Captain Bones: Prologue

Captain Bones: Prologue

The Ambience alone is worth downloading this game. It sounds very calming and if you love the ocean you will like this game. There isn’t much going on in this game yet, but somehow it doesn’t suffer from that. If you need explosions and constant gun fighting, then you probably won’t look twice at downloading this as it isn’t for you. If you want a lite island exploration game that is also about crafting and fighting off sharks while diving for treasure, and you don’t want to pay for it, then this IS for you.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Open World Games.

The prologue appears to be the same as the demo, which I’ve played for about 3.5 hours. It’s definitely a fun prologue, though there isn’t a ton to do outside of the story. There are some chests to find and loot, but ultimately, there isn’t anything worth buying with your booty. There is a scrap merchant who sells ship parts, but no ships that you can repair/build outside of the raft, which degrades quickly. Having a couple islands to sail to and a ship would go a long way, though I suspect that will be a motivation to buy the full game.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Captain Bones: Prologue on Steam

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew is an action-packed singleplayer game that is all about leading your men to bring out the best in them in the field of battle. You’re given charge of a

PT boat, one of many, in the Pacific, and sent against the Imperial Japanese Navy in the forefront of the Pacific War.

Sometimes through bravery and sometimes through guile, you’ll take on ever stronger enemy forces and come out on top. Manage your people and your resources; beg, borrow, and steal, and equip yourself from a wide variety of tools available to bring your campaign to a victorious conclusion.

Prioritize your acquisitions, make connections, and customize your ship’s capabilities to your taste. Above all else, care for your crew; Experienced sailors are in short supply in the largest naval front in the history of mankind. Sometimes the best option is to live to fight another day.

Key Features

Crew Management: In Boat Crew, you are not the boat herself but her commander, with all the associated responsibilities and privileges. Most tasks will be delegated to your trusty crewmen, and it’s up to you to make sure they’re up to the task.

Jury-Rigged: With distances vast and ships spread thin, you’re afforded a substantial degree of autonomy. Anti-tank guns and light mortars are only some of the weapons you can add to your boat that would be considered unusual, and there is ample room for innovation. The only two rules are, make sure you are still floating, and get the job done!

Tested in Battle: Training teaches a man to keep his head down, but its experience that teaches him when he can start handing out the hurt. Crack troops are far more lethal than green recruits, and will be capable of abilities otherwise unavailable to less experienced crewmen.

Live and Teach: Beyond being good fighters, your veterans also have much to teach to their replacements. Experienced soldiers will set a baseline crew experience and will impart their lethality on any replacements given some time.

Fortunes of War: War has luck of its own, and industrialized total war is a different story entirely. Despite all caution and planning, some of your most trusted members will be lost at some point. It’s up to you and your skills as the commander to find appropriate replacements and train them in time for larger engagements.

Applied Science: Few things inspire innovation as much as war does, and sometimes you may find yourself pressed to be the first to employ a new technology in the field. Following the expansive tech tree will dramatically improve your crew’s combat prowess; just make sure to prioritize appropriately.

Grand Campaign: Fight numerous surface actions that range from night raids and coastal fire support to search and destroy. Your success in these battles will improve your clout and your crew’s experience, increasing the options available to you in future battles and providing more daring operations.

Trailer Music by Scott Buckley - ‘The Endurance’

Read More: Best Naval Combat World War II Games.

Boat Crew on Steam

Aircraft Carrier Survival

Aircraft Carrier Survival

Take control of the aircraft carrier, its crew, officers and planes during WW2. Give an example of military prowess by choosing the right equipment, crew, and escort for the mission. Remember that your success will depend greatly on your flexibility in managing the available fleet resources.

Assign a crew and choose what your officers should focus on. Your ship has many stations to man, and proper management will be the key to executing your plan, whether by taking on an enemy directly, sneaking past them, or taking an alternative route to completely avoid contact.

Your damage control teams can handle fire outbreaks, torpedo strikes, hull flooding, enemy bombardment, airstrikes, and suicide attacks from enemy planes, but not all of them at once. Assess which threats need to be dealt with first in order to survive.

Use maneuvers, aircraft, anti-aircraft turrets, and whatever else you can to survive the enemy attack. Make sure that any enemy who dares to attack you will end up in the depths of the Pacific.

Will you risk all lives on the vessel to save the one in need? Do you have what it takes to make a decision on the spot? No matter what, some sacrifices will be necessary and the only source of redemption is victory.

Use intel collected during recon missions to prepare pilots and aircraft for large operations. Target enemy land bases and even their entire fleets. Identify opponents before choosing attack directions and deciding the sequence of targets and maneuvers.

Read More: Best Naval Combat Simulation Games.

Aircraft Carrier Survival on Steam



the two words that describe a game like this are: DIGITAL HEROIN. the game is weirdly addictive but i will never recommend it to anyone as much of the time you are just staring at the screen for 3 hours while the boat moves- cant look away for even 15 seconds because a bunch of enemy ships may just appear in view in front of you, requiring 3 seconds of reaction time to steer out of the way, or else you lose tens-of-hours of work.. that’s fine for immersion, albeit a tad harsh, but the reason this is a negative review is such that the product is filled with bugs and spelling mistakes that have been present since game launch. new updates often re-break old features that were previously fixed on a repeated basis (sextant buff/autopilot.. coordinate space transforms arent that hard guys!). utter and complete world wipes happen upon developers' whim, so if you get into the game late in a season then you may as well not play because you will be so far behind the career players who got in 10seconds after new season and claimed every island and covered them with fence foundations so that nobody can build. and by the time you learn the game then the entire world undergoes another wipe which results in making game harder to suppress the PVP veterans; leaving anyone new to the PVE game in the dust. long story short: developers are struggling to tame their existing playerbase with no remaining capability to improve the game for the general public. its been almost 3 years since public release for paid product.. they cant claim “early access” anymore.

Real player with 7104.9 hrs in game

This is the worst best game ever….

It’s pretty, it’s fun to play* and with a private community to avoid the toxic levels build up over the years from the wrongdoing of the devs, amazing and fun.

It is… however… full of bugs, without any sight of those ever being fixed. Arrogant devs who refuse to help people who are trying to improve on the game with mods and who ignore all feedback. No, all… feedback is ignored. They deploy enthusiasts to run their discords and take all the heat while hiding in the corner.

Real player with 1697.6 hrs in game

ATLAS on Steam

From the Depths

From the Depths

coffee tastes like purple

Real player with 4364.8 hrs in game

There is a lot of thing that I would like to say, so I’ll try to keep it brief.

Here are some question from new players who I’ve heard a lot:

Is the Learning Curve steep?

Yes. It not just a learning curve, but a learning cliff, on fire and covered in bears. It would take quite some time to get used to the mechanics of the game.

The tutorials only teach the absolute basics (e.g. its (proprietary) build mode controls and AI programming). For new players, Only finish the first section of it and go experiments with the designer yourself. Expect some ragey moments at this stage as it will bombard you with an insane amount of content (even with over 1000+ hours, I’m still considered quite new by FtD’s community standards). Fortunately, the FtD community have very experienced people who are ready to help you if any problem arises (as long as you don’t say the game as a whole sucks), so I advise you join the Official FtD Discord server as most activities happen there.

Real player with 1167.7 hrs in game

From the Depths on Steam

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

Been playing this game for a couple days now and I gotta say it’s been a real joy. Despite the bugs, it seems very promising with lots to expand on. For a $10 early access title, I say its well worth it and I look forward to seeing what this game will have to offer in the future.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

imagine, if you will, you spent ten dollars on a map, which led to a oversized treasure chest filled with coins. and each singular coin represented an early access title infesting steam. now imagine each coin is crap, because early access is a curse, but every so often, while sifting though the fake coins, you come across a pristine, good one. one which is a keeper. one that, despite a few flaws or rough edges, is still worthy of your time. when you take that coin, and close the chest, you realize. this game is that coin. and the ten dollars you invested were worth it.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

StoneTide: Age of Pirates on Steam

Her Majesty’s Ship

Her Majesty’s Ship

First, this game is not FTL on wooden ships. This game is a real-time management/strategy game with no tactical pause. The game is very similar to FTL but has a more MACRO approach to crew management then the Micro approach that FTL had.

I really enjoy this game and it is a great game. My game preferences run towards turn-based and tactical pause games. I really do not like RTS games whatsoever.

Although this game is a real-time strategy game at its core, it is very manageable and approachable. This game has captivated me.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Her Majesty’s Ship - Troubled Waters but hopefully smoother sailing on the horizon

I am recommending this title mainly because I really like the idea behind it - managing a ship of the Royal Navy in detailed fashion - but have reservations in doing so.

The game is all too brief at this point and I have noted that other players have requested an endless mode, a correction I heartily endorse and support.

Combat is rather too simplistic and does seem dependent upon RNG factors, outside of already having a vessel well-stocked with powder and eventually a complement of marines.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Her Majesty's Ship on Steam

Refight:The Last Warship

Refight:The Last Warship

Now I totally dislike WOW simply because the accuracy of the weapons is totally random and you have no control over your secondary weps.

I come from Steel Ocean where accuracy isn’t rng but since they aren’t doing anything to get more players I moved on over a year ago.

I recently found this game and while it takes alot from WOWs, ie the rng accuracy element it’s actually quite fun once you realize there is a method to the gameplay and adjust.

It’s free and getting a match is fairly expedient unless you try and team up, since there isn’t alot of players. I wish you could team up against bots when you can’t find a match otherwise.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

I like this game and enjoy playing it with pleasure for a couple of rounds. It’s going well for an Early Access game. There is only one thing that really frustrates me and that I think needs a thorough overhaul. It’s about the destroyers (DD). If they are equipped with the appropriate captain, they constantly spit their fog in the area, which makes fighting the DD almost impossible in a battleship. It is utterly ridiculous and far from reality that those pesky insects are buzzing around you and there is absolutely nothing you can do. In so many rounds I just ended up standing around in the smallest circle at the end and the DD fogged everything and I just waited for the storm to do the rest because I have more HP in the battleship. This is just plain ridiculous and boring and absolutely annoying. Otherwise I’m happy about every round and it’s fun to play the whole thing in Battle Royal mode.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Refight:The Last Warship on Steam

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

7.8 hours of gameplay, here’s my take:

Mechanically speaking for a BR, it works. There is minor input lag that has nothing to do with VSynch as I don’t use it, but it’s not game breaking. The combat needs a bit more polish as it can be a little rough. It definitely needs more human players, but the community is organizing lobbies so there is opportunity. The ship combat is pretty fun too.

The fact this isn’t a pure BR in the sense that you aren’t just killing makes it fun, and the ship combat gives it an extra dimension so it could appeal to people. The bots are extremely aggressive, I liken them to raider scavs in Escape from Tarkov for difficulty. The fact there are Ring of Elysium style bots helps you at least have games, and the low lobby time means you get into the game fairly quick.

Real player with 246.9 hrs in game

Joining the official Discord helps a great deal.

To those that think this game is too difficult; at the time of this writing, I am on 59 victories out of 124 rounds played.

This is a Battle Royal with a Treasure chase, you can speed up the game by being the first to get all the treasures and get to the central altar.


  • Inventory weight can be a bit tricky if you don’t manage to find satchels.

  • Each game is rather quick, you either get all three treasures, loot for perfect gear or have some ship battles before doing the final fight.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale on Steam

Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam