好久不见 - Long Time No See

好久不见 - Long Time No See

I think there’s a bug? I can’t get my bad ending 2 and 3?

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Violent Games.

Nice mystery and for a good price too! The actors/actresses did a great job acting out their roles. The story plot was really interesting and I love how you can use the flowchart to change your decisions rather than having to restart the game from the very beginning. If you are a fan of mystery games, point & click, and loves a good story, I would recommend giving this game a try.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

好久不见 - Long Time No See on Steam

The List

The List

“The List” is a mystery game where you search and watch video clips from a police database in an attempt to solve a cold murder case.

The mechanics are very similar to “Her Story”. You have access to a database of video clips showing the answers of a crime victim during several interrogation sessions in a police department. You can search this database by entering single words, and the database will show you the first 5 clips in which the person uttered that word. Finding new clips gives you new ideas for search terns, such as the names of people or places. As you find more and more clips, your understanding of the case grows, though you still have to do a lot of interpretation and deductive reasoning (partly because you don’t have access to the policeman’s questions). What’s nice and really helpful, is that each clip you have viewed will automatically be added to a timeline, where you can rewatch clips in their correct chronological order.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nonlinear Detective Games.

The List is another addition to the FMV mystery search type, where the player has to piece together a set of clips to ultimately solve the mystery surrounding the main character. If you liked games like “Telling Lies” and “Her Story” this is for you.

The design of the game itself follows those games in which you have some limited case information, a database, a search function and a series of videos of a one sided interrogation to piece together. This was decently done, with a few hiccups in it’s search terms (There was a typo in one of the clips) or the general vagueness of terms, where words might have a tense that you must acknowledge otherwise no results can show. I felt that maybe the developer could have changed some of the terms for a few of the clips.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The List on Steam



Splinter is a first-person movie/video game hybrid where the player explores the warehouse of a transhumanist hacker collective, watching full motion video clips that answer the question: What happened to Mason?

Splinter is an experiment with a new style of storytelling. A full playthrough is approximately 2 hours long, similar to a feature film.

Read More: Best Nonlinear Atmospheric Games.

Splinter on Steam

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

I have been a fan of Tex Murphy since Under a Killing Moon – nearly twenty years! That said, I will not do this game or the community a disservice by writing anything less than a fully honest review. The game succeeds far more often than it fails, but is far from perfect, so I will not score it 10 out of nostalgia, or 0 out of disappointment.

First, let me give this game a score out of ten. In my opinion, it falls somewhere around 7.5. I think this game will please Tex fans and newcomers alike, even if it isn’t perfect. If you like a good story or adventure games, then check this one out. If you like it, I highly recommend trying out Tex’s past adventures.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

As a Tex Murphy fan, I was stoked after hearing about the newest installment, and boy was I eager to play! But after playing half-way through, I found myself questioning whether I should even bother finishing the game. It was only through sheer force of will and a weird, nostalgic obligation, that I managed to see it through to the end. sigh So where to begin?

Let’s first talk about the things it did well:

Revisiting Chandler Avenue and reuniting with the old cast was a treat for old Tex Murphy fans like myself. And honestly, I didn’t mind the mediocre graphics, as it felt reminiscent of the old Tex Murphy games. The FMV sequences were well-done for the most part, and I enjoyed exploring areas without running into loading screens or having to change discs. (I know I’m throwing a bone here, but it’s the little things that count, right?) Unfortunately, that’s where the good ends. Now on to my personal gripes:

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure on Steam

Five Dates

Five Dates

TLDR; One of the best “full motion video (FMV)” games BUT MIGHT NOT FOR EVERYONE.

Alright, After spending over 7 hours I can say this firmly, hands down to one of the best FMV games I’ve played. The game puts you in a character called “Viny” a 5'9 good looking guy, with dates via a dating app.

I must say the game-play is quite amazing and one can sense the efforts had to put behind the making.

I think, The actors did fantastic job justifying their roles and the personalities. IMO, the game is not meant for everyone, since game actually has quite a bit interesting angles in every single personality. The decisions decides the further path of the game/relationship on the choice you make/actions you take.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

I recommend this game to nearly anyone.

