Astrobase Command

Astrobase Command

Salvage the remnants of your civilization by starting anew in uncharted space, with a small crew and the beginnings of an Astrobase. Grow your base by constructing modules on all three axes, put out fires both literal and metaphorical, and send characters with real personalities and emotions on non-linear text-based adventures across a procedural galaxy.

The only mode is ironman and every section, module, deck and crew member added to your Astrobase comes with implicit risks and reward, so choices matter. How long can you keep from succumbing to the dangers of space?

  • Grow - Expand your Astrobase in all three directions.

  • Nurture - Build a home for your crew and their daily lives

  • Design - Layout the Astrobase to counter crises such conduit leaks, compartment failures, explosions, fires, personnel issues, and more

The Astrobase can be constructed along three axes. Your crew can expand the base by building modules or contract it by salvaging them. They can add or remove functionality by building up or tearing down sections in the modules. They can even build ships that lets you explore the galaxy.

You choose what to build and when to build it. The crew needs to rest and they need to breathe, do you rush the construction of the Enlisted Quarters or the Air Pump first? What’s the optimal placement of the new module? Is it better to have the Plasma Reactor closer to storage or to the crew’s quarters? Keep the station well maintained and stocked with supplies or disastrous consequences may result.

  • Characters - Your crew make their own decisions as they interact with each other and the world around them.

  • Full AI lifecycle - They work, eat, sleep, use the bathroom, relax, and socialize all as part of their daily lives.

  • Morale - Your crew can get exhausted, or suffer from low morale which affects the quality of their lives and how they perform tasks.

  • Relationships - Your crew form personal, professional, and romantic relationships. The relationships can be either positive or negative based on how their personalities and actions align.

Your crew live their own lives on the Astrobase. They have things to do and people to meet. Exactly how well they perform depends on how good they fit into their job, what adventures they’ve had, and what horrors they have survived; even how well matched they are with their peers matters, some will become romantic partners while others become bitter work rivals.

You will run into stumbling blocks, maybe your crew is exhausted because you’ve pushed them too hard, or low morale makes slacking off more enticing, or maybe Jenkins and Rodriguez spend too much time arguing while the Fission Reactor goes critical. Figure out your problems and fix them!

  • Explore - Build and dispatch ships across the galaxy to explore planets, fight killbots, extract resources, and interact with other civilizations.

  • Delegate - The ranking officer of each ship will make decisions based on their personality, and take recommendations from their team.

  • Overrule - Change the decisions in the logs they send back, or let them make their own mistakes.

The procedural adventures of the crew assigned to your ships can be read and interacted with in the logs they send back. Carefully handpick the crew for each ship you send out. Monitor their progress or leave them to their own fate. Whatever you choose to do, the outcomes of their adventures will be felt in what resources they get, what injuries they suffer, and in how it changes their emotional state.

  • Assign - Choose the best person for each job based on their stats, personalities, and over 50 different skills.

  • Manage - Prioritize tasks, clear task blockers, optimize the routes that the crew take during their day.

  • Observe - Calculate resource depletion and stay on top of tasks to prevent the reactors from exploding, the conduits leaking, and compartments failing,

The desk is where you design the Astrobase into a functioning home for your crew, promote leaders, manage tasks, monitor resource consumption, read reports from your ships and give them your input.

Running the station means manning your desk. Be efficient, and use your time wisely or take a break and play some Asteroid Shooter.

  • Individuality - Characters maintain emotional memory, and experience psychological growth over time depending on how results align with expectations.

  • Expression - Each character’s personality is expressed in their conversations, thoughts, and ship log entries

  • Story - Over 100 personality traits and 42 intertwined emotions combine to author narratives that reflect how the crew are actually thinking and feeling.

The Astrobase’s crew will have conversations with each other, or insights about their lives. Crew members join the Astrobase with revealed personality traits that drive the emotions that effect their job suitability, choices and actions. More traits become unlocked as they experience emotional growth.

Ensure that your crew’s psychological needs are met and they have the ability to grow as people. When you’re processing recruit applications you’ll want to keep an eye out for personalities that might clash with your existing crew, or will be compatible and create lasting friendships.

Read More: Best Nonlinear Psychological Games.

Astrobase Command on Steam

FoxPaww: a furry breakout-lite adventure

FoxPaww: a furry breakout-lite adventure

I like this game; it’s furry and has different themes. I can recommend it. -^.^- UWU!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Dog Games.

This game is tough at times, but it’s fun! I would say that it’s a mix between pinball and Pong. I did notice that sometimes I will jump to some other part of the map, I don’t know if that’s a mechanic that I’m not aware of or if it’s a bug. It’s the type of game that you learn it by playing it, and it’s really easy to pick up. This is a great game for all ages.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

FoxPaww: a furry breakout-lite adventure on Steam



Love this game. Does a great job of easing you into a chaotic bullet hell. The music makes it feel that much more intense which puts a unique and needed flare to the genre. Challenging, but rewarding!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Open World Games.

At first I thought “hmm, this is pretty easy!” - no, it gets harder. Sound track is on point, too!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Cosmophage on Steam

Amazing Fix

Amazing Fix

keeps me busy for hours, love the creativity

Real player with 1182.8 hrs in game

I absolutely love this game. I find it very relaxing. Well, maybe not relaxing… as it also gives me anxiety. Let me explain: this game lights up every single one of my OCD receptors. Straighten up a room? Yes, please! Pick up all the trash? Ding, ding, ding! Remove/fix problems? Now we’re cooking with gas! Pick up all the “whatever” of that specific group? Bingo! Yahtzee! We’ve got a winner!

And then the anxiety sinks in: I am way too excited about this. This is giving me waaaaaay too much joy. I may need to find a therapist. This can’t be normal.

Real player with 332.1 hrs in game

Amazing Fix on Steam

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods

Once, the world was better, the gods greater, the wars over, the end farther. You were born in the Cloudlands during those bright days, one of the Ormfolk, forever young and strong, worshipped by those below for your forefathers’ deeds. But all has gone wrong. Wolves and worse haunt the night, the law holds no sway, and men’s hearts grow hard toward their gods. Fearful of their dwindling shares of souls, your kin turned against each other … and against you. And so you were cast down from the heavens, a fallen god broken upon the bitter earth. Now, you rise, free from death and ready to carve a bloody road back to your rightful home.


Fallen Gods is a narrative “rogue-lite” RPG. You control the titular fallen god, who starts each game with different might, wits, health, and divine powers, and one of several animal familiars and magical artifacts. He has 90 days to win his way back to the Cloudlands, or he will lose his godhood forever. During that time, he must gather and manage a warband of up to five followers, find additional artifacts, and gain soul-strength by performing godly deeds (some kindly, some cruel). The world is full of barrows, caverns, swamps, towns, shrines, villages, castles, and other locations of interest. What you find in these places—what foes you will face in battle, what friends you can make, what dilemmas you must resolve, and what rewards you might win—changes every game. As your understanding of the world and its inhabitants grows, you will discover new strategies and develop new paths to victory, but the way will never be easy.

  • Decisions fit for a (fallen) god. Fallen Gods is about hard choices with fateful consequences. Where should you explore, what should you seek, and who should you trust? The answers are never easy, but the outcomes are always interesting.

  • Never the same story twice. Every game of Fallen Gods casts a different god into a different world, filled with different events, battles, dungeons, towns, and denizens. Even familiar encounters will change depending on your skills, followers, items, resources, and choices.

  • A rich setting inspired by sagas, myths, history, and folklore. The world of Fallen Gods is drawn from the old sources of classic fantasy with modern glosses stripped away, restoring the wonder, terror, and otherworldliness that have been lost. The themes and even language of the game are those of the great sagas.

  • A game of game-changers. The divine skills, animal familiars, human followers, and magical artifacts that you get in Fallen Gods meaningfully expand your options, rather than merely modifying some statistic.

  • Ups and downs. The protagonist of Fallen Gods starts out powerful, and while he can grow mightier, he also faces the danger of losing the strength and assets he’s gained. Weathering setbacks and taking calculated risks is the key to victory. For a fallen god, even death can be endured.

Fallen Gods on Steam



You will want two things: your headphones, and to read the game’s manual before playing.

Even then, this isn’t for everyone. If it is for you, you’ll find a hypnotic soundscape worth exploring.

I would describe it as an audio-only walking simulator; there are minimal graphics (as you can see in the screenshots), but you can even turn them off completely and play only by sound. There are waypoints that you can hear, and you can walk from one to the next on a trance-like journey, finding strangely relaxing varied soundscapes. There aren’t many games like this; of those somewhat similar that I played, it reminded me most of Proteus – but the focus on audio is of course much higher here.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Errrrrm, okaym well the ‘game’ does what it says you walk around and noises occur. pressing buttons on the controller did stuff and if I;m honest I have no clue as to what I was doing.

One big thing missing currently for a game that the Visually Impaired can play is Text to Speech in the menus. I dug around with my maginfier in hand and found a list of random settings, but no real accessibility options page.

I got in game and walked around randomly heading towards some sounds. Arrived at a sound and nothing seemed to happen, is this sound a ‘breadcrumb’? it got louder and more annoying as I approached. Found a button on the controller that made a boing noise.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

soundStrider on Steam

Dear Future

Dear Future

I forced myself to finish it so you don’t have to.

