Silent Hunter® III

Silent Hunter® III

Silent Hunter III …. a 2005 game but….. Remember what i already tell you before…..

Old but gold…

SH III is the best of the series….. !

Why ?? I will tell you why.

Because Silent Hunter III is very close to whats happen in 39 45 under the water…..

Yeah i am a big u-boat fan, i live close to the sea in a place where still WW II Bunker.

88 Canon, S Boot base and more………

I collect WW I and WW II insignia, u-boat insignia, badge, eitterkreuz, bayonet bullet….

This dont make me a nazist x)

Real player with 238.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Simulation Games.

SH3 is one of those games that you need to invest time in. It is a perfect example of a “Dad game,” as Yahtzee Crowshaw once put it. It’s meticulously detailed, and you must learn all of the different eccentricities of the sub to be a great captain.

It uses the real-life technological limitations from WWII to define the gameplay. Want to fire off a torpedo? A standard gas-powered torpedo leaves a trail of bubbles in the water, which ships can detect in advance and will swerve to avoid your torpedo. You can fire an electric torpedo, but you’ll need to be close, or else the battery in the torpedo will die and it won’t reach your target. SH3 is filled with these sorts of tactical nuances that really make it satisfying to play.

Real player with 201.3 hrs in game

Silent Hunter® III on Steam

World of Warships

World of Warships

Try it, don’t buy.

This is a game that starts simple, with a gentle learning curve and protected matchmaking for new players. It’ll be fun. You’ll research new ships, unlock missions, join a clan…and then you’ll inevitably hit a fun wall. Try being in a match against enemy Aircraft Carriers and having virtually no counter. Try being in a match with a Tier 5 glass cannon Cruiser against veterans in Tier 7 ships that sink you with one salvo. The power difference between tiers is slight to start with, and very wide at the top tiers. And this is a game that wants you to be at the bottom of the food chain, so you’ll pay to get to the top faster, or pay for a Premium ship because you think it will help you. It won’t.

Real player with 6133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Free to Play Games.

after playing 1200+ hours..I think I’m qualified to give this review (you may disagree)

At the current state of this game I can’t recommend this game to everyone……

If you like games to be balanced,competitive,historically accurate…..then this game isn’t for you

If you like to spend money just bc you can then yes this game is for you….

Now if you wanna continue to read you are more than welcome :

first let’s touch the good things about the game:

1. The models for the Ships are truly beautiful

Real player with 2411.2 hrs in game

World of Warships on Steam

Silent Hunter 5®: Battle of the Atlantic

Silent Hunter 5®: Battle of the Atlantic

So, Just to preface my positive review, you MUST get the Wolves of Steel mega-modset for this game off of the Subsim(dot)com for it to work right. A quick google search will direct you to the forum to find it.

With the modset, the game is amazing. Manually inputting info into the TDC, customizing the game-play to the level of realism you want (within reason), and sinking tonnage. There is nothing more satisfying than sneaking a volley of torpedoes through a destroyer screen to sink a Queen Elizabeth-class Battleship, and get away with it, or hit a 7km torpedo shot because you did the proper calculations and they never even knew you were there. (personal experiences, yours may vary) There are still a few bugs here and there in the modset, but once you recognize them, a quick save and reload will fix them up.

Real player with 267.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Simulation Games.

This game had so much promise. You can get around the hell of Uplay, but the game is really really, really buggy. And the fact that most mods dont work with the steam version, your just sol. The game is visually beautiful, and there is something inertly great about being stealthy in the sea and then evaiding capture, but the bugs will have you ripping your hair out. Radar contacts sometimes dont work, and you’ll be searching for multiple hours real time waiting to run into someone. AA gunners wont attack planes that are VERY relentless, let alone actually kill them. 6/10 times they wont even shoot at the plane when you have the gun armed, manned and ready; and when they do attack, 8/10 times even an experienced gunner wont bring them down.

Real player with 239.6 hrs in game

Silent Hunter 5®: Battle of the Atlantic on Steam

Atlantic Fleet

Atlantic Fleet

This is the best WWII naval battle game so far: my path of great naval games has gone Dreadnoughts (on Amiga), Task Force 1942, Fighting Steel, and now Atlantic Fleet. The ship models are realistic, though lacking individual differences between class members and rebuilds, eg all county class cruisers are Berwick style with cut down aft deck and large deck house rear superstructure, London included; all QE class are as QE, Warspite has no faceted bows and Malaya and Barham have been modernised, similarly Repulse looks like Renown, etc. This would be nice to see, like the different placements of mainmast between Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. But that is beside the point - this game is a delight! It plays convincingly and really delivers some of the best battles I’ve played - looks splendid too.

Real player with 2022.0 hrs in game

I certainly do not regret buying this game (yeah, I know 200 hours, I have lots of spare time)

Atlantic Fleet is a unique time-killing game. It’s a turn-based WWII naval battle sim (sort-of).

There are four gamemodes where you play either as the Royal Navy or the Kriegsmarine: Battle of the Atlantic, Campaign, Historical Missions, and Sandbox

Battle of the Atlantic is the biggest and best part of the game. You control your ships from a tactical map, positioning them where you can either protect your merchant vessels (Royal Navy), or where you can sink them (Kriegsmarine). You sink enemy ships to earn renown, which is used to build up your own fleet. On each turn, your ships may encounter enemies, which then brings you to the combat mode (See further down). Any ships lost, yours or the enemies, are not coming back (unless you change that in the settings, for the enemy, of course), so you have to be careful how you handle your ships.

Real player with 378.1 hrs in game

Atlantic Fleet on Steam

Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

I know the current “thing” are the RTS type naval games commanding individual or groups with the awesome shoot ‘em up graphics. Carrier Battles isn’t that. It’s Better!

