World of Warships

World of Warships

Try it, don’t buy.

This is a game that starts simple, with a gentle learning curve and protected matchmaking for new players. It’ll be fun. You’ll research new ships, unlock missions, join a clan…and then you’ll inevitably hit a fun wall. Try being in a match against enemy Aircraft Carriers and having virtually no counter. Try being in a match with a Tier 5 glass cannon Cruiser against veterans in Tier 7 ships that sink you with one salvo. The power difference between tiers is slight to start with, and very wide at the top tiers. And this is a game that wants you to be at the bottom of the food chain, so you’ll pay to get to the top faster, or pay for a Premium ship because you think it will help you. It won’t.

Real player with 6133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Free to Play Games.

after playing 1200+ hours..I think I’m qualified to give this review (you may disagree)

At the current state of this game I can’t recommend this game to everyone……

If you like games to be balanced,competitive,historically accurate…..then this game isn’t for you

If you like to spend money just bc you can then yes this game is for you….

Now if you wanna continue to read you are more than welcome :

first let’s touch the good things about the game:

1. The models for the Ships are truly beautiful

Real player with 2411.2 hrs in game

World of Warships on Steam

Crash Dive

Crash Dive

This is the most glitchy cheating game I have ever played! The number of escorts or cargo ships is never what it says it is. It will say 3 escorting ships and when it loads there are always far more! As soon as your first torpedo hits, the escorts shove all the ship around and scatter them so multiple torpedo shots at multiple targets will not hit. Any ships left warp speed away at speeds ranging from 35 knot to Mach 7! Especially battleships. If you are spotted, a large battleship magically blasts off to at least 50 knots leaving no chance of sinking it. The escorts cheat like crazy, they ghost through other ships to intercept you and suffer no damage from colliding with other ships. To top it all off just as you get out of range of sonar dectection of enemy ships, the damnest thing happens detect you again resetting the alarm timer. Cheating a player in a game is no way to increase difficulty! SCREW THIS GAME!! No wonder people still play old games from way back when! I AM NEVER PLAYING ANOTHER GAME ON STEAM AGAIN!

Real player with 185.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Submarine Games.

I’m a huge modded SHIII and SHIV player so I initially scoffed at this one, given how arcady it is, but I caved and bought it because it has to do with subs and let’s face it, there aren’t many sub games around. Shockingly… I don’t hate it. In fact, it’s pretty damn entertaining for short stretches. It’s not a sim by any means, but it doesn’t really pretend to be either. It’s a bit like Aces of the Deep, which, when it came out (10 billion years ago), felt like a Sim because of the immersion factor, but deep down had mechanics that were not far from Crash Dive’s. I feel like the devs left out a lot of immersion to save on costs and also probably from Political Correctness concerns, but that’s really not a huge deal in the end. If you want to play Aces it runs fine under dosbox if you find the right version, but this gives you fairly similar gameplay with passable graphics and a laser focus on quickly resolving encounters so you can go do something else without giving the whole thing too much thought. It’s bite size, and it’s good. Get it if you like WWII sub stuff.

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Crash Dive on Steam

Victory At Sea

Victory At Sea

Sea warfare has always been pretty difficult to put into a game format; a bit like flight simulators, they can either be too arcadey (and therefore not really do justice to their subject) or too realistic (hanging around for hours in a sub with nothing but little wheels to turn). Given the vast distances involved in WW2 sea combat, where opposing fleets in the age of air power sometimes never saw each other directly during battle, Victory at Sea makes some quite good compromises. So, for example, the ocean scale is reduced so that even when you have an overwhelming carrier force it’s still useful (and fun) to have a few battleships to take out some of the nearby enemy in between air strikes. Lobbing your shots over thousands of yards, anticipating where your target will be when they fall, is a skill you’ll enjoy developing. It’s more arcade than sim, but fun.

Real player with 447.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat World War II Games.

Very nice game.

Good naval strategy on sea. If you liked games like 688 Attack Sub, or SSN-21 Seawolf, or Wolfpack, this is game for you. There is a lot of hide & escape, or seek & destroy in this game.

Game have two modes. In global view, you cruise with you fleet (single symbol of ship from top view), wandering around, choosing what to attack or evade. Other fleets are also iconized by single ship. There is visibility range which changes with day/night time.

In combat mode, you fight with enemy fleet, with possibility of reinforcements arrival if any firend/enemy fleet was close to. It’s point and click with RTS style battle, with possibility to stop any time, and with free cam to go around battlefield. There is fog of war however, so you will not see enemy ships which you shouldn’t. Multiple types of weapons, including topedos, deck guns, anti-aircraft weapons, and anti-sub charges, there are also close-combat guns (but they are automated and only in close range to fight with open-deck boats). Each kind of weapon have got different reload time, different angle of firing, and range.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Victory At Sea on Steam

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

The Good

Carrier Command Gaea Mission is a mix of RTS and first/3rd person action, which is a great combination that not many games have achieved, and something I would like to see more in games of both genres. The gameplay itself is very deep and rewarding, The 3D model of the carrier and its subsystems make sense - it is also not a micromanagement nightmare. There are a lot of optional weapons and tech systems for you to use to outfit your Mantas and your Walruses (the two vehicles you use to conquer islands).

Real player with 156.4 hrs in game

I gave this game a chance but it’s hard to pass over the low quality of its gaming experience.


  • GRAPHICS; for being a 2012 title the graphics are smooth and polished with nice water and light effects.

  • CONCEPT; if well developed, the idea of a reload of the 1988 game would have been a winning one. Conquering an archipelago of island relying on a carrier sending remotely controlled units is nice.

Even the limit of two types of units (air and land) is not perceived as a real limit thanks to the wide customizing options for weapons, armors and special abilities of each of the 8 units available.

Real player with 75.2 hrs in game

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission on Steam

Carrier Deck

Carrier Deck

Had I reviewed this game early on, I would have rated it positive, but having packed in well over 100 hours now, the design flaws and bugs are now standing out like sore thumbs. If Steam had a better review system with a “so so” option, I would choose that instead of pure thumbs down.

First let me say, that for many it will still be worth $10. You can still have a lot of fun with it. So, I’m not telling you to avoid it, but rather, know what you’re getting before buying. (Edit: This game is no longer in active development and there is no roadmap for the future at the time of this edit)

Real player with 236.0 hrs in game

Carrier Deck is a very nicely disguised “spinning plates” game where you need to quickly reprioritize your assets to meet changing needs, and “keep as many balls in the air as you can”. Unfortunately, some arbitrary design decisions (necessary for game design) also marred some of the enjoyment. Still, the game’s fun to play with.

You are the commander of the air wing, including any marine detachments and special forces detachments. You need to protect your carrier from threats in the air (bombers), on the surface (hostile warships), below the surface (submarines), and even land-based threats. To deal with them, are you armed with F/A-18 Hornets (and Super Hornets), SH-60 Seahawks (for anti-sub work), S-3 Subhunters, E-2 Hawkeye SWAC, and more. Launch appropriate search/patrol craft to watch for threats, scramble the right assets to attack each before they reach your carrier. In the meanwhile, receive cargo as they arrive.

Real player with 145.1 hrs in game

Carrier Deck on Steam

Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter

Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter

Check out also this games!

Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter is an interactive war thriller which seamlessly blends tactical WW2 anti-submarine warfare simulation with a gripping storyline, presented through Hollywoodesque, interactive cutscenes. Take command of a meticulously reconstructed Fletcher-class destroyer and lead your crew against nazi U-Boats in the Battle of the Atlantic!

The story unfolds through a choice and consequence mechanic, allowing the player to shape the fate of the crew plunged into a deadly struggle against a devious and stealth enemy. They will have to overcome both the underwater threat and their own shortcomings in order to make sure that the convoy they are protecting makes it safely across the pond.

Lead a whole destroyer squadron and make tactical decisions to protect your sheep from the steel wolves. Track contacts and plot anti-submarine attacks using authentic equipment. Experience war at sea from the perspective of a tin can sailor, and shape the story as it develops, making key decisions both in and outside the heat of battle.

It is all in your hands, captain! Will you lead your men to victory by making sure that your convoy reaches its destination, or will it fall prey to enemy torpedoes, depriving the allied war effort of the precious supplies you were trusted to protect? Only you can answer the question!

Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter on Steam

Abandon Ship

Abandon Ship

Version 0.5.something…

It’s… Okay.

A lot of it is very comfortable fun. You find yourself a combat, you watch your little micro managed crew and you snot your enemy. It’s fun in a non challenging sense. You buy 6 crew as quickly as possible, keep them alive with a bit of micro management and use the play style that amuses you most at the time. Simple really. Learning curve is a bit steep at the start but flattens out after a few combats.

The rest of the game at this stage of it’s release? Yeah…

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

So the first major update hit, Treasures of the Deep, it wasn’t as big of a shift as compared to pre-release builds versus the first EA build. The update itself is not an expansion per say, but more of a refinement to what we already had, aside the two new mechanics that count, you could say that there are more, but it boils down to just two major ones(more on that later).

Here’s the run down of the refinement from when I last edited the review:

-Improved fps on not so amazing computers

-Plenty of bug fixes

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Abandon Ship on Steam

Cold Waters

Cold Waters

After playing Cold Waters for a little over 110 hours, I regret that despite giving the game its due diligence, I must award it with a strong down-vote. When I purchased Cold Waters, I was expecting a reasonable successor to Sub Command. Unfortunately, with exception to the Unity engine and visuals, it falls short across all categories.

First, problem set up is well, a problem. When beginning a battle, the player never finds himself in a favorable position in front of the target(s). In fact, the player will always be placed slightly forward or aft of abeam the mission objective, several thousand yards out. This forces the player to increase speed, to close distance, to increase the effectiveness of his already ineffective weapons. This will always result in detection, and ambushes are thus made impossible. Even during a campaign, if a commander sets himself in front of a strike group or landing force, when the engagement begins, he will be placed as previously stated, normally sailing at 10 knots, instead of all stop or rigged for ultra quiet.

Real player with 151.7 hrs in game

As a big fan of air and naval warfare simulation and strategy\tactical titles, I was naturally drawn to Cold Waters.

I came to this from a DW\SH background like many others it seems. However I was under no illusion that this is a successor\replacement\copy, this is new title doing things it’s own ways. Which is excellent, Coming to Cold Waters with any assumption that this replaces “Insert your favorite subsim here” will probably lead to disappointment. An open mind is needed blinkered to the past as much as possible and you can see CW for the little masterpiece that it is.

Real player with 143.5 hrs in game

Cold Waters on Steam



Launch missiles!

  • Battle against the island in the distance

  • Be the first to start hurling nukes at the enemy

  • Upgrade your facilities to help with defenses

  • Research for huge perks

Master your strategy!

  • Balanced gameplay for numerous paths to victory

  • Observe your enemy from a distance

  • Learn different strategies

  • Different AI battle difficulties

Launched! on Steam

Submarine Titans

Submarine Titans

Submarine Titans was among the Age of Empires RTS era, but capitalized on an elaborate, nearly never ending Tech/Research Tree for each race. This encourages you to either focus heavily on research and tech development, or choose a priority in research. In the Research and Tech areas, this is most equivilent to Warzone 2100. Although ST only has 3 races, each race is very unique to each other in style of gameplay, reflecting the Offense,Defense, and Economic player styles. The responsiveness is sluggish sometimes, and some commands take some patience sometimes, but its worth it! Submarine Titans is really just a great game, and worth spending some time into it.

Real player with 262.7 hrs in game

fantastic game from back in the day. still hangs well, doesnt feel dated. still solid solid graphics and sound.


once you get the hang of it, winning through the solo battles is a fairly easy mostly mellow resource aquisition and military conquest romp. if you gain proper control early, you can fool around for an hour or two and completely overwhelm the entire board, capturing enemy stuff instead of blowing it up, mining all the resources and overbuilding bases just for fun.


or you can try to build up fast, plow through the enemy quickly, and set a speed record for yourself.

Real player with 158.3 hrs in game

Submarine Titans on Steam