TL:DR 8 hours of boring walking to uncover a lame story, and a non working multiplayer.

A walking simulator made for some college student art project, what could go wrong???

But the innovative sounding multiplayer component, plus the fact that it’s free, sucked me in. And the game, although minimalist, initially manages to feel well-designed and polished…

But notice how none of the reviewers seem to have played this for more than 30 minutes?

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Photos of future ruins

Dear Future (Dear Future Production Committee, 2021) is an asynchronous massively-multiplayer photography game about exploring an abandoned city. I have been trying to write about it for several weeks and have found myself incapable of doing with any organization or distance. What follow, instead, are orchestrated recollections and half-formed conclusions of my time with the game. A half-step towards the understanding I’m searching for. A version with photos is available here .

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Dear Future on Steam

Factory Rally Madness

Factory Rally Madness

You are a robot and there is a factory… a dangerous one, and there are other robots… and everyone is running to be the first… and your program… it is messy and crazy, let´s try again…

As one of the robots in a factory full of dangers and excitement, compete with everyone to be the best running robot. To make things more interesting, all robots must program their movements while running based on program line instructions cards available at random on their own programming stack.

Can you win all the races? Don´t forget to choose your robot model to stand out in the crowd, and also to know which robot is yours. Program, race, win… or be destroyed!

#### CHOOSE YOUR ROBOT! Choose from twenty different robot models. Complete tasks in the game to unlock the deactivated robots and have all of them at your disposal in this insane factory race. A single player experience but with all the excitement and feel of a multiplayer game!

#### SELECT THE CHALLENGE! Put your robot to compete in a quick race against other robots or test your skills in a multi-track tournament in different areas of the factory: Foundry, Fabrication and Assembly. Several obstacles are between your robot and the objective points that form the race´s track. All tracks, their obstacles and objectives are procedurally generated. No track is ever the same!

#### RUN! Run through the factory in two game modes. In programmed game mode your robot has an instruction compiler and executes the movements in sequence. Plan your movements using the available instructions, creating a movement programming sequence. Real time mode allows you to choose the instruction you want your robot to execute right away, but stay tuned as instructions have a cooldown time before they can be used again. Both modes can be played at normal, fast and super-fast speeds.

#### GOAL AND SECRETS! Use the items distributed in the track to assist you during races. Consult your statistics containing information about your performance. Discover the secrets contained in the game. Can you figure them all out?

#### WHERE IS MY MULTIPLAYER? This game was designed to be a single player experience, like the old fun racing games, with some puzzle twists on it. If the game performers well in sales, we will see a multiplayer version of it with tournaments, custom skins and unique rewards for the best players.

Factory Rally Madness on Steam

Incarnata: Dormant Stories

Incarnata: Dormant Stories

Incarnata is a text-based game where everything is procedurally generated: offering an incredible depth, within an infinite world.

Dive into this adventure simulation and become everything you decide to be. The game adapts and builds challenges, creates unique characters, places, and goals for you to weave your own story.

Gameplay depth

Will you aim for your enemy’s throat or maybe their left eye? Will the memory of this fight stop your character from sleeping tonight? Are you wearing enough layers of clothes to protect you from the cold? Create your own story by playing with an unprecedented level of depth.

Procedural everything

Everything in Incarnata is generated by a complex algorithm. The world, the items you find, but also the story you are going to live through. Love, Betrayal, Twists, and Challenges are all handled by an algorithm meant to always keep you on your toes.

Extremely moddable

About everything in the game can be changed. Play as a human in a medieval fantasy world, a cyber human in a dystopian future, a wild animal with godly powers. Anything you can think of, the game can be made to play.

As a modder, you are able to change the world the players will explore but also the very actions that are at their disposal. Incarnata works as the platform where your dream world will come to life.

Your custom-made content is incorporated within the procedural generation algorithm, allowing creators to be players in their own world.

Incarnata: Dormant Stories on Steam




Create potions using completly original, logic-based alchemy system. Mix ingredients to achieve (un)wanted reactions. Calculate required aligments and discover new magical effects. Follow recipes or find new ones. Transform elixirs into mixtures and draughts. Master the Art of Alchemy!


After ages-long sleep, enter world of Ingredienta as next reincarnation of Great Alchemist. Explore randomly-generated fantasy lands to gather various ingredients. Overcome obstacles using your handcrafted potions. Fight with powerful foes and find hidden secrets. Experiment in in sand-box envoirament. Make wolves fly. Start your great adventure now!

Ingredienta on Steam