Chess Knights: Shinobi

Chess Knights: Shinobi

Edit: Updated playthrough with ALL the normal levels here:

Great game but god dang is it difficult not sure if it was the alcohol or the fact my chess I.Q. is 42 but it was a fun little brain boggler killing the Generals was extremely satisfying after trying not to get spanked by some simp rooks/bishops. Not sure how to get all the achievements since I hid in a bush and didn’t get the hide in a bush achievement (got faito achievement at later date which has been included in video thanks to user carmylle on steam) but if you need help on any of the levels. my play through with all levels here:

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja Chess Games.

Really great minimalist puzzle game. The recent update tripled the content of an already great game, definitely worth the price here. Knights are my least favorite chess piece, but playing them as a ninja may have changed my view of them.

The difficulty scales wonderfully right up until the last level which is very very hard, but just enough to where you feel accomplished when you beat it. The only negative I have here is you can’t pan the camera, only zoom and rotate. Other than that this is a standout of the minimalist puzzle genre.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Chess Knights: Shinobi on Steam

Ninja Castle Escape

Ninja Castle Escape

The main objective is to complete 50 stages to escape the castle. Each stage comprises of block puzzles which the player must interact by pushing them. By pushing away the blocks it opens the path to switches. By pressing these switches it opens the exit. The player must quickly exit the level before time over. In addition, there are ninja tools that the players earn as they progress through the game. These tools introduces a new element into the puzzle solving which makes the game more complex as the player progresses.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja Mystery Dungeon Games.

Fundamental flaws:

  • Menus are not fully functional with a controller.

  • DPad doesn’t work unless you manually configure it with steam input.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Ninja Castle Escape on Steam

10 Second Ninja

10 Second Ninja

Let me just say that this game is.. so funny!

And for less than 2€/$.. I would recommend it all the times!

Basically, it works as a normal action game - and it’s all quite easy to explain, while it’s.. very hard to master the whole game!

Every single level of this game is based in a rectangle-shaped world, with all the four walls closed. You will play as a small ninja - I STRONGLY advise to use a controller - and you’ll be able to use the four traditional keys: A is used to jump (I’m referring to a XBOX controller, but anyways you’ll be able to remap and see everything in-game), X is used to swing your sword, B to throw a shuriken (you’ll have 3 shurikens only for each level) and Y.. no, I was joking. The Y key isn’t used at all.

Real player with 130.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja 2D Games.

10 Second Ninja is caught in a strange position for me. At first glance (as well as when you play it) the concept seems more geared to be a mobile game than a PC game. However, the pacing is more fitting of a PC/console game. Completing each level in 10 seconds or less is not hard at all, even if you aren’t used to fast paced games. With practice, avoiding spikes and falling objects becomes easy. The real challenge is getting 3 stars on every level, which can take some time.

If you are considering buying it, ask yourself this: “Am I going to try to 100% it?” If the answer is no, you aren’t going to get much out of the game. Playing through each level only once won’t take much time, and is especially not worth $9.99 in that regard. If you are a completionist (or are for just this game), definitely pick up the game, but still at a discounted price. I only heard about it and bought it because I crafted a 90% off coupon for it (s***, it was 99 cents!). At that price, it was definitely worth it.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

10 Second Ninja on Steam

Ninja Code

Ninja Code

Tidy little game, though it could be longer. It’s easy to figure out, it’s fun and it’ll keep you busy for a while.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

So where I enjoyed the gameplay because it reminded Lara Croft GO Hitman GO and Deus Ex Go. The big difference is the not knowing what level I was on. I had to look up how many levels (there are 40 Levels) were in the game because there was no way to actually tell. In other games like this there is usually a level select screen that tells you what you’ve either beaten and/or how many levels there are. The ending wasn’t to challenging and the pacing is pretty good. But for $3.99 (US) I can’t recommend it. If it is on sale I would say pick it up if you like this genre of game. It is fairly short I have a total of 1hr46min but about 30 was from me being afk and taking care of RL things.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Ninja Code on Steam

Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent

Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent

Awesome game! I hardly ever go for indie titles or casual games, but this one is a total anomaly! With damn near infinite replay value thanks to the fly/time/ladybug challenges plus a global leaderboard, this game has had me hooked since I picked it up 24 hours ago.