I grew up in the classic era of board games. My favorite genre was/is WWII Pacific. And Specifically Carrier based games. Flat top, Dauntless, War in the Pacific, Pacific War. Then the early PC games; Carrier Strike, Carriers at War, War Plan Pacific,etc. Then finally Grigsby’s War in the Pacific Admiral’s Edition. So I know a great WWII Pacific Carrier Warfare game when I see you!

Real player with 393.8 hrs in game

I’ve been playing wargames for many years now. When I saw the game published, I thought that it would be one more game of the many that already exist about the war in the Pacific.

Apparently the simplicity of its graphics may make you think that it is not a title that attracts attention, but as you scratch the surface you discover the great potential that lies behind its apparent simplicity.

It seems to me a marvel on the tactical plane. It has a moderate learning curve, but once you get the mechanics and learn to control takeoff times, air navigation, reconnaissance, attack and landings on deck, it is a delight. The timing in all this process is the most complex thing to master in the game, and at the same time it is the key to control the battle.

Real player with 155.1 hrs in game

Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare on Steam

Naval Hurricane

Key Features:

  • Advanced damage model of ships. All ships are close to their historical prototypes.

  • High influence of visibility and weather conditions.

  • Damage control system. Player can manually manage crew to repair modules, patch holes, fight fire, and so on to prevent ship from exiting battle and sinking.

  • Fleet commander career single player global map campaign.

Naval Hurricane on Steam

Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs

Yes it’s old, but it places its emphasis in sea battles on sailing and strategy. You can’t just load guns in 3 seconds and then switch from solid balls to grapeshot without going through another reload. Turn rate and speed are crucial to monitor. And the story line is fun, too.

Real player with 94.4 hrs in game

Fascinating game. It was great years ago, and I finished it again with great pleasure nowadays. And that’s not a call of nostalgia. There are many old games which didn’t age well, but I can’t say such a thing about this one. Yes, it’s graphics will not impress you these days and some gameplay mechanics are rather old. But the game brings an enthralling non linear story, great music and atmosphere as well as interesting albeit little clunky gameplay.

The game is 20 years old, but it has unique walkthrough for 4 different nations and unique dialogs for all characters, not just secondary ones, but even unimportant ones. For example, there is no copy-cat tavern keepers or store owners with standard phrases. Each one has his own character, story or even quest. And a word about quests. There is no copy-paste quests as well. Each one is unique and there is a lot of them. Believe or not, but it is the only game where I still remember the names of most of the characters after so many years.

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

Sea Dogs on Steam

Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail

Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail

This review will focus on the management side of the game, rather than the actual combat.

Just be warned this is a management game first, and real time strategy game second.


If you enjoy Empire: Total War’s combat gameplay, you’ll experience a more challenging iteration of that in this game. I have ‘sank’ over 300 hours into this during the closed alpha, and to simply put it, this game takes the officer, equipment, supplies, and manpower management systems of Ultimate General: Civil War and applies it to the combat of Empire: Total War.

Real player with 114.5 hrs in game

The game has a neat concept. Moving battle ships while considering and accounting for the shifting wind adds a an enjoyable and novel complexity to the typical RTS game. BUT the BUGS are legion and game balance non-existent. For instance, your infantry disembarking for naval assault WILL spontaneously disappear from time to time. Ships in formation WILL get stuck for no apparent reason. Although the game seems to suggest multiple ways of completing missions, in reality, the game will frog march you down one way…and one way only to finish a mission. Any attempt at finishing a mission with anything less then the biggest boat you can buy will always end in failure. Failure to research mortars as early as possible will make all land battles impossible. The Game has no qualms about telling you to take down a 112 gun ship with fire ships, and leave you NO other options for succeeding in the mission. I could stomach the frog marching, but the BUGS…I cannot stand the BUGS…Jesus! This game has so many annoying BUGS.

Real player with 100.4 hrs in game

Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail on Steam

Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam

Crash Dive

Crash Dive

This is the most glitchy cheating game I have ever played! The number of escorts or cargo ships is never what it says it is. It will say 3 escorting ships and when it loads there are always far more! As soon as your first torpedo hits, the escorts shove all the ship around and scatter them so multiple torpedo shots at multiple targets will not hit. Any ships left warp speed away at speeds ranging from 35 knot to Mach 7! Especially battleships. If you are spotted, a large battleship magically blasts off to at least 50 knots leaving no chance of sinking it. The escorts cheat like crazy, they ghost through other ships to intercept you and suffer no damage from colliding with other ships. To top it all off just as you get out of range of sonar dectection of enemy ships, the damnest thing happens detect you again resetting the alarm timer. Cheating a player in a game is no way to increase difficulty! SCREW THIS GAME!! No wonder people still play old games from way back when! I AM NEVER PLAYING ANOTHER GAME ON STEAM AGAIN!

Real player with 185.6 hrs in game

I’m a huge modded SHIII and SHIV player so I initially scoffed at this one, given how arcady it is, but I caved and bought it because it has to do with subs and let’s face it, there aren’t many sub games around. Shockingly… I don’t hate it. In fact, it’s pretty damn entertaining for short stretches. It’s not a sim by any means, but it doesn’t really pretend to be either. It’s a bit like Aces of the Deep, which, when it came out (10 billion years ago), felt like a Sim because of the immersion factor, but deep down had mechanics that were not far from Crash Dive’s. I feel like the devs left out a lot of immersion to save on costs and also probably from Political Correctness concerns, but that’s really not a huge deal in the end. If you want to play Aces it runs fine under dosbox if you find the right version, but this gives you fairly similar gameplay with passable graphics and a laser focus on quickly resolving encounters so you can go do something else without giving the whole thing too much thought. It’s bite size, and it’s good. Get it if you like WWII sub stuff.

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Crash Dive on Steam