


  • frequent updates, always something new (weapons, ships, gamemodes, maps, CANNONS… and AMMO FOR CANNONS)

  • fun gameplay

  • naval combat is well done

  • pvp combat is good, melee is smart, guns will often kill you instantly

  • attack/deffend fortresses (if you capture the enemy fortress you win, when you are defending and you know where all the guns are you may survive)

  • loadout selection, a lot of muskets (4), pistols (5), melee (6), special (4)

  • chat, voice chat (team, faction, global, proximity variants)

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Team-Based Games.

“I will be damned if I go with another early access game, I will rather eat paper from this notebook”

Ok, now I am chewing on a paper but I’m still satisfied by this game! Yay!

Blackwake is interesting multiplayer naval FPS that lend you feeling of member of Navy or life of a pirate (arrr matey, sorry, i had to). The game basically provide ship and sea and you and your crew (that are players or you are part of the crew under captain) try to get opposition team down the tickets or run out of suplies.

Real player with 211.2 hrs in game

Blackwake on Steam

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

7.8 hours of gameplay, here’s my take:

Mechanically speaking for a BR, it works. There is minor input lag that has nothing to do with VSynch as I don’t use it, but it’s not game breaking. The combat needs a bit more polish as it can be a little rough. It definitely needs more human players, but the community is organizing lobbies so there is opportunity. The ship combat is pretty fun too.

The fact this isn’t a pure BR in the sense that you aren’t just killing makes it fun, and the ship combat gives it an extra dimension so it could appeal to people. The bots are extremely aggressive, I liken them to raider scavs in Escape from Tarkov for difficulty. The fact there are Ring of Elysium style bots helps you at least have games, and the low lobby time means you get into the game fairly quick.

Real player with 246.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Battle Royale Games.

Joining the official Discord helps a great deal.

To those that think this game is too difficult; at the time of this writing, I am on 59 victories out of 124 rounds played.

This is a Battle Royal with a Treasure chase, you can speed up the game by being the first to get all the treasures and get to the central altar.


  • Inventory weight can be a bit tricky if you don’t manage to find satchels.

  • Each game is rather quick, you either get all three treasures, loot for perfect gear or have some ship battles before doing the final fight.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale on Steam

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

Q: Why is being a pirate so addictive?

A: Because when ye lose yer hand, ye get hooked!

‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ is the best-value entertainment I’ve had for years. Perhaps that’s partly because I’m a fan of square rigger ships and 1700s maritime history.

Sailing sumulators tend to be expensive, so finding one that is an excellent game, was a happy day for me. I think the devs may have made a strategic mistake in not charging for this game. (People assume a game can’t be any good if it’s free.) I think it’s a gem among seafaring games.

Real player with 438.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Free to Play Games.

The Pirate is a pretty enjoyable game for any PC player who enjoys this genre. The game was installed long before I started playing it. There is a brief in-game tutorial. Half of the fun is just tinkering with the user interface and reading the tips that are presented on-screen and in the Help menu to learn how to get the most out of this game.

It features a 3rd person world exploration gameplay where you start off with one ship. The tutorial-like missions help you with navigation and basic tasks like buying / selling, repairs and ship upgrades. I rather enjoyed how the designers didn’t lock the player into one style of play or another.

Real player with 324.1 hrs in game

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt on Steam



This has become one of my go-to games to sit with some friends and just laugh and have fun. There is a little bit of a learning curve with the controls but it isn’t frustrating. The only real frustration you get is when your friends edge you out. I would like to see more game modes in the future; however, what the game currently has is more than enough for some hours of entertainment with friends.

The local multiplayer can support up to 8 friends or bots and is definitely a joy with more people. Simple yet extremely entertaining.

Real player with 82.1 hrs in game

Español: No he probado el juego mucho rato pero COMPRA RECOMENDADA da igual si no tienes amigos con los que jugar, osi (en mi caso juego por Parsec), modo singleplayer ten buena como multiplayer. Muy buena banda sonora y en mi opinión mejora mucho si juegas con mando.

English(i’m not excellent at english): I don’t tried the game for too long,I TOTALLY recommend it to you if you don’t have any friends to play with or if do you have them(in my case I use Parsec to play online),very nice playing singlepayer. Very nice soundtrack and in my opinion the experience is much better with a controller rather than with a keyboard

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Shipped on Steam

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

You bought this game hoping you could renact scenes from Tom Clancy’s Hunt for The Red October. You get into a single mission where you have to stalk merchant shipping without being detected. The learning curve is steep, you go full speed ahead and begin to cavitate. An enemy torpedo quickly finds its way towards you, swiftly sending your sub 10,000 feet to the bottom of the pacfic. You ragequit and stay clear of the game for a day, thinking of refunding it. But something inside you, the elite sub captain trapped within pulls you back into the game. You read the games manuals and quickly learn how sonar and detection equipment works. feeling brave, you try the mission again and manage to complete it flawlessly. fast forward a few weeks of gameplay, and you have completely mastered the game. You are a fearsome captain, makeing your name infamous with your enemies. politicans adore you, ladies swoon over you. You are a ledgend.

Real player with 70.6 hrs in game

Dangerous Waters is a very serious naval warfare simulator with a primary focus on submarines, although other platforms are also controllable, such as the MH-60R and the Oliver Hazard Perry. The game’s complexity arises not from navigating within your submarine or from having to press a million buttons – indeed, these mechanics don’t even exist. Instead, the game’s interface is surprisingly simple for the most part as you move instantly from one screen to the next, and the graphics are rather bland, even on the highest settings, which is a bit understandable considering the game came out about a decade ago (as of this review year). Instead, the difficulties for the new player will be conceptual, and the learning curve for that will probably feel rather high at first.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

Dangerous Waters on Steam



The gameplay dynamic in Windward goes from calm, controlled and thoughtful (if you’re looking for trade routes and quests to build up your towns), to outright mayhem and sudden and repeated death (if you’ve ventured into a tough pirate region, or a combat instance).

These are some basic facts to know, if you’re considering a purchase:

The game begins with creation of a World, somewhat under the control of the creator, in terms of its shape, the challenges it will present, and some other global features. The world consists of a large number of rectangular regions, each of which contains a procedurally generated terrain and oceans, with a few coastal towns scattered in each. The next decision is to choose your starting faction. There are several Windward factions, all of which are allies by default, and each comes with a different set of advantages and drawbacks, which are described to you when you’re asked to choose: maybe you want to get rich as an Exchange captain, or rampage the seas wiping out pirates with Valiant, or … the choices are yours.

Real player with 885.2 hrs in game

Over all, I do enjoy this game in small doses. The Pirate genre is sadly under-served in video games. I’ve played a few from Sid Meier’s Pirates (which I loved, for the most part), Assassin’s Creed 4 (which is beautiful and interesting, but needs more sailing) to New Horizons 2 (which is for me the absolute gold standard for pirate games.) Windward isn’t as good as those guys. At all. You could forgive Black Flag for not having a robust trading system since it is an action game. You can forgive Sid Meier’s Pirates for not having a developed 3rd or 1st person character action since its focus is on piraty things. You can forgive Uncharted Waters 2 for not having beautiful graphics because of its age. But they all offer something special. Windward doesn’t have a robust trade system so at least it has what the other games have, right? Well, no, the graphics are pretty average. Graphics aren’t everything, at least you can develop your avatar through some sort of story or purpose. Except… you don’t really have an avatar. In fact, there’s no story at all. In fact, the premise is not even “here’s a boat, go and do as you see fit”, it’s more of a sentence fragment of “boat”. Ok, fine. Boat it is.

Real player with 225.9 hrs in game

Windward on Steam

Her Majesty’s Ship

Her Majesty’s Ship

First, this game is not FTL on wooden ships. This game is a real-time management/strategy game with no tactical pause. The game is very similar to FTL but has a more MACRO approach to crew management then the Micro approach that FTL had.

I really enjoy this game and it is a great game. My game preferences run towards turn-based and tactical pause games. I really do not like RTS games whatsoever.

Although this game is a real-time strategy game at its core, it is very manageable and approachable. This game has captivated me.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Her Majesty’s Ship - Troubled Waters but hopefully smoother sailing on the horizon

I am recommending this title mainly because I really like the idea behind it - managing a ship of the Royal Navy in detailed fashion - but have reservations in doing so.

The game is all too brief at this point and I have noted that other players have requested an endless mode, a correction I heartily endorse and support.

Combat is rather too simplistic and does seem dependent upon RNG factors, outside of already having a vessel well-stocked with powder and eventually a complement of marines.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Her Majesty's Ship on Steam

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

Been playing this game for a couple days now and I gotta say it’s been a real joy. Despite the bugs, it seems very promising with lots to expand on. For a $10 early access title, I say its well worth it and I look forward to seeing what this game will have to offer in the future.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

imagine, if you will, you spent ten dollars on a map, which led to a oversized treasure chest filled with coins. and each singular coin represented an early access title infesting steam. now imagine each coin is crap, because early access is a curse, but every so often, while sifting though the fake coins, you come across a pristine, good one. one which is a keeper. one that, despite a few flaws or rough edges, is still worthy of your time. when you take that coin, and close the chest, you realize. this game is that coin. and the ten dollars you invested were worth it.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

StoneTide: Age of Pirates on Steam

Unearned Bounty

Unearned Bounty

This is a fun multiplayer game, with fast paced battles/matches. The game has so far perfomed well on my resource-humble pc, with no lag/latency/BS emcountered except in one game only! props!

So far this ombination of simple, fun, fast paced action with the ease of picking up matches is what keeps me playing,


  • matchmaking: I tried the matchmaking option once, which was also the last time. That was the firt time I played. The timer kept going but I was not connected to any match.

SInce then, I’ve used the custom game option. Custom game presents me with 1 to 4 rooms, along with the player count in each. occasionally I will have to wait 1 to 3 mins ad refresh the list of custom games

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

This game shows some real promise. At the moment there are a few bugs and not alot of content but the devs seem active and if they can flesh out the objectives in the battle then this could become a really great moba ship brawler. If they can add cross play PS4 / X360 to help with the population then thatd be even better!

Matchmaking has a few issues at the moment, becasue it’s currently based in NA you may not have the best ping, you can get a group of mates together and host a server though if you want to play on local ping, join the Discord too, it’s slowly starting to grow!

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Unearned Bounty on Steam

World of Warships

World of Warships

Try it, don’t buy.

This is a game that starts simple, with a gentle learning curve and protected matchmaking for new players. It’ll be fun. You’ll research new ships, unlock missions, join a clan…and then you’ll inevitably hit a fun wall. Try being in a match against enemy Aircraft Carriers and having virtually no counter. Try being in a match with a Tier 5 glass cannon Cruiser against veterans in Tier 7 ships that sink you with one salvo. The power difference between tiers is slight to start with, and very wide at the top tiers. And this is a game that wants you to be at the bottom of the food chain, so you’ll pay to get to the top faster, or pay for a Premium ship because you think it will help you. It won’t.

Real player with 6133.4 hrs in game

after playing 1200+ hours..I think I’m qualified to give this review (you may disagree)

At the current state of this game I can’t recommend this game to everyone……

If you like games to be balanced,competitive,historically accurate…..then this game isn’t for you

If you like to spend money just bc you can then yes this game is for you….

Now if you wanna continue to read you are more than welcome :

first let’s touch the good things about the game:

1. The models for the Ships are truly beautiful

Real player with 2411.2 hrs in game

World of Warships on Steam