The mechanics are very simple. You basically have to pick-up choices and ask questions. Just be careful so you wont hit a nerve. Your background, customizable at the beginning, can also have a profound impact on how each girl will relate to your character.

In addition, this is a game that practically demands replays. As your character uses the free version of a dating app, he is only entitled to pick up 3 possible candidates on his first pass. On his second pass, even if he is deemed acceptable by all 3 previous women, he is limited to 2 virtual dates. On the final pass, you are restricted to the “final girl”.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Five Dates on Steam

The Sych story

The Sych story

This game is fucking incredible.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Sych story on Steam

Her Story

Her Story

My rating: 8+/10

Based on: one thorough 100% investigation

Check out my other reviews

TL;DR: An interactive police procedural movie with purposely outdated mechanics, brilliantly written and well-acted, a slow burn and a time sink that offers an engaging story to be discovered bit by bit, an immersive, nostalgic experience of the times gone by, truly worthy of the awards it’s received.


(+) a slow-paced, but enthralling open-ended story as told by Hannah Smith whose husband went missing, served up in a series of interviews with this unreliable narrator conducted by police detectives

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Her Story is a little bit of an oddity. It’s a FMV game where the player has access to a police database and needs to find out what happened.

It’s actually rather good. The whole game is limited to an old-style interface where you’re able to type in words and search for records. I’ve seen a few games that try to emulate old OSes and they lack a feeling of being a working interface. Her Story feels like a proper old computer you’re viewing. Though I immediately turned off the glare filter, it has a great old charm to the aesthetics with it on..

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Her Story on Steam



Like Portal without portals


This is one of those games with a hide meaning that unlocks itself at the end of the gameplay so at the start you are given a short cinematic that sets the universe and part of what is happening and why, but after finishing one level you will be given another flashback identified by the game as a piece of a cube that will be filled with each found piece at the end of every level but this pieces can be also identified as memories that pulled together makes a longer and stable one, waiting you to reveal all the secrets from the main character past.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Hello! I was able to get an early key for ECHOPLEX and made a First Look video on my channel. ECHOPLEX is primarily a puzzle game but has a story line, is thought provoking and even gets me with some mild jump scares occasionally. I liked the game so much it’s now a Let’s Play series and I intend to play through the entire game. I currently have the first 12 levels completed on my first three videos. I’m really enjoying ECHOPLEX and highly recommend it to anyone who likes puzzle type games. Thank you Output Games for a unique puzzler in ECHOPLEX, I’m digging it.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game


Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle

Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle

The Technology points are out of proportion, to win each puzzle. It costs to do Satellite, you need at least extend view (5 pts) and 360 degree view (15 pts)…. to solve each sat tracker puzzle. The win technology points are most of the time 0 (zero) gain it rewards box, before pressing Start. It takes a long time to gain points in decipher at 1 point every 9 minutes. This makes it unplayable, til you get enought to buy – Extended/360 views. Have played 31 hours so far, and I’m Not Impressed with game as it now stands —- Sorry Devs, back to drawing board at this point.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

I really, really wanted to like this game. I love FMVs, I love investigation type stuff, this is right up my alley. The early parts of the game looked great.

But then you get to a point where you realize that (at least in its current state) the game is just a big mess.

Progression seems to be based on an attribute called “sense” that you increase by correctly playing minigames. You have to find specific people in video footage, like Where’s Waldo but with moving video. You have to track things moving across the city. You have to uncover a pattern hidden in static. You can control a drone looking for things in homes or buildings. But where the trouble comes in is that by messing up in the games, you can lose sense instead of gaining it.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle on Steam

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker

I agree that it IS great to have this game available on Steam. I was really hoping that there would be an option to have controls based on button pushes just like the arcade version. I realize that not everyone would want this, but for us arcade nerds the mouse just isn’t the same. To be able to play this on our arcade cabinets would be amazing! I reached out to galloping ghost productions but didn’t heard back from them.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

MUST OWN for b-movie horror and full motion video game fans. I cannot understate how important this game is to retro gamers and fans of low budget cheesy movies. Deathstalker is a time capsule of the 1980s, now unlocked for us. This game will take you back to the early pioneering days of PC adventure gaming. So glad Dok Mack brought this to steam, now I can finally play through all the paths and endings! Its like a Choose Your Own Adventure book put to film!!!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker on Steam