NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution is not as revolutionary as the title might suggest, but I think it’s the step in the right direction.

The disappointing thing is lack of canon story mode in the game. Instead, we have Ninja World Tournament, Mecha-Naruto Story and the Ninja Escapades. The Ninja World Tournament is just mode, in which you thrive for championship in a tournament consistin of 4-characters brawl. Initial ranks of the tournament are easy, but difficulty rises gradually. Also, you can roam the island (the bigger progress you made in the tournament, the more areas you can visit), doing challenges, missions and events. Even thought it has absolutely nothing to do with canon storyline, the mode is quite fun to play, some friendship events are hilarius.

Real player with 482.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja Anime Games.

This is one of those games I’m highly indifferent about. Looking back, I wouldn’t call this game a bad game at all, in fact I quite enjoyed it. The “story” is comprised of four short stories with some (easy) fights peppered in that expand the lore in the naruto world through the story of the Akatsuki, Itachi and Shisui, a unique story about the new character “Mecha Naruto”, along with a 10 minute movie about team Minato which I quite enjoyed. Overall, this will take maybe 2-3 hours to complete. Which is quite a bit less than I’d expect for a game with such a steep price tag. The replay value is unfortunately nonexistant unless you are looking for the two achievements given for achieving S ranking on the Itachi and Akatsuki mini story lines. However, if you didn’t already get these achievements on your first playthrough as these fights are quite easy, you will without a doubt get it on your second. There is also the “Ninja world tournament mode” which I enjoyed quite a bit. In this mode, you can select a character of your choosing (with the exception of all the young characters, which kinda sucks) and duke it out in a four-player brawl against NPCs. Unfortunately, there is no online mode for this. This is really awful since like the rest of the NPCs, they are quite easy to defeat, and offer no real challenge. I will admit by the S+ tournament I was sweating a bit at the intensity, but the difficulty is entirely due to major NPC buffs in the form of a constant “true awakening form” and not a more advanced AI. That being said, I still won it on my first go-around which really ruins the fun of the game. This will most likely take about 5-6 hours to complete (basing off my own time). And overall, you’ll get about 7-9 hours of gameplay out of the story if you play to completion. Such a small playtime leaves something of a bitter taste in my mouth considering the price tag of this game. However, if you’re seeing my play time, you’ll notice I have 100+ hours in this game as of writing this review. This is due to this games' bread and butter, the online mode. However, unfortunately enough for the online mode, the online community has depleted in the two months since this game has come out. This has made finding someone to fight almost a chore and you really have to just open the game and cross your fingers that you’ll find someone. Speaking from personal experience, now that the game is about 2 months after launch, it is a very common occurence that you will find noone to battle.Near the games' launch, the online was solid and all you had to worry about was a tiny bit of lag since so many people were on the servers. However, even now that not so many people are using the servers, the lag is still existant if not worse. This is a huge no-no in my opinion for a 1v1 fighter to have any form of lag. Especially to the point of making the game near unplayable at points. This raises a secondary issue in the fact that even if you manage to find someone to play against, that person might have a laggy connection and make your game either near impossible to play, or make your game crash entirely. In total, this game was very fun. But now that the main focus of this game, the online, has fallen into an abyss, I would advise against purchasing this game. Still, for all the fun I had, I think this game is great. 8/10, buy it if you have a time machine or you love wasting money for a couple hours of fun.

Real player with 167.7 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution on Steam



Amazing graphics, great gameplay, fun game overall. 10/10 if you have friends coming over and an extra controller to play with them :D

Real player with 77.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja Anime Games.

amazing game i loved the shit out of this game cause you can keep fighting for hours apon hours at a time and keep trying new combos

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 on Steam

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst is perhaps the most extreme example yet of Namco Bandai’s attempt to appeal to the converted and only to the converted. Here’s a game not simply for any old Naruto fan, but for Naruto fans who are completely up to date with the story and characters as they currently exist in the anime/manga episodes and are seeking a new way of experiencing previously explored plotlines. If you’re not up to date, then not only are you going to struggle enormously with the story as depicted in the game’s early stages, but you’re going to ruin what you’ve not yet seen of the TV series. Unfortunately, due to gameplay that is as unwieldy and bloated as its title, Full Burst is not an acceptable way to get yourself up to date with this franchise.

Real player with 1017.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ninja Anime Games.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst

I’m really amazed with how good this game is and it totally worth a shot, even if you are not watching Naruto Shippuden, the game itself it totally awesome and i am sure you will get a little bit curious about the Anime/Manga serie ( I’d recommend you to watch some episodes to get into the story of the game and make it more enjoyable) , the story mode start out after the battle against Pain (The Leader of The Akatsuki) following the anime/manga story untill the 4th great ninja war.

Real player with 666.0 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD on Steam

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Core Fighters

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Core Fighters

I love this game, but I’m not going to recommend it without severe reservations. The base is an excellent fighter, but the port is worse than the console versions in so many ways. Many of those ways concern the online multiplayer part of the game though, so if you’ve got a bunch of friends in your area to play this with they might not be so much of an issue.

I’m going to split this in two sections; the base game and the platform comparison. Scroll down if you want to read in what ways it’s worse (and better) than the PS4 version.

Real player with 182.5 hrs in game

This is a difficult game for me to review.

In general, I fucking love the Dead or Alive games.

The fighting engine was classically fast and skillful without requiring knowledge of enjoyment-obliterating exploits or skin peelingly long sessions of practice to get to a basic level of gameplay.

Though it will historically be known as the series that boldly upheld the grand tradition of cheesecake and beefcake heavy character designs, the actual fighting system of advantage and reversal is much deeper in scope than nearly all of its peers, and spreading out the lengthy character movesets across less buttons means its easier for an unpracticed player picking up the controls for the first time to feel like they’re accomplishing something beyond just marveling at the various buff studly men and hot sassy ladies.

Real player with 66.1 hrs in game

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Core Fighters on Steam

Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja

Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja

When whack-a-mole meets Ninjas. Discover “Whack A Ninja”, an arcade-type indie game created by Chris Braibant. Beat all the ninjas in this intense, action-packed game, in the pursuit of the best score and sadistic pleasure of experimenting with all the ways to eliminate those cowled suckers.

Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja on Steam



Note: This game is very much alpha. All features shown in gameplay are currently accessible, and playable. However it is still pretty buggy, so heads up!

Shodō is a VR game where players fight in a 5v5 battle of chaos magic, in the martial art of their own design.

In this universe you must work for your power. No cheap fireballs, no facerolling, no mana resource to constrain you.

The raw power of your Sigil is dependent on both how complex it is, and how accurately you can execute it in the heat of battle.

Build your magic art to match your personality - do you like fast paced, rapid attacks that overwhelm your enemy? Opt for flow casting, which minimizes casting time and maximizes attack rate.

Or perhaps you would rather forge a weapon no other can destroy, that will instantly kill whatever it touches - at the expense of an intricate, complex sigil.

Enter the world of Shodō and experience for yourself, psychic abilities that come at a real mental cost. Become the protagonist, the master of your art, and carve your path into the history of this environment of controlled chaos.

Shodo on Steam

Street karate 3

Street karate 3

A very interesting Walking game with an equally interesting soundtrack. The game is similar to games from consoles from the 2000s. But this is only a plus-the game causes a lot of nostalgia. Despite the genre of “indie”, this game can kill several of your hours.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

We will play as a karate player who will have to fight a large number of opponents exceeding his strength, but we will have at our disposal additional weapons, such as rebar or knives. In addition to the usual throws, jumps, grabs, our hero has a combo punch with which you can scatter opponents in a circle.

The game will please the drawn graphics and cool soundtrack.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Street karate 3 on Steam

Blade Symphony

Blade Symphony

Alrighty, its about time edit my review from a long time ago. But first some things I wish to point out.

  • After 900 hours I can be a little biased in favor of this game

  • This is not a game where a person with 1 hour should be reviewing, this game takes much more time to understand and any reviews from these people should be ignored, if you like it or not.

Blade Symphony, released May 7, 2014 by Puny Human Games. This is a game that without a doubt I am addicted too, though idk if that is good or bad, probably bad. From my first day on Blade Symphony spamming with Jian Ryoku, to becoming almost top tier, my journey has been wonderful. I have met tons of people, most of them on my steam friends list and I dont regret anything. Though I feel like im a rare case, for many many players have stopped playing for multiple reasons that ill get too in second.

Real player with 2692.3 hrs in game

I have 400 hours aprx. I’ve been with this game for 2 years through thick or thin. This is part review, part history.

tl:dr This isn’t what it used to be. The playerpase is small, but its very tight knit. It’s the kind of community where everyone know’s everyone by name. The gameplay itself is wonky but often fun when you get it right. The learning curve is a brick wall. You’re going to lose a lot when you start. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Almost everyone in master rank would be more than pleased to take you udner their wing, all you have to do is ask.

Real player with 709.9 hrs in game

Blade Symphony on Steam



This review is purely based on my personal experience as a solo player.


  • You can build your customized ninja with 4 different roles.

  • Fun to play with friends or as first time.

  • Plenty variety of characters “Masters” with their signature moves included that your ninja can learn. Also their 2D art it’s pretty cool.

  • It’s fun to run over the walls and jump from them since your ninja will always use Chakra concentration automatically.

  • Some events from time to time and you get cool stuff.

Real player with 678.1 hrs in game

To be fair, this game honestly has one of the best combat mechanics in any game I’ve ever played thus far, and I’d wanna see more games with similar mechanics to it. The game also features some neat character customization and give some cool rewards for events which are completely achievable for anyone. So with those said, the problems lie elsewhere.

1. There is a jarring amount of bugs - although you cannot expect a game to be completely bug-free, this game has jarring amount of it. Examples include but are not limited to a) Screen dimming after a cut scene b) Ability indicators would display cooldown when inflicted by certain skills despite being entirely unaffected and c) Severe latency issues with the host.

Real player with 297.7 hrs in game




My Thoughts:

Dead or Alive 6 is now officially more Dead than Alive.

I’m not a hardcore Dead or Alive player, but it was one of the first fighting games that I committed to. The previous iteration of DOA, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round despite its issues is an amazing game. DOA6 is a game that I have been playing for a full year and instead of it being the next great entry in the DOA series, 6 is plagued with flawed mechanics, questionable balancing and some of the worst development support I think I’ve ever seen.

Real player with 1298.3 hrs in game

I’m not real fan of fighting game, but this game is the only one i can learn how its system working from tutorial mode and that will help me belong to play this game, for example:

  • Triangle system (Strike - Hold - Throw) and how to counter each other

  • How to combo (Stun opponent = Launch == Juggle)

  • Strike, Hold, Throw from BASIC to ADVANCED

  • Chain attack (how to cancel hit when you perform combo, juggle, bait opponent, etc…)

  • Wake up system, wake up kick, fast recovery (which help you make advantage or against opponent when you’re downing)

Real player with 631.8 hrs in game

DEAD OR ALIVE 6 on Steam