

GENRES: VN, Adventure, Sci-fi, Horror, Biohorror, Biopunk.

PLAYTIME: 2-10 hours



Deep under the surface of the dead Earth, the last haven of humanity — the City — is teeming with life. A combined effort of engineering genius and all mankind’s endeavors, a giant structure made of steel, concrete, and biopolymers, keeps the remnants of civilization one step away from complete extinction.

Josiah Kaviani, a young mathematician and statistician, starts his journey in an underground maze of cramped streets. He is talented and intelligent, but he has one terrible drawback — his unbearable loneliness.

But soon Josiah will have a fateful encounter that will turn his whole life, and his worldview, upside-down. A meeting with someone — or, perhaps, something — that is hidden in such depths that even the cyclopean City cannot reach them. Something so hidden that the very knowledge of it can be deadly. Something truly monstrous.


  • A well-written world with deep lore and terminology.

  • Complex, adult characters, each with their own motives, aspirations, and skeletons in the closet.

  • A variety of complex and difficult choices that might lead the story to an unexpected end at any time.

  • A dark and frightening science fiction story based on real study.

  • A variety of different routes and endings — realistic situations that end poorly or worse.

  • An atmospheric soundtrack specially written for the game — each track is inextricably linked with the narrative.

  • A lot of high-quality art.

  • Special art gallery where the player can check their progress.

  • Some of the author’s ideas were censored as to be found too dark and cruel…

  • …but most of them remained.

Read More: Best Noir Psychological Horror Games.

Athanasy on Steam



Only about 3 hours of content if you not doing side-quests and trinket hunting, but overall I think the game could be decent, mainly I just want more locations and the exploration should be more exciting. Technically the game could pass as a metroidvania, even though it’s pretty linear for the first 60 minutes, once you unlock the heavy attack it will have more freedom. Stylistically, the game has a lot going on, it feels like a mixture of precision platformer, puzzle platformer and cinematic platformer with the whole ledge grabbing, but generally, I would say the level design feels very puzzle-oriented. I actually like its simple combat mechanics with a slash attack and directional lash, but the enemy design does not take full advantage of it, I think the game could use more agile humanoid enemies. There is only one proper boss fight which I did enjoy because it was very centred around dodging and following up, I think the game needs more of that.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Noir Atmospheric Games.

Really beautiful and smooth gameplay. I was hesitant on the game but the trailer caught my eye. Getting my hands on it initially I loved how balanced and smooth the game felt when I was playing. Really gives me a hollow knight or steamworld dig feel to it. I’m excited to get updates on it for the story to continue throughout the months.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

HAAK on Steam

Tex Murphy: Overseer

Tex Murphy: Overseer

First thing first: You need the K-Lite codec and FFDSHOW to be able to play this without issues. That being said, Tex Murphy: Overseer is the 5th Tex Murphy game and probably one of the best FMV games ever released, featuring actual gameplay with lots and lots of dialogues.

Overseer is basically a remake of Mean Streets without the ridiculous flight simulator and it ends with a cliffhanger which was resolved 15 years later with Tesla Effect.

A sci-fi noir adventure of old at its best.

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Noir Adventure Games.

I think i reached my limit in this game. I keep getting error messages as i am at Gideons house using the poles to try and get across the pressure sensitive floor. As a kid i played this game and would get stuck all the time because we didnt have a strategy guide online to follow like i do now. Makes it a lot easier but it is also a clear MUST if your going to play this game. Anyone thats says its cheating and they never used it is a liar OR they spent YEARS trying to beat this game. If they can fix the game i will finish it. As of now i am S.O.L. !

Real player with 34.4 hrs in game

Tex Murphy: Overseer on Steam

Richard & Alice

Richard & Alice


Intriguing story set in a post-apocalyptic world that centres around a man named Richard and his prisoner counterpart, Alice. You take turns playing as either Richard or Alice, though Alice’s part is far greater, and her story is told entirely through flashbacks (i.e. events that have already transpired).

What I liked


  • Good story - Far too predictable for my liking, but still interesting. The use of flashbacks as a way of unfolding the tale was fascinating; I always felt like I wanted to find out more and that kept me playing.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Richard and Alice strikes me as a hybrid mix of point & click adventure meets visual novel. Let’s start out with the high points here. The story of Richard and Alice is absolutely compelling with a particular high note being the well written dialog between characters. The conversational segments in the game flow naturally and realistically. At no point did the dialog seem stilted or poorly written. This is a particularly notable feat when one considers the amount of dialog between Alice and her 5 (and a half!) year old son Barney. It’s hard to write children’s dialog between parent and child in such a way that it seems natural. Most novels can’t get this sort of thing right, let alone the medium of video games. I think you almost have to be a parent yourself in order to effectively write this sort of dialog, and IMO Richard and Alice excels at it. Creating emotional connection between the player and the in game characters is critical to this games success, and thankfully it nails this part.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Richard & Alice on Steam

Tex Murphy: Mean Streets

Tex Murphy: Mean Streets

Mean Streets is an open world game set in the far off future of 2033 complete with flying cars that have wireless fax machines, imagine that! You take on the role of detective Tex Murphy to solve the mysterious death of a University professor. Next time you see that someone wants a GTA style open world game, tip your fedora, saying you want a real open world game Tex Murphy style. This is vintage gaming at its best, the game comes with a manual, where the manual for the first time ever in the history of me gaming on steam is required.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

That game was made before I was born and yet it still entertain me. It’s amazing how much fun can be packed in that 30MB. I must admit that graphics hurts my eyes comparing to modern games but this game really makes up for that with gameplay.

Lots of locations which You can visit in open-world manner, roaming West Coast in a flight simulator. Every location come with map to search for clues and evidence or memorable and distinctive character. Some of them will cooperate. And some won’t.

Also, I’ve really liked that I had to write my questions. Nothing was given to me on the silver plate. It gives lots of satisfaction when all of the clues start to make sense. And if You find Yourself stuck, after looking everywhere and asking everyone (and believe me, You are wrong if You think so) You may always ask Your informator. For a price of course.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Tex Murphy: Mean Streets on Steam

亡命尸潮惊魂夜 Escape Zombies At Night

亡命尸潮惊魂夜 Escape Zombies At Night

Very good

Get on sale

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Awesome imo!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

亡命尸潮惊魂夜 Escape Zombies At Night on Steam



Watching a good Science fiction movie was always a rare experience to have, even more so an original one….

Playing a good and original Science fiction game….that’s even less probable, it feels like finding a very special treasure.

Good words have been around for Primordia since it came out in 2012 (I’m now playing it for the first time in 2017) and i can say it’s all pretty much justified.

The game has a good story, with interesting characters, both main and secondary ones. It has an interesting beginning, a well handled middle and an ending ( and a pretty good one at that, although that depends on which ending you get).

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Bought in a bundle without knowing much about it except it’s published by Wadjet Eye Games and another game in the bundle was Gemini Rue (which by body required at the time). I stuck gold because what we have here is a high quality four-man (+Dave as producer / voice caster) point & click adventure game with gorgeous 320x200 graphic.

Story is set in post apocalyptic, distant future cyberpunk world which is a rich environment for imaginative locations, story, characters. You name it. Overall story is pretty solid and will satisfy even the most seasoned adventure players.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Primordia on Steam

Prison 69

Prison 69

game’s poorly developed and completely killed my pc from the downloading phase. i rate it 0/1,000,000 stars

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Prison 69 on Steam

Splatter - Zombiecalypse Now

Splatter - Zombiecalypse Now

Nice little shooter, with surprisingly detailed world, Sin City inspired cutscenes and funny dialoque

Having just finished the main story on Nasty-difficulty, the highest you can get on the first playthrough i think i’ve seen most of this game. Maniac difficulty next, you will unlock it after finishing the game.

Top-down shooter, plays like you’d think it shuold. Only thing that bothered me in this was how the screen went black and white when my health was down. It made enemies sometimes hard to see, and my cursor was lost there as well because there’s a lot happening at times on the levels. Other than that, it was a cool effect. Few deaths because of the unclear screen, but nothing too annoying.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

With an assortment of top-down shooters to choose from, Splatter is a gem.

With the exception of one level segment and (to my knowledge) a bug only I’ve encountered thus far regarding the final boss, there aren’t many flaws to be found in the game beyond those that are minor (occasional spelling errors in the dialogue and item texts being the only thing that stands out readily and even then they aren’t hindering enjoyment of the game overall).

Dreamworlds has managed to nail exactly what makes this particular type of game fun to play vs. turning it into an interminably difficult chore. The dialogue and art-based cutscenes don’t drag on longer than they need to, leaving plenty of time to enjoy soaking multiple parts of a level’s floor with the blood of enemies.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Splatter - Zombiecalypse Now on Steam

Tex Murphy: Martian Memorandum

Tex Murphy: Martian Memorandum

The second game of the Tex Muphy series did less genre crossover and had a great strength with its LucasArts-era classic adventure design. Graphically it’s a solid retro adventure FMV mix, the only downside being missing hotspots: even when hovering the mouse over interactible objects there is no cursor feedback whatsoever which made and still makes the game terribly hasslesome on a first playthrough due to easily missing out on interacting with key items on the quite blurry screen. A walkthrough or a frustration tolerance made out of steel might be required for new players. Truth be told, the entire gamedesign is extremely oldschool due to the inherent actual age of the game and it might prove too much of a bother altogether to newer gamers.

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

Loveable nostalgic experience! Game runs on DOSBOX and is like 27MB in size. Classic point-and-click adventure set in a dystopian post-WW3 era. You play as Tex Murphy, private detective. It absolutely feels like a mixture between Blade Runner and Total Recall and I love it! It borrowed heavily from these two movies but offers enough unique content to stand on it’s own.

Martian Memorandum features a very simple interface with big buttons on the bottom of the screen. Just click on either “LOOK”, “OPEN”, “USE” etc. and then on the object to interact. Unique for it’s time is the usage of some FMV sequences starring real actors. Dialogue sequences play a big role in this game. Chosing the wrong dialogue option leads to uncooperative behaviour. There are also a few “action sequences” like using a hoverboard to pass through a security area with pressure plates and lasers or traversing a ventilation shaft in full 3D!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Tex Murphy: Martian Memorandum on Steam