. I’ve noticed my cleaning employee is always complaining about high work load but it’s too expensive to hire more people just to sweep the floors all the time. This is kinda rough when you make a huge restaurant because people are constantly walking through the same areas.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Singleplayer Games.

This is a cute little game and I can’t wait to see how it evolves. I’ve sunk nearly 8 hours into it since buying it less than 24hrs ago. I love sim games, and this reminds me of Winkeltje: The Little Shop in a way. Below is a not-so-little list of things that I’ve noticed and/or would like to suggest for consideration in the future :)

Staff and Customers:

  • Female staff, as well as more diverse skin tones overall

  • Allow staff to collect more than one dirty plate from tables. PLEASE!

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

TasteMaker: Restaurant Simulator on Steam



I like it, and the dev is very passionate and active! Its fun to pass the time and i think the art style is lovely!

Eu gostei do jogo e recomendo pra todos que gostam de um desafio com gerenciamento de tempo! Eu amo a arte!

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Got me hooked, seems overwhelming at first but it’s incredibly simple once you keep going for literally a few secs. Can be a bit hard but I’m still trying to get better at it the more I know and see. Curious little game to chill for a quick run.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

All-Inn on Steam

Travel Fanz

Travel Fanz


Travel Fanz is a 2D game about Tourism and Travel. It is a micro budget game in early access mode. Installs are available for Windows and Linux Desktop. More location maps will be added over time. New maps will always be free. You only pay for the game once.


Each map represents a real world travel location for your Tourists to explore. The maps currently available are:

  • Isle Of Wight Map

  • Bavaria Map


  • Managing Tourists and their travel experience.

  • Opening Attractions, Hotels and Services.

  • Sending Tourists to locations on the map.

  • Exploring real world Attractions on the map.

  • Gaining and spending Happy Icons.

  • Buying Travel Gear for tourists.

  • Managing Tourist Fatigue and Hunger.


Happy Icons are the currency in the game.

Earn Happy Icons by sending tourists to Attractions, Hotels and Services.

Happy Icons are used to open locations, enable Bonuses and Facilities.

The game ends when you have accumulated 100 Happy Icons.


Tourists can also gain Unhappy Icons if they get too tired and hungry.

Unhappy Icons trigger negative tourist events.


The Tourist Rating indicates how much the Tourist is enjoying their trip.

Once the Tourist Rating reaches +100, the Tourist gains you one Happy Icon and the rating is reset to zero.


Each Tourist has their own unique set of LIKES.

Tourists gain Happy Icons faster if they visit locations which offer their LIKES.


Tourists also have Dislikes which can give them a negative travel experience.


On the map you will discover many Attractions such as historical buildings, natural landscapes, wildlife, artistic and cultural sites.


These are locations where you send Tourists to recover from Fatigue.


Food Services are locations where you send Tourists to recover from Hunger.

Other Services enable Tourists to buy activities and Travel Gear.


If you have gained Unhappy Icons, then Tourist Events can be triggered.

Events have a negative impact on the Tourist’s experience.


The Tutorial Map can be loaded as a new game to allow you to step through the gameplay.

Travel Fanz on Steam

Sovereign’s Will

Sovereign’s Will

You are Konrad von Meinhart, the son of the Margrave of an imperial province. Your father has vanished under mysterious circumstances and has bequeathed to you the title and the family estate. Now the burden of power is on your shoulders.

_Trumpets are solemnly playing fanfare while you are ascending the pedestal. You receive the symbols of authority and swear fealty to the Sovereign – the immortal Emperor, who’s lived thousands of mortal lives and governs the known world.

But it’s difficult for you to search your heart. Are you happy? Proud? Or worried? There is a varied crowd of people in the hall – like a many-headed beast that you are meant to curb. Merchants and priests, war and feudal lords, minstrels and courtiers – there are both friends and mortal foes among them._


  • Nonlinear story in the vein of the old-school RPG

    Take on the mantle of a medieval ruler and face the dangers, challenges and contradictions that come with such a duty. Like a mosaic, this branching storyline is composed of hundreds of scenes and deeds of your own, making each playthrough unique. Not only significant story events are subject to change – links between them shift as well.

  • Governance of the domain at every level

    Take control of everything: from the minute details to long-term development of your domain. Distribute resources, rebuild the family estate, pardon and punish, maintain relations with neighbours, barbarians and metropoly. Your actions will determine the fate of your duchy - would it become a wealthy trade hub, a culture capital of the realm, or a formidable warmachine?

  • Political intrigues

    Navigate interests of influential fractions: feudal nobility, the church and the bourgeoisie. Resolve conflicts, carry out reforms, lobby for beneficial solutions – it is within your means to preserve the old ways… Or to crush feudal traditions and turn your duchy into a trade republic or even a theocratic autocracy.

  • Roleplay

    Start with a blank slate and write the personality of the young margrave through decisions of your own: His preferences, interests and even character traits. Devout traditionalist or enlightened enthusiast, warrior or magnate, recluse or gourmand or passionate hunter – a flexible system of characteristics allows you to get into character and act exactly the way you want.

  • Elaborate fictional world

    The game takes place in a universal empire that has united the whole of known world. It’s a bizarre fusion of achievements of Modern Era and ancient Roman militarism, permeated with oriental spirituality. Politics is intimately connected to the dogmas of the Church: the priests claim that the Sovereign’s soul is immortal, and that he has been reincarnating in new bodies since the very creation of the world. You are to find out whether there is truth in the holy books or not.

Sovereign's Will on Steam



I got my $0.92 USD out of this game, but it has a lot of problems …

VoxFox is a very simplistic game, and becomes boring quickly … from the way it plays, it’s a ‘shovelware’ type of game. To be honest I would recommend a game called ‘SimLife’ instead of VoxFox.

Some issues I noticed:

1: frame rate problems, despite being simplistic .

2: trees, rocks, and other items stack on top of each other when placed in the same tile

3: unlimited ‘homes’ can be placed in the same tile, despite the animals not being able to come out

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

I have played the total of 4 minutes, and still had no idea what is going on

Great Game keep it up!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

VoxFox on Steam



Updated for Steam Nominations 2021

As mostly first person shooters player, i sometimes enjoy switching to less intense indie games. Ashwalkers would be one of those.

For me this game became liked a moment i saw it on store. Mostly because of character design and story setting, which is surprisingly similar to one i’ve wrote a couple of years ago. So far this is the closest thing to what could be called “dream game”.

As the gameplay is not challenging, it requires player to calculate their movements since “survival” part is taking an action. Game itself is user friendly, player just need to get used to visual narrative and simple controls.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

For those looking for a game akin to the choose your own adventure books of old, Ashwalkers is phenomenal. Decisions require careful thought be put into them, and the game rewards reading into the choices and texts. Some of the choices endgame that determine the endings felt a bit arbitrary, but after having at least gone down the three main endings (that each have at least 12 permutations) twice I can say I had a fun time for the price of the game.

That game while short does its best to make the time spent feel much longer than it is between the unique art style of both the world and its inhabitants, and the survival mechanics of the game which help add a needed sense of weight to the smaller choices. I had fun carefully deliberating on if I wanted to risk losing one resources for another I was in desperate need of. On repeat runs however this meter watching quickly begin to feel monotonous.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Ashwalkers on Steam

Definitely Not Fried Chicken

Definitely Not Fried Chicken

Definitely Not Fried Chicken - “For All Your Legitimate Fake Business Needs!

Definitely Not Fried Chicken is a business management sim with a Twist!

Grow your drugs trade through legitimate fronts by managing both sides of the business. Acquire new “businesses”, meet new clientele, develop more potent narcotics, make lots of money and leave a city in ruin!

Set in a sunshine soaked city in the glamorous 80’s, DNFC will test your entrepreneurial business skills.

Build your drugs compound from the ground up, buy adjoining plots of land and expand. Design and lay out your complete production line and establish distribution routes. Fortify your compounds defences and make sure any “overly-enthusiastic” customers can’t break in. Research and develop better strains of narcotics like marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine.

But simply making a great product is not enough, you need somewhere to sell it from! This is where your legitimate businesses come in - you’ll need to build and manage these fronts, including selling legal goods to avoid detection, people gotta eat right? Run a chain of Fried Chicken stores or diversify your portfolio with other businesses. Different places have different people with different tastes.

The backbone of every business is your workforce, the people who tirelessly carry out the tasks you assign them for minimum wage. A happy employee is a productive employee so it’s important to make sure your staff have the basic necessities like washrooms and a place to eat. A well furnished break room is great for staff morale!

And safety equipment will really help with staff turnover/mortality rates…

Key features

  • Start your drugs empire from the ground up, distributing marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and other goods

  • Balance the demanding tasks of managing both your illegal drugs trade and your “legit” businesses.

  • Build and customise your drugs compound and business fronts.

  • Upgrade your facilities and staff equipment for a better product and a bigger profit

  • Design your empire, from fried chicken shops to laundromats to nightclubs

  • Manage your workforce, hire & fire, accommodate for their wants and needs to do great work.

If you like these games then DNFC is for you!

  • Cartel Tycoon

  • Prison Architect

  • Foundation

  • Planet Zoo

  • Two Point Hospital

  • Tropico 6

Definitely Not Fried Chicken on Steam



HackShot is a puzzle game with a mix of physics, logic and crafting

Analyze the environment, craft your solution, and hack the system!

Immerse yourself into open-ended puzzles where you breach security, destroy viruses, and battle black hats.

Analyze = Craft = Hack

Hundreds of twists, mix-ups, and interactions


  • Over 20 hours of puzzles

  • Feel like a real hacker with an optional command console and scripts

  • Open-ended puzzles, with multiple solutions

  • Craft over 7000 unique cyberballs to use

  • Security systems: Anti-virus, Anti-malware, Firewalls, and more

  • Viruses: Trojans, Ransomware, Worms, and more

  • Hackers will hack your solutions, so plan ahead

  • Annoy the developers and solve puzzles in your own way, you have all the necessary tools


  • Learn hacking, meet others in the Murky web, and earn your place on the top

  • Meet hackers, security specialists and cyber maniacs, through a mysterious, light-hearted and fun story

  • Dynamic narrative: other characters dialogue and reactions are affected by your actions

  • View the files you hack, and uncover information and secrets

Accessibility and game settings(still in development);

  • There is a quit button in the game, and a quit button in pause menu

  • Supports both windowed and fullscreen, and also support widescreen resolutions

  • Button remapping, and support for keyboard and mouse, keyboard-only, mouse-only and controllers

  • Full support for touch screens both in gameplay and menus

  • Full audio controls, and separate audio settings for main menu, gameplay and cutscenes

  • The ability to turn off visuals that have repeated patterns

  • Color blind mode

  • Interface size options

  • Color contrast control

–Hackshot Documentation–

_Who reads the documentation?!

Try the web demo, no download required (the link is provided above in the page), and have fun_

Hackshot on Steam