Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

7.8 hours of gameplay, here’s my take:

Mechanically speaking for a BR, it works. There is minor input lag that has nothing to do with VSynch as I don’t use it, but it’s not game breaking. The combat needs a bit more polish as it can be a little rough. It definitely needs more human players, but the community is organizing lobbies so there is opportunity. The ship combat is pretty fun too.

The fact this isn’t a pure BR in the sense that you aren’t just killing makes it fun, and the ship combat gives it an extra dimension so it could appeal to people. The bots are extremely aggressive, I liken them to raider scavs in Escape from Tarkov for difficulty. The fact there are Ring of Elysium style bots helps you at least have games, and the low lobby time means you get into the game fairly quick.

Real player with 246.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Battle Royale Games.

Joining the official Discord helps a great deal.

To those that think this game is too difficult; at the time of this writing, I am on 59 victories out of 124 rounds played.

This is a Battle Royal with a Treasure chase, you can speed up the game by being the first to get all the treasures and get to the central altar.


  • Inventory weight can be a bit tricky if you don’t manage to find satchels.

  • Each game is rather quick, you either get all three treasures, loot for perfect gear or have some ship battles before doing the final fight.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale on Steam



BE AWARE! FOR GAMING VETERANS ONLY. This thing is not for newbies. There is no modern graphic technologies and other useless bullshit you are waiting for. Start The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Deep Purple, Creedence Clearwater Revival and welcome to the Jungle !!!

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Simulation Games.

‘Mistah Kurtz - he dead’

It’s time to go back up the river. It’s time for one more mission. It’s time for Gunboat

Games need more switches. There are power switches for the engines. You can feel the boat come to life. Each gun has its own safety. Cruising through villages with the safety off has a threatening weight to it. Theres even a spotlight. Nothing is passive. You are Gunboat

Operating the entire PBR by yourself is easily mapped Z to M. From a 180 view in the cabin to the bow, main and aft guns, quickly jumping from one position to the next lets you become the too old for this **** captain to the kid manning the .50 cal passing around a picture of his new baby back home. Theres blocky beauty and danger around every bend all under a gorgeous and memory saving black sky. Become the forefront of naval superiority. Become Gunboat

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Gunboat on Steam

Mini ship wars

Mini ship wars

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Mini ship wars (the developer didn’t bother capitalising each letter in the title).

This isn’t really a game, it’s a ripoff of a GameMaker Studio 2 template/tutorial for making a top down shooter game. It’s complete garbage. GMS is a complete garbage engine, and copying + pasting a template for the engine isn’t suddenly going to generate a video game of any quality. They didn’t even bother making a fullscreen mode.

Why would anyone do such a thing, publish such a terrible non-game on Steam, you ask? Well take a look at the ridiculous $10 USD price tag, and it suddenly becomes clear. This is a nasty cash grab. Then you look at the name of the developer, “Phoenixxx Games”. They’ve pulled this crap before. That’s all they do.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat War Games.

Am I crazy? Yes, because I bought this game

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mini ship wars on Steam

Submarine War

Submarine War

Hello/Bonjour Developer Deyin Song,

When I was a kid back in the sixties, my mom would let me play “Periscope” at Montréal Bonaventure train station.

The big arcade style machine, had it’s inner workings all in electric and mechanical systems.

No fancy electronics here, synchronized luminous bulbs, and immersive sound effects.

Of course Submarine War is not a U-Boat style complex game, but it triggered my nostalgia memories big time.

It runs smoothly, pretty good graphics, and a little strategy towards the middle of the levels.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

19/10 would get free achievements again

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Submarine War on Steam

Navy Strike

Navy Strike is a fine flight sim from Rowan Software from teh MS-DOS era, however this release of the game has been sloppily done by the publisher - the dosbox settings have not been optimised (which is a problem for anyone who is not familiar with dosbox and so not aware they can fix these up themselves) and the have stripped the music out of the game - the music was originally on the cd, but as no cd image is mounted with this games install, only the sound effects will play and not the dynamic music

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Sadly, this Rowan public domain classic game, Navy Strike, only runs in a minimized DOS box with no apparent way to maximize into anything approaching a full window. And critically, the game runs at only about 4fps, and without its dynamic music (and yes, music is turned ON.)

Back in the day on a 486, this game ran beautifully, but on a newish Win 10 computer it appears to be a non-starter.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Navy Strike on Steam


At first I was skeptical of this game. I guess just something about it looked off- like an advertisement for a mobile game vs. the game itself. I bought it partly because of its low price (it may have gone up by the time you are reading this). While there is definitely some room for more content in general, I was shocked by how convenient it was to do exactly what I wanted: build ships. It’s super easy to stay updated on the dimensions, displacement, total hit points, etc. while in the process of building. What’s more, downloading ships from the Steam Workshop and pitting them against each other is a blast! If you’ve played World of Warships, combat in Navalart is essentially that but a bit simplified. The sheer fact that you can have WoWS-esque battles with ships that YOU and others like you created is amazing. I know there is a plethora of other games where that is possible, but I don’t think I’ve found another one that is, as I said earlier, as convenient as Navalart.

Real player with 651.4 hrs in game

This game is what Battleship Craft should have been.

It’s like my dream came true, what would it look like on PC. This is it.

This game has so much potential and I think the dev needs some more time, but it has the potential to be one of the best ship building games out there. You can build anything from small boats, like PT Boats up to Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, (Aircraft carriers) and everything beyond your imagination. The limit is your fantasy like really.

For exmaple I have built some realistic destroyers, but also my own creations of BB’s and cruisers, you can build what you want.

Real player with 159.3 hrs in game

NavalArt on Steam

Steel Ocean

Steel Ocean

After over 1200 hours this game needs a proper review. I started this by accident one day when I was bored around a year ago. Now because of this I can’t play other games cause I have no time left for them. I will give you some facts, good and bad, all mixed up as I go so hang on with me. This will be a long review, very very long. (I even hit the max character amount so had to shorten it)

When you start the game, it will be hard. You will be playing against bots at first and even they will slaughter you. If by luck you get matched against a long time player you will be shouting CHEATER!! No, he is not cheating he just understands the game mechanics. When I first saw another player play like that I wanted to be him. Now after all this time people who seemed like gods at the time are cannon fodder, at least some :-)

Real player with 2465.4 hrs in game

What are the differences between WoWS and SO?

That is a huge question… So a Huge Comparison wall of text is Incoming. But hey, at least it is better than “Oh mah gawd __ is obviously better!” without anything else? And there is a TL;DR.

To open: I was a part of the first wave of WoWS CBT (Prior to the buy-your-way-in) and had been a part of the Closed Alphas for WoT and WoWP. I played until SO came out in November of last year and have been playing SO more than WoWS since then other the odd WoWS match now and again or the the occasional “Lets do Warships to get an event ship” sort of thing (ARP Haruna, Kirishima, etc.). Since then, I now have 1,355.2 Hours in SO. So I’ve a bit of experience playing both games for some time, and am familiar with the business practices/trends that WG has shown since Tanks came out.

Real player with 1882.0 hrs in game

Steel Ocean on Steam

World of Warships

World of Warships

Try it, don’t buy.

This is a game that starts simple, with a gentle learning curve and protected matchmaking for new players. It’ll be fun. You’ll research new ships, unlock missions, join a clan…and then you’ll inevitably hit a fun wall. Try being in a match against enemy Aircraft Carriers and having virtually no counter. Try being in a match with a Tier 5 glass cannon Cruiser against veterans in Tier 7 ships that sink you with one salvo. The power difference between tiers is slight to start with, and very wide at the top tiers. And this is a game that wants you to be at the bottom of the food chain, so you’ll pay to get to the top faster, or pay for a Premium ship because you think it will help you. It won’t.

Real player with 6133.4 hrs in game

after playing 1200+ hours..I think I’m qualified to give this review (you may disagree)

At the current state of this game I can’t recommend this game to everyone……

If you like games to be balanced,competitive,historically accurate…..then this game isn’t for you

If you like to spend money just bc you can then yes this game is for you….

Now if you wanna continue to read you are more than welcome :

first let’s touch the good things about the game:

1. The models for the Ships are truly beautiful

Real player with 2411.2 hrs in game

World of Warships on Steam



This not complicated game does demand a steady hand with the mouse.

Precision, timing, and anticipation are fundamental here.

Wish it would be Gamepad/Controller compatible (Logitech F310/ X Box style).

Please let us mute or simply turn off the “nursery bedtime music”, before the air horns alarm triggers on.

Time of day options should also be considered someday.

This would permit lower brightness levels, thus less glare and saturation in Flyman view.

All this sitting “comfortably” on the missile.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Actually Very Addicting & Fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

FlyManMissile on Steam

Unearned Bounty

Unearned Bounty

This is a fun multiplayer game, with fast paced battles/matches. The game has so far perfomed well on my resource-humble pc, with no lag/latency/BS emcountered except in one game only! props!

So far this ombination of simple, fun, fast paced action with the ease of picking up matches is what keeps me playing,


  • matchmaking: I tried the matchmaking option once, which was also the last time. That was the firt time I played. The timer kept going but I was not connected to any match.

SInce then, I’ve used the custom game option. Custom game presents me with 1 to 4 rooms, along with the player count in each. occasionally I will have to wait 1 to 3 mins ad refresh the list of custom games

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

This game shows some real promise. At the moment there are a few bugs and not alot of content but the devs seem active and if they can flesh out the objectives in the battle then this could become a really great moba ship brawler. If they can add cross play PS4 / X360 to help with the population then thatd be even better!

Matchmaking has a few issues at the moment, becasue it’s currently based in NA you may not have the best ping, you can get a group of mates together and host a server though if you want to play on local ping, join the Discord too, it’s slowly starting to grow!

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Unearned Bounty on Steam