Spy Chameleon has one of the best learning curves I’ve ever experienced in a game - many levels are made in a way that is easy enough to complete, but difficult to master, especially in the later stages. The difficulty very gradually goes up, to the point where you don’t even really realize that it’s getting more difficult until you’re trying to break the world record and you fail 50 times.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent is a fun, unique and charming indie game for fans of stealth and puzzle games.

It a fairly short, but challenging game. I completed the game with 29/30 achievements in a little over 11 hours. It can be difficult and will have you raging at times, but it’s very enjoyable. There are some indie games that are so challenging, you feel like the developers hate you and just want you to suffer. However, this game is difficult enough to make you feel challenged without making you feel like completing it is an impossible task.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent on Steam



When an unseen phenomenon creates havoc in nature, strange aberrations start to appear in the courtyard of a quiet monastery.

To beat back the mutants, the Master of the monastery takes a Disciple under his wings: the young and fierce Catana!

Guide Catana as he masters the attacks that will save not only the monastery but also the world beyond it. With point-and-click simplicity, you’ll create matches that eliminate groups of enemies, unleash powerful special attacks and take down crafty bosses.

You’ll face Tentacles, Lava Crunchers, Robots and more, all of which will lead you to an epic showdown with the mysterious force behind mutations.

Catana on Steam

Ninja Frog

Ninja Frog

good game

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

334 deaths how about you?

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Ninja Frog on Steam

Ninja Stealth 3

Ninja Stealth 3


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Okay

☐ Bad


☑ Masterpiece

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful


☑ Amazing

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad


☐ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Everyone


☑ Just press a bunch of buttons

☑ Easy

☐ Significant brain usage

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Not so easy

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls

Game Time-

☐ Short

☐ Average

☐ Long

☑ Depends on you

☐ Endless


☑ Just buy it

☐ Worth the price

☐ Wait for sale

Real player with 1470.1 hrs in game

This is kind of sad, it’s in the style of the first Ninja Stealth, so it is better than Ninja Stealth 2, but it’s a downgrade from 1 in several ways.

The first one had an interesting interconnected maze between the puzzles that created a larger atmosphere and the music kept the pace of the game flowing naturally. Two went off and became a weird RPG-ish mimic that wasn’t as good as the original.

Three is back to the style of one with the puzzles, but it lacks the interconnecting maze; each puzzle is a stand alone small room so there’s no larger sense of exploration anymore. And it completely lacks music during the puzzles, it’s only on the menu. One of the best parts of the previous games was the music and it’s missing.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Ninja Stealth 3 on Steam

Ninja Stealth

Ninja Stealth

To me, this game is simply awesome.

I played a lot of these stealth games, but always on Flash websites and with different graphics.

Of course, this game hasn’t awesome graphics - it runs perfectly and fast, but has a top down camera and everything is pretty minimalistic.

I think this is the maximum I can take - every other game since the ’90s, the stealth things, I hate them all XD

Back to this, you’re a ninja who looks like the turtles of the old cartoons (ok this is to me at least ahah) and you’ve got to find keys computers and other things in every single level and get to the end.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☑ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Ninja Stealth on Steam

10 Second Ninja X

10 Second Ninja X

Will you enjoy this game challenging puzzles? Yes!

Will you also want to rage quit at least a dozen time? YES!

After 20 hours, I have all the achievements except one (“Wooooooooooooooah - Livin' on a prayer”), the hardest one requiring X rank for all marathons and all 300 stars. I always tell myself, after completing one marathon, that I’ll stop there, but no, after a few hours or a day, I want to go back. So I’ll keep on trying for that last achievement, but I think it’s time to review this game.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

10 Second Ninja X is a puzzle platformer, where you are a Ninja in a forest and you get caught by an air ship pirate and he wants to put to the test and make you suffer, with levels which you need to destroy robots in 10 seconds.

What 10 Second Ninja X did right, is the music part. Some tracks are suprisingly good. Most of the sounds effects all right, can be annyoing if you listen it long term, but not too bad.

Story of the game is… simple. You get caught and you make your way and in the end after a realization, characters change and the story ends. I don’t want to spoil too much of it, because it has a lesson, but it’s not that big twist and the background of the whole thing is really foggy. I know this is a simple game and the characters are little bit are like parodies, but it just felt weird to see the reasons of some characters. Not bad story, but not the thing you want to play this game only.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

10 Second Ninja X on